Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2483 Qinglu Village on Qinglu Mountain

After the friendly interaction, the group of people felt relieved. Looking at the road scene that they usually think is ordinary, they also find it very pleasing to the eye.

Chi Feichi sent the driver to leave, and drove off Koshimizu Nanatsuki, Mori Ran, Danzi, Mouri Kogoro and Amuro Toru by himself, and then drove Haibara Ai and Conan to meet Dr. Ali.

The campsite chosen by Dr. Ari this time was built in the mountains around Kobe City.

The vehicle can drive along the path all the way to the outside of the campsite, and there is a parking lot next to it. The transportation is convenient, and it is more worry-free and labor-saving to carry camping supplies.

Although the campsite is set up on the side of the road, there are not many traces of artificial development on the site, and some tall trees that have already grown up are still preserved. Even the management office, convenience store, and camping supplies rental shop set up on the roadside are not All are wooden buildings.

Moreover, the campsite covers a large area, with a wide view, and you can see the surrounding hills covered by green forests.

This kind of campsite with natural atmosphere and beautiful views of nature is very popular.

The campsite has only been open for less than a week, and many people have already heard the news. The open site is not crowded, whether it is a child who likes to be lively, or a person who wants a clean vacation, you can enjoy this campsite Find your place on the ground.

After Hui Yuanai got off the car, he stood in front of the fence on the edge of the parking lot, looked at the campsite, confirmed that the scene on the ground was consistent with the brochure, and that there was no exaggeration, and praised Dr. A Li, "Dr. The vision of the campsite is much stronger than before..."

Dr. Ali stood beside him, smiling smugly.

"It's definitely a super-level performance. There is a high probability that it will be difficult to have such a peak moment in the future," Hui Yuanai commented in a cold voice, turning to the other children, "So, everyone should cherish this camping."

Dr. Ali: "..."

Is Xiao Ai praising him or hurting him?


The three children, Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko agreed heartlessly, but they didn't pay attention to what Haibara Ai said. They just craned their necks to look at the campsite and the surrounding scenery, discussing excitedly.

"It's really great here!"

"The surrounding scenery is beautiful."

"Look! Someone is setting up a tent right next to the big tree over there. Let's also set up a tent under the tree later. Choose a tall and beautiful tree!"

Conan looked around, feeling that the scenery in this area is really beautiful. He was a little surprised when he saw a shrine on a mountain not far away, "Is there a shrine here?"

Chi Feichi followed Conan's line of sight, and saw the torii on the top of the mountain at a glance.

"That's the habitat of the gods who guard this area!"

A middle-aged man spoke out and walked forward, with a warm smile on his face. His generous body and thick black eyebrows seemed honest and reliable. Seeing a group of people looking at him, he raised his finger and pointed at the blue overalls on his coat. "I am a staff member of the Qinglu Camping Management Office. I am responsible for helping guests solve problems in the parking lot area. I usually stay there with my colleagues..."

With that said, the man turned around and pointed to the wooden house at the exit of the parking lot, and continued with a smile, "Today's guests are not too many. Just now we saw you two adults with five children, so we wanted to come over to introduce you to everyone. Let’s take a look at the situation around here. There is an undeveloped forest here. Although it is unlikely that there will be beasts and poisonous snakes, there have been children who got lost in the forest before, so if someone brings a lot of children to camp here, we will remind them. Now, when you go from the campsite to the woods to play, don't go too far, kids, when you go to the woods to play, you will come back when you see the red barbed wire in the forest, don't jump over it casually!"

The three real children of the Detective Boys looked at each other and nodded obediently.

"Yes, we know!"

Don't worry about what happens in the future, whether there will be special circumstances, just agree first.

Hui Yuanai was a little concerned about safety issues, and asked aloud, "Have many children been lost before? This campsite has only been open for less than a week, right?"

"I'm not talking about the guests who came to the campground, but the children in our village!" The middle-aged man pointed to the mountains below the shrine and said with a smile, "Look, isn't there a village over there? That village is called Qinglu Village. The people who work in this campground are basically from that village, and I am the same. Since I can remember, there are children in the village who are guided by the gods every year to go to the woods at night... "

Genta, Mitsuhiko, and Ayumi shuddered, and quickly moved to the side of Chi Feichi and Dr. Ali, not forgetting to pull Haibara Ai and Conan together, and hugged tightly.

"That, that..." Mitsuhiko looked around in fear, "Do children go to the woods in the middle of the night every year?"

The middle-aged man leaned over to look at the group of children, and deliberately threatened, "Yes, and it is exactly the same as now, it is a summer night, and when the children walk into the forest, they are also in groups..."

Genta, Mitsuhiko, Ayumi: "!"

The surrounding scenery with beautiful mountains and clear waters seems to have become terrifying.

Conan looked at the middle-aged man's understatement when he talked about children getting lost, and wondered if the staff made it up to scare the children, and tentatively said, "But, I haven't heard the news about children often disappearing in this area. ..."

"That's because those of us who grew up in the village are very good at searching for children who are guided by the gods," the middle-aged man said to Conan with a smile, "I went to the forest three times with my friends at night when I was young, and every time They were all found, and after growing up, I helped the villagers find the children who went to the forest at night every year, and they were very accurate every time!"

Conan: "..."

I ran into the woods three times at night and was found all three times. Is this really lost?

Moreover, so many children would run into the woods, but nothing major happened, which can at least show that this area is still very safe, and there should be no ferocious beasts.

The middle-aged man straightened up. Seeing that Chi Feichi kept turning his head to look at the village area, he felt that Chi Feichi should not be in charge. He looked at Dr. A Li and said seriously, "So, if the child is lost, please go to the management as soon as possible. The hut at the office told us that there are huts at the management office in the four directions of the campsite and in the parking lot. There are people on duty inside. We know this area and can help us search for it. There are no wild animals nearby, but the child got lost in the woods Too long, it's still dangerous!"

Dr. A Li nodded quickly, "Thank you for reminding me, I see!"

"It would be great if there are no children lost, but I am worried that they will not be able to resist the guidance of the gods," the middle-aged man laughed again, looking at the five little ones with different expressions, "If you meet Guided by the gods, if you accidentally walked into the woods, don't panic, try to stay where you are after waking up, and we will pick you up soon!"

The three real children were terribly frightened by the middle-aged man before, so they responded obediently, "Yes!"

The middle-aged man gave another whistle to the five children and helped move the camping supplies to the campsite.

When the three real children arrived at the campsite, they immediately put the scary story behind them and ran around happily. They found a tall tree with lush branches and insisted on pitching a tent under the tree.

Conan recalled the weather forecast and looked at the sky. After confirming that there would be no thunder or rain in the past two days, he went with the three children.

The middle-aged man stopped helping to set up the tent, and after putting down his things, he greeted Dr. Ali with a smile, "Then I'll go back to work. If you guys stay here for two more days, you can go to the village tomorrow to have a look. There are specialty restaurants and hot spring houses operated by our village. It only takes more than ten minutes to drive to the entrance of the village. Of course, if you want to go to the shrine, you can also visit it, but there are more stone steps there. It will be a little harder to go up."

Chi Feichi looked at the shrine half hidden among the trees on the top of the mountain, "Is that shrine called Qinglu Shrine?"

The middle-aged man froze for a moment, then turned to look at the shrine, "Yes, yes, have you been there?"

Yuan Tai ran over from the other side of the big tree, and said proudly, "You know it if you haven't been there!"

"Yes," Guangyan said with a smile, "because the campsite is called Qinglu Campground, and the village over there is called Qinglu Village, so..."

"The shrine is likely to be called Qinglu Shrine," Ayumi said with a smile, "This way it will be very unified!"

"Hahaha... so that's how it is," the middle-aged man laughed heartily, "Actually, even that mountain is also called Qinglu Mountain!"

Three children: "!"


It doesn't have to be unified in this way...

Dr. Ali also stayed where he was.

Mountains, shrines, campgrounds, and villages all use the same name. Isn’t it a bit lazy to name people here?

"Hahaha..." The middle-aged man still smiled happily, waved his hands and turned to leave, "I'll go first, you are so smart and lively, the gods enshrined in the shrine today will definitely give you instructions, you can look forward to it in advance!"

Ayumi's face changed slightly, she turned her head to look at the woods outside the venue, and whispered, "I always feel that kind of instruction is scary."

Yuan Tai Banyue stared at the back of the man leaving, "It's true that this uncle is very enthusiastic, but he is also talking about it."

Conan didn't say a word, looking at the man's back, frowning and thinking.

At first, he thought that this person was deliberately scaring the children so that they would not dare to run into the woods, but the other party brought it up again and again, with a serious look, and it didn't seem like he was just scaring children.

In addition, this person suddenly smiled so happily, as if he had encountered something interesting and worth looking forward to...

There must be something secret about this place!

Thinking about it, Conan couldn't help looking at Chi Feichi.

Did brother Chi find the problem?

Chi Feichi had no intention of discussing with the others at all. He squatted in front of the luggage bag, found out all the tools needed to set up the tent, and greeted, "The doctor and I set up the tent, and Xiao Ai took the others to set up the tent." Find all the ingredients and see if they need to be processed again."

Conan: "..."

His little friend doesn't seem to care about the 'secret' here at all... No, no, just now Chi Feichi suddenly asked 'Is the shrine called Qinglu Shrine', he always felt that it should not be that simple...

Damn, he always feels that he has a little vague idea, but he can't catch it!

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