Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2495 Isn’t he just a little devil?

"That's right, this is a temporary camera that Detective Jingji and Hattori installed when they went out before. It has a night-time infrared detection mode," Feimo patiently pointed at the computer screen and explained, appearing to be tolerant and gentle, "These two cameras When Detective Hattori went to the shrine, he installed them under the eaves. One faced the woods behind the shrine, and the other faced the road in front of the shrine. The shrine is located relatively high, and the range that can be photographed is relatively large, but the shooting distance is far. The clarity will be a little worse at night, and you can only take pictures of close areas. There is also this one that Jingsi placed on the roadside at the exit of the village, this one on the way to the pasture, and this one in the forest at the foot of the mountain. of……"

After introducing the camera, Feimo maximized one of the video frames and pointed to a blurry dot on it, "This is the abandoned workshop area that Jingsi and the others are going to. They are three wooden houses built along the river. They must first find which cabin Nanaze is in, and then rescue Nanaze.”

"Are there actually three wooden houses over there?" Mitsuhiko frowned, "Then they must be more careful. If the kidnappers have accomplices hiding in other wooden houses and attack them while they are not paying attention, they will definitely be in danger. ”

"Ah..." Ayumi also started to worry, "They don't seem to be carrying weapons. If I had known earlier, I would have given them my flour bottle!"

"The picture of this kind of night vision camera is too blurry, I can't see clearly at all," Yuantai couldn't control his anxiety, "It's really annoying!"

"Don't worry, Yasushi has won the World Judo Championship, and Detective Hattori seems to have also learned swordsmanship." Feimo was bored and started talking nonsense to the three children in a serious manner, "Although Dr. Kawahara doesn't know how to fight, he is a doctor. If the other two people are injured, he can also help heal them, so that the other two people will feel more at ease when fighting the kidnappers. A fighter, a swordsman, and a healer. This lineup takes into account both attack power and endurance. Very good lineup..."

Haibara Ai:"……"


She had previously felt that this Mizuno classmate was too organized when speaking and doing things, and his facial expressions were far less flexible and rich than those of other children. She always felt that he did not look like a child, but he had a childish face and a pair of clean-looking eyes. , and seemed careless, and she was not sure whether a certain young lady's mature performance was because the family had too many rules that suppressed the nature of children.

Now look at it... isn't this just a little devil?

Chi Feichi: "..."

Look at Feimo talking so much.

The key is that his heartbeat, which had been peaceful all day, suddenly became more active than before. The more he watched, the more he felt that it was fun to talk nonsense to these people, which made him want to join this game.

It also made him realize that the urge for pleasure and excitement was coming again.

Conan realized that Hui Yuarai's tense face beside him relaxed and asked in a low voice, "Are you relieved now?"

Haibara Ai glanced at Conan and spoke in a low voice, "What about you? Instead of running to save people with Hattori, why did you stay here just to observe or confirm something?"

"Yes," Conan smiled, "I was thinking of Xiaoshu. Xiaoshu's language expression ability and logical thinking ability are not like those of a child under two years old. I used to doubt whether he would be like us. This The guess was still rejected by you.”

Haibara Ai thought about Conan's suspicion before, and also recalled what she said. She once again thought about the possibility of Xiaoshu taking medicine to become smaller, and got the same answer as before, "That kind of medicine makes people's bodies smaller. Now I only know that you, me, and Generic are all ten years younger. Of course, the age reduced after taking the medicine is not necessarily a fixed age, but may also be based on a certain ratio, or based on each person's age. It changes depending on his physique and his ability to adapt to drugs, but in any case, if the drugs make him one and a half years old, then his original age should not be older than us, and he is probably only eleven or twelve years old. There are very few children who are as well-behaved and sensible as Xiaoshu, and most of them cannot have the same logical thinking ability as him. Therefore, I think it is not very likely that he will become smaller after taking medicine. "

Conan nodded easily, looked at Fei Mo Zhengtai who turned to talk to the three children and Dr. A Li, and analyzed in a low voice, "Xiao Shu's IQ is definitely higher than that of his peers. Now it seems that Brother Xiao Shu's IQ It's the same thing. Both brothers have high IQs and seem to have strong emotional control. Of course I'm curious. I don't know if they are born like this or have undergone some kind of training. That's why I want to stay and take a look. And No one had touched that laptop just now, so I was thinking that there might be some preparations left here, so we might as well stay here. If Hattori and the others don't find anyone or encounter trouble, we can adapt and use it. Other ways to solve the problem..."

"So that's it." Haiyuan Ai saw that Conan still had eager curiosity on his face and helped analyze, "The intelligence level displayed by the two brothers is definitely not something that can be achieved through later training. Their innate brain development will definitely Better than ordinary people, their learning ability will also be stronger than ordinary people, and subsequent guidance and education are also indispensable. In short, one person may be a coincidence or lucky, but two brothers must reach this level. Innate talent and acquired training are both It’s very important, both are indispensable.”

"That's right," Conan nodded and sighed softly, "The Mizuno family seems to be a famous family in Kyoto, so there should be no shortage of requirements for them. It's normal to have some special training and education."

"It's really not easy to think about it," Haihara Ai couldn't help but joked, "Even the famous detective didn't go to Chinese language classes during the holidays."

Conan: "..."

He also learned a lot during vacation before!

And he didn't want to hang around like this, but he couldn't change his body, Conan's identity needed to be managed, and the investigation organization didn't have any new clues, so he had no choice but to go camping.

"Senior Mizuno, you were so awesome just now," Ayumi admired sincerely from the side, "I heard so many clues after listening to the call voice!"

"Yeah," Mitsuhiko recalled with a depressed look, "I only heard the sound of running water..."

"I have done listening training, and I have continued it during this period." Feimo frowned slightly dissatisfied, "Currently, I can only hear some subtle sounds when I am fully focused. I can also hear some subtle sounds when I am a little relaxed. There will be missed sounds, and the overall sensitivity will not improve much..."

Yuantai raised his hand and scratched his head, "Although I don't understand clearly, it seems to be a difficult training."

"Why do you do this kind of training?" Mitsuhiko asked curiously, "You don't need special listening training for the foreign language listening test in senior grades, right?"

Conan also looked at Feimo Zhengtai curiously.

Are all the children of aristocratic families working so hard now?

"Is it to participate in the singing competition?" Tachibana Yukihei turned to look at Feimo, because he already had clues about his granddaughter's whereabouts, and his mood was not as anxious as before. Feimo's eyes also showed obvious appreciation and distress. "I heard from your grandpa that you signed up to participate in the selection of this singing competition, and you have been practicing hard day and night recently. You are just new to singing competitions, so don't force yourself too much, and don't put too much pressure on yourself. , First understand and adapt to the competition conditions this year. With experience next year, it will be much easier.”

Feimo nodded obediently and added, "Actually, my grandfather was exaggerating. I didn't practice day and night. I just attended training on time..."

Chi Feichi was happy that Feimo shared the attention of others, and he and Feichi ate a box of insect delicacies, and then continued to share the next box.

He could testify that Feimo really didn't practice the song day and night.

Since the development of the Natural Holy Religion, many shady actions have been put on the agenda.

For example, Kiichiro Shao Yuan was sent to the United States before, responsible for cooperating with the Joshua group and eliminating those who hindered them from sending people to the parliamentary throne.

He didn't need to worry about those actions at all. As long as he decided whether to act, Feimo and Noah could complete the tasks of scheduling, providing intelligence, command, monitoring, and confirming the completion of tracking. There was no room for his intervention.

As the number of operations increased, Feimo and Noah also began to compete quietly. Although they would share information without any gaps when commanding different operations separately, they always had to compare in terms of completion of operations and planning level. If they wanted to suppress Get past the opponent.

Since it was all head-to-head competition, he didn't take too much care, but Fei Mo estimated that one-third of his time was spent on planning operations, and the remaining one-third was spent on eating, sleeping, and collecting intelligence about the family. The remaining one-third has to cope with school studies and learn various skills, and Gepai is just one of them.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Fei Mo to practice singing all day and night.

Of course, Mr. Mizuno also seems to be someone who likes to show off, so the truth is probably that Fei Mo spends a lot of time on other things, and can only squeeze out the morning and evening or other special time to practice singing, resulting in The situation of "practicing in the morning, practicing in the evening, and reviewing waka during the breaks between meals" made Mr. Mizuno mistakenly think that Shota Mo was practicing desperately for the kata competition.


The three children Yuantai, Ayumi and Mitsuhiko gathered together to discuss what the singing competition was. After explaining clearly, they enthusiastically asked Fei Mo Zhengtai when he would participate, and said that they would pay attention to the competition and cheer for Fei Mo Zhengtai.

Feimo told the time of his participation. The latest trial was just three days later, and he politely thanked the three children for their support.

Seeing the children chatting together, Tachibana Yukihira thought of his little granddaughter and stared at the video screen on his laptop. He felt that time was passing slowly and started to feel anxious again. As soon as he heard the landline phone ringing, he immediately rushed forward to answer the phone.

"Hello? It's me... That's great. Thank you for your hard work..."

Dr. Agasa couldn't conceal his joy when he heard Tachibana Yukihira's tone, and he and the three children looked at each other and smiled.

It seems that this incident was solved perfectly!

Conan also breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that this time the incident was completely taken over by a ten-year-old child. Although it was funny, he couldn't help but look for Chi Feichi.

Isn’t his little friend solving the case very quickly? Why tonight...

Chi Feichi was sitting at the table. To his left was Feichi, who had a bulging belly and was lying on the table to eat. To his right were three empty lunch boxes stacked on top of each other. When Conan turned around to look, he had already eaten the hornets. The larvae dipped in ketchup and ate half of it.

Conan: "..."

Just now, he was attracted by the incident, and then he paid attention to Mizuno-san because of his performance. He actually forgot to pay attention to the situation of his little friend...

When they were worried about the kidnapping of the little girl, Chi Feichi sat calmly eating next to him. So the question became, was Chi Feichi's condition abnormal? Have you lost interest in things around you again?

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