Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2480 He won't be fooled like this!

One o'clock.

The first three to get drunk got up, went to the bathroom in a daze, and were fooled by Chi Feichi to drink next to the low cabinet.

Soon, two more people got up at night, went to the bathroom and found that someone was drinking in the room, so they consciously joined the drinking party.

Since the previous wine didn't wake up very much, after the five of them drank two or three glasses together, they poured it down again.

Chi Feichi discovered that his body was not only resistant to some toxins, but also resistant to drugs that act on the nerves such as hypnotic gas and sleeping pills. Even his hangover ability seemed to be stronger than before. The four of them lined up sideways and sat by the box to wait.

He suddenly felt that even if he didn't take advantage of the loopholes, he could drink everyone here, as long as he gave his body a little buffer time to break down and metabolize the alcohol, he could drink these rookies over and over again. pour down.

It was one forty in the morning.

The second group of drunken people woke up in a daze, and the four of them went to the bathroom one after another, and were dragged into the wine room one after another.

Like a dead body, Amuro sat up quietly for a while to look at the group of people drinking, and then lay down quietly for a while.

It's two o'clock in the morning.

Four people, including Mori Kogoro, fell to the ground and fell asleep.

Three o'clock in the morning.

In the end, a group of seven people who were drunk woke up in a daze. After going to the bathroom and returning, they joined the drinking party one after another. After drinking a few glasses of beer, they passed out again.

Chi Feichi sat on the ground against the wall, guessing that no one would wake up for the time being, and ignored the group of people who were sleeping on the ground, he poured the remaining wine in the bottle into the cup, drank it up in one gulp, and poured out the bottle. He put the glasses and wine glasses on the ground beside him, and took out the cigarette case from his pocket.

Toru Amuro sat up for the forty-third time tonight, looked at the people lying on the ground, got up and walked to the corner where Chi Feichi was, sat down beside him, and put the two empty wine bottles that got in the way into the cardboard box Li, by the way, looked at the wine left in the box, and sighed softly, "It's amazing, there are only half of the three boxes of beer left..."

Chi Feichi lit a cigarette, reached out and took the ashtray from the cabinet next to it, and put it beside him, "There are more than ten people in total, which is not too much."

"But this is the second round... No, if the dinner time counts as the first round, and the music time counts as the second round, then just now it's the third round." A snoring middle-aged man, "Someone has already passed out three times, right? They haven't completely sobered up before, and if they continue to drink, they will get drunk easily. I heard the movement just now, and I think they fell down after drinking for too long." , I thought they each only drank a glass or two just now."

"Teacher Mao Li just pours it in one glass." Chi Feichi smoked a cigarette and looked at the thin middle-aged man at the door, "However, someone helped them improve their grades. In the round just now, Mr. Harada drank four bottles by himself. .”

"The difference in drinking capacity between people is really unimaginable. Compared with acquired practice, innate physique is the key to determine the difference?" Toru Amuro sighed, and looked at Chi Feichi whose expression didn't change much, feeling more and more in his heart Affirming my point just now, I said thoughtfully, "For example, people who don't easily blush when drinking, usually have enough alcohol deoxygenase in their bodies, which can efficiently decompose and metabolize alcohol out of their bodies. However, such people I also often think that I can drink, and I drink more alcohol than other people unconsciously at dinner parties. Regardless of whether I am drunk or not, the burden of alcohol on the liver still exists. Therefore, if you do not exercise restraint, Such people are more likely to develop liver problems than people who are not good at drinking."

Chi Feichi looked sideways at Toru Amuro.

After all, is it polite for Amuro to look at him with this kind of eyes that see something new?

Amuro said with a smile, "I have never met a consultant who can drink and not blush easily before, and I rarely go to parties, so I have no idea about this kind of person, and I haven't observed it carefully. I didn't expect the gap to be so big. Exaggeration! The consultant drank at least three times as much as any other person tonight, right? As a result, you have not passed out until now. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t believe it.”

He just feels fresh!

"My body's ability to metabolize alcohol is indeed much better than theirs." Chi Feichi looked away, leaned forward and took a bottle of beer from the box, "They chose to drink this kind of beer with low alcohol content, so it is easier to widen the gap. When the alcohol content in their blood rises, more than half of the alcohol in my body will have been metabolized, and I only need to take a break, drink some water, and go to the bathroom when I'm almost drunk, so it's hard to get drunk."

"That is to say..." Toru Amuro twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, "You won't get drunk if you drink any more, right?"

"That's right, unless you change to spirits." Chi Feichi pressed the cigarette into the ashtray, put the bottle of beer he took out beside him, found a clean glass, and turned to look at Toru Amuro's instigation, " Shall the two of us get rid of the remaining half of the box?"

"No!" Toru Amuro refused decisively.

He didn't fall asleep at all just now, he was lying there with his eyes closed, listening to the consultant routine and those people who came back from the night drinking, and after listening for a long time, he found that the consultant should decide the routine according to each person's personality.

Half of them used the aggressive method.

For example, the consultant said that the one who drank two bottles and helped to improve the group results, when the other party came back from the night, the consultant suddenly said, "Senior XX, you are back. I was a little surprised that you were drunk so soon before. I feel that your The amount of alcohol is worse than before', the other party immediately said, 'I don't get drunk so quickly', the consultant also hypocritically said 'it's okay, I can understand', the other party immediately said that he can still drink, and the consultant said, 'Are you really Don't be brave', the result is that the other party drank two bottles...

For the remaining few, the consultant used 'coercion and temptation'.

For example, the consultant didn't say so much to some of the people who seemed to like to join in the fun, but just greeted "Let's have another drink together". When the other party saw that there were still people drinking, they were willing to join in the fun and chat again. Drink for a while; and to their Maori teacher, the consultant said, 'Teacher, you are awake, come to drink, don't you drink? I was still thinking, while Xiaolan can't manage you tonight, let's secretly drink some more', and add a sentence of 'If you have something to do tomorrow, go to bed early, and have a good drink next time', let their Maori teacher immediately Sitting in front of the wine bottle...

After using these two tricks and adding some language processing skills, those people were all fooled by the consultant and drank for a round, and no one could escape.

The consultant knew very well that drinking beer at this pace would make it impossible for him to get drunk, but he still deliberately tricked others into drinking it with him, what a sinister intention!

Since he knew the bad intentions of the consultant, how could he let himself be fooled?

"It doesn't matter if you don't drink." Chi Feichi didn't force Amuro Toru, opened the beer with a bottle opener, took the glass he was drinking just now, and poured a glass of beer into it. You can drink two glasses, if you don't want to drink more, I can drink more."

Amuro took a deep breath.

Hold on, this is how consultants seduce others to drink!

Although they rarely had the opportunity to sit together after they separated at the pet hospital, it was impossible and they had no chance to have a drink or two when they met before, but now everyone else is drunk and quiet, he feels that they The idea of ​​drinking a glass is also good, plus the consultant is willing to bear most of the drink, and he is confident that he will not get drunk, just drink two glasses...

not calm! He had heard too much of this kind of seduction routine just now, so he wouldn't be fooled by it!

Chi Feichi drank half of the beer in the glass, put down the glass, stared down at the wine in the glass, and said to himself, "It's strange, you are always busy with a lot of things, and I also like to keep my hands busy. There are things like this, but the two of us got together before, but we had a lot of time sitting in the office drinking tea, or going to patrol the pet hospital..."

To put it simply, Toru Amuro is a guy who likes to roll himself crazy, and so is he. When the two roll kings got together for the first time, they didn't become "double crazy rolls that roll the sky and the air", but life revealed The leisurely atmosphere, such a strange experience, I am afraid I will never have it again in the future, isn't it worth a drink?

Toru Amuro: "..."

As soon as the consultant mentioned their friendship, he felt...he shouldn't even drink a glass of wine with the consultant, that's really wrong!

Chi Feichi didn't say any more. He drank the remaining half glass of beer and poured wine into the glass again.

Amuro was silent for a while, took the clean cup that Chi Feichi found just now, put it next to Chi Feichi's cup, and said helplessly, "Let me accompany you to have a drink or two, but I won't drink too much!"

Even if he knew that the consultant was tricking him, he couldn't do anything about the consultant.

When he thought that the consultant might drink one cup after another alone, he didn't allow himself to stand on the sidelines. If he didn't drink two cups with the consultant, he would feel guilty and sleepless tomorrow morning.

Although he could persuade the consultant not to drink, there is a high probability that he will not be able to persuade the consultant, so he had to give in.

"Relax, you can drink as much as you want, and we can catch up on the old days."

Chi Feichi poured beer into Amuro Toru's cup, his expression was as calm as ever, and the little devil in his heart finally opened his mouth wide and showed his full fangs.

Of all the people, Amuro was indeed the most troublesome.

It was necessary to drink batch after batch of people to make Amuro curious about his behavior and state of mind tonight, and come here on his own initiative.

Let Amuro see clearly his evil taste of deliberately fooling people into drinking. When a person thinks that he has seen through the other party, he will have confidence in himself. It seems that he is full of defenses, but in fact it may be the easiest moment to be disarmed.

To formulate a routine that suits Amuro, and adjust the way of expression depending on the situation...

He can refer to his ideas of instigating himself to get drunk under the influence of the crime of gluttony, and use them to persuade others after a little modification, such as 'It's okay to indulge once tonight', 'There are so many people drinking together, the chance "Rare" is the idea provided by the sin of gluttony. It is very useful for persuading others, and it also makes it easier for him to fool others, so why not try to achieve the achievement of "Grand Slam of the Whole House"?

He won't force Amuro to drink more, and he doesn't have to make Amuro drink to be happy, it's just that everyone else in this room has suffered a round, and it would be very eye-catching to only have Amuro alone, he wants to see if he can persuade Amuro to drink.

Now the 'Grand Slam' achievement is barely achieved, it really makes people feel happy.

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