Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2487 This is a big problem

Even if you say that, I still have a hard time imagining what it would be like for Brother Feichi to date people." Suzuki Sonoko tried to make up his mind, but found that his imagination was limited. Thinking that Yueshui Nanatsuki had a ready-made answer here, he said in a wicked way Want to be ashamed of Koshimizu Nanatsuki, pull Koshimizu Nanatsuki to inquire, Miss Nanatsuki, tell me secretly, did you kiss?

Merlin blushed.

Yuanzi asked this question too much.

oh! Shiliang Zhenchun's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help booing, this question is really straightforward!

Yueshui Nanatsuki was not as shy as the three of them imagined, and was taken aback for a moment, recalling the interaction between himself and Chi Feichi, and answered frankly, "No.

Seeing that Koshimizu Nanatsuki was not in a high mood, the three girls lost the mood to tease her.

Mao Lilan was worried that what Suzuki Sonoko said would make Koshimizu Nanatsuki feel uneasy, so she quickly comforted, "Sister Nanatsuki, it's only been two weeks since you dated, so it's normal that you haven't kissed or anything!"

Suzuki Sonoko also nodded quickly, Xiaolan was right, I just wanted to take the opportunity to tease you by asking that kind of question! Nothing without kissing!

Well, I'm not depressed about that kind of thing either, Koshimizu Nanatsuki laughed, don't make fun of me, let's have dinner.

Mao Lilan saw that Koshimizu Nanatsuki did not have any worried or sad emotions on her face, so she nodded and took the tableware. The curry rice in this restaurant looks delicious.

The ramen looks great too, Sera Masumi also turned his attention back to the food in an instant, looking forward to laughing, I can't wait to try it!

It was rare for Suzuki Sonoko to quietly lower his head and take a bite of his meal, instead of joining in the fun, after chewing and swallowing the meal, he raised his head and looked at Nanatsuki Koshimizu with complicated eyes.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki raised her eyes to meet Suzuki Sonoko's gaze, and asked inexplicably, Sonoko, what are you doing?

Alas Suzuki Sonoko sighed, seeing Mao Lilan and Sera Masumi following him, put down the spoon in his hand temporarily, his face looked serious and a little sad, Miss Nanatsuki, I originally wanted to talk to you in private Let’s talk about it, but after thinking about it, Xiaolan and Shiliang are also very good people. If they encounter problems, they will definitely help you, and one more person is also more strength, so they can participate

Mao Lilan: "

Sonoko is so serious, but what she said is a bit unclear.

Shiliang Zhenchun: "

Did Sonoko have a misunderstanding?

ah? Yueshui Nanatsuki was also confused, and asked uncertainly, you said, do you want to talk to me in private?

Suzuki Sonoko exhaled to calm himself down, do you know why I didn't suspect that you were Brother Feichi's girlfriend before?

Koshimizu Nanatsuki is a little confused about what happened to Suzuki Sonoko, what you said is that I have no intimate behavior with him

Yes, Suzuki Sonoko frowned and said, I have never seen you have any intimate behavior. Two people are dating, not to mention kissing, there should be holding hands, hugging, and eye contact, but not only me, Xiaolan has never seen it before You guys have to act intimately, otherwise she wouldn't have found out that you are dating today!

Mao Lilan froze for a moment, then thought about it, and said, I really didn't see it before

Seeing Sonoko Suzuki's earnest analysis, Sera Masumi put forward different views with great interest, but it's also possible that they are embarrassed, isn't it? You didn't see it, and it doesn't mean they didn't have intimate behaviors in private, right?

Let's not talk about this for a while, Suzuki Sonoko asked with an expression on your face that you are too careless, thinking about what the two of them call each other, isn't it a big problem?

Mao Lilan and Shiliang Zhenchun were taken aback.

Yuanzi really discovered the key point this time.

Brother Feichi called Miss Nanatsuki "Yueshui", and sister Nanatsuki was still calling Brother Feichi "Mr. Chi", Suzuki Sonoko sighed and looked at Nanatsuki Yueshui with a sad face.

What kind of couple? Don't say I can't guess your relationship, anyone else wouldn't be able to guess it!

Koshimizu Nanatsuki really doesn't understand why Suzuki Sonoko's mood fluctuates so much, hug, sorry?

Suzuki Sonoko was stunned for a moment, seeing Koshimizu Nanatsuki's innocent expression, she couldn't help slowing down her tone, Miss Nanatsuki, I don't want to question your relationship and relationship, and I don't want to make you unhappy, I just think you two There is a little problem in personal communication, and we must find a way to solve it!

Mao Lilan understood what Suzuki Sonoko was worried about, and nodded to Koshimi Nanatsuki with a firm face, yes, Miss Nanatsuki, if two people are together but not close, then there must be something wrong. We must find out the problem and solve it, so as to deepen the relationship between the two people. If we leave it alone, it may become a big problem!

Yes, Miss Nanatsuki, you are already dating, why didn't you call each other by name? Shiliang Zhenchun asked suspiciously, Xiaolan, Yuanzi and him are all calling each other's names, Xiaolan, Yuanzi and you are the same, why do you two call each other's surname instead? Even I, who has never been in a relationship, feel that this should not be the case. Didn't both of you mention the change of address?

Yueshui Nanatsuki saw that the three girls seemed to be serious about helping him, and he also answered seriously. In fact, I told him before the official relationship that he seemed a little distant from me. He explained to me that it was Because he is used to calling me that, and he didn’t alienate me. Maybe it’s because my surname and first name are relatively rare, and I won’t bump into people if I call them by surname or first name. Later we got together, although I feel that we can call each other more intimately. A little bit, but thinking that this is his habit, he feels that it is better to let nature take its course

If Brother Feichi said so, it should be because he is used to it. Mao Lilan expressed his trust in Chi Feichi, and smiled at Yueshui Nanatsuki, because sometimes Brother Feichi is too lazy to lie, if he thinks that you It is absolutely impossible for him to explain to you the alienated relationship.

I also think that Mr. Chi is not perfunctory to me, but really not used to it, Koshimizu Nanatsuki nodded with a smile, and then looked at Shiliang Zhenchun, "Just like you always call Shiliang by surname, that doesn't mean you are not good friends ah.

Suzuki Sonoko looked at Shiliang Zhenchun, nodded in agreement, and it was hard to explain the reason even though we were more accustomed to being called Shiliang's surname.

Mr. Chi will talk to me patiently, answer my questions earnestly, and comfort me when I am in a bad mood. We also have the key to each other's residence, so it should be considered very close, right? Koshimizu Nanatsuki frowned slightly as he thought about it. As for the issue of intimacy, we usually rarely have intimacy, except for holding hands on the day of formal dating, and hugging when we were on a rafting boat that day, and there was no such thing after that. Interacted, and during the subsequent communication, he only touched my hair once, and I also cared about it, but I quickly figured it out. He usually has little physical contact with other people. When Mr. Maori was drunk, he He can help, otherwise he usually keeps a social distance from Mr. Mori, and everyone else, only the children are better, so I think he just doesn't like physical contact with people.

Brother Feichi really doesn't like physical contact with people, Mao Lilan nodded in agreement, when Hattori didn't know him well before, he wanted to hug him on the shoulder, but he avoided it like a reflex. In addition, his contact with children is indeed There are more, but I heard from Conan that when I went to take a bath with my father, Brother Feichi never rubbed each other's backs with them. Compared with other people, he is really close to Miss Nanatsuki.

Then don't worry, Shiliang Zhenchun laughed, listening to what Miss Nanatsuki said, the two of them have no problems in other aspects, but there is little physical contact and lack of intimate interaction, which is caused by Mr. Chi's personality and habits

Then we need to find a way to strengthen the interaction, right? Suzuki Sonoko interrupted, the relationship can't always be tepid. Mao Lilan and Sera Masumi stopped, looked at each other seriously and nodded, then turned to look at Nanatsuki Koshimizu.

Nanatsuki-san, this really needs to be resolved!


Ah, if you are not used to it, then you must find a way to get used to it!

Sonoko Suzuki joined the suggestion group.

I think Brother Feichi just doesn’t understand that lovers need intimate interaction, so it’s better to let him watch more romantic movies. I watched two movies recently, they are really exciting

This is Suzuki Sonoko who recently watched two touching love movies and tried to pull people into the water.

Brother Feichi probably wouldn't like that kind of movie. It would be too difficult to force him to watch it. I think Miss Nanatsuki can take the initiative to contact him, such as giving him a hug at the right time. Don't be too aggressive at first. After a while, when he gets used to holding hands, then

This is Mao Lilan who thinks seriously and advocates gentle actions.

Xiaolan, isn't your approach too slow? You can tell him not to dodge, and then have frequent physical contact with him. He may feel uncomfortable at first, but if you reduce the frequency of contact later, he might feel nothing.

This is Sera Masumi who suggested using exposure therapy to solve the problem as soon as possible.

Yue Shui Nanatsuki was eating and listening to the discussion of the three girls with great interest.

When Shiliang said "I like Mr. Chi", he might not be joking, but just like a child, he simply has a feeling of love and closeness to a beautiful existence.

Xiaolan and Kudo Shinichi haven't made any progress yet, and Sonoko will be nervous and at a loss when Kyogoku is mentioned. Everyone was in the same place, which gave her a sudden psychological comfort. As for those suggestions, she felt that she needed to consider the feasibility first.

Jingle Bell!

Hearing the ringing of the mobile phone, Koshimizu Nanatsuki stopped eating, took out the mobile phone and glanced at it, immediately put down the spoon, got up and said, I'm going to answer the phone.

The other three stopped discussing, and saw Koshimizu Nanatsuki walking quickly to a clean corner, looked at each other, and listened with their ears turned sideways. It's because we're just about to eat. You've eaten it. How are you doing? night?"

Suzuki Sonoko raised his eyes and looked at Koshimizu Nanatsuki's face with a gentle smile on his side, and said in a low voice, make a bet, it must be Brother Feichi's call.

Mao Lilan laughed, looked at Nanatsuki Koshimizu who was on the phone, and lowered her voice, if I knew it earlier, we wouldn't have to worry.

Yes, Suzuki Sonoko suddenly became depressed, much better than me, I haven't seen Ah Zhen for a long time, and he is still busy with the competition recently, so he doesn't have much contact with me

Mao Lilan:

Saying that, she would also feel prickly.

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