Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2472 The Crime of Gluttony

Chi Feichi likes to use 'approximate' to describe the situation of these characters.

Although these characters are also like iron blocks attracted by a magnet, sliding towards him, but as they move, white light surges on those characters, and different worldly evils seem to flash out from inside, which is really too powerful.

Like a bully forcing him to make a quick choice...

No, this time it's six.

However, he also thought that this day would come sooner or later, and he had thought about how to choose the next original sin character in advance.

He had experienced the 'sin of laziness' before, and he was tormented enough. At least he didn't like it at all, and he didn't want to use that feeling again.

If the characters of original sin entered his body, it would also affect the health of his brain, then the remaining rage, arrogance, jealousy, gluttony, greed, and infidelity would not be easy.

No matter which one he chooses, he will be tossed, but he really wants to verify one thing - he feels the 'crime of laziness' is very uncomfortable, is it because this criminal is not very compatible with him and requires him to do a lot of things? Big change, so he felt uncomfortable? Would it be easier if he was a lazy person himself? Or maybe the character of Sins of Laziness is heightened by his laziness, making him feel as much or more pain?

He has only experienced one original sin character, and he has not been able to make a judgment on this matter.

Next, if he wants to verify this, he should choose an original sin character that fits his nature, such as arrogance or greed, and after experiencing it, compare it with the previous "sin of laziness experience".

He is very clear that his arrogance and greed are far beyond normal people, but he still thinks that there is nothing wrong with him, which is really arrogant enough.

But he still decided against it.

If he chooses a character that fits his own original sin, his experience may be 'not much changed', 'same as before', or 'worse'. Before there is no experimental confirmation, there may be all three, but as long as 'there is not much change' 'This may not have been ruled out, and these two characters may be 'low-efficiency characters' for him to breathe.

He experienced the sin of laziness before, a total of seven days, and then the symptoms disappeared, and another seven days later, just tonight, he will start the second choice.

This time, he may have to experience some kind of original sin experience for seven days, or it may be fourteen days, twenty-one days and other numbers related to 'seven'. He cannot judge before he has experienced it.

And whether this original sin experience starts or not is not under his control at all.

That means that next, when it is inconvenient and troublesome, he may still bear the influence of a certain original sin. External pressure and internal pressure are exerted together, and he is worried that he will blow himself up.

This kind of situation can be avoided as much as possible, and the way to avoid it is to make good use of the two "low-efficiency characters" of greed and arrogance, and try to save those two characters that may make you comfortable until you need them most.

He remembered that not long after Amuro became a teacher, he discovered that Shirley would board the luxury train, and that crazy group of Gin wanted to blow up the entire terminal platform when the train came into the station.

He could use "not getting on the train" to avoid being in danger, but he was worried that because of his arrival, the development of the plot would be deviated, which would cause his sister to be killed, so during that time, his brain was the most Sober up.

If he can meet the 'recuperation period' just after the original sin experience, that is of course the best result. If it happens to be in the experience period, then he should try to avoid the influence of 'jealousy', 'anger', and 'infidelity' Unforeseen original sin.

Take jealousy as an example, if he suddenly lost his mind at that time, and together with his jealousy towards his sister, he could have saved his sister but killed her backhandedly, then he would not regret it after he woke up?

If it happened to be in the "arrogance experience period" and "greediness experience period" at that time, the probability of his being affected would be less. Xiao Ai was killed.

To make this kind of choice, you must not only consider whether he will encounter external pressure and his situation will be made worse by the influence of characters, but also whether the people he values ​​will encounter external pressure and his situation will be made worse by his brain twitching.

Cough, in short, Amuro Toru is unlikely to find Shirley's whereabouts within seven or fourteen days. He decided to keep the 'arrogance experience card' and 'greediness experience card' as capital for adapting.

There may be some accidents beyond his control along the way, and it is also possible that his planning is completely useless in the end, but if he thinks and prepares more at this time, he will never make things worse.

Logically speaking, he can also use one of the Greedy or Pride experience cards first, and experiment to confirm the effect, but he is not sure how long the luxury train chase will last and how much it will change, and he is not sure before or after that Will he run into other troubles, so he wants to keep both cards.

And this time he chooses other original sin experience cards, he can also confirm another thing——

Whether it is the Bible, Dante's theology, or Koizumi Hongzi's family biography, they all mention what the seven original sins represent, but they all have discrepancies.

For example, the definition of rage is "hate others and cause punishment", "distort the love of justice into revenge and hatred", but some records add "unreasonable anger, uncontrollable emotions", and some classics include There are more "discrimination and excessive vigilance". He wants to figure out which book or which type of theoretical original sin is more in line with his experience. Once he understands this, he can accurately predict What kind of mental disturbance will he encounter next.

The sin of laziness he has experienced is commonly defined as 'laziness, wasting time', some concepts refer to 'failure to love God wholeheartedly', some records add 'easy satisfaction, irresponsibility', others There are still many ancient books that have records, and there will be a little bit of discrepancy.

Based on his previous experience, the common definition of "lazy and wasting time" exists, but he has never loved God or other gods, so he cannot judge whether the idea of ​​"failing to love God wholeheartedly" is accurate or not .

He was indeed relatively easy to be satisfied during that time, and even his greedy nature was suppressed, but he didn't feel that he was 'irresponsible', and he confessed his love to Yue Shui a second time during that time, wanting to take responsibility.

Therefore, in the last lazy experience, he didn't judge which book or theological concept his situation fits with, so he had to try another one that was easy to distinguish.

Among the remaining six original sins, the sin of gluttony should be the most suitable for experimentation.

Most of the other original sins have a certain definition in most records, the main body is not bad, but gluttony is somewhat different. In the two theological classics he has read, there are two different definitions of gluttony, one is ' Waste of food, greed for pleasure', one is 'excessive indulgence in oral desire, intemperate eating, alcoholism, drug addiction', in addition, some books have added the definition of 'gambling', and some have added 'gambling' Hoarding unnecessary items'.

The content recorded in different books is very different, so it is easier to judge which one is closer to his state.

Of course, the definition of "infidelity" in various theological concepts is also very different, and even the name has "the sin of infidelity" and "sin of lust", but he is worried that this experience of original sin will make him act What hurt Yue Shui, so I want to use other original sin experiences to find out the situation first, and determine what effect this sin will have. If the experience of this sin will really hurt Yue Shui, then he can then Consider locking yourself up, or other methods of using external objects to limit your actions.

With consideration in advance, Chi Feichi did not hesitate when choosing. He stared at the Gluttony character, let the Gluttony character move faster and submerged into the body one step earlier than the other characters, and manually added a reminder slogan for Sanwu Goldfinger in his heart.

[The gluttony experience card was used successfully. effect:? ? ? time left:? ? ? 】


the next day.

After Chi Feichi woke up, his brain quickly woke up, and then he got up to wash up and live a normal life.

Washing and changing clothes, nothing abnormal.

There was nothing unusual about pre-processing the breakfast ingredients, asking Xiaomei to guard the pot, and taking Feichi out for morning exercises.

Running to the park to punch, and running home, nothing unusual.

Went home to take a shower and ate homemade Chinese buns for breakfast, still nothing unusual.

After breakfast, Chi Feichi called Shang Feichi to go to the balcony to bask in the sun and enjoy the breeze, preparing to discuss the 'crime experience of gluttony'.

After he came to this world, he would only have dreams when Sanwu Goldfinger started to make trouble, and they were all lucid dreams. He was sure that last night was not because he was stressed and had nightmares.

And when he was eating breakfast, he also used his left eye to link to the space to confirm that the gluttony characters in the space had indeed disappeared like the lazy characters, which meant that last night was not his nightmare, and the gluttony characters had really melted into his body.

However, gluttony didn't seem to bring any changes to his life, which made him wonder what it was all about.

Gluttony, like laziness, is the original sin provided and evolved by Feichi, and discussing it with Feichi may give him some ideas.

Feichi listened to Chi Feichi's situation, thought for two seconds, and said in a serious tone, "Master, I admit being lazy, but I never understood why I was guilty of gluttony? I never waste food. !"

"You're right." Chi Feichi felt that Feichi had given him an idea to identify whether the records were in line with his own situation, "Maybe the two classics that said the crime of gluttony is wasting food should be eliminated directly? "

"That's right, those two books are just talking nonsense," Feichi said firmly. "Theological ideas can make me guilty, but they can't accuse me of wasting food! I won't be wronged like this!"

A glass of clear water and a glass of 'blood drink with ice' floated to the balcony and gently landed on the table.

Xiaomei, who was hiding herself, praised quietly, "What Feichi said is really good."

Chi Feichi looked at Fei Chi's way of raising his head aggressively, and felt that it was fortunate that Fei Chi had no hands, otherwise he would have put his hands on his hips right now.

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