Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2482 What were you talking about just now?

"It's almost time?" Toru Amuro looked at the button amplifier in Chi Feichi's hand in doubt, "Consultant, what are you..."

Conan approached curiously, and saw Chi Feichi's finger on the top of a familiar song title at a glance, his eyelids twitched, and he turned to look at the pile of people sleeping on the floor in the room, "Hey, aren't you think……"

"For the artificial wake-up service provided by the teachers, "Give Your Heart," Chi Feichi calmly clicked on the music player, "Dagu suona version."

In the next second, a fast-paced piano sound came out from the button amplifier.


As soon as Conan opened his mouth, a deafening drum sound came from the loudspeaker.


Mao Lilan, who was standing at the door, was so frightened that her feet softened, and she quickly reached out to hold the door to stabilize herself.

The hearts of Conan and Toru Amuro also twitched, and even Feichi tightened his body under Chi Feichi's clothes.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The deafening drumbeat echoed in the room, and the hearts of Conan and Toru Amuro beat faster to the rhythm.

The people who collapsed in the room sat up one after another, some with confused and panicked faces.

Soon, the penetrating sound of the suona joined in, and the timbre was not covered by the violent drum beats at all. It really made the lingering sound lingering, and it also made a group of people in the room feel their faces waved by the sound waves.

Tuanzi who was sitting on the ground came back to his senses and slapped the floor, but the movement was covered by the music, only the detective next to Tuanzi saw Tuanzi's irritable behavior and hurriedly backed away from Tuanzi.

Tuanzi ignored the others, got up and ran to Chi Feichi.

Such a domineering musical instrument is rare, coupled with drums, it really makes Xiong's blood boil!

After being influenced by the music for nearly half a minute, the group of people sitting on the ground regained their brains. Under the leadership of Kogoro Mouri, they looked at Chi Feichi one by one, and stood up with fierce eyes.

"Feichi...what the hell..."

"Maori's... Damn..."

"...Wait...I won't let you go..."

A group of elders rushed to the window with red eyes, roaring one after another, but it was hard to overwhelm the deafening drums and the suona that hit the soul.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Conan saw Toru Amuro climbed up and retreated to the wall, and quickly hugged Toru Amuro's arm with his hands and feet.

take him one!

Toru Amuro took advantage of the opportunity to grab Conan, and led Conan back to the corner.

Teacher Maori's hideous and distorted face is really scary!

At the door, Mao Lilan watched a group of people running towards the window like hungry ghosts, and stayed where she was.

After Chi Feichi stood up, he opened the window and sat on the windowsill facing a group of people. While turning off the music, he patted the back of the head next to Tuanzi.

The sound of drums and suona stopped abruptly, and the noisy voices of Mori Kogoro and others were finally not covered.

"Don't try to run..."



Tuanzi stood next to Chi Feichi and performed the 'Grassy Bear Roar', and his voice overwhelmed the shouts of a group of people.

In the front row of the crowd, Mao Li Kogoro and two middle-aged men rushed to the front and stopped quickly, stopping three steps away from Chi Feichi.

The people behind also quickly stopped all movements, and all kept running forward and froze on the spot, holding them up high like a deadly ghost without hands.

The room became silent in an instant, and the rustling of leaves blown by the wind outside the window became clearly audible.

Chi Feichi sat on the window sill, watched a group of people calmly, and asked aloud, "What were you talking about just now?"

Maori Kogoro:"……"

His apprentice asked the question knowingly.

Even if you didn't hear what they were shouting, you can guess that it's not a good thing, right?

other people:"……"

Look at the calm look of this kid, this is definitely not a question, but an intimidation, an extremely bad threat!

It's like saying—try saying what you just said again?

This apprentice Maori is too hateful!

If there is only this kid alone, they can still try to attack together. After all, everyone will not be heavy handed. There are many of them, so it is easy to control people, but if you add another attack, it may not be light or heavy. giant panda...

They don't want to fight with the giant panda, so it's best not to act rashly now to avoid angering Tuanzi.

Chi Feichi looked at a certain detective who was following behind his teacher, and called his name directly, "Mr. Long?"

Don't think he didn't see it, most of the other people rushed over just now with annoyed expressions, but when Long rushed over, he looked excited, as if he was looking forward to beating him up...

"Cough...that..." Detective Long, who was called out, panicked, trying to maintain his composure on his face, and tried to shrink his hands and feet, but found that Chi Feichi and Tuanzi didn't respond, so he retracted his hands and feet, and replied sincerely. Said, "I just said that the song you played is really exciting, powerful and inspiring. It seems to be full of infinite power. I like it very much. I want to ask you. I don't know what the song is and where I found it. ..."

"Me too!" Mori Kogoro quickly echoed.

Others also nodded repeatedly, and some kicked and twisted their waists on the spot.

"Yeah, this song makes my blood boil, I wish I could go out and do a couple of laps right away!"

"Haha, me too!"

"This time the song seems to be more powerful than last time!"

"Last time?"

"By the way, you went back early last time..."

"It was the time when we called Mao Li and his apprentice to karaoke before. We were going to have a big drink, but we were worried that we would fall asleep when we were drunk, so please remember to call us when we are drinking..."

"It turned out that at two o'clock in the morning as agreed, he woke us up all at once. It's not too late!"

"One, all of a sudden? I understand..."

Toru Amuro stood by the wall with Conan in his arms, looked at the group of people who were smiling and pretending, and said with emotion, "Everyone is very humorous."

Conan: "..."

He suspected that Mr. Amuro was mocking these detectives for turning their faces like turning the pages of books and not blushing when they lied, but there was no evidence.

"Has the consultant always been like this?" Toru Amuro asked curiously in a low voice, "I thought he would be too lazy to talk to everyone, and would just throw a cold eye in this situation..."

Conan thought it was Toru Amuro's interest in him, and replied truthfully, "This time, he is probably in a good mood. Since last night, he seems to be in a good mood."

Toru Amuro thought about it for a while, and nodded in approval.

That's right, the consultant seems to be in a good mood since last night, feeling a little more energetic than usual...

In front of the window, Chi Feichi also followed the words of the group of people and said, "Sorry, this is a song that has not been officially released, so I can't pass it on to everyone."

The others responded immediately.

"So this is ah……"

"Then pretend we didn't ask."

"Yeah, yeah, it's okay!"

"We are too rude to ask such a presumptuous question..."

"Let me just say, how can this kind of music be heard casually..."

"I am also very happy to make everyone so energetic," Chi Feichi said happily, but his face was always indifferent, but his eyes seemed serious and focused, "After all, everyone drank so much last night. I'm also worried that everyone will feel tired when they wake up in the morning..."

After being reminded by Chi Feichi, a group of people bewilderedly found that they were tired and their mouths were dry. Looking at the pale faces and messy hair of the other people around them, the feeling of hangover seemed to suddenly come out, and they were refreshed. Half of it was taken away at once.

When Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Huihara Ai arrived outside the bar, they happened to catch up with a group of people who were going out to go home. Seeing more than a dozen people walking out like ghosts with pale faces and weak footsteps, the two girls were frightened. After a jump, he breathed a sigh of relief when he found that Chi Feichi, Conan, Mao Lilan, and Toru Amuro had normal expressions on their faces.

Fortunately, since some people are fine, it is not a collective poisoning incident.

After watching the others float out of the gate, Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at Kogoro Mori with a sleepy face, and asked curiously, "Mr. Mori, did you drink late last night before going to rest?"

"It's not very late, it's just after midnight, and I didn't drink a lot, I just passed out two or three times." Mao Li Kogoro said with blank eyes, looked at the street, and sighed faintly, "Let's go early Go back, I just want to lie back on the bed comfortably as soon as possible..."

"But Sonoko asked me to go shopping with Nanatsuki-san today, and said that there is something very important to tell us." Mao Lilan and Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at each other, then looked at Mouri Kogoro and said, "I told you about something very important last night. Have I told you? We will gather at Kubado Station at 9:30 in the morning, then take the train to Akihabara, and we won’t come back for lunch.”

"Ah? You're not coming back for lunch?" Mori Kogoro was a little surprised, trying to recall whether Mao Lilan said this last night, but he couldn't remember, so he simply gave up the memory, "The Conan kid... "

"I, Brother Chi, and Haibara have made an appointment with everyone. Today we are going to camp at the newly developed campsite in Kobe," Conan began to worry about whether Kogoro Mori would be stupid, and reminded, "I was with you two days ago. Sister Lan said about this, yesterday, Sister Xiaolan helped me pack the ointment to prevent mosquito bites, and asked me to send it to the doctor's house in advance, don't you remember, uncle?"

Mori Kogoro thought about it in silence for a while, then became angry from embarrassment, "Does this need to be said? Of course I remember, I was just worried that you forgot, so I asked on purpose!"

Conan: "..."


Chi Feichi saw the car coming from the street corner, "The car I arranged is coming, everyone get on the car, I will send Yueshui and Xiaolan to Cupo Station first, then send the dumplings back to the zoo, and then transfer to Mihua Town, Take the teacher back to the Mori Detective Agency...Amuro, where are you going?"

"I'm going to Mori Detective Agency too..." Toru Amuro deliberately paused before laughing, "The Poirot Café downstairs."

"Mr. Amuro, are you going to work in Poirot today?" Mao Lilan asked in surprise.

Chi Feichi was not surprised at all.

A certain black skin can not only be boiled, but also curled very well.

"Although it's a bit late now, Poirot has a lot more guests recently. The boss asked me to help out if I have time in the past two days, so I'm going to have a look," Amuro explained with a smile, and then turned to Mouri Kogoro Said, "I can send some sandwiches upstairs at noon, so that the teacher's lunch can also be taken care of..."

Mori Kogoro's eyes lit up, he nodded repeatedly to express his approval of this arrangement, and his mouth was still polite, "Oh, that's really troublesome for you two!"

"No trouble," Toru Amuro responded with a smile, "It's all what I should do."

Chi Feichi was too lazy to be polite to Maori Kogoro, and waited for the car to stop on the side of the road, then stepped forward to negotiate with the driver.

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