Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2493 It's Really Not Simple

Conan: I'm Not a Snake Essence Volume Chapter 2493 It's Really Not Simple photo, I was stunned for a moment,

Feimo looked up at Kawahara who walked in the door,

Kawahara was in a daze for a moment, and quickly replied,

Hattori Heiji and Conan looked at each other, quickly smiled and said,

Kawahara nodded worriedly, went into the room and walked towards the wall.

Hattori Heiji turned his head and saw Chi Feichi leisurely eating insect delicacies, and suddenly felt speechless, Ban Yueyan asked,

Thinking back, Chi Feichi casually fed Feichi a locust sushi roll,

Dr. Ali was a little worried,

non ink way,

Yasushi Kuroki,

Hattori Heiji stroked his chin, thinking solemnly,


It's no wonder that such a large house looks deserted, the servants and bodyguards are not all sent out, right?

Dr. Ali:

The investigation is very strict. This should be the so-called Conan looked at Yasuji Kuroki and asked curiously,

Yasuji Kuroki explained,

Conan nodded. Sure enough...

Mr. Heimu went around the village after looking for the woods. He probably didn't find any useful clues in the woods, so he looked for anyone suspicious in the village, and brought him to his young master by the way.

Insect Snacks are Back  …

Kuroki Yasuji said seriously,

Fei Mo said seriously,

The phone on the small table rang twice, and Tachibana Xinghei, who had gone to rest for a while, rushed in quickly.

When the phone rang, Fei Mo Zhengtai also put down the wooden chopsticks in his hand, and accompanied by Kuroki Yasuji, got up and walked forward.

Tachibana Xingping just wanted to reach out and grab the landline phone, but he stopped halfway and turned his head to look at Fei Mo Zhengtai who came forward.

Yasuji Kuroki squatted down, looked at the indicator light of the recording equipment, nodded to Feimo, then turned his head and whispered to Hattori Heiji and others who surrounded him,

Feimo sat down at the small table, raised his head and said to Tachibana Xingping,

Conan followed Hattori Heiji to the side. Although he felt that Feimo's behavior of sitting at the table was a bit strange, he didn't bother to ask questions and kept quiet.

Tachibana Xinghei took a deep breath, reached out to pick up the landline phone, and pressed the speakerphone while answering the call.

The moment the phone was connected, Feimo listened intently to the voice on the other end of the phone, and the expression on Baby Fat's face was particularly serious.

There was a slight sound of running water and a strange rustling sound from the other end of the phone, which was quickly covered by a voice that used a voice changer.

Hattori Heiji and Conan immediately held their breath. It's the kidnapper's phone number!

Tachibana Xinghei immediately said,

The kidnapper over there agreed, and a moment later, the little girl's panicked and helpless cry came out,

Tachibana Xingping felt distressed when he heard it, and quickly comforted him,

Nanase's voice became frustrated,

The kidnapper interrupted Nanase roughly,

Before Tachibana Xingping asked if his granddaughter was injured, he hung up the phone.

Ju Xingping cursed unwillingly, realized that there was a child by his side, and didn't lose his temper again, and cast a questioning look at Feimo.

Fei Mo thought about it too much,

Hattori Heiji looked bewildered.

Footsteps? Have it? Why didn't he hear it?

Yasuji Kuroki took out a notepad and a pen from his coat pocket.

After the notepad was opened, curves of various radians were drawn on the left and right pages, and some circles were also distributed.

Conan took a closer look and saw that it should be a simple topographic map of this area, so he followed Yasuji Kuroki to find the location.

The horizontal curve in the middle should be a road, the circle at the top is a shrine, and the crooked one is a small river?

Really, this picture is too simple, I am afraid it is only

Mr. Kuroki can understand it by himself, right?

Haibara Ai looked at the contents of Kuroki Yasuji's notebook, and then raised his eyes to observe the serious-looking Fumo Masata.

She thought that Mizuno-san was more mature than her peers before, but she didn't expect to have such an amazing hearing ability. It seems that it is really not easy...

Feimo thought back to the voice he heard, paused,

Yasuji Kuroki looked down at the notepad, drew a tick on one of the circles with a pen, then put away the notebook, stood up and said,

Feimo exhorted,

Tachibana Xinghei suddenly confessed, Kawahara nodded quickly,

Hattori Heiji hurriedly set off to go out,

Conan hesitated for a moment, looked at Fei Mozheng who got up and went back to the big table, and did not follow Hattori Heiji.

The three children saw that Conan didn't follow, nor did they join in the fun.

Feimo went back to the big table and sat down, stretched out his hand to pack the lunch box, pulled the laptop in front of him, operated the computer, and called up a row of video images.

Genta, Mitsuhiko and Ayumi curiously gathered around to watch.

Mitsuhiko looked at those pictures carefully, and asked in surprise,

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