Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2481 Conan is so cute

For an hour, Chi Feichi and An Shitou drank the remaining half of the beer while chatting.

After Toru Amuro decided to drink, he didn't hesitate, and directly helped to share half of it.

Chi Feichi was not surprised either.

Few of the people in the organization know how to drink.

Even if people who did not drink before join the organization, they will drink their own code wine or the code wine of a member they care about.

Trying to discover the characteristics of oneself or others from a certain wine is a game that everyone enjoys.

And people who use spirits as their code name, or who are often in contact with members of the spirits code name, are more likely to develop a good capacity for alcohol.

Amuro usually drank a lot of wine openly and secretly, and most of them were spirits. Unless he was born with a constitution that was easy to get drunk, his drinking capacity would not be too bad. As long as he was willing to drink, it was no problem to deal with a few bottles of beer.


In the early morning, Mao Lilan took Conan out for breakfast. When he came back, he found that there was no movement on the first floor. He took Conan to the lounge on the first floor to check, and was stunned at the door by the situation in the house.

Originally, Chi Feichi had asked the bar staff to reserve two large rooms as lounges. One of the rooms was vacated. The dozen or so people who stayed last night stayed in the other room. Because the room was too big, It's not crowded, but the people in the room are sleeping all over the place, making the room look messy.

In fact, the unmarried young people are okay, lying against the wall, and their sleeping positions are fairly well-behaved, but there are too many middle-aged uncles who can’t let themselves go, one here is sleeping with a dumpling, and the other is holding a wine bottle Sleeping so droolingly, the first three or four people curled up like shrimps at the door, and the other two people folded into a 'cross' in the middle of the room, each sleeping in a strange shape.

Coupled with the beer crates scattered on the ground, the two empty wine bottles rolled to the door, and the smell of alcohol in the room, it doesn't look like an environment where people can sleep.

"I said..." Mao Lilan couldn't enter the door at all, stood at the door, looked into the house, and tried to distinguish the creatures and objects lying on the ground, "Did they drink again after returning to the room last night?"

"Yes, it should be."

Conan replied blankly, and quickly found the figures of Chi Feichi, Mori Kogoro, and Amuro Toru all over the house, and he was relieved.

Fortunately, the people they are familiar with sleep more decently. The two young people seem to have not given up on life. Compared with the exaggerated sleeping posture of some people, Uncle Xiaogoro looks much more normal...

"Really..." Mao Lilan didn't know what to complain about first, so she sighed helplessly, looked up and saw that Chi Feichi who was by the window sat up, froze for a moment, and said hello, "Brother Fei, Feichi, good morning! "


Chi Feichi responded calmly, stretched out his hand and opened a gap in the wooden window next to him to let the air in the room, and lay back down again, carefully feeling the difference in his emotions and body from usual.

In his previous life, he experienced a period of drunkenness and dreams.

The more excited you are the night before, the more empty you will be when you wake up the next day, feeling that life is boring, and the surroundings are cold, lonely, and absurd.

The emotional gap like a roller coaster will attract or force people to find a new round of stimulation and spiritual satisfaction.

When he was drinking last night, he was indeed more likely to be hyperactive than before. When he woke up just now, he saw the mess on the floor, and he really felt absurd and boring in his heart.

In fact, it’s not bad. After crossing over, he spent a lot of time in a peaceful state. After waking up today, he was not much different from his usual state. It was easy for him to adapt, but according to the last "crime of laziness experience" It is inferred that the crime of gluttony will continue to use various means to influence him, so that he has or exhibits more characteristics of this original sin.

The sin of gluttony may be more troublesome than the sin of sloth.

First of all, the crime of gluttony is related to "mental addiction".

If he gets into bad habits during the experience period of the crime of gluttony, such as alcoholism or drug abuse, his body will be damaged. After the experience period is over, those injuries may not disappear. If it is more troublesome, those addictive psychology If it doesn't disappear, or if it doesn't disappear completely, it will cause him a lot of trouble.

Therefore, he should pay attention to self-restraint and treat some behaviors that may be addictive with caution.

Secondly, he already has a very dangerous 'crime of gluttony', but it is usually suppressed better. Once the sin in his heart is fully aroused, the consequences will be disastrous.

On the surface, his evil taste is just to tease and scare people, but he knows that he is not teasing someone to attract others' attention, but is eager to see the fearful reaction of others, and can gain from the pain of others. Mental pleasure, which is sadistic in nature.

In fact, everyone has more or less sadistic tendencies, but the inner motives are different, the degree is different, and the actual way of implementation is different.

Some people abuse because they lack confidence in their own strength and often feel frustrated in life, so they want to use ways of hurting others to make themselves take the initiative and try to control others in order to gain a sense of security.

Some people abuse because they have been abused before. After they have a certain power, they change from being abused to abusers, or before they have power, they transfer the abuse to individuals weaker than themselves, that is, Projection and transfer in the psychological defense mechanism, the process of sadism may be accompanied by violent mood swings.

There are also people who abuse to eliminate boredom and crave stimulation. Such people have difficulty accepting the lack of things they want to do and like in their lives, and at the same time lack the ability to empathize with the abused partner.

There are many intrinsic motivations for the emergence of sadism, and a single individual may have multiple intrinsic motivations at the same time, and intrinsic motivations may change over time.

Each kind of internal motivation will develop into different degrees of sadistic behavior, ranging from losing temper with others, teasing opponents or teammates in the game, which can be regarded as a unique and interesting personality of the individual, to the most serious degree, becoming torture and killing Other people's perverted killers.

And his intrinsic motivation falls into the category of 'killing boredom'.

This kind of sadistic tendency is easily confused with cute aggressive psychology, because he may also say-'Conan is so cute, I really want to kill him'.

The difference between the two is that the cute and aggressive psychology generally appears when Conan shows his extremely cute side and makes people feel a strong love emotion. The overall emotion is concentrated on "love", which is positive and positive, while sadism The tendency is to regard "Lovely Conan" as a new or interesting thing, and pay more attention to the spiritual pleasure obtained in the process of "killing".

In his previous life, he could control this sadistic tendency very well, because he has empathy, he doesn't abuse animals, and he doesn't like to hurt innocent people. Involvement, emotional involvement, he doesn't bother to attack creatures weaker than himself, he is only interested in challenging the strong.

In this life, he still prefers to challenge the strong, and he doesn't want to attack the weak. The reason why he thinks people like Conan and Ai are more interesting to bully is because these two people are not weak in nature. If Ayumi and Mitsuhiko For such a child, even if he is bullied and crying, it is difficult to provide him with the slightest pleasure.

It's just that he doesn't have the empathy ability of his previous life now, and he doesn't have much psychological burden to hurt the innocent, and once the "gluttony" expands and overwhelms the "arrogance" during this period of time, at the same time, the influence of the crime of gluttony makes him attack the weak He will also get pleasure on the way, and he is not sure that he will not attack the innocent and weak.

His sadistic tendency is the weak point most likely to be exploited by the crime of gluttony, and he also needs to be careful and guard against it and strengthen self-control.

"Brother Chi?"

Just when Chi Feichi looked inside his heart and tried to plan his life during the sin of gluttony experience period, Conan's face replaced the ceiling in front of Chi Feichi's eyes.

Chi Feichi closed his eyes silently, covering up the malice or even murderous intent that might appear in his eyes.

Conan is so cute, I really want to kill him...

The sin of gluttony is trouble...

In comparison, the sin of laziness of being able to lie down and pass the experience period is really too gentle.

Conan saw Chi Feichi open the window before lying down, worried that Chi Feichi was unwell, immediately took off his slippers at the door, climbed over the legs of the four middle-aged men lying across the door, and walked around the beer box in the house With the uncle who grinds his teeth crazily during sleep, avoiding the beer bottles that may roll under his feet, he worked hard to get to Chi Feichi's side, and just said a word, and saw that Chi Feichi closed his eyes silently as if he didn't want to talk to him. Looking at the eyes that were originally open, I felt a little depressed.

But soon, Conan found two reasons for Chi Feichi: 'this guy is rarely enthusiastic' and 'maybe he drank too much last night and he was really uncomfortable', and he was relieved first. Sitting down beside Chi Feichi, he asked aloud, "Did you go back to your room and drink late last night?"

Not far away, Toru Amuro, who was lying on the ground, opened his eyes and didn't get up in a hurry, "It's the consultant who drank late, Mr. Mori seems to have fallen asleep at around two o'clock in the morning, and the consultant called me to take the remaining half box The beer was finished, and it was almost four o'clock in the morning."

"Did you only sleep for four hours..." Conan turned his head and looked over, and found that Toru Amuro was also lying flat and couldn't get up, so he asked quickly, "Are you all alright?"

Toru Amuro sat up, looked at the messy room, and felt that the scene was full of depravity, "I didn't drink much, I went back to the room early last night to rest and slept for a while, so I didn't feel sick. uncomfortable……"

After Chi Feichi dispelled the expectation of 'killing Conan' in his heart, he also opened his eyes.

Amuro is lying.

Amuro did arrive in this room after nine o'clock last night, but then there was a band playing outside and a group of drunks laughing and shouting, it was impossible for Anshi to sleep, and after that, he flickered around in the room one after another When people were drinking, Amuro didn't fall asleep. When other people were not paying attention, he would sit up and look around and then lie down every few minutes. The real time to fall asleep, like him, should be around four o'clock in the morning.

However, he believed that Amuro would be fine.

In addition to being able to drink, being able to boil is also a life skill that most members of the organization possess.

As Toru Amuro said, he turned his head to look at Chi Feichi, "But I don't know the consultant..."

"I'm fine. I wanted the teacher to sleep for two more minutes." Chi Feichi sat up, took out his phone, looked down at the time, and unlocked the phone again. "But it's almost time..."

Conan: "?"

He didn't understand, if Chi Feichi couldn't get up or lie down, did it have anything to do with Uncle Xiaowulang and the others sleeping?

Chi Feichi operated the phone with one hand to open the music software, put it in his pocket with the other hand, took out a loudspeaker slightly larger than a button, turned up the volume of the loudspeaker to the maximum, turned on Bluetooth and connected it with the phone.

Looking at Conan's confused face, he knew that the detective probably hadn't heard of it. In the past, Kogoro Mori and his group drank too much. When he was in a good mood, he would provide artificial wake-up service...

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