Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2475 gentle, well-behaved and weak

With Toru Amuro helping to explain the reasoning and investigation ideas, Chi Feichi was relieved a lot.

After a group of police officers contacted colleagues outside to run errands to confirm the situation, things finally became clear and the suspect was successfully found.

The suspect who made the police not know how to find him has been hiding beside the police officers who went to search!

That hiding skill is not very good, but it almost fooled the police.

The suspect lived in an old apartment building with few residents, and the owner was abroad for seven or eight months every year, and he was not in Tokyo recently. It was only when the police called to inquire that the suspect mentioned by the police was confirmed. People live in their own house - 304 on the third floor of an old apartment building.

That apartment has only three floors, and only 303 and 304 are occupied on the third floor. One household on the second floor and one household on the first floor have rarely seen the two residents on the third floor.

The police who went to search arrived there, looked at the house number and the surname of the resident at the door, locked Room 304 and searched the door, and found that not only was there no one in the house, it seemed that it had been cleaned and some things had been taken away, making it look very clean .

But that apartment was a type of apartment with two households on both sides of the corridor. After the suspect escaped home, he did not take the risk of running out. Instead, he switched the number of his room with that of Room 303 on the opposite side.

The resident of Room 303 on the opposite side is an office worker who often travels on business, and is also a high school classmate and friend of the suspect. Because he often came home drunk after socializing, he was taken care of by the suspect several times, so he simply put the spare key in the suspect’s room. When the suspect found himself passed out drunk in the hallway, he opened the door and threw himself home.

The two trusted each other very much, and their relationship was so good that they could exchange room keys. This also gave the suspect the opportunity to not only switch rooms 303 and 304, but also put some of his clothes in room 303, and put all the cash and documents in room 303 As well as daily necessities that may have skin flakes and fingerprints, I sent them to the 304 where I live, and then I went through the stockpiled shampoo and body wash from my home, opened the bottles and sent them over, even my school trophies, The posters of my favorite players have been moved to the opposite side.

Just using the suitcase to go back and forth a few times, it took about 20 minutes, the suspect changed the 303 where the friend lived into the 304 where the "suspect absconded", and he hid in his own home on the opposite side, going to the door from time to time, from time to time. The cat's eyes watched the police coming and going from the opposite side.

After the police caught the suspect, the suspect did not cunningly quibble or evade, but honestly explained the process of his murder.

When talking about why he hid by exchanging house numbers, the suspect said that he also wanted to run away quickly after the murder, but because he killed impulsively and didn’t have much cash with him after the murder, he felt that he had to go back to get the money if he wanted to run away. As a result, the victim was discovered early. After he got home, he heard the siren of a police car passing by nearby. After thinking about it, he felt that he could not run far, so he wanted to interfere with the police investigation in this way.

The suspect felt that after the police confirmed that the suspect was running away with cash, maybe he would not stick to his residence, and the friend who lived opposite him would not come back for three or four days. During these three or four days, he He can live on the food in the refrigerator, and as long as the police investigate a little less for a few days, he will be able to escape. At that time, the police will definitely think that he has escaped from Tokyo, and he can calmly find a way to leave Tokyo.

It has to be said that part of the suspect’s thinking is correct. For example, if he fled after two days, the police may indeed think that the suspect has fled Tokyo and is not vigilant enough, so that the suspect can easily leave Tokyo.

But this idea also has holes.

Even if the police confirm that the suspect has run away with cash, they will not rule out the possibility that the suspect will return home. In the near future, people will be arranged to wear plain clothes to monitor the area. It is unlikely that they will withdraw within three or four days. If you run out, you will be caught.

The suspect was arrested by the police and brought to justice. Before the detective team left, Chi Feichi invited a group of police officers to an open-air bar for dinner at night.

Some police officers don't need to work overtime tonight. When they heard that the evening was a party to celebrate Chi Feichi's recovery and successful drug withdrawal, Takagi Shepherd, Sato Miwako, Shiratori Rensaburo and other policemen who were familiar with the detective team readily agreed to the invitation. After the other policemen confirmed that they could get off work normally at night, most of them agreed.

The police originally planned to stay until after get off work, but Mu Mushisan saw that there was also a homicide investigation that could be declared over today, so he gave the subordinates who had a rest time tomorrow a holiday in advance, so that some people could get off work after four o'clock in the afternoon .

Due to the large number of people participating in the dinner party, Chi Feichi called the open-air music bar. After communicating, he directly changed the reservation to 'private room'.

The cars of Chi Feichi and Amuro Toru were sent to be repaired. When the five members of the detective team came, they took the tram. When they left, it was much easier. A dozen or so policemen drove five cars and divided them into two cars. , It is easy to pick up five people separately.

Shiratori Ren Sanlang drove Chi Feichi and Conan at the beginning of the convoy, and went to Ueno Zoo on the way.

Before leaving, only Chi Feichi sat in the passenger seat, Conan was in the back seat, Shiratori Ren Saburo also said - "Mr. Mori or Mr. Amuro can also sit in the car", but after going to the zoo , there was an extra giant panda weighing more than 100 kilograms in the back seat, and Shiratori Ren Sanlang fell silent.

Tuanzi was sitting in the back seat, leaning against the back of the chair like a human being, the fluffy hair added to make the already generous body look extremely strong, the whole bear took up more than half of the seat, and one arm was still bent back He sat on the back of the chair, with his legs crossed and his toes dangling, like an arrogant gangster.

Next to him, Conan occupied less than one-third of the seat, sitting upright, staring blankly at Tuanzi's sitting posture, looking gentle, well-behaved...and weak.

When Saburo Shiratori drove out of the back gate of the zoo and headed for the open-air bar, he was also unable to speak for a long time because of Danzi's overbearing sitting posture.

After Tuanzi arrived in Japan, he made an appointment to visit the zoo.

At that time, Tuanzi was lying on the swing belly-down, and there was a large picture book on the grass below. The swing was swaying, and Tuanzi just lay on it and looked at the picture book. When he saw that scene, he felt his heart was hit instantly. I won, but I regret that I can't buy such a cute animal for how much money I spend.

It didn't take long for him to hear that the Chi family had sublet the dumplings.

Although he was a bit envious and jealous, he felt that Chi's special trip to China for the giant panda was very insightful.

This kind of creature is round and round, always basking in the sun paralyzed, or gnawing on bamboo, with a lazy and harmless aura, cute and cute, and has the charm of killing men, women and children.

But now, seeing the domineering and ruffian giant panda behind him with the aura of a gangster, he feels very strange, and seriously doubts that this is not the one he saw when he went to the zoo before...

Is this the loss of bear nature caused by living habits and no longer needing to be visited by people, or is it poisoned by Mr. Chi's seemingly unfriendly temperament, and his favor changes...

But Mr. Chi has never been so 'unrestrained' like Tuanzi...

Or, is it because there are more bodyguards at Ueno Zoo now, and many bodyguards pass by Danzi's residence, so Danzi has learned bad habits from other people?

On the side, Chi Feichi looked at the rearview mirror of the car, made sure that the four cars behind the convoy were following up, and said, "Tuanzi, the car we drove over is relatively small and full of people, so we can't pull you down. bamboo..."

In the back seat, Tuanzi's dangling feet stopped suddenly, his body tensed up, he raised his big fluffy head, and stared blankly at the front seat.

what's the situation?

Has the master not brought his rations?

"I'll ask the zoo to arrange a car to take you there." Chi Feichi said.

Tuanzi's body relaxed all of a sudden, his back sank back into the seat, his toes swayed again, and his nasal cavity made a humming sound in response.

Conan: "..."

The bear next to him really understands human speech.

"That..." Shiratori Ren Sanlang said with a dry smile, "Duanzi is really smart, it seems to understand everything, but I feel that it is not the same as before... I saw it in the zoo before, and at that time it It looks very cute, I didn't expect to have such a side..."

He was curious and asked for an answer.

Conan didn't mind that the dumpling took up most of the seats, but he was speechless about the sitting posture of the dumpling. Hearing what Shiratori Ren Sanlang said, he said with a sullen face, "Isn't there a report before that a certain man who secretly entered the panda house was Were you injured by the giant panda's attack? No matter how cute Tuanzi looks, it's also a bear, so it's normal that sometimes it's not so docile and well-behaved?"

Is this... normal?

Shiratori Ren Sanlang coughed dryly, "Cough, that time it was because the other party entered the Panda House privately, and I heard that he did some provocative behavior..."

Tuanzi remembered what happened that time, and thought that the man actually ate the food he prepared for the master, and his mood became bad, and he let out a low growl in the back seat, cursing, "Hohooooo——"

The deep howling of the bear made Shiratori Ren Saburo quiet for an instant.

It could be seen that the provocative behavior of that person was so bad that Tuanzi was still angry when he heard about it.

But what Conan said is right, pandas are also bears, super fierce.

After a moment of silence, Shiratori Ren Sanlang whispered in cold sweat, "Mr. Chi, is it really okay to just put it in the back seat with the children?"

"Don't worry, it generally doesn't hurt people," Chi Feichi said.

Conan: "?"

Hearing Chi Feichi say 'average', he felt that he had to be on guard.

"After the person who provoked it was injured last time, the staff of the Panda House and I have educated it. It knows not to attack people casually," Chi Feichi added, "and it knows Conan, so it won't hurt anyone." Conan's."

Shiratori Ren Sanlang thought for a while, and felt that Chi Feichi would not make fun of the child's life, so he felt a little relieved, "With Mr. Chi here, there will be no big problem, right? The breeder said just now , it listens to you the most, but... so the giant panda is so smart? It can understand what we say, and its sitting posture should imitate humans..."

"Its IQ..." Chi Feichi paused, "It may be a little worse than a child like Conan, and it is comparable to a four or five-year-old child..."

Conan: "..."

Of course.

Even if he is an adult, how many people can compare with him?

Tuanzi's IQ can be compared with that of a four- or five-year-old child, which is already very powerful.

Wait, why did Tuanzi keep staring at him?

This is the truth... It's not what he said. If you want to find it, you should go to Chi Feichi.

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