Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2584 He is the most powerful

Conan didn't think it was a coincidence, but after listening to Chi Feichi's words, he felt that the two of them had never dated before, so that was the case.

Haibara Ai didn't think it was a coincidence, and had more speculations in her mind than Conan.

Even if Belmode stayed at Fei Chi's house to discuss criminal actions, being able to come to Fei Chi's house to discuss the matter also shows that the relationship between the two is closer than normal colleagues. Also, Belmod knew her and Edogawa’s identities, but was hiding it from Brother Fei Chi...

Is it to prevent Brother Fei Chi's mental illness from getting worse, so he helps them hide it? Or is it that Belmode is not very honest with Brother Fei Chi, and the two of them are not close enough to be friends?

Although it was a good thing that Belmod helped them hide it, she was also worried that the woman was planning something bad for them.

If you get together next time, can you please call me? Kudo Yukiko is eager to try. On the surface, she is serious. Although Xiaochi said that Sharon and I are not strictly speaking students of that person, but I still feel that I and Sharon is senior sister Xiao Chi. Xiao Chi is willing to call me sister. Is that what you think? Sharon and I are both classmates and good friends. Chrissy is her only daughter. After her death, I also want to follow her. I know Chris and get along well with her, so can you introduce us to her next time?


He seemed to see a flash of excitement in his mother's eyes.

Of course, Chi Feichi agreed without hesitation, and added, "But I haven't seen her recently, and I don't know what she is doing. I will tell her about this when we have time to contact her." You are both retired female celebrities, and you will definitely be a hot topic when you are together.

As long as both Kudo Yukiko and Belmode are willing to meet, he can help arrange it.

Neither of these two people are afraid of causing trouble. How could he be afraid of causing trouble before it was too late to watch the excitement?

I'm sorry to bother you, Kudo Yukiko didn't care how speechless Conan looked at her, she smiled and said, I will only stay in Japan for two days this time, but if she is willing to meet with me, please send me an email, Xiaochi. Me, I'm really looking forward to being able to sit and chat with her for a while and have a cup of coffee or something.

Conan quickly ignored Kudo Yukiko's attitude of wanting to cause trouble, calmly analyzed the pros and cons, and felt that his mother's idea was not bad.

Belmod had killed Teacher Judy's father and wanted to kill Huiyuan before. He must have killed other people in the past few years. He was definitely not as good-tempered as Chi Feichi said, but Belmod seemed to be very tolerant of him. She has never actively harmed him, her attitude is weird, and there is a high probability that she will not hurt his mother...

If his mother could meet and chat with Bellmod, even if she couldn't get information about the organization from Bellmod, she might be able to confirm why Bellmod behaved strangely towards him and repeatedly appeared around Chi Feichi. reason.

After Kudo Yukiko finished speaking, she pretended that she couldn't stop gossiping. Speaking of this...Xiao Chi, you have collected your teacher's personal information, right? I'm a little curious about how many people he has taught, besides me and Sha Lang, besides you and the main investigator who led the bad guy to escape, do we have any other colleagues? If everyone is willing, can we hold a memorial service for him another day?

Conan heard that Kudo Yukiko finally mentioned this, and waited with bated breath for Chi Feichi's answer.

Okiya Aung thought of the two miraculous performances in which a certain raki disappeared from the crowd and transformed into a crow, and also thought of "magic, this method."

The Kudo couple would not mention this for no reason. Could it be that Raki is a classmate of these people...

Chi Feichi also guessed that Kudo and his wife came here for the identity of Raki. He felt confident and dealt with it more easily. Thinking back to the large and small reports and rumors of Kuroba Toichi, he had exchanged magic with many people. When it comes to performing skills, I sometimes exchange some useful tips with other magicians. They have learned some of each other's skills, but it's not a master-student relationship, and there are too many people like that. I can't say for sure who he is. How many people have communicated with each other? As for the memorial service... knowing that he was being targeted by bad people, he gathered all the people related to him together.

It's too dangerous. I won't come forward to organize this kind of thing. If you want to organize it, I will definitely participate.

Kudo Yukiko had originally planned to organize a memorial service, but after Chi Feichi reminded her, she realized that she had forgotten something important. She quickly apologized, ah, sorry, I almost forgot that there are some dangerous people to be careful about. In this case, the memorial service It's better not to hold it until you eliminate those guys.

Conan is not willing to accept this little gain. Has Brother Chi seen...

The doctor called me. Haibara Ai took out her mobile phone and looked at the call page, interrupted Conan's words, and turned around and asked as if nothing had happened, Edogawa, I'm sorry, what were you talking about just now?

Conan calmed down and didn't want to lead Chi Fei to investigate some dangerous guys. He immediately smiled at the others and said, "It's nothing. I just want to ask Brother Chi if he has seen any powerful magic when he was studying with his teacher." division.

Chi Feichi said without thinking, my teacher is the best.

Conan was confused, is it, is it...

That's right, Kudo Yukiko nodded seriously, he is the best!


Hey, he just wants to find out which magicians are powerful and who are good at disappearing in the crowd. Can't these two people cooperate?

However, such a powerful magician should not be unknown. If these two people are offline, they can be offline. He can ask the doctor to check online. Today at least it was confirmed that Belmod, his mother and Brother Chi were A layer of contact between them can be regarded as a kind of gain.

On the side, Haihara Ai answered Dr. A Li's call and responded to the questions of the three children over there.

A group of people decided to end the conversation and went to Dr. A Li’s house next door for dinner.

Chi Feichi and others originally planned to have winter hot pot, and prepared a lot of ingredients. Kudo and his wife would not be enough, and there were even more people to help with the ingredients.

Dr. Agasa couldn't stop laughing in surprise when he saw Kudo and his wife coming home. The children all knew Kudo Yukiko. During lunch, they couldn't help but talk about the incident they met at the film post-production studio with Kudo Yukiko.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki is very interested in that kind of bizarre incident. Chi Feichi and Okiya Ao are also willing to listen to it. Kudo and his son also like to discuss tsundere, so the topic of a group of people making hot pot starts from this incident to that. During the incident, it was said that so-and-so was dead and so-and-so was the murderer, but the atmosphere was still harmonious and fiery.

After lunch, except for Okiya Aung who said he had experimental data that needed to be checked, the others followed Chi Feichi to a hotel near the Toto Aquarium.

The hotel was built next to the aquarium, integrating accommodation, catering, and entertainment. Odagiri Toshi also rented the entire hotel directly as a venue for the company's new film and television productions and development planning press conferences. Only those who received invitations , in-house artists, in-house staff and media workers can enter.

Dr. Agasa, Nanatsuki Koshizu and the Young Detective Team were originally on the invitation list. Chi Feichi had decided to return to Tokyo from Fukuoka with Nanatsuki Koshizu the day before to attend this celebration dinner.

Kudo was a rare guest who joined in the middle. After following Chi Feichi into the hotel, when the hotel was full of popular female artists, sports stars, script creators, painters and other celebrities from all walks of life, the low-key couple It still attracts a lot of people's attention. As long as you are recognized by someone, you must respond to the other party's greetings or give an autograph.

When a group of people arrived, Odagiri Toshiya and important company personnel were still attending the press conference in the large conference room, dealing with media interviews.

Chi Feichi did not disturb Odagiri Toshiya. He sent the people he brought to a large lounge and distributed the prepared aquarium tickets. Before he could sit for a while, Morizono Kikuto pulled him away and came forward. Receive people from major financial groups or large companies who come to participate in the event.

Compared to going to the aquarium to see the exhibition, the three real children were obviously more interested in the celebrities in the hotel. Even Conan followed the three children to other floors after hearing that many football stars were attending. Dr. Agasa He Koshimizu Nanatsuki watched the children closely, and even Haibara Ai joined the guard team, striving to

He wanted to cause trouble to Chi Feichi at this time.

In the evening, Chi Feichi threw the Maori father and daughter, Suzuki Sonoko, who arrived later, to a group of people, and was unable to chat more with acquaintances. After the dinner started, he also threw Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Haibara Aito I joined the team of family members to help share the social pressure.

In the morning of the next day, thk company's activities were still continuing, and many guests stayed to attend the premiere of the new movie in the cinema downstairs of the hotel.

When Chi Fei arrived late and met acquaintances in the small screening room, Suzuki Sonoko was still promoting the new movie to the Maori father, daughter and others.

Although I have not officially watched the movie, I have only roughly seen the rough cut version of the clip, but it is definitely a love movie worth watching. Suzuki Sonoko sat between the seats, excitedly reached out to hold Mao Lilan's hands, and then turned to watch Nanatsuki Minato and Yukiko Kudo said with excitement, "It's a love movie between monsters and onmyoji in the Heian era. Isn't it very exciting?"

Kudo Yukiko smiled and nodded at Suzuki Sonoko, then whispered to Conan sitting next to her, "This kid is still as energetic as before."

Conan didn't have much expectations for romantic movies, and his interest was not high. He nodded in agreement with Kudo Yukiko's words. When he found that Chi Fei was late in the aisle, he cheered up, raised his hand and shouted, Brother Chi, this way!

Chi Feichi took a look and found that Haibara Ai had specially reserved a seat for himself next to Keshui Nanatsuki. He stepped forward to say hello to Kudo and his wife. He walked past the seats of Kudo, his wife and their five children, and sat down at Keshui Nanatsuki. Between Tsuki and Haibara Ai, they greeted Dr. Agasa on the other end.

Because of this movie, the Suzuki Foundation and Umbrella specially opened an island, built a pier and some Heian-era-style buildings as a filming location. Suzuki Sonoko was still excitedly sharing with Mao Lilan, where will it be in the future? It will become a tourist spot. We can go there to play, stay in the room where the movie protagonist lived, and watch the scenery on the high platform where the movie protagonist dances. I have seen the video sent by the staff, and I feel that the scenery on the high platform is not comparable at all. Kyoto Kiyomizu-daicha, they are two completely different beauties...

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