Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2470 completely guessed right

Miwako Sato immediately agreed, "No problem, Ms. Tegawa, I can take you back now, but I hope that after you go back, you can bravely admit the mistakes you made!"

The middle-aged woman looked down at the ground and sighed, "Yes..."

Haibara Ai had seen enough excitement, saw that Miwako Sato was about to take the middle-aged woman into the police car, so she looked away, and as soon as she turned around, she saw Toru Amuro suddenly squatting down beside her, leaning her head closer, and staring at her seriously Look, my heart stopped beating for a moment in fright, I took a step back subconsciously, grabbed Chi Feichi's trouser leg with my right hand, and hid behind Chi Feichi.

In the red car not far away, Okiya Subaru was also taken aback when he saw Toru Amuro's actions. He clenched his phone with his left hand on the steering wheel and stared solemnly at the scene reflected in the rearview mirror.

After Amuro took a closer look at that face, he also felt that a certain little loli really looked a lot like a defected member of the organization, but he didn't think about the metaphysics of becoming smaller, he just felt that there was something wrong with the world. It's nothing more surprising, seeing that I seemed to have frightened the little Lolita, I hurriedly comforted, "Ah, I'm sorry, I thought since I saw 'Good Little Meow' in person for the first time, I must call you Hello, but it seems to scare you..."

Chi Feichi looked down at Hui Yuanai's reaction.

Facts have proved that as long as the undercover policemen in the organization have no malice in their hearts, can they not be sensed by Radar?

Huiyuan Ai felt the aura of members of the organization tonight. Under the continuous tension of nerves, he was about to approach the period of burnout. After repeatedly confirming that he did not feel any malice from Toru Amuro, he felt a little more relaxed. He looked at Toru Amuro's face and thought A black-skinned blonde game character appeared in the scene, "Are you...Zero One-Two?"

Toru Amuro smiled, "That's right!"

"That..." Dr. A Li's eyes moved between the two curiously, "Xiao Ai, did you know each other before?"

"It's a friend who played "Magical Continent" together before." Hui Yuan Ai still hid behind Chi Feichi, but looked at Toru Amuro's smiling face with her head, and thought of the situation in the game before, and her tense nerves completely relaxed. "However, we have been communicating in the chat room in the online game, and we haven't met in person yet."

"Does Mr. Amuro also like to play games?" Conan asked curiously.

"Only once in a while," Toru Amuro shifted his focus, looking at Conan with a look of anticipation in his eyes, "Does Conan usually play games?"

"No..." Conan didn't expect Toru Amuro to be very interested and tried to ask someone to play a game. He froze for a moment and explained, "I play that game occasionally, but the computer used by Mori Detective Agency It’s not very convenient to play games, and I’m not very interested in games, so I don’t play games often.”

"That's really a pity," Toru Amuro felt a little regretful, and quickly patted Conan's shoulder again, smiling, "But it's okay, you should be in the same game area as us, right? If you play Magic Conan in the future, But others, remember to look for me, I am the top ten priest in the game area!"

"Yes..." Conan replied dryly.

Hmm... So, with Chi Feichi as a game lover by his side, can he bring out a lot of game lovers?

Toru Amuro stopped squatting in front of the child, stood up, looked down at a little loli who was still reaching out to grab Chi Feichi's pant leg, and said curiously, "But it's still surprising, I thought the good kitten was that This kind of precocious little girl who usually likes to have a cold face, can deal with things calmly and calmly, and sometimes can organize actions, as shown in the game, makes people feel that she should be the same as a consultant The people carved out of..."

Conan laughed dryly.

Ha ha, I guessed it right.

Toru Amuro touched his chin and concluded, "I didn't expect to be a little girl who looks timid and easily shy..."

Hui Yuan Ai felt insulted, and said in a speechless voice, "I just feel more uncomfortable in front of strangers, but you suddenly squatted down and got very close just now, which scared me all of a sudden, and said At this point, you also surprised me, I thought you were a reckless, sunny but occasionally a little dull person, but I didn't expect you to be a detective in reality."

"Slow, slow?" Toru Amuro was stunned, and asked in bewilderment, "Why do you feel this way? My reaction and operation level are top-notch, right? Where are you being rash and slow?"

Hui Yuanai took stock with a calm face, "For example, when we were all fighting monsters step by step and advancing step by step, you yourself suddenly activated the hidden level of the dungeon, allowing those hidden elite monsters to run out, causing us to be chased by monsters." You have to hide everywhere. On average, each person was killed twice by monsters. For another example, when we teamed up to help Brother Feichi catch the flaming holy spirit beast, you, the only priest, ran forward suddenly, and was killed by the holy spirit beast. Swallowing it all at once gives the Holy Spirit Beast more healing power..."

"I can explain it. The first thing you said is that your blood volume drops too slowly. I just got a holy staff during that time, and any two skills can keep your blood volume at the safe line. In this way, I would be very bored, so I studied the floor that seemed to be arranged in a regular manner, and corrected the wrong place out of curiosity, I didn't expect so many elite monsters to come out," Amuro said with a smile, "As for the second thing you said, the flame holy beast is a new thing that appeared after the version update. No one knew that it would devour the priest. I ran up just to see if I could hit it with a staff, but I didn't expect it to It actually swallowed me and used my skills to help it heal, but because of this attempt, we can get first-hand information, knowing that the five wild beasts that appear in the new version will devour different professional characters to strengthen ourselves, this discovery But let us capture all the five beasts that were refreshed that day, and help the two legions attract a lot of people, right?"

Conan: "..."

He could understand the rest, but as a priest, why would he try to run up to the monster with a wand?

"When I was earning experience in the wild, I said I was going to explore the road and step on the spot, but ended up bringing back a lot of monsters?" Hui Yuanai asked back.

"Of course that was intentional," Toru Amuro continued with a smile, "I don't think your fighting strength was enough at that time, so I want to help bring more monsters there, so that experience can increase faster!"

Haibara Ai was speechless in the face of Amuro Toru's straightforward admission, and did not continue to take stock of Amuro Toru's malicious actions, "I wanted to invite you to participate in the battle team competition organized by Umbrella, but you said that you don't have time... ..."

Amuro saw that Haibara Ai was talking about a more serious topic, and he stopped smiling like a fox, and answered more seriously, "Yeah, because I still prefer to be a detective, and games can be used as a daily pastime. Now, I didn’t think about being a professional player in the past, since that’s the case, it’s better to express your attitude from the beginning and let you choose the right players earlier.”

Hui Yuanai nodded in understanding, and said, "The people who are usually more powerful in the two legions, and those we often hang out with, don't even think about going to participate in the competition."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Of course.

[Royal Knights] More than half of the top executives of the legion are public security police, and more than half of the top executives of [Not Black] are animals, and none of them can participate in e-sports competitions.

And the people who often hang out with them are even more interesting.

A public security undercover agent who is not tired of holding multiple jobs, mixes both black and red, and even goes to fancy jobs...

A crow spirit who only became a human some time ago and could only play games with his paws, and also had to serve as real intelligence and the leader of the 'Air Force'...

A public security policeman who tries hard to pretend to be serious and reliable. Apart from his daily work, he also helps his boss write work reports and run errands to deliver things...

A witch who is always nervous, she would rather drink two cups of magic potions to try poison in her spare time than go to a training camp to participate in some kind of competition...

A newcomer to the game group, a thief who steals big gems, dates his girlfriend, and fights against criminal groups after school...

In addition to him, Hui Yuanai, and Feichi, none of them are willing or suitable to be pushed out to participate in the competition.

"Speaking of people who often play games together," Toru Amuro asked Haihara Ai curiously, "Apart from the advisor, have you met anyone else? None of them showed up to participate in the competition. I paid attention to the period of the competition." , I thought I could see one of them, but it seems that none of them went, "

"I've only seen beautiful magical girls, and she's still a high school student," Haibara Ai said the truth with a black line on her head, "When I asked her if she wanted to participate in the competition, she said that she still had to study magic and didn't have time to follow her." In addition, witches are very low-key, so she will not participate in the competition..."

Toru Amuro: "..."

Thinking back to the usual strange remarks of "Magical Girl", it is reasonable to say such words.

It's just that he is a little worried about the mental state of high school students and college students.

"As for the others, I haven't met them yet, but they seem to have their own jobs. When I asked them if they wanted to participate in the competition, they all refused," Hui Yuanai said calmly, "Everyone is very busy in the game Talk less about personal privacy topics, I think as long as everyone is happy, it’s not very important whether you know how the other person is doing in reality, whether you will meet or not.”

Amuro smiled and nodded in agreement, "That's right."

In the car not far away, Okiya Subaru used the rearview mirror of the car to look at the two people who were chatting vigorously. He looked weird for a moment, hesitated for a moment, and decided to call Dr. Ali on his mobile phone.

According to the news from Rena Mizumu, Bourbon is tracking Shirley's whereabouts.

Now that Bourbon and Shirley have met, although Shirley has changed her body shape, it is really strange that such two people stand together and chat happily.

The most important thing is that Bourbon is very sensitive. Even if Bourbon didn't think that Shirley would become a child, after a long time of contact, he might find some doubts about Shirley and thus doubt Shirley's identity. .

In short, he urged the doctor to take Shirley back in his car and separate these people first. He also wanted to find out how Bourbon got involved with these people.

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