Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2585: Liren Shiranui

Hearing what Suzuki Sonoko said, Koshizui Nanatsuki felt anticipation rising in his heart. He turned around and asked Chi Feichi in a low voice, "Mr. Chi, where is that island? Have you been there to see it?"

"It's in the Nagasaki area, but I've never been there," Chi Feichi explained. "A movie was being filmed there before, and Min didn't let us go. He thought we were all plague gods. If we were allowed to go there during the filming, , there may be problems with the movie shooting plan."

Koshizui Nanatsuki carefully looked at Chi Feichi's calm face, and then looked at the excited children. His expression was subtle for a moment, as if he was a little bit dumbfounded, and he joked in a low voice, "Why do I think Toshiya's decision is wise... "

Chi Feichi whispered back, "It's impossible to refute."

In fact, he and Sonoko also felt that this decision was very wise, so they did not leak any news to the outside world. They also agreed that before the filming was completed, they would never come close or take any acquaintances to play. This is the first movie in the Onmyoji series to be released. , will be followed by a TV series. The movie is a very important introduction, and he and Yuanzi also want to get off to a good start.

Haihara Ai looked at the two people who were whispering sideways, and then turned his gaze to the big screen in front of him with satisfaction.

Dr. Ali on the other side noticed that Haibara Ai seemed to be very interested, and asked out of curiosity, "Xiao Ai, didn't you like romantic movies before? Why did you come so easily today?"

"To be honest, I really have no interest in romantic movies," Haibara Ai looked at the screen in front of him and said, "But when we went to the artist lounge yesterday, we heard about the movie premiere tomorrow. It was said that at the beginning The story was provided by Brother Fei Chi, and was later expanded and improved by a well-known script writer and Miss Qianga. When Brother Fei Chi provided the story, he probably wasn't in love yet. I really can't imagine what kind of love story he had in mind. That’s why I’m looking forward to this movie.”

"Is it true?" Nanatsuki Yuesui leaned over Chi Feichi and asked Haihara Ai, then looked up at Chi Feichi, "The story was provided by Mr. Chi."

"It's true," Chi Feichi affirmed, "but what I provided is just a summary of the story..."

"There is also a theme song." Haihara Ai took over the words, raised his hand to cover his mouth and yawned. When he saw a host coming up to the front desk, he cheered up and reminded, "It's about to start."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki immediately sat up straight. After the surrounding lights were turned off, his eyes were illuminated by the screen, full of curiosity and expectation.

Chi Feichi considered the movie-watching experience of the two people. He did not spoil the movie as a love tragedy, but tried to make the two people not expect too much about the love story. "This movie is not only a love movie, but also a very exciting special effects movie."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki whispered excitedly, "That makes me look forward to it even more!"

On the stage, the host asked people to distribute souvenirs around the seats. While waiting for the staff to distribute souvenirs, he introduced the film's creative team, actors, creative background, and talked about the premiere process and the official release time.

'H, the letter only occupies a small position at the back of the main creative team, but it is not only the story provider, script reviewer, but also the creator of one of the theme songs. Coupled with its own popularity, it is still very popular. .

Of course, the attention it attracted was far less than that of Chika Suzu, who also occupied the second creative position in the script. If it weren't for the fact that there was no interview session before the screening, some media people at the scene would have been unable to stop themselves from standing up and asking questions out of habit. .

"...The official release time is December 24, that is, three days later. After the premiere, the creative team and starring actors will be interviewed. Media reporters who want to interview can go to the conference hall after the movie. Now we are officially Showtime, I wish you all a happy viewing!"

The host introduced the situation and quickly left in front of the big screen. He and the staff who had distributed the gifts sat down in the reserved space at the back and joined the movie watching team.

When Chi Feichi heard the release date of "December 24th", he felt that Odagiri Toshi also wanted to stir up trouble and release a love tragedy movie on Christmas Eve, which is popular with couples. Toshiya, a single man, was definitely taking the opportunity to secretly vent his anger.

After the movie started playing, no one in the small screening room spoke anymore, and even the three real children fell silent.

The video begins with

A distant view of a corner of the island. The camera zooms in closer to the island, photographing the bustling small town on the island.

There are only stone roads and dirt roads in the streets of the small town. There are Heian period-style buildings scattered along the roadside. Those buildings are more exquisite and magnificent than the real Heian period buildings, but they will not make people feel that those buildings do not belong to the old era. They will only feel that the town has been restored. The Heian period has a touch of magic.

People in front of their homes, in front of shops, and in the farmland are also wearing clothes similar to the Heian period. The camera shuttles among the crowds, capturing not only street scenes, but also vivid scenes of life during the Heian period.

During this period, the names of the creative team members also appeared and disappeared in the corner of the screen one after another. When the camera stopped at a luxurious high-rise building by the sea, the title of the film also officially appeared.

"Liren Shiranui"

Others watched the title dimming attentively, guessing the inner meaning of the title.

Chi Fei had long known the outline of the story and the meaning of the title, but he still had high expectations for the content enriched by Chika Suzu and the playwright.

This movie comes from the animated CG "Shiranui" that he watched in his previous life. It is the work of a game company that specializes in producing excellent animation.

There wasn't much CG content, and it wasn't enough to watch as a movie, so he just provided the story and left the task of enriching the story into a movie to others.

After the title disappeared, the movie officially started in that luxurious loft, filming the process of the proprietress of Liren Pavilion buying a little girl from a fisherman and naming her "Ali".

The young woman stood at the door wearing luxurious clothes, accompanied by two waiters behind her. She was stepping on the thick-soled wooden platform unique to geisha. She looked seriously and looked at the little girl behind the fisherman in front of her with a look that looked at goods.

The little girl was wearing the same shabby clothes as the fishermen, but she had skin as white as snow and delicate and picturesque eyebrows. When the woman looked at her, she stuck her head out from behind the fishermen and her couple and looked at the young man dressed up in front of her with clear eyes. woman.

The proprietress of Liren Pavilion is played by Man Gongnan, a well-known actress who has her own studio. She is the owner of Liren Pavilion and a beautiful geisha. She was in her twenties when she appeared, but because geishas often only reach their flowering period, When he was about thirty years old, after he bought the little girl and took him as his apprentice, he slowly retreated to the background, pushing other dancers to the front stage, while he concentrated on teaching the girl who could already tell at a young age that she would be a great beauty in the future. A Li.

The content of this teaching is not long, and the content is completed by Chika Suzu. Chika Suzu was once a dancing girl in a tea house in Kyoto. She has been learning rules and dance since she was a child. She knows best what a dancing girl has to learn and the pain she has to go through. .

The young Ali is played by the daughter of a tea house proprietor in Kyoto. She is only seven years old. She is also learning from her mother what a geisha should learn. The little girl plays her true character. When she is asked not to cry when she is learning basic skills, she immediately imitates her. With a dignified and calm expression, standing alone in front of the window, with depression and desire for a wonderful world in his eyes, many viewers felt heartbroken.

Dancing girls are not restricted in their personal freedom, but they are not allowed to be themselves. All training requires them to become exquisite works of art, ranging from their dress and posture to their every move from waking up to falling asleep every day. They must abide by strict rules. Even if they go out and walk among passers-by, they seem to be just porcelain dolls walking among humans and are not included in the human group.

In the movie, that arc is repeatedly played out in the teaching session, but it does not take up too much space. The girl A Li also quickly grew up and became an adult A Li played by Chika Suzu.

When she reached adulthood and danced on the high stage, Qianhe Ling used her solid skills to perform the dance of Chaoruo Jinghong. The audience was refreshed and the heartache they felt just now was gone. Even if a few years passed, there was still a feeling. The proud feeling that my little girl finally emerged from her cocoon and emerged as a butterfly.

As Ali dances, more and more ships are seen on the surrounding sea, and the candlelight gradually becomes a brilliant scene that illuminates a large area of ​​​​the sea. The popular Ali is also called "Singer Shiranui".

That is a nickname derived from the legend of Daiyou Shiranui. The legendary Daiyou Shiranui has the ability to control fire. Even at sea, he can ignite raging fires. As soon as Ali appears, he will attract many people. ,

The candlelight of those passenger ships lighting up the sea is like the flame lit by Daiyou Shiranui on the sea.

At this time, A Li could not tell whether she was happy or unhappy. Her dance was amazing, and every move she made was extremely elegant. She seemed to have really turned into an exquisite ornament.

It wasn't until the song and dance came to an end and the ships on the sea dispersed that A Li turned around and returned to the Li Ren Pavilion, using the most appropriate gesture to reach out for someone to change his clothes. Only then could the audience clearly see the changes in A Li, and the pride in their hearts also dissipated a lot. It became a strange feeling of pride and regret.

During A Li's performance again, an Onmyoji's boat appeared among the many boats.

The young and handsome Onmyoji looks a little downcast, but his eyes are extremely determined. He came here to find the great demon Shiranui. He once vowed to use magic to make Shiranui a shikigami that surrenders to him. He heard the wind and found the remote island, but he was told that this place Shiranui is Diva Shiranui.

The singer Shiranui seemed to be just an ordinary girl, not the great demon that the Onmyoji was looking for, but the Onmyoji fell in love with A Li like everyone else. When giving the reward, he dropped a letter and a few coins, and the child looked at her , smiling ashamedly at his own downfall.

After this prosperity came to an end, Onmyoji rowed his boat to the bottom of Li Ren Pavilion and met A Li.

"Are all flowers born to please people's eyes?" A Li asked while standing on the wooden stack.

The young Onmyoji thought for a moment and said firmly, "Flowers bloom in a flash, and clouds appear in all shapes and colors. Only by removing the clouds in front of your eyes can you gain freedom in your heart. What you confide in is in your singing and dancing."

Ah Li jumped onto the boat, without any scruples about proper manners, and said to the young onmyoji in a brisk tone, "Take me out to sea for a spin."

The audience then realized that Ah Li still persisted in himself and had not completely become a delicate ornament. They felt happy in their hearts. At the same time, some people were happy because Ah Li met someone who truly understood him. Many audience members expressed their joy. All with a smile.

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