Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2471 really sincere

Dr. Agasa received a call from Okiya Subaru and heard Okiya Subaru say, "The car is inconvenient and has been parked on the side of the road, and the police are urging to clear the traffic." After discussing with Haibara Ai, he decided to take Okiya Subaru's car , go back early.

In this incident, Okiya Subaru, Dr. Agasa, and Haibara Ai in the last car just drove behind. Like Sera Masumi, they didn't get involved, and no one would stop them from leaving early.

When Toru Amuro got into the car with Dr. Ali and Haibara, he wanted to follow him to have a look.

It's just that the red car left so fast that the footsteps that made Toru Amuro take a few steps stopped again.

Sensing someone approaching, Toru Amuro turned his head and saw that it was Chi Feichi who was coming, and then looked at the departing red car, "So the driver of that car never got out of the car? I drove past that car earlier. When I was in the car, I saw someone in the driver's seat opened the door, and the person inside leaned out, like a man wearing glasses, who could sit quietly in the car for such a long time, his personality is really strange."

A certain elementary school student took advantage of his small size and inconspicuousness, and kept following him around.

Chi Feichi noticed that Conan was still nearby, and replied aloud, "It should be the next door neighbor of the doctor's house, and he doesn't seem to be outgoing and cheerful with many friends."

Amuro smiled, "I have no intention of getting out of the car to check the situation or say hello to you, so it should be considered withdrawn?"

Conan eavesdropped with his ears upright, his expression became serious.

He didn't know why Subaru-san didn't get out of the car tonight, but that made Mr. Subaru look weird and could easily arouse the curiosity or suspicion of others.

"Usually he doesn't object to getting along with me, and he can also chat with me," Chi Feichi said truthfully, "Today he is a bit strange."

Conan: "..."

Alas, his little friend is really honest, what to ask and what to say.

Toru Amuro stroked his chin and said thoughtfully, "It would be really strange if you didn't quarrel..."

"I didn't quarrel with him, it may be because of other reasons." Chi Feichi took out the cigarette case, took out a cigarette, and said without looking up, "There are many reasons for a person not to get out of the car, and I don't want to think about it." .”

"That's right, there are many strange people in the world, and there is no shortage of him to know." Toru Amuro didn't bother, and changed the topic with a smile, "By the way, I heard Xiaolan talk about that doctor before, and I heard that he is a very strange person. A powerful engineering scientist who invented a lot of interesting things..."

"Sister Xiaolan is just saying polite words," Conan interrupted, deliberately put on a look of disgust, "Actually, many of them are things that are not very effective and prone to failure, such as dolls that test the quality of hot spring water, Or a machine that can use two spatulas to cook at the same time."


In the red car that left, Okiya Subaru also casually inquired about Toru Amuro.

"By the way, is that young man who drove Mr. Maori and Miss Xiaolan there their friend?"

"It's Mao Li's new apprentice," Dr. A Li said with a smile, "that's Feichi's junior!"

Okiya Subaru thought for a moment.

Bourbon should be older than Mr. Chi...about ten years old? Bourbon really went out of his way to investigate.

Hui Yuanai sat in the back seat and asked calmly, "Are you curious about him?"

"Of course I'm curious," Okiya Subaru narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Neither you nor Mr. Chi are very enthusiastic people, but you can chat with him, so I think, if it's not a friend you both know , is a person who is very good at chatting, and I am a little curious about which type he belongs to."

"Are you sitting in the car just now, but were you secretly watching our movements?" Hui Yuanai asked very straightforwardly.

Dr. A Li felt that this kind of questioning was a bit impolite, and he could understand Hui Yuan Ai's sensitive mood, so he smiled helplessly, "Xiao Ai..."

"I was thinking, since Conan is fine, why not go back early, tomorrow I have research matters to visit a professor, I have already made an appointment with him, I don't want to be late, so I want to go to bed early," Okiya Subaru calmly found a reason to explain, "I thought you and the doctor would be back soon, so I just waited in the car, but I didn't expect you two to talk for so long."

He was anxious to go back, so he sat in the car and got ready to drive away. He just waited and waited until the doctor and Hui Yuanai came back, so he would pay attention to what the two of them were doing from time to time. question?

completely fine.

Dr. Ali apologized, "I'm really sorry, Mr. Subaru, I didn't know you still have important things to do tomorrow, it seems that you have been delayed there for too long."

"It's okay," Okiya Subaru said with a smile, appearing very good-tempered, "I didn't make it clear before, so can you satisfy my curiosity now? I heard that he is Mr. Mori's new apprentice, let me tell him I'm even more curious!"

Haibara Ai didn't believe the reasons explained by Okiya Subaru, but he didn't intend to bother, and talked about Toru Amuro, "Before he became a teacher of Uncle Mori, he was also the personal assistant of Brother Feichi, that is, Brother Feichi was in the pet hospital. During the time he was working, he stayed with Brother Feichi at the pet hospital all day long, but it seemed that he wanted to be a private detective, so he resigned not long after..."

Okiya Subaru analyzed silently in his heart.

Suddenly appearing and leaving, Bourbon should be investigating something, right?

As Mr. Chi's personal assistant, he should be able to get in touch with a lot of matters related to the operation of the pet hospital. At the same time, he can also master the basic information, personality traits, interpersonal relationships and other information of Mr. Chi.

At that time, it seemed that the Machi Pet Hospital had just been established, and there should be no secrets worth digging out. Combined with the fact that Belmode had appeared by Mr. Chi's side many times, Bourbon might have gone to Mr. Chongchi himself that time to investigate for the organization. ...

What exactly do those guys want to get from Mr. Chi?

"They also met at that time," Hui Yuanai continued, "As for me and him, we met in the game, probably Brother Feichi invited him to play games together, I knew he was known by Brother Feichi at that time He also knows that I am Brother Feichi's younger sister, but we haven't met in reality until today."

"It turned out to be like this..."

Okiya Subaru continued to analyze in his mind.

It seems that it was just a coincidence that the two met in the game because they "both know Mr. Chi".


Bo Ben has already resigned and left, but he still plays games with Mr. Chi. Is it because of some reason that he still wants to keep in touch with Mr. Chi, or is it because he regards Mr. Chi as a friend?

Thinking of this, Okiya Subaru pretended to be curious and asked, "Did the three of you always play together in the game?"

Dr. A Li looked at Hui Yuan Ai with puzzled and probing eyes.

Why does he feel that Xiao Ai is more patient with Mr. Subaru than before?

"Of course not. There are quite a few people who often play with us. Some may be people that Brother Feichi knew before, and some may be people that everyone met in the game and then pulled into the team," Hui Yuanai replied Dao, "Because the three of us are not necessarily online at the same time, so the time we play together is about the same as other people. Unfortunately, everyone doesn't log in very often recently, and I haven't seen him in the game for a long time."

"It sounds like a very interesting experience. Before this, I thought I would never be interested in online games..." Subaru Okiya said so, still thinking about what Chi Feichi had there. Something that makes the organization think about it.

Bourbon has reduced the frequency of game logins, at least it means that there is no longer what Bourbon wants in the game, whether it is freshness, game experience, or something that attracts the organization, so there is no need for him to find answers in the game, or Be realistic.

Is there any way to find out that thing that attracts the organization?

It's not that he hasn't tried tracking and monitoring Mr. Chi, and it's useless at all.

He still remembers the colleagues who were sent to the police station after being discovered by Mr. Chi. Compared with him, his several follow-up and surveillance have been successfully completed.

Get closer to Mr. Chi and conduct an investigation? Isn't that what he's doing now?

Although he is "observing and paying attention" rather than "investigating", he really doesn't know where to look. As the heir of Mr. Chi's Chi family, there are already many factors that may be targeted by the organization, such as Machi A certain confidential industrial project of the group, such as the connections of the Chi family...

Anyway, it is not easy to lock the target.

He might be able to ask Mr. Chi directly—'Is there anything on you that would be targeted by criminal organizations'?

But Mr. Chi doesn't necessarily know what that thing is, and in that case, he may have to face Mr. Chi's inquiries. No matter what he says or not, it may make Mr. Chi think too much. Mr. Chi's mental state is not good. , There is usually a tendency to be persecuted and delusional, and these two points need to be taken into account. He feels that they should not act rashly, lest Mr. Chi do something beyond their control.

Things related to Mr. Chi are still such a headache.


That night.

After Chi Feichi took a taxi back to the apartment in Kabadocho, he called Koshimizu Nanatsuki and briefly explained the situation. After hanging up the phone, he mixed a glass of raki mixed with blood, sat in the living room, and checked it on the computer. Take a look at the new information of these people around you in the last two days.

During this period of time, a certain IP in the Cupido Hotel kept checking the news reports of 'Grace-Ahra', and occasionally checked the websites in the UK, such as the pages about hospitals and small town libraries, that should be Sera Masumi and Sera Mari looked at Haibara Ai's face and began to investigate Haibara Ai's life experience.

With Noah and Ark watching at all times, there will be no problems in the network.

In the next period of time, Amuro will investigate Okiya Subaru, the doctor and others. Okiya Subaru should investigate Amuro, and Sera Masumi who has investigated Ai's identity will continue to circle around Conan...

Let those people toss slowly, he chose to watch.

After watching the movements of the people around him for the past two days, Chi Feichi arranged some affairs for Umbrella and Fifteen Nights City, and didn't go to wash and sleep until after one o'clock in the morning.

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, Chi Feichi regained consciousness and found himself in the strange space linked by the left eye again.

On the circular platform divided into seven fans, except for the disappearance of the 'lazy character', the other six evil characters stood in front of the biological statue as before, shining bright white light.

And when he appeared in the middle of the platform, those six characters seemed to come alive, and quickly approached Chi Feichi.

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