Dr. Ali, Conan and Huiyuan Ai were surprised when they heard the surname Tachibana, but soon relieved.

Are you really a member of the Kyoto family?

The young master that Mr. Kuroki mentioned is Xiaoshu's elder brother, right? Conan's childish voice is cute. That's right. Kuroki Yasuji responded gently.

Mitsuhiko looked forward to it, then

Then why didn't you stay at Tachibana's house? Conan grabbed the conversation and looked left and right. Is Xiaoshu's brother nearby?

Chi Feichi gave Conan a "pretentious" evaluation in his heart, and waited for Yasuji Kuroki to answer.

The reason why he wasn't sure whether Feimo had come, whether Feimo had asked Kuroki Yasuji to deceive his eyes, and whether there was any hidden secret behind it was because Kuroki Yasuji had some doubts.

Kuroki Yasuji's leather shoes were stained with wet mud, and there were some traces of branches and leaves on the trouser legs and hem of his clothes. This is definitely not the appearance he should have when following his young master to visit an old man of a certain family.

Moreover, the road in Qinglu Village is wide and level, and it is very clean. In addition, it has been sunny for the past two days, so there should be no wet soil on the ground.

The places with damp soil are only the farmland and forests outside the village. Judging from the traces on Yasuji Kuroki's clothes, Yasuji Kuroki should have been to the mountains and forests before, and walked a long distance in the mountains and forests, so that his clothes were left behind. There are so many scraping marks of branches and leaves.

The soil on the side of the shoe hadn't dried up, which meant that Kuroki Yasuji had not been out of the forest for a long time, but when they saw Kuroki Yasuji, Kuroki Yasuji walked out of the village again.

He had seen the village from the parking lot of the campground before. Tachibana’s house was to the west of the village, the entrance of the village was to the south, and Yasuji Kuroki came from the north to the south of the village.

That is to say, Yasuji Kuroki followed his young master to visit his old friend, and instead of staying in the house, he ran into the woods, just came back from the woods, followed by strolling in the village again, without going out of the village , and don't go to the guest's house, what the hell are you doing?

If Kuroki Yasuji came to travel and vacation, then it doesn't matter where Kuroki Yasuji goes for a stroll, but Kuroki Yasuji should not be away from his young master for a long time while he is still working.

Yasuji Kuroki ran into the woods for a while, and wandered around the village for a while, as if he was looking for something that would make Yasuji Kuroki leave his work to look for it. That thing must be very important, but Yasuji Kuroki did not ask the villagers for help. cops without even asking them

I'm afraid something happened here, Conan should have doubts, and then asked Yasuji Kuroki, "Why didn't you stay at Tachibana's house, and is Xiaoshu's brother here?" These questions.

My young master is at Tachibana's house." Yasuji Kuroki answered Conan's question, and found that the phone was ringing, took out the phone and looked at it, and quickly walked aside with an apologetic expression, sorry, I'm sorry.

When the others watched Yasuji Kuroki leave, the umbrella icon in Chi Feichi's left eye flashed quickly, connecting to Ark's intelligence network.

He checked the latest information from the intelligence network, and he should be able to get the answer directly.

Between 'being spoiled and losing the fun of digging out secrets' and 'not having enough information to judge the situation', he chose to bear the former.

Mitsuhiko waited for Yasuji Kuroki to go a little further, and turned his head to look at Conan with bright eyes. Conan, you just said that Koki's Genta stared at Yasuji Kuroki's figure with wide eyes, as if he wanted to find out from Yasuji Kuroki. The shadow of his young master, brother?

We haven't seen Xiaoshu for a long time, I don't know how he is doing recently, Ayumi said with a smile, but he has always been very sensible and will be very good.

Yuan Tai tried to make up his mind, but he didn't know what kind of person Xiaoshu's brother was.

Conan didn't participate in the discussion, but paid attention to Yasuji Kuroki who went to the corner to talk on the phone.

When Mr. Heimu answered the phone just now, he heard Mr. Heimu calling "Young Master", could it be Xiaoshu's brother calling?


Mitsuhiko, Genta, and Ayumi put their heads in front of Conan, making Conan withdraw his attention. Mitsuhiko lowered his voice expectantly.

Dao, let's go see Xiaoshu's brother, shall we?

Hui Yuanai reminded in a low voice, Xiaoshu's brother is here to visit the elders, we should not make trouble for them.

The Tachibana family has been a famous family in Kyoto since ancient times. The elders of the Xiaoshu family and the Tachibana family are old acquaintances, and the background may not be simple.

Those families that have been passed down for a long time pay attention to rules, and guests come without invitation' is an behavior that is easily criticized. They and Xiaoshu are friends. If there is an unpleasant quarrel this time, everyone will feel bad.

If you really want to know Xiaoshu's brother, why not ask to visit when Xiaoshu is around

Don't worry, Huiyuan, Mitsuhiko assured with a serious look, we just want to see Xiaoshu's brother, if he has something to do, we just have to take a look, and we won't cause them any trouble!

Hui Yuanai felt that the children's thinking was too simple, but

Then try talking to Mr. Kuroki, Conan has a smile on his face, if he can agree to take us there, that would be the best!

Hey, Ai Edogawa Haibara wanted to ask Conan what to join in the fun, but suddenly found that Conan was looking at Yasuji Kuroki with a puzzled and dignified look. He froze for a moment, then followed Yasuji Kuroki, and asked in a soft voice, what's the matter? ?

I'm not sure yet, but Mr. Kuroki's shoe side

Conan whispered his discovery to Hui Yuanai, and then analyzed that Mr. Kuroki seemed to be looking for something nearby, but if something was lost or someone got lost, a normal person should call the police or find a villager help? When you meet us, you can also ask us if we have seen someone or something.

He was looking for it alone, and he didn't seem to be planning to ask anyone else for help. Haibara looked at Yasuji Kuroki who was talking on the phone, and followed his train of thought, explaining that he didn't want others to know that he was looking for something, or that he couldn't let him know what he was looking for. others know.

Yes, when Conan saw Yasuji Kuroki coming back, he hesitated for a moment, and lowered his voice. Although it is possible that Xiaoshu's brother is looking for something here without telling the Tachibana family, I also want to think about things for the better. But Mr. Kuroki used to be the world judo champion, and his skills should be very good. Even if he walks in the woods, he can guarantee that he will not be caught by the branches and leaves as much as possible. The many scratches on his clothes show that he walked very well in the woods. urgent.

Hui Yuanai understood, and her expression became serious. She was walking in the woods, the possibility of finding something was very low, and it was very likely that she was looking for someone.

Conan nodded slightly, and added in a low voice, besides, it is also strange that he did not accompany his young master when his young master visited the elders in his family, this must be something big happened here

Master Feichi, Yasuji Kuroki returned to Chi Feichi, and his attitude was still gentle and polite. My young master heard that you and your friends are here to play, so let me say hello to you on his behalf. In addition, Mr. Xingping who lives here heard that You are here and would like to invite you to his house as a guest. If you are not in a hurry to leave, you can take your friends with you

It's amazing! The three children cheered.

Can we really visit that big house in the village? You can also meet Xiaoshu's brother!

Chi Feichi also nodded and agreed, then we will take the liberty of visiting the door to bother him.

Yasuji Kuroki saw that the children were happy, and his expression eased a lot. He looked at a shop at the end of the street. Did you all plan to go to a special shop to taste the special food here? My Young Master Mo also asked me to pack some special delicacies for him to take back. If you don’t mind, we can go and have a look together. After I buy the things that Young Master Mo needs, I will take you to Mr. Xingping’s house.

Chi Feichi set off for the special gourmet shop, expressing with actions that he didn't mind. Is the special gourmet here rabbit?

rabbit? Yasuji Kuroki was stunned for a moment, followed Chi Feichi, why did you think of rabbits? Speaking of Mr. Kohei, don't you think of beef that melts in your mouth?

Huh? Dr. Ali's eyes lit up. When it comes to beef, the beef produced in the pastures around Kobe is very famous.

I have a relationship with Mr. Xingping, but I heard about him earlier. The ranch he runs mainly raises high-quality black Tajima cattle. Chi Feichi said to Dr. Ali, but he rarely shows up in recent years. The last time we went to Kyoto to enjoy cherry blossoms, he only went there for half a day, and we didn't expect him to live here.

Mr. Xingping is close to nature and doesn't like to go to banquets. It is probably because of this personality that he has the patience to manage a breeding ground that supplies high-quality ingredients. Yasuji Kuroki explained, looking in the direction outside the village, the farmland here It was he who hired people to cultivate, and the ranch was built near here. He stayed here all year round and rarely went to Kyoto. The last time he was willing to go was because the tea room that was preparing the banquet purchased a large amount of ingredients from him.

Dr. Ali:

Accidentally strayed into the territory of the breeding boss?

He used to think that buying two mountains was extravagant, but now he doesn't think so. If high-quality beef and vegetables could be produced here, the income from the operation would have been enough to buy many mountains.

Mitsuhiko couldn't help but sigh with emotion, that gentleman sounds so powerful, does he manage so many farmlands and pastures by himself?

He is also one of the suppliers of edible insects in many regions of Japan. Chi Feichi looked up at the store ahead, so I really couldn't guess what would be sold here.

It's a pity that your intuition is very accurate. There is no rabbit you want to buy here. Yasuji Kuroki followed Chi Fei and arrived at the door of the store late. Although Mr. Xingping should have rabbits in the ranch, the special delicacy of the village refers to insects.

The faces of the three children changed drastically. Kun, insect? ! Chi Feichi:

As soon as he heard "Mr. Xingping" and then thought of "special food", he knew that his rabbit was gone.

Behind, Haibara Ai observed Kuroki Yasuji's calm expression, and whispered to Conan that he was still in the mood to buy special delicacies, and he didn't seem to be in a hurry to find someone

Conan also doubted his own judgment a bit, so he replied in a low voice, let's take another look.

Could it be that Mr. Heimu and Xiaoshu's elder brother are both weird, the housekeeper accompanies the young master to visit people, and likes to go for a few laps in the forest and the village by himself first?

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