Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2537 This time he will win!

"Then I won't bother Doctor. I'll take a taxi myself." Conan paused. "There may be many well-known detectives gathering on the cruise ship tomorrow. There are more people on the cruise ship, which may make it easier for them to get on the cruise ship. But on the cruise ship, There are more famous detectives, which may hinder them. And tomorrow, many detectives and puzzle solving experts may come together to decipher the hard drive password. Tonight is a noteworthy time. They are likely to be able to decipher the hard drive password today. You should understand that you will act late, so I have to go over and take a look anyway..."


Subaru could only respond with a smile, acknowledging that he had the same idea as Conan. He stopped not far from the concrete guardrail of the rooftop, squatted down, and put the long black bag behind him at his feet, "But, you are a little How should the child board the ship when he gets here..."

"Nicola spread the bait in Japan, which means she has a lot of helpers in Japan. She should also have contacted Teacher Judy and the others, right?" Conan said easily, "Teacher Judy should be there too, I will contact Zhu Teacher Ti, ask her to allow me to board the ship.”

"This is also a way," Chong Shi Subaru lowered his head and opened the long black bag, flipping through the sniper rifle parts inside with one hand, and said softly, "Then come over, and I can have someone to keep vigil with me."

He didn't believe that that kid would come over and stay up all night with him.

They didn't know at what time the people from the organization would take action. Although they guessed it would be tonight, it could also be tomorrow morning when most detectives had not arrived.

The correct way to deal with it is that he should stay overnight tonight, and the kid will sleep at home. When tomorrow morning, the kid will pester Mr. Mori to come over as early as possible to change his shift, and he will catch up on his sleep in a car parked nearby, while guarding this place. The main road intersection on one side...

It would not be a wise move to come over here and guard him tonight.

"What are you thinking about?" Conan's tone was speechless. "I'm just not worried. I want to go over and see Teacher Judy's arrangements. I'll leave after the inspection, so that I won't stay with you all night."

There was a smile on Subaru's lips, "That really makes me regretful..."

He guessed it right!

Cruise ship, room C14.


The electric light of the stun gun flashed, and the male FBI agent on the service staff froze. When he felt that all the strength in his body was drained, he used his last strength to turn his head and look at the person behind his body.

When he walked in, Mr. Shingu Shin still had a modest expression of "Sorry to bother you." His round face had blunt features, but his eyes were clear and gentle, and he seemed to have a good temper. But even with him When he was about to put the iced coffee on the table, the powered stun gun fell on the back of his neck.

The man holding the stun gun in his right hand still had Shin Gu's round and amiable face, but he was so cold and emotionless. His eyes were no longer clear and gentle, like a still abyss. Staring at him coldly, he discovered that Shin Gu Jin's face turns out to be scary.

When the male FBI agent fell down, Chi Feichi reached out and pushed him to the sofa, then locked the door behind him with his backhand.

It's not easy to move around the ship with Shin's identity. It would be much easier if he changed his identity to an FBI agent.

This was also the change he came up with after meeting this FBI agent.

While waiting for the agent to come over for five minutes, he was not idle at all and finished making the new disguise face.

The next step is to change his face and take off the person's clothes. Of course, in order not to leave any traces of his skin, he will wear clothes made of instant clothing necklaces underneath as he does now.

After that, destroy the original disguise props and cumbersome clothes...

In five minutes, Chi Feichi changed his identity. In addition to a fake face, a set of clothes, a fake identity, and a pair of gloves for service staff, he also got three room cards, a pistol, a bunch of keys, and a walkie-talkie. , the harvest is very rich.

Destroying disguise tools is also very simple. Considering that it is difficult to destroy things with fire in a closed space, he prepared chemicals in advance, threw the previously used disguise props and clothes into the sink, added water, poured chemical liquid, and waited In two minutes, even if the thing has not melted completely, it will be impossible to detect any hair, dander, or fingerprints.

After destroying the things, Chi Feichi wiped the places in the room that he had touched, tied the unconscious FBI with a sheet and stuffed a cloth ball in his mouth.

After doing all this, Chi Feichi sent an email to Takatori Yannan, pushed the dining cart out of the door, closed the door, imitated the male FBI agent's slow and calm pace, and kept the same look on his face. He walked towards the kitchen with a serious expression on his face.

If Shuichi Akai gets involved, the guy should guess that the organization is likely to take action tonight.

With the organization's always cautious style, it will not act rashly without finding out the information. Therefore, normally, the organization should be fully prepared and wait until after ten o'clock in the evening to start taking action.

Based on this consideration, he set the time of action before six o'clock in the afternoon. When he set off, some of Gin's reception arrangements had not been completed, and it was estimated that he was almost ready by now.

The time for preparation was somewhat tight, but no one objected to the time he set, and the reason was very simple - occasionally, some routines that the organization could not use were used, so that people would not be able to figure out the rules of action, and everyone was Acknowledge this.

No matter what the red and black sides are, he is going to win this time!

Five minutes later, Chi Feichi pushed the dining cart with food on it, came out of the kitchen, and walked towards the office area step by step.

The probe he took on the cruise ship was divided into two parts.

One part is the soybean-sized metal object, which contains a special jammer that can affect the signal between most eavesdroppers and monitors, adding some small fluctuations in the signal band.

These small fluctuations will not cause bugs and monitors to malfunction. At most, they will make the signal less stable and cause slight noise to appear in the monitored sound, but this fluctuation can be detected by another part of the detector.

That part is an iron sheet-shaped metal object with detection equipment inside, which can keenly detect signals changed by adding materials. Especially the monitor responsible for receiving signals is easily captured by the iron sheet equipment. The closer it is to the monitor, The vibration emitted by the iron piece will be stronger.

He had left the bean-shaped metal object at the door of the two office rooms. After returning to the room, he put the iron piece-shaped metal object on his heart. On his way to the kitchen pretending to be the male FBI agent, he passed by the two office rooms. As he approached those two rooms, the iron piece-like metal object attached to his heart did begin to vibrate slightly. In the area where room A02 was located, the iron piece vibrated more obviously...

This time he is going to room A02.

Not long after, Chi Feichi arrived at the door of room A02 with the male FBI agent in his face.

According to his original plan, he wanted to tell the bodyguard, "Miss Nicola asked me to deliver food to the people inside," and ask the bodyguard to open the door for him. If he could solve the problem by cheating, he would not need to use force until he entered the door. , he used the vibration of the detecting iron piece to lock the location of the secret room. It didn't matter if he didn't know where the switch was. He also had a bomb hidden on him, but...


Judy and Nicola returned to the cabin, and when Chi Feichi pushed the dining cart directly to the door of room A02, Judy greeted him doubtfully.

Chi Feichi whispered in American English in the voice of the male FBI agent, "We need food inside."

Take a gamble and see if this method can trick Judy and Nicola into opening the door. If not, he will use violence directly.

Judy looked at the dining car full of tableware, smiled helplessly, and whispered, "They are really..."

"It's time to eat. We can't let them go hungry, right?" Nicola smiled at Judy, took out the key and opened the door of A02's room, then pushed the door open and entered the house first.

Judy also walked in the door, seemingly leaving her back to Chi Feichi unprepared.

Chi Feichi slowed down his breathing and pushed the dining cart into the room without looking away.

He might have succeeded, or he might have had his flaws discovered and been led into a room full of traps.

He wouldn't know what was in the room until the very last moment.

This experience really satisfies the sin of gluttony and made his blood boil. There seemed to be an excited kid shouting in his mind: Kill Nicola! Kill Judy! Kill the FBI! Kill Shuichi Akai! Kill Conan! Kill the gin, kill the Belmode, kill the rum! Woohoo, blow them all up, leave no one behind, long live world peace! …

Ahem, calm down. At this critical moment, your attention must not be diverted.

There is a large conference table in room A02, and a computer table is placed in front of the wall away from the door.

The computer case and display screen on the computer table are turned on, and there are external hard drives and other standby devices next to them.

The middle-aged man sitting behind the desk had a soft Asian face, wearing thin-rimmed glasses and a casual suit. He looked polite. When he saw Nicola and Judy entering the room, he stuck his head out from behind the computer to say hello. , spoke very fluent Japanese, "Nicola, Judy, you are back! And Daniel, you are all here!"

After Chi Feichi entered the door with a fake face, he closed the door with his backhand and stuck a magnetic piece in the crack of the door. He did not answer the middle-aged man's greetings, nor did he follow Nicola and Judy in, but Push the dining cart around to the other side of the conference table and down the aisle.

"Yeah, I felt a lot more comfortable after I went out to get some fresh air." Judy thought that she had fought against the organization many times and understood the organization's style. She judged that the organization was not well prepared during the day and would not be able to do so during the day. When he arrived in the room, he relaxed a little and didn't pay too much attention to 'Daniel''s movements. He smiled at the middle-aged man and said, "I'll let you go out for some fresh air in a while. I've heard people say since I came to Japan that this area The night view is very beautiful!”

"But we have to wait until you have dinner," Nicola couldn't help but smile when she saw the middle-aged man's expectant face, and turned to look at the dining car being pushed across the conference table, "The food you asked for has been delivered. Please remember to say thank you to Judy’s colleagues if they do such a thing..."

"I, what food do we want?" The middle-aged man was stunned and looked at the dining cart and the familiar faces pushing the dining cart. "We haven't asked for food. I want to wait for you to come back and discuss how to solve dinner... "

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