Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2564 Have you been kidnapped?

The three of them arrived at Yueshui's house.

Koji Ohba did not stay in the reception room and waited, but actively helped deliver the ingredients to the kitchen.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki was glad that he had just bought tea at the convenience store. He found the tea leaves in the bag that Chi Feichi brought back and turned around to boil the kettle and fill it with water.

Chi Feichi put the red wine and bottled drinks on the cooking table. He saw Feichi crawling outside the door, stretching his neck to look inside the house, and then walked to the door to pick up Feichi.

Oba Koji stood next to the cooking table. When he saw Chi Fei arriving at the door late, his expression immediately became tense. He lowered his voice and called Yueshui Qizhan, "Hey, Yueshui..."

Ah? Koshizui Nanatsuki turned to look at Ohba Koji in confusion.

Koji Ohba raised his finger and made a silence gesture towards Nanatsuki Koshizui. He quickly turned his head and glanced at Chi Feichi who was squatting down to pick something up outside the door. He whispered nervously, "You don't have to risk your words. I'll tell you." , have you been kidnapped? If you have been kidnapped, just blink.

Kidnapping? Koshisui Nanatsuki was confused. He looked at Chi Feichi outside the door and didn't dare to blink. No, did you have any misunderstanding?

Ohba Koji stared at Koshizuki Nanatsuki's eyes, making sure Koshimizu Nanatsuki didn't blink. He was stunned for a moment, and found that Chi Feichi had stood up and was about to come back outside the door. He frowned anxiously and said softly, "You have been saying before. I don’t want to fall in love, and I have rejected more than one person in high school. How could I suddenly fall in love? Less than half a year after Mizuguchi’s death, he is still the kind of guy who doesn’t seem quite right…

Is something not right? Koshikoshi Nanatsuki looked at Chi Feichi who was walking over and looked him up and down. Do you think he looks like a bad guy, so you suspect he kidnapped me and threatened me to be his for the time being? Girlfriend?

Ohba Koji:……

That's it.

He already mentioned kidnapping, isn't it obvious enough?

And it's not surprising that he thinks so. That guy really doesn't feel right. He doesn't look like a gangster, but like a dangerous person who wants to secretly carry out a revenge plan.

Thinking about it, Ohba Koji whispered, you are a detective, you may investigate some dangerous cases, it is not impossible to be kidnapped...

Chi Feichi carried Feichi not far behind Ochang Koji and asked aloud, "What are you talking about?"

Thinking of the two people chatting face to face in the kitchen after he went out, he suddenly felt that his mentality might not always be stable.

Is it better to send Koji Ohba away as soon as possible?

Koji Ohba was thinking about how to fool him, we are talking about...

Ohba suspected that when I went to investigate a certain low-level incident, I was kidnapped by you, a dangerous person related to the incident. Then you threatened me to be your girlfriend and help cover up your criminal behavior. That's probably it, Koshimi Nanatsuki After explaining, he said to the stunned Oba Koji, Oba, although you did misunderstand, but I still thank you for taking my safety into consideration.

When Oba Koji saw Koshizui Nanatsuki confessing, he also understood that this was not a case of kidnapping. After coming to his senses, he smiled awkwardly. I'm really sorry. I've watched similar movies recently, so I always think about it. Think of kidnapping.

No wonder, your mind was very active and your imagination was very rich when you were in high school. During a certain period of time, you would become addicted to any TV series you saw. When Qishui Qishui saw the dirty Feichi in Chi Feichi's hand, he walked to Make way for the vegetable sink. Chi is so dirty. Let's just help him wash it here.

Koji Oba heard Koshizui Nanatsuki mention his high school life, and just as his expression relaxed, he saw Chi Feichi stepping forward and putting a live snake into the vegetable sink, and his expression became tense again.

This is Mr. Chi's pet, Koshizu Nanatsuki said, "Don't worry, it is very well-behaved and will not bite anyone casually."

Yes, really? Ohba Koji forced a smile.

Hey, hey, is this man really okay?

Even if you are not a bad person, it is very niche to like reptile pets, right? In addition, it gives people a cold feeling, are you sure you don't have any psychological problems or bad habits?

After the water boiled, the three of them moved to the reception room, each holding a cup of hot tea, and sat chatting in the room. Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Ohba Koji were in the same class in high school for three years, and they didn't see each other for two years. When they met again, they inevitably talked about themselves. and other classmates.

You came back to help my aunt sweep her grave, Oba Koji said with emotion. I just heard that you were back yesterday, and I wanted to come find you. But in the morning, my dad asked me to go to the industrial area to help. Then when I was about to come over, I heard again Some people said that you went to the abandoned stadium, so they wanted to look for you there. When they arrived at the food street, they happened to see you. You also know what happened after that... But it’s true that you came back for several days. Don’t contact me... What about us? I was originally studying in Fukuoka. If I hadn’t gone on exchange study, I would have been in Fukuoka. And Ogasawara, she went to Osaka to study, but she will come back during the holidays...

Because in the past two years, Ayusa would stay in Osaka for the summer vacation, so I didn't know that she would come back to Fukuoka during the winter vacation. Koshimizu Nanatsuki explained with some surprise, I asked her last summer if she wanted to go. Shikoku came to visit Chana. She said that her mother had been transferred to work in a large retail store and had just settled down. She wanted to help pack up her new home during the holidays. She also agreed to work as a temporary receptionist at a large airport, so she didn't have time. I thought she rarely went back to Fukuoka now.

She will also come back during the winter vacation. After all, her father is still working in Fukuoka. It seems that she has agreed to stay with her mother in Osaka in the summer and get acquainted with airport jobs, so that she can quickly find a suitable job for her after graduation. post, and went back to Fukuoka to stay with her father in the winter... Koji Ohba smiled, and the smile on his face suddenly condensed again. He lowered his head and took a breath, and his tone became lower. She met me two days ago and talked to me. I said that I didn’t accompany you to Shikoku to see Mizuguchi-san last year. She is still sad when she thinks about it now. After hearing about Mizuguchi’s accident, because she heard that Mizuguchi was attending the competition from the club, she was only surprised and did not go to Shikoku in time. Go, although I wanted to call you to check on you, but I haven’t been able to contact you. In the end, I still couldn’t go to see you. I really don’t have the nerve to see you again. This time you come back, I think she should know it, and she is just worried about your health. Her anger.

I'm not angry, Koshimi Nanatsuki explained. At that time last summer, she didn't know that such a thing would happen to Kana...

Chi Feichi sat aside, drinking tea quietly, listening to the two of them talking about the current situation and going back to the past.

In high school, Nanatsuki Koshimizu and Kana Mizuguchi were the best friends. Arisa Ogasawara often played with them, and Koji Ohba was the kind of person who had a lively and cheerful personality and could hang out with both male and female classmates. He has a good relationship with everyone.

Although they were in the same class in high school, the four of them took different paths after graduation.

Going to college in Japan requires a large amount of tuition. If your family is not well-off and you want to go to college, most people will choose to take out a loan.

Working part-time while studying is not uncommon. Many people start working and going to school in high school. However, they can only earn some pocket money. Unless some people take the path of ***, they can only earn enough for living expenses at most. Not enough to cover tuition fees.

If you can pass the exam and enter a national university, that would be better. If you enter a private university and study for three or four years, the tuition will be much more than that of a national university. After graduation, you will have to work as a social worker for several years in order to pay off the loan as soon as possible. hard working.

The banks that lend money to students are opened by consortiums. After graduation, students are likely to work in the consortium, receive a salary from the consortium, and save the money and return it to the banks under the consortium.

Even the Yan Consortium that merged into Umbrella is among them. The Field Group has had similar financial institutions in Japan in recent years. He is someone who does not need to be squeezed, but he can't help but sigh in his heart that Japan is already in a critical condition.

In this case, some people will not choose to go to college after graduating from high school.

Kana Mizuguchi is one of those people whose family has difficulty affording college tuition. She didn't get a place for admission to a national university, and she wasn't sure that she would be able to successfully graduate if she went to college, so she didn't want to go into debt and gamble on an uncertain future. After graduating from high school, she chose to work and worked as a maid for a wealthy family in Shikoku.

Yueshui's grandfather was a capable man

After his death, he left some property to Yueshui. He did not ask about it in detail, but Yueshui had mentioned to him before that in addition to the real estate, the old man also left some deposits that were withdrawn regularly.

If Yueshui wants to go to university, he will most likely be able to enroll in a national university. In that case, the money he can withdraw every year will be almost enough to pay for tuition, but he will usually have to rely on working or accepting commissions to earn living expenses.

In fact, if you don't want to work in Yueshui, you can rent out part of the spare room at home. It is close to the Tenjin business district and many people are willing to rent a house here. You can also hire people to run it as a B\u0026B, so that you can make a stable income. Income.

However, Yueshui was taught to be too casual by his old man. He has dabbled in a wide range of subjects since he was a child, but does not know which major he wants to specialize in. He is interested in detective affairs, and has already become famous in Kyushu when he graduates from high school. , Koshisui is not in a hurry to go to university, and plans to travel around Japan more, and then go to university when he feels the need to go to university.

And judging from some of Koshisui's actions in the first two years, Koshisui had visited many universities in Tokyo, but had never thought about taking the entrance exam. He suspected that Koshisui wanted to find him first and then decide where to go to school.

In short, during the two years after graduating from high school, Yueshui wandered around various places and made money doing detective work.

Arisa Ogasawara is the type of person who goes to college step by step. Her mother did not choose to become a housewife, but worked outside the home. She worked hard with her husband to provide all the expenses for Arisa Ogasawara's schooling. The couple even guaranteed to provide for Arisa Ogasawara. After going to graduate school, the couple's expectations also put a lot of pressure on Arisa Ogasawara.

I heard from Koshizui and Koji Ohba that if Arisa Ogasawara didn't work hard enough, Arisa Ogasawara's mother would talk about how hard she worked and how difficult the working environment was after getting married.

Arisa Ogasawara also knew that it was not easy for her parents, so she acted a little cautiously. After hearing that Kana Mizuguchi had committed suicide, she did not go to Shikoku in time. This was also because at that time Kana Mizuguchi was convicted of suicide due to fear of crime. Most people in Japan would not tolerate criminals. Even people related to criminals were inevitably ostracized and isolated. Considering her life in college and her future, Arisa Ogasawara retreated.

This is the real reason why Arisa Ogasawara thinks that crossing the water will make her angry.

Regarding this point, Koshi Shui knew it, and Ohba Koji knew it, but the two of them stopped talking about it.

He could guess it from the few words spoken between the two, but he also didn't say what Ogasawara Arisa was thinking, and he didn't mention any related topics.

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