Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2538 Say thank you

When the three of them were talking, the man in Chi Feichi's disguise did not stop, as if he couldn't hear the three of them talking. He felt the iron-like metal object vibrating more and more strongly in his chest, pushing the dining cart deeper into the room step by step. Even though the three of them looked over in surprise, they did not stop, leaving the room with a weird feeling of space being cut and separated.

Judging from the vibration pattern of the detector, the location of the monitor is at the deepest part of the room, probably behind the wall behind the middle-aged man...

Nicola stared at the back of 'Daniel' with a tense expression, and her wide eyes were filled with shock and confusion.

Judy, who indeed had more combat experience than Nicola, reacted quickly, quickly took out the pistol, turned on the safety, held the gun in both hands, and pointed the gun at the back of 'Daniel' who was already close to the wall deep in the room. Shouting, "Stop! Or I'll shoot!"

Chi Feichi stopped and pushed the dining car forward with both hands.

The wheels of the dining cart rolled, and the car body quickly hit the soft cloth cover of the wall and stopped in front of the wall.

Judy glanced at the dining car warily and had an ominous premonition in her heart. However, due to the distance, she was unable to move the dining car. She was also worried that the people in front of her would make other moves, so she did not dare to rashly move the gun to aim at the dining car, "You are Who? What do you want to do?”

Chi Feichi put his head in Daniel's face, turned his head, smiled maliciously at Judy and the others across the conference table, continued to use Daniel's voice, and said in an extraordinarily gentle tone, "I want to say thank you."


When Judy was stunned, she discovered that 'Daniel' suddenly squatted down behind the conference table, causing her pistol to lose its aim.


The dining car exploded, and a ball of fire expanded and exploded. The fire swept towards the middle-aged man who was closer.

The sound of the explosion was so loud that Nicola's ears were instantly deafened. But this time, Nicola's reaction was faster than Judy's. She reached out and pulled the middle-aged man away from his position, shouting something that even she couldn't hear. The voice said, "Hide quickly!"

Judy couldn't hear anything, so she helped grab the middle-aged man, hid behind the computer desk with Nicola and the middle-aged man, and used the computer desk to reach the impact of the explosion.


The smoke alarm inside the house buzzed, and the preset safety equipment on the ceiling began spraying water downwards.

People outside were also alarmed and banged on the door hard. However, because the safety door was attracted by the magnetic chip and the internal program was also interfered with by the magnetic chip, the people outside were unable to open the door for a while. People call.

Nicola ignored the ringing cell phone, stood up in a mess in the spray of water, and ran anxiously into the smoke, "Lina——!"

Daniel's figure entered the smoke and dust faster than Nicola.

The main body of this cruise ship is made of steel plates, which is very strong. However, the secret room door and the conference room wall cannot be integrated. Even the secret room door is made of thick steel plates. It will come out of the original door frame during the explosion of a high-energy bomb. , or a gap appears on one side due to misalignment of the door panel.

Chi Feichi rushed into the smoke and used the sprinkler on the ceiling to temporarily suppress the smoke. At a glance, he saw the entrance to the secret room that had been blown open.

The door to the secret room was indeed made of steel plate. During the explosion, one side of the door broke away from the door frame and fell backward. Fortunately, there was still a part of the other side of the door fixed to the door frame, so the door did not smash into the secret room.

The space in the secret room is not large, only six or seven square meters. There are two tables in the room, where computers, monitors and other equipment are placed respectively. There are also two people sitting on the two chairs in front of the table. If the door of the secret room is exploded, Falling off and smashing into the secret room, the two people had no room to escape. At this moment, they were probably injured by the door.

After the explosion, thick smoke rushed into the secret room, and the two people in the secret room were choked by the smoke.

In the secret room, the person near the door was a male FBI agent who looked familiar to Chi Feichi. He had probably been sitting in front of the monitoring equipment before and heard the noise outside. When Chi Feichi entered the door, he sat sideways on his seat, with his upper body He jumped on another person and used his back to help that person block the impact of the explosion.

The person being protected by the male FBI agent was a young girl. The first time Chi Feichi walked in, he recognized the girl's identity - Nicola's high school classmate and assistant team leader Lina. It is said that she was still a trainee. A master of martial arts for many years.

Seeing Lina sitting on the other side of the computer desk at the moment, Chi Feichi judged that Lina should still be a computer expert and would be the one who really entrusted Nicola with the hard drive. At the same time, his eyes were fixed on the computer desk and the plug-in computer. Hard drive on external device.

The male FBI agent was smoked by the smoke and shed tears. After recovering from the impact of the explosion, he immediately straightened up and quickly reached out to the computer table with his right hand. After noticing someone entering the door, he reached for the hard drive a few minutes faster with his right hand. .

Chi Feichi's steps were not slow. He reached the chairs where the two of them were sitting. He reached under the waiter's clothes with his right hand wearing waiter's gloves, took out the safety hammer he had found in the corridor before, and slammed it against the computer case on the computer table. .

The next second, the male FBI agent grabbed the hard drive on the external device, and the safety hammer in Chi Feichi's right hand fell heavily on the computer case, smashing the case out of shape.


The male FBI agent looked confused, and his outstretched right hand froze for a moment, but under the inertia, he still grasped the hard drive on the external device and took it off.

Doesn’t the other party grab the hard drive? Why did you just smash the computer?


At the same moment, the safety hammer hit the corner of the deformed chassis again, causing the entire steel shell of the chassis to fall apart.

Another hand wearing a waiter's white gloves reached into the case and pulled out the hard drive inside.

Lina's face changed instantly, she stood up from the chair, made a fist with her right hand and punched Chi Feichi's face, anxiously reminding the male FBI agent, "Help! It's the hard drive he took! Nicola had it right from the beginning. It’s hidden in the chassis, and the hard drive outside is a cover-up!”

What responded to her was 'Daniel''s slight sneer, as if sarcastically.

Chi Feichi quickly took out the hard drive with his left hand and stuffed it under his clothes. At the same time, he turned his head to avoid Lina's fist.

The reason why he could guess that the real hard drive was in the computer case was because when Lina was protected by the FBI agents, her eyes were still staring nervously at the computer case. Lina didn't even look at the hard drive on the external device over there. Pass……

The male FBI agent didn't expect Lena and Nicola to hide something from them, but he understood in his heart, and there was no time for him to think too much at the critical moment. When he heard Lena's greeting, he immediately threw the hard drive in his hand. On the table, he reached out and grabbed the white waiter uniform on Chi Feichi.

After Chi Feichi avoided Lina's fist, he held a hammer in his right hand and hit Lina's head. His left hand, which had put the hard drive, took out a bomb from under his clothes and stuffed it into the hand that the male FBI agent just stretched out.

Male FBI agent: "?!"

Lina just ducked down and dodged the safety hammer that was swung in the past. She looked down and saw that Chi Feichi had stuffed something into the FBI agent's hand, and her face became even more ugly.

There are numbers dancing on the bomb.

7, 6...

"Five seconds until explosion."

Chi Feichi gave a kind reminder in Daniel's voice and quickly set off to retreat outside the secret room.

The male FBI agent reached out and placed the bomb on the table, not daring to use it at all, and then quickly evacuated with Lina.

Chi Feichi retreated to the door of the secret room and met Nicola running towards him empty-handed. The joy of eating made his heart beat faster and his mind active. He also had vicious thoughts. He immediately grabbed Nicola and pulled her over. The man pushed towards the male FBI agent and Lina who ran out behind him.

The Evil Dragon Princess arrived in such a timely manner, so timely that it was a bit cute. If all three of them were killed by the explosion, doesn't matter if you blame him, just blame him as hard as you can in hell!

"Lee..." As soon as Nicola came to her senses, she realized that she had bumped into Lina and the male FBI agent, and the expressions of the two people on the opposite side instantly became ugly, "Na..."

As the fire extinguisher on the ceiling sprayed water, the smoke and dust in the room had been covered, allowing everyone to see clearly.

Judy stood at the conference table, holding a gun in both hands and aiming forward. She was about to shoot 'Daniel', but her sight was blocked by Lena and her colleagues who jumped up and rushed towards Nicola.

When Lena and the male FBI agent jumped on Nicola and rolled near the conference table, the bomb in the secret room also exploded.


Firelight and smoke rushed out from the secret room, once again filling the conference room with the smell of gunpowder and smoke.

What was washed up by the explosion this time was the dark water mixed with smoke and dust on the floor.

Chi Feichi got away from the impact of the explosion in time. Although his vision was somewhat obscured by smoke and dust, he still retreated to the door based on the layout of the conference room in his memory.

"Cough-cough!" Lina, who threw Nicola to the ground and felt that her bones were falling apart, sat up. Seeing 'Daniel' approaching the door, she shouted anxiously, "Stop him! He took away the hard drive !”

Judy crouched behind the computer desk that had been bombed before. She used the computer desk to block the explosion again. She raised her hand and gun in the water curtain and aimed at the figure at the door.


After the gunshot, Lina, who was shot in the arm, groaned and was dragged to the side of the conference table by Nicola.

Chi Feichi held the gun in his left hand, and after listening to Lina's shout, he quickly fired a shot, then moved the muzzle in the direction of Judy, took a rough aim and pulled the trigger.

He originally planned to evacuate early, but Lina shouted angrily, reminding him that these people didn't seem to be injured much, so it would be more convenient for him to cripple them and then evacuate.


Because Chi Feichi suddenly stopped and fired, the bullet from Judy's gun missed Chi Feichi and passed in front of Chi Feichi, hitting the wall.

Because Judy was squatting where the smoke and dust had not settled, and Chi Feichi did not aim carefully, the bullet from Chi Feichi's gun did not hit Judy, but hit the computer desk shelf behind Judy, causing the The table, which had experienced the impact of two explosions, completely fell apart.

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