Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2443 secrets in life experience

"Speaking of Ms. Hatsune's going to the DNA testing agency, could it be related to today's incident?" Takagi She discussed with Megushisan in a low voice, "For example, a family member who was in trouble suddenly found her and asked her because of something. After the conflict, he wanted to kill her. Also, Mr. Banba said that Miss Hatsune said something strange like 'goodbye' on the phone, although it is not sure if he is lying, the fake nail that Miss Hatsune dropped It is also very suspicious, but the possibility of suicide is not ruled out at present, because Ms. Hatsune may have discovered a big secret about her life experience, and that secret hit her hard, so she may commit suicide..."

"That's right, the fact that Miss Hatsune has been to a DNA testing agency is also a clue worth noting," Meguro Shisan nodded, and said with a serious expression, "Takagi, you can call that DNA testing agency." , see if there can provide useful clues!"

"Yes!" Gao Mushe replied seriously, took out his mobile phone and walked towards Chi Feichi, and asked with an embarrassed smile, "Mr. Chi, do you know the contact information of that appraisal institution? I usually don't pay much attention to this kind of appraisal." Institutional information..."

"I also don't have the contact information of the appraisal agency, but it should be found on the promotional webpage."

Chi Feichi and Gao Mushe walked aside, and helped Gao Mushe find the contact number of the appraisal agency with their mobile phones.

When Takagi went away to talk on the phone, Mu Mushisan turned to Toru Amuro again, "Mr. Amuro, when you called Ms. Hatsune at 8:48, how was she doing? Did she say anything strange?" If you don’t, or if you show emotions that make people feel that something is wrong?”

Toru Amuro recalled it for a while, and shook his head seriously, "No, after the call was connected, I asked her if she had returned to the parking lot, and she asked me if I had any important information to report to her, and I replied that she just had something more important I wanted to talk to her, and she said that she would be in the parking lot in about two minutes, and that was all we said, and her voice sounded the same as usual, without showing any particular emotion."

Mu Moshisan looked at Banba Laitai again, "But when Mr. Banchang called her, she heard her say 'goodbye', and she still used a crying tone, right?"

Chi Feichi came back and stayed aside, waiting for Mu Mu Shisan to understand the situation.

Banba Laitai nodded with certainty, "That's right, Hatsune's voice at that time was very strange, it seemed sad, it made me sober up most of the wine..."

"When Mr. Amuro called at 8:48, Ms. Hatsune was not in any abnormal mood. At 8:54, when Mr. Banba called, she said 'goodbye' sadly. If you all I didn't lie, so the incident that led to the accident must have happened during the six minutes between the two phone calls." Mu Mu Shisan took out an evidence bag containing a mobile phone, and dug out the call records in the mobile phone, with a serious look on his face. Said, "From Ms. Hatsune's phone call records, we found that at 8:51, another call came in, and the call lasted less than a minute..."

Chi Feichi, who had just walked back, looked at the string of numbers and said firmly, "It's the phone number of the front desk of the DNA testing agency in Mihua Town."

"W-what?!" Mu Mu Shisan confirmed in shock, "The phone number of the appraisal agency? Is that the appraisal agency where you saw Miss Hatsune come out from?"

"That's right," Chi Feichi looked at Gao Mushe who was on the phone with his back turned to this side, "It's that family, and it's also the phone number that Police Officer Gao Mu called just now."

Mori Kogoro's expression also became extremely serious, "Officer Megure, I'm afraid the appraisal agency really has some vital clues!"

Megushi Shisan also nodded seriously, and said to Miwako Sato, "Sato, tell Takagi to ask him to pay attention to the appraisal agency for information. In addition, you call the Metropolitan Police Department and ask someone to prepare a case for investigation. By the way, apply for a search warrant, and if necessary, have someone go to the appraisal agency with supporting documents and a search warrant."

"Yes!" Miwako Sato responded sternly, and turned to look for Takagi Tsutomu.

"That's right, this type of appraisal agency is also obliged to keep the confidentiality of the client," Mori Kogoro sighed as he looked at Takagi's back, "If there are no relevant supporting documents, they probably won't divulge the client's privacy..."

"One hundred percent not," Chi Feichi affirmed, "Without supporting documents, they won't say anything."

Mori Kogoro choked, and said speechlessly, "Then when Police Officer Takagi went to make a call, why didn't you remind him?"

Chi Feichi looked indifferent, "Anyway, the proof documents will not be delivered for a while, so there is no loss in asking him to call to try."

Maori Kogoro:"……"

It makes sense, anyway, there is no other direction of investigation now, and it's a waste of police shouldn't matter, right?

"Mr. Banba, have you ever heard Ms. Hatsune say something about the DNA testing agency? Or have you heard her talk about her life experience, relatives and other things?"

Mu Mushisan was immersed in the investigation, and Kogoro Mori was embarrassed to be distracted by his serious attitude, so he cast a questioning look at his companion Lai Tai.

"No," Banba Laitai replied helplessly, and after thinking about it, he said, "We were all adopted when we were very young, and we don't even know who our biological parents are. We told each other, but it’s not something to be happy about, so we didn’t talk about it in depth, and she didn’t tell me about going to the DNA testing agency at all.”

"That..." Toru Amuro frowned, "Speaking of life experience, I also know something about them..."

"What?" Banba Lai looked at Toru Amuro in grief and indignation and asked, "Did Hatsune tell you these things?"

"Miss Hatsune didn't say it, it should be said that I investigated it myself," Toru Amuro smiled and waved his hand at his partner Laita, and quickly restrained the smile on his face, looked at Megushisan seriously and said, "Miss Hatsune is not Please let me investigate Mr. Banba? During my investigation, I found out that she and Mr. Banba were rescued from the same hotel that caught fire more than 30 years ago. The identity has not yet been confirmed. When I was young, I was adopted by the same church..."

Mu Mushisan looked at Banba Laitai in surprise, "Did their parents die in that fire?"

"I'm afraid so. It was a big fire. It is said that many people died. Both of them were babies at the time," Amuro said, "However, Mr. Banba was adopted soon, and Ms. Hatsune But they grew up in the church. They didn't know that each other had been adopted by a church. When I told Ms. Hatsune, she seemed a little surprised, but she soon became sad. I went to the DNA identification agency restlessly, and I immediately thought of this matter..."

"After Miss Hatsune heard about this, did she become emotional?" Mu Mu Shisan asked, "Is there any big secret hidden in her life experience?"

"I don't know about that." Amuro smiled apologetically at Megushisan, "After I told her the results of the investigation that time, she was a little bit out of her wits, and then told me not to investigate any further, she would Continue to find someone to investigate, and I will only be responsible for monitoring whether Mr. Banba is in contact with suspicious women, since the client said so, I will not continue to investigate."

Conan frowned solemnly in thought.

Babies found in the same fire, with the same age and blood type, sometimes know what each other is thinking even if they are silent...

Kamen Hatsune received a call from the identification agency, the nails that fell off, the car on fire, and the DNA on the fake nails that was almost identical to Yoshita Banba...

He is not willing to think in that direction, because if that is the case, the truth of this matter will be more unacceptable than "Banba Raita wants to kill Kamen Hatsune".

"Officer Megure!" Takagi came back from the call and reported with a helpless face, "The person who answered the call from the DNA identification agency told me that we need the police to bring the relevant certificates for the investigation, and they will cooperate with us to understand The situation, until then, they will not disclose any information! Even if I asked Ms. Hatsune if she had a DNA test there, they kept answering 'it is not convenient to disclose', and they were not willing to say more at all!"

"However, the appraisal agency still called Ms. Hatsune after 8 o'clock in the evening. Ms. Hatsune is probably their client. Maybe they did an urgent appraisal." Miwako Sato stepped forward and said, "I have already notified the police. Colleagues from the office went over with the supporting documents, and after seeing the documents, you should be able to ask important information from them!"

"Officer Megure!" Chiba Kazunobu walked over quickly, holding the mobile phone in his right hand, and said happily, "There is a call from the hospital. Miss Hatsune is out of danger. Although she is not awake yet, the situation It has stabilized, and I can wake up tomorrow morning at the latest!"

Banba Raita slumped down on the chair behind him, and murmured with relief on his face, "That's great, that's great..."

Mori Kogoro reached out and patted his companion Raita on the shoulder, without saying anything.

"But Ms. Hatsune hasn't woken up yet, so I can't find out about the situation from her. I still need to go to the appraisal agency," Megushisan said seriously, "Chiba, ask the people in the hospital to protect Ms. Hatsune!"

"Yes!" Chiba and Shin nodded and left.

"During this time, do you want to collect a DNA sample from Banba-san and make a more accurate comparison with the dander found on the fake nails?" Conan said seriously, and found Mori Kogoro blowing his beard and staring at him , before the fist hit his head, he smiled and said, "Mr. Banchang doesn't seem to have much chance to go to the parking lot to kill people. I think the previous identification must be wrong. If you can get accurate results, Mr. Banchang will Don't feel depressed anymore!"

Mori Kogoro calmed down, and suddenly his outstretched fist landed on top of Conan's head, "Of course, you, a brat, are still talking about this kind of thing!"

Conan: "?!"

He was right, why did he still beat him?

Could it be that 'the fists are hanging above the head, if you don't beat it, you won't beat it'? hateful!

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