Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2476 It's just a waste of spine

"Its IQ is a little higher than most giant pandas," Chi Feichi said, "but the other giant pandas are not too bad. After being in contact with people for a long time, they can also memorize the key words that humans often say. Possess not weak imitation ability."

"So that's how it is..." Shiratori Ren Sanlang murmured, and then asked curiously, "Then, is it because it imitated someone?"

"Maybe I learned it from comic books or movies," Chi Feichi said, "Tuanzi likes to learn, and I will ask people to find some video tapes regularly, put them in front of it and let it choose, and show it to it when it is bored. .”

Shiratori Ren Saburo: "..."

It is understandable that when he went to the zoo to see the dumplings, the dumplings were just looking at the picture album.

Conan: "..."

Higher IQ than most giant pandas + studious personality, super imitation ability + human knowledge and artistic influence...

He suddenly felt that it was normal for Tuanzi to sit like this today. Did Chi Feichi want to raise a pandaren?


The open-air bar booked is a residential building.

Push open the hollow iron gate, and there is a spacious and open grassland behind. The stage, tables and chairs are all set up on the grassland, and toys such as wooden horses and bouncy balls are placed in front of the flowerbed in the corner. The environment is relaxed and harmonious.

There is also a two-story wooden house on the left side of the grass, which contains a bar reception hall, wine storage room, kitchen for common snacks, toilets, staff accommodation, and rooms for guests to rest.

At 5:30 in the afternoon, the five vehicles of the police team stopped on the side of the road.

The two waiters who greeted the gate smiled, and the smiles on their faces gradually froze when they saw people getting off the bus one after another.

The three cars in the back got off all men. One of them had a strong figure and a fierce expression, the other had a cold face and sharp eyes, and the other looked thinner and a little hunchbacked, but he was holding a gun in his mouth carelessly. The lit cigarette, no matter how you look at it, is an 'old world'.

They remember that today's booking is not a violent society, right?

Haven't violent clubs changed their uniforms recently?

With the ferocious aura exuding from these people, is it possible to say that they are not members of violent associations?

As for the people getting off from the two cars in front, they looked much more normal, well-dressed young men and women, middle-aged men, children, bears... pandas? !

After getting out of the car, Tuanzi stood up and followed Chi Feichi to the door, like a strong man with big arms and round waist, walking wide open, he was not only dumbfounded by the two waiters, but also by Amuro Toru, Mori Kogoro, Mori Ran and those policemen.

Seeing that Chi Fei was approaching late, a waiter hurriedly greeted him, "Hi, hello! Excuse me..."

"I called an hour ago to make an appointment." Chi Feichi said.

The waiter remembered Chi Feichi's voice, and after confirming that this was today's guest, he quickly turned sideways and stretched out his hand towards the yard, "Please, please come in! We have prepared dinner according to your order, as we said before. It can be finished within half an hour, please take your seats and wait a moment."

After recovering their senses, a group of policemen followed up with Tuanzi, laughing and teasing.

"Mr. Chi, the dumpling is so cool! It looks like a strong bodyguard!"

"Hey, don't you want to try to challenge the dumpling?"

"Are you kidding me! The bear's strength is very powerful, I'm not that stupid!"

A group of people entered the yard and sat in different positions separately.

Tuanzi happily followed Chi Feichi, and after Chi Feichi pulled out the chair and sat down, he leaned forward, his belly pressed against the back of the chair, and he hugged Chi Feichi's neck with both hands, and suddenly disappeared. The previous "rough guy" temperament has turned into a cute pendant.

Miwako Sato, who hadn't been able to reach out to touch the dumpling before, her eyes lit up, she didn't rush to sit at the next table, and quickly walked to the side of the dumpling, reached out her hand to touch the hair on the dumpling's back, and said with a smile, "It's so cute..."

"Yeah," Gao Mushe stood aside with a smile on his face, "When he lay on Mr. Chi's back, he suddenly became cute!"

Toru Amuro sat next to Chi Feichi, looked sideways at Chi Feichi's entire back sunk in Tuanzi's hair, smiled dryly and cared, "Advisor, do you find it hard for Tuanzi to lie behind you like this?"

Chi Feichi felt in his heart that his junior brother knew how to care for others, and said with a blank expression, "It's not hard work, it's just a waste of spine."

other people:"……"

The pendant is too big and too heavy, which is not good for your health.


five minutes later.

The water basin, bamboo and toys of the dumpling were delivered.

In order to facilitate the gnawing of bamboo, Tuanzi finally sat on the grass, bent over, holding the bamboo with both hands, and gnawed carefully, looking cute and cute.

ten minutes later.

Dr. Ali arrived with the other four children of the Boy Detective Team. Not long after, Nanatsuki Koshimizu also arrived before dinner.

Twenty minutes later.

Detectives who were active in Tokyo and were familiar with Maori masters and apprentices arrived, and greeted the police as soon as they entered the door, or teased each other noisily.

Miyamoto Yumi arrived before the official serving of the dishes, brought Miike Naeko and a policewoman who looked familiar to Chi Feichi, brought a box of ribbon pullers bought on the way, and sat down with Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Mo Lilan .

Listening to a group of people chatting, the bar owner and staff finally knew that most of the people sitting in the yard were policemen or detectives. They felt uneasy for hours and felt full of security. Then they saw a giant panda sitting quietly on the grass, eating bamboo and serving drinks. , When the tea went out, the smile on his face became more enthusiastic.

half an hour later.

The dinner officially began, and the drinks were also served on the table.

Miyamoto Yumi yelled for a toast after a while, which made the already lively atmosphere even more heated.

The three real children ate in a hurry, and they went to the grass to play with Tuanzi. While playing, the children and the giant panda were lying, lying, and rolling on the grass.

eight pm.

Before the dinner was over, Yumi Miyamoto, who was the loudest, was already drunk.

Chi Feichi greeted the bar owner in advance and asked the bar to arrange two large rooms for the guests to rest, but Miyamoto Yumi didn't plan to go to the room to rest at all, and the whole audience ran wildly, and then rushed to the side of the yard, riding together with Tuanzi Trojan horse.

A chubby giant panda and an adult woman are riding a wooden horse played by children, lying on their stomachs, letting the wooden horse sway, looking funny and harmonious, but the three real children who failed to snatch the wooden horse are so angry that they dragged the palace Moto Yumi.

Miwako Sato, who was not drinking, took a picture of Yumi Miyamoto with her mobile phone, and continued to take pictures of the dumplings from various angles with great interest.

Eight thirty in the evening.

Chi Feichi dealt with round after round of drinking invitations, and he never refused, and occasionally he would take the initiative to chat with people and drink.

Toru Amuro, as Kogoro Mori's new apprentice and the mentor of the founder of today's gathering, became the target of many people when Kogoro Mori introduced him.

Talking about the latest new things, teasing and joking with each other, there was a lot of laughter.

Nine p.m.

Miyamoto, who fell alone in the first round, woke up a little from the wine, rushed back to the drinking game aggressively, and then downed a glass.

Miwako Sato didn't drink, and left with Yumi Miyamoto who was drunk, and Satoshi Takagi who was also drunk, and other policemen also left one after another.

Dr. A Li also left with the three children, and at the same time reminded Chi Feichi, Conan and Hui Yuanai not to forget to gather for camping tomorrow.

Hui Yuan Ai watched her brother drinking one cup after another with other people, worried that Chi Feichi's sleep would be affected by excessive drinking, so she didn't leave with Dr. A Li, but found that Yueshui Nanatsuki wanted to go back alone. When sending out the invitation, he still decided to leave early with Koshimizu Nanatsuki, and handed over the task of supervision to Conan.

When Chi Feichi sent Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Huihara Ai out, the alcoholic and drinker changed his target and surrounded Toru Amuro with a smile.

As soon as Amuro saw the smiling faces of those people, his expression of pretending to be drunk almost couldn't hold back. Before he was drunk by the enthusiastic crowd, he had a couple of drinks with him, and then tried his best to show his acting skills, pretending to be drunk on the table.

Chi Feichi turned around and went back to the courtyard, leaned over and called Anshi Tou, and after getting a vague response from Anshi Tou, he called the waiter and helped Anshi Tou to rest in the lounge of the wooden house next to him.

The lounge was covered with thick tatami mats, and the two of them laid Amuro Toru upside down on the tatami mats.

The waiter stood up and said respectfully, "Don't worry, we will help take care of the guests before we get off work at two o'clock in the morning to prevent the guests from clogging the trachea with vomit."

Chi Feichi nodded, not in a hurry to go out, walked to the window and opened a gap in the wooden window, and took out the cigarette case, "I also want to take a rest here, please pour me a cup of hot tea, Any tea will do."

"Okay, wait a moment."

The waiter turned and went out, walking towards the kitchen at the end of the corridor.

Outside the window of the lounge is the backyard. When the window is opened, the noise of the drinking crowd on the grass can also be heard.

After the waiter left, Chi Feichi took out a match and lit a cigarette, distracted by the courtyard view outside the window.

Toru Amuro also lay on the ground without moving or speaking, making the room suddenly quiet.

Seeing that Chi Feichi didn't intend to leave for a while, Feichi got out from under Chi Feichi's collar, jumped onto the tatami, and quickly crawled towards Amuro Toru.

It has to go and see Mr. Amuro, this is a good man who has taken care of him for a while, and let him play the bugging function a long time ago!

Snake scales scraped against the surface of the tatami, making a rustling sound.

Toru Amuro closed his eyes, and when he heard the voice quickly approaching and then stopped in front of his face, he could imagine Feichi staring at him coldly, silent.

Feichi propped up his front body, stared at Toru Amuro's face seriously, and observed Toru Amuro's physical condition with his hot eyes.

Toru Amuro: "..."

Why hasn't Feichi left yet? Why are you still staring at him? You won't bite him suddenly, will you?

He believes that Feichi is very obedient and will not bite him casually, but animals are different from people, they may be stimulated by certain smells on his body, and thus attack him.

He wanted to turn over to avoid it, but he was worried that Feichi wasn't frightened at first, but was frightened by his sudden turning over, and then gave him a bite.

Didn't he just want the consultant to wonder if he was really drunk, didn't take the initiative to speak, and kept lying dead...

This moment is very tormented.

In front of the window, Chi Feichi caught a glimpse of Feichi's movements and saw Anshi Tou lying motionless with a feeling of stiffness all over his body. He immediately turned his back to the window and sat on the windowsill. While smoking a cigarette, he silently looked at Anshi on the ground. through.

It's as enjoyable as bullying others by yourself, but watching Feichi bully others.

People's sorrows and joys are really not the same. Some people feel pain and suffering, but he just thinks it's really fun.

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