Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2488 Of course it's for eating

Kobe, Aoi Heron Campground.

After lunch, Chi Feichi was sitting in the tent, talking on the phone with Nanatsuki Koshimizu.

At night, there seem to be many fireflies in this area. If you want to see them, I will make a video call to you at that time. The specific time is up to you

After I go home at 7 o'clock tonight, I have time, so I will contact you when the time comes, how about it? No problem, I'll send you a message when the time comes, then we'll talk about it in the evening, you go to lunch as soon as possible. Yes, you have to have fun too

On the other end of the phone, Koshimizu Nanatsuki's voice was gentle and gentle.

Chi Feichi felt relieved and peaceful when he heard it. After hanging up the phone, he took out a book from the luggage bag next to him, and opened the old book after the Umbrella icon flashed in his left eye.

Among the materials that Fang Zhou helped him find before, some of them were faulty and incomplete.

Most of the content comes from some physical books that have been issued for a long time, have a small number of issues, and have ceased to be published. If you want to see the full content, you need to find those physical books that are already difficult to find.

There are some books that can’t help him too much, so don’t look for them any more, but this one is quite special. Although the content is composed of folk stories, the author is a famous Western theology researcher in the last century. Comparing the data, the stories selected into the book are likely to be well-documented stories that few people know about, and some of the concepts and viewpoints are relatively new. He specially asked Koizumi Hongzi to use metaphysical methods to help lock them The location of the book was purchased from an American collector, and it was sent to Japan two days ago.

When he came to camp today, he had time to read this book, so he asked the person who prepared the car to pick it up and put it in his luggage.

This book is not too thick, and it doesn't take much time for him to read it roughly, and he can also enter the content into the Ark database by the way.

At 1:30 in the afternoon, Conan walked into the tent and found Chi Feichi sitting in the corner reading a book. He looked curiously at the old book in Chi Feichi's hand, and couldn't help but walked forward, looking at the pages of the book. on the English.

After these people died, they turned into devils and fell into the dark underground kingdom. The residents they encountered behaved wildly, and the demon god who ruled here controlled the people with blood mist.

Is it a storybook?

Conan looked back and saw that Chi Feichi was still concentrating on reading, he couldn't laugh or cry, but he didn't bother Chi Feichi, went to the side luggage bag to get the net for catching insects, and walked out of the tent quickly.

After two o'clock in the afternoon, Hui Yuanai slipped out of the insect catching team ahead of time and returned to the tent. Seeing Chi Feichi staring at the pages of the book, he hesitated for a moment, but walked over.

Edogawa told them that Brother Feichi was reading a storybook with very old pages, and he was very absorbed in reading it, so Edogawa did not bother Brother Feichi, nor did he ask Brother Feichi to catch insects. it's true

It's not that Chi Feichi didn't notice someone entering the tent, so he paid attention to it distractedly, and continued to read the text on the page. By God's will, I am eternal

Hui Yuanai looked at the words on the page and was speechless.

What kind of weird story did Brother Feichi read? How come there are such strange words?

But everyone can choose what they like, reading storybooks is not a bad thing, seeing Brother Feichi reading so intently, she is too embarrassed to disturb Brother Feichi.

Brother Chi! We're back!

The three real kids ran into the tent screaming heartlessly. Chi Feichi also took advantage of the situation and closed the book, turning his head to look over. The three children excitedly shared with Chi Feichi.

We caught a big unicorn earlier!

But it was a bit unspirited, we found a safe place to release it

There is actually a stream in the woods, the stream is very clear, and there are many beautiful pebbles by the water, we brought two back

When Dr. A Li and Conan came back, they smiled and put away the nets for catching insects, and watched a group of children show Chi Feichi pebbles.

After sharing the pebbles, Mitsuhiko excitedly added,

Brother Chi, there are rabbits in the woods!

Chi Feichi cooperated with the children and tried to appreciate the two pebbles, but when he heard Guangyan say this, his gaze immediately shifted from the pebbles to Guangyan's face, rabbit?

Seeing that Chi Feichi seemed interested, Guangyan was even happier. That's right, we didn't go too far. We met three rabbits along the way, and felt that there should be many rabbits in the woods. Unfortunately, after we found someone entering the woods, they Just ran into the depths of the woods!

Chi Feichi looked at Dr. Ali, doctor, can the rabbits here be caught?

I don't know either. The staff at the campsite didn't mention it, and it wasn't mentioned in the brochure. Dr. Ali answered seriously. However, those rabbits are very alert and not easy to catch. No one would want to catch them. Rabbit.

Seeing Chi Feichi's thoughtful appearance, Conan asked aloud, does brother Chi want to catch rabbits? Why? Chi Feichi answered straightforwardly, of course it was for food.

Three children: (00o)

They thought brother Chi wanted to play with the rabbit, but they didn't expect that brother Chi wanted the rabbit to play with the kitchen knife. Conan:


Thinking about it carefully, it doesn't seem surprising. In Chi Feichi's eyes, rabbits seem to have no cute description, they are all ingredients. Keke Dr. Ali coughed twice, scratched his head with a dry smile, I don't think the staff would agree with us catching rabbits to kill

Mitsuhiko reluctantly accepted the words with a smile, let's go to the village to play!

Yuantai shifted his attention and said excitedly, by the way, Brother Chi, we met the staff here on the way back. They are going back to the village to transport vegetables. They will set off immediately and will be back around 5 pm!

Dr. Ali looked down at the children. They had already agreed with each other that they could take us to the village to play for a while, so that we don’t need to drive. We can take their car back at five o’clock in the afternoon. As for the luggage here, Just put it in the tent. The couple who helped them bring the charcoal back in the morning moved the tent near us. They promised to help us keep an eye on it.

Let's go play in the village together, Brother Chi! Mitsuhiko invited with a look of anticipation. Chi Feichi didn't rush to agree.

Qinglu Village may be the foreign stronghold of a certain family. It is a relatively complicated group of people.

He was worried about something happening in the village.

Xiao Ai is going too, Ayumi ran to Haibara Ai, stretched out her arms and hugged Haibara Ai's arm, and said with a smile, let's go to the hot spring together, it would be great to think about it.

You can also go to specialty food stores to eat delicious food! Yuan Tai excitedly said.

Hui Yuanai was a little moved, worried that her brother would be left behind, and deliberately dropped the bait, maybe there would be a delicious rabbit meal to eat.

Chi Feichi stood up and put the book into the luggage bag. Regardless of whether there is an accident in the village, let's go!


A group of people rubbed against the car of the campsite staff and arrived at Qinglu Village.

Surrounded by farmland outside the village, various vegetables are planted, and a large area of ​​greenery spreads, linking the woods at the foot of the mountain.

The road into the village is wide and clean. When the car enters the village, there are still cars waiting to load fresh vegetables on the side of the road.

The car at the campsite was also parked outside the village, but the two staff members who drove over had to go home, so they took Dr. A Li, Chi Feichi and his party to the hot spring house not far from the village.

When he arrived in the village, it was rare for Yuan Tai not to be in a hurry to eat special delicacies, and Chi Feichi was even less in a hurry, and like everyone else, he took a dip in the hot spring first.

The infrastructure in the village is complete, and even the hot spring houses are no worse than some resorts. There are not only large and small indoor hot spring pools, but also an open-air hot spring pool. However, when a group of people arrived, the open-air hot spring pool was being cleaned, and there was no way to clean it. Experience the open-air hot springs, only scattered indoor baths.

Even so, when the group of people took a bath and went out, they felt refreshed.

Dr. Ali asked the owner of the hot spring house about the location of the specialty food shop, and learned that the food

The store is on the side of the road nearby. I immediately led the team to set off and walked on the road. I was full of praise for this experience. The hot springs here are really comfortable and the environment is clean. It is not as noisy as popular scenic spots. We will come to this village again in the future Let's play!

The three children nodded happily, and even Conan thought it was a good choice to come here for vacation.

We still have to see if the village will receive tourists. Huiyuan Ai didn't want to pour cold water on it, but he couldn't help reminding that, judging by the speed of construction here, the development of the village may be supported by that family. I attach great importance to the living environment, and I don’t seem to like to be noisy. If there are too many people, the family may refuse tourists to visit.

As Chi Feichi walked, he felt someone staring at him from behind, paused his steps, and turned his head to look over.

The people behind were dressed in dark blue kimonos, and they didn't hide deliberately. They just stood on the road so openly. When Chi Feichi saw him, he walked towards the group of people calmly.

Hui Yuanai and Conan noticed something unusual, stopped and turned to look like Chi Feichi, which made Dr. A Li and others notice the person behind them.

Conan recognized the man walking towards them, a little surprised, Kuroki, Mr. Kuroki? !

Kuroki Yasuji nodded to Conan with a gentle expression, and then greeted Chi Feichi, Master Feichi, I didn't expect to see you here.

We camped at the nearby Qinglu Campground. I heard that there are hot spring houses and specialty food stores in this village, so we brought the children here to play. Chi Feichi explained the situation calmly and asked Dr. Ali and others to learn from the two I feel the atmosphere of formal politeness, I don't know Mr. Kuroki is here, is it

I came here with my young master, Yasuji Kuroki smiled, and looked at the location of the big house in the village. An old man from the Tachibana family lives here with his family. He and our master are old acquaintances. Let the young master come to visit the elders, and help send something over by the way.

Chi Feichi nodded, that's why.

Noah of his family is still acting as a ghost on the Internet, and the young master Kuroki Yasuji said can only be right and wrong.

When he borrowed the bathroom in the bar to wash up in the morning, he also read the latest reports from the intelligence network. After the students were on vacation two days ago, Feimo went to Kyoto. The location updated last night was still in Kyoto, and he did not mention that he would come to Kobe today. There was also no mention of Yasuji Kuroki coming.

Then he didn't read the information.

From this point of view, this move should be a temporary decision. As for why Fei Mo came here, or whether Fei Mo came at all, he has not read the follow-up updated information, so he can't be sure for the time being.

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