Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2565 Is this ridiculous?

Compared with the other three, Oba Koji's family conditions are the best, but when he said that I was the only one staying in Kyushu, he looked helpless and lonely, which made Chi Feichi realize that this child might not be easy.

Koshizui Nanatsuki was worried that Chi Feichi would not be able to speak and felt that he was being left out. When Koji Ohba sighed, he briefly told Chi Feichi what was causing a headache to Koji Ohba.

Koji Ohba is the second child in the family. Compared to his older brother, Koji Ohba has not been asked too much since he was a child. In high school, he thought about becoming a champion in kendo competitions and an excellent football player. , I thought about going to Tokyo, Hokkaido, and every place except Kyushu.

Just when Oba Koji was about to graduate from high school, Oba Koji's brother encountered an accident while on a business trip and was trapped on the floor of the hotel where the fire broke out. Although he was eventually rescued and saved his life, he suffered extensive burns all over his body. I lay in the hospital for half a month before I was completely out of danger.

After this incident happened, Ohba Koji's mother began to accompany her eldest son for follow-up treatment, but the situation was not good. His father was old and suffered a fright, and his health was not very good. The pressure of running an industrial company was also increasing. The bigger.

Under such circumstances, Koji Ohba's parents did not want him to leave Fukuoka, not only because the psychological shadow left by the eldest son's accident had not been eliminated, and they longed for their second son to be able to move around in a place where they could rescue him in time, but also because the family needed a person. A helper, whether it's helping your father run an errand or helping your mother look after your brother, can make the family easier.

Koji Ohba also volunteered to stay and went to Kyushu University in Fukuoka. Except for his previous exchange study trip to Osaka, he has never left Fukuoka in the past two years, even during the university holidays.

Many of my high school classmates at that time had left Fukuoka, and everyone wanted to go further afield. Only I, who had long planned to see everywhere, was stuck here. Koji Ohba said gloomily, "This I have seen the sunrise and sunset in this area many times. Sometimes I want to go to a nearby city but there is no chance. I can only go to school, home or the port. Last year I learned that I could go to Osaka for exchange and study. , I really felt like I had finally taken a breath, so I applied without thinking, but ended up missing the high school reunion because of it...

Chi Feichi looked at Oba Koji's depressed face, picked up the cup and drank tea, and gave up his thoughts.

He could guess what Ohba Koji was doing in the industrial area today.

On the day the yacht docked at the port, a nearby dock worker mentioned that a batch of large machinery would be docked recently, which was sent by a certain consortium for repair. If the warehouse was not enough, they might rent a large vacant warehouse at the port.

In addition, on the way out of the industrial zone by car, he saw the sign for the office building of Dachang Industrial Co., Ltd. That area was full of office buildings, and the streets were very clean and there was not much dust.

There is a lot of dust on Ohba Koji's pants and shoes. He may have gone to an industrial warehouse that is not used all year round. The black oil stains on the sleeves of his coat should be deteriorated engine lubricating oil. Moreover, Ohba Koji's purpose of staying in Fukuoka is... It's not to gain experience at the bottom level, but to help his father, who is the president, so what makes Ohba Koji run to the warehouse is probably for something more important... such as renting a large warehouse to a project leader of a consortium. .

The project leader of that consortium was responsible for sending the machinery to Fukuoka for maintenance. After consideration, he decided to rent a warehouse from a local industrial company. The space needed to be rented must not be too small. He would contact Ohba Koji's father directly instead of going to the office to find one. A small staff member declared at various levels.

In this way, Ohba Koji probably helped his father make this trip, delivered the lease contract, keys and other things, and also dealt with people from the consortium and received them to take a look at the warehouse.

If he wanted Koji Ohba to leave the Keshui home early, he could find a way to find Koji Ohba's phone number, go outside and call Koji Ohba in a different voice, lie about being an employee of that consortium, and say that there were some safety issues in the warehouse. , it is necessary for Ohba Koji to go over and confirm. As long as the atmosphere is properly dyed and Ohba Koji does not think of calling the person in charge of the consortium to confirm, Ohba Koji can be allowed to leave.

Even if Oba Koji finds something wrong on the way,

It doesn’t matter, I’ve already said goodbye and walked out of this door. Does Oba Koji have the nerve to go back and have a meal right away?

Just now he watched Koji Ohba pulling Koshisui to reminisce about the past and talk endlessly. He did think about using this method to get Koji Ohba away, but seeing the sighing looks of the two of them, he decided to wait patiently for a while.

After graduation, not every high school classmate can lament their life experiences together. After being separated for a long time, there will be less and less things to say. Since two people can talk, why not let Yueshui express their emotions.

Moreover, Ohba Koji put on formal and restrictive clothes that he didn't like. Even though the traces on his pants, shoes and sleeves showed his sloppy character, he still had to pretend to be a calm and smart elite, like many young people who work hard in life. The person has an appearance that people like Kudo Shinichi would not have. It reminded him of the time in his previous life when he was clumsy and struggling to adapt to a new life. He also wanted Ohba Koji to have a chance to talk to someone.

From the current contact, it seems that Ohba Koji is not a narrow-minded or bad-minded person. Although some of his actions seem reckless and sloppy, and the behavior of following them is like a childish child, he does not show any hostility when facing him, and he can do it for him. He has sacrificed his family, and his mind and character are not too bad. He should be one of Yueshui's former classmates who is worth getting along with, and he doesn't want to be too petty.

His mentality is very stable.

If this guy wants to sue, sue him as soon as possible, and leave him as soon as he's finished suing!

In fact, what I missed was not just the high school reunion... Koji Ohba sighed in despair, his expression was so sad that he seemed to cry on the spot. Two years ago, and even before this year, I felt that I could handle things within a year or two. After everything has stabilized, I will slowly pursue the life I once wanted. But I suddenly found that my ideas were too idealistic. Opportunities would not wait for me to be ready. Two years would give others I have also experienced a lot of things and made many things change. If I look back two years later, I may have missed the best time to pursue more than once...

Chi Feichi heard what Ohba Koji really wanted to lament and what he was really upset about.

At first, Koji Ohba probably wanted to spend time with his family through the crisis, and after everything calmed down, he would try to get out of Fukuoka and formally pursue the person he wanted to pursue.

Just two years later, Koshisui had a boyfriend. Koji Ohba began to reflect on his previous life plan which was too idealistic and ignored the changes that would be brought about in two years. He also began to regret that if he had confessed earlier, it would have been wrong. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been overtaken by an outsider.

This guy is savvy. If he can understand that time is the biggest variable, it will definitely be helpful for thinking about problems in the future. However, there are still some problems with his ideas, and he needs to correct them.

Mr. Ochang does not need to be so brooding. Chi Feichi said in a voice, what you think you have lost may not belong to you in the first place.

Ohba Koji raised his head and glared at Chi Feichi, the sad expression on his face disappeared instantly after solidifying.

Did this guy understand what he really wanted to say?

If this guy understands his thoughts and responds like this, it's like a winner sitting on the throne and saying to the loser, don't be sad, victory is destined to be mine.

Does this sound like language? Ah? Does this sound like human language?

Chi Fei saw Oba Koji looking at him with a look that said, "Do you know what you are talking about?" He quickly glanced in the direction of Yuesui Nanatsuki, looked at Oba Koji and affirmed, "I have never done that." Belonged to you.

Koji Ohba:!

This guy knows his thoughts!

It turns out that it’s not that he uses the filter of love rival and thinks too badly of others, it’s that this guy is inherently arrogant and arrogant!

Not wanting Koshimi Nanatsuki to find out that the atmosphere was wrong, Ohba Koji gave Chi Feichi an unhappy look, and quickly covered up the unhappiness, seemingly unintentionally saying, you are right, but there is also a Maybe, what I thought I lost was not really lost, and would come back to me at the best time in the future.

Chi Feichi's face was expressionless, so just wait.

This kid is so evil!

Koji Ohba:


He is indeed a hateful guy!

Sensing the vibrating of his cell phone, Chi Feichi took the lead to look away, took out his cell phone and glanced down. He took Fei Chi out from under his sleeve and put it on the table. He got up and walked out the door with his cell phone. "Yue Shui, I'll answer the phone." ,You guys chat.

yes. Koshizui Nanatsuki watched Chi Fei arrive late to answer the phone at the door. When he heard Chi Fei call his father on the other side of the phone, he wondered why Chi Fei called Chi Fei and was a little absent-minded.

Chi Feichi didn't go far, he stood at the door and whispered on the phone. We are still in Fukuoka... Have you arrived in London? We have nothing to do... Foreign exchange account?...

In the room, Oba Koji saw that Koshizui Nanatsuki was listening to the movement at the door and seemed to have no intention of chatting. He smiled helplessly and took the initiative to stir up the topic. By the way, Koshimizu, you two are still calling each other each other. Last name?

Yes, we called each other by our last names at first, and then we got used to it, Koshimizu Nanatsuki said with a smile, and we haven’t changed it yet.

I see. Koji Ohba nodded, pondering his own thoughts.

If these two people have not been dating for a long time and their relationship is not close, does he still have a chance?

Feichi climbed onto Koshimizu Nanatsuki's hand, then climbed up around Koshimizu Nanatsuki's arm, until he could hang his head above Koshimizu Nanatsuki's shoulder, then he stopped, turned to look at Ohba Koji, and stared.

It understood that the owner kept it here specifically to monitor this person.

If this person dares to do anything dangerous to Koshimizu Nanatsuki, he will bite this guy hard!

Then he...

Ohba Koji turned to look at Nanatsuki Koshizui, and saw Nanatsuki Koshizui with a snake coiled around his right shoulder. His eyes were on Feichi, who was spitting out snake letters at him, and he said blankly, "O-so cool!" Was it trained like this?

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