Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2609 No one is good

"As for me, it was because I heard Teacher Maori tell me about him putting salt in beer," Chi Feichi said. "I had never thought that teachers could have such financial constraints before. I was a little surprised at the time, so I remember to compare Clearly, when I saw the beer foam today, I immediately remembered it.”

Okiya Subaru felt a lot more relaxed in his heart, as if it was normal for him to catch up with Chi Feichi's progress nearly an hour later. He felt a little dumbfounded. When he heard Chi Feichi talking about Mouri Kogoro, he thought of Mouri again. Another apprentice of Kogoro, "Mr. Chi is very good at educating people, but when Mr. Mori was so difficult in life, it was really beyond my expectation. After all, he is now one of the best detectives in Japan, and he has two apprentices." ·······》

"Dingle bell! Dingle bell..."

The phone rang. Haihara Ai in the back seat took out her phone and looked at it. "Sorry, it's the doctor's call. I'll answer it first."

Subaru Okiya didn't feel anxious or regretful because the topic was cut off. He smiled and said, "They probably noticed that our car never caught up, so they wanted to ask where we were..."

If there is an opportunity in the future to bring the topic to Bourbon, he will be very patient! "As long as their car breaks down." Conan couldn't help but complain in a low voice.

"Please don't talk too much at this time," Haibara Ai warned and answered the phone, "Doctor... it's Ayumi... No, actually we are still in Tokyo... ····I got the stuff, but something happened on the way..."

Over there, Dr. Ali drove the three children forward, thinking that Chi Feichi's car was always behind.

It wasn't until they were about to arrive at the foot of the mountain where the ski resort is located that the three children discussed parking and accommodation arrangements. Ayumi used Dr. Ali's mobile phone to call Haihara Ai. She never thought that Chi Feichi would be dragged into the case. I’m here now, and I haven’t even left Tokyo yet.

After the two parties communicated on the phone, Dr. Ali first took the three children to check into the hot spring hotel that he had made a reservation by phone last night. While waiting for Chi Feichi and the four of them to pass by, he took the three children to take a dip in the hot springs and look at the scenery. .

At early twelve o'clock at noon, the four of Chi Feichi arrived at the hot spring hotel, met Dr. A Li and the three children, put their luggage in the hotel room, had lunch together, and then headed to the ski resort halfway up the mountain.

The ski resort provides ski equipment rental. The staff took a group of people to select ski equipment. While leading a group of people to put on the equipment, they introduced the length and slope of the different slides in the ski resort.

Conan was a little worried that Subaru Okiya lost his fake face when he put on the ski goggles, but when he saw Subaru Okiya put on the ski goggles calmly, he knew that Subaru Okiya was prepared before going out, so he felt relieved.

Without paying attention for a while, the three children murmured and discussed a new group activity. Mitsuhiko shouted excitedly, "Then let's try sliding forward a hundred or two hundred meters as a warm-up exercise before the official competition..." ··

Genta stared ahead with wide eyes, "Okay! If you win the first game, I'll book it first!"

"Pay attention to your safety," Dr. Ali warned with a serious face. "Everyone's safety is more important than the competition. Don't forget what I just told you. Never go to a slide with a too steep slope. Don't slide. It’s too far, we must act collectively..."

Near the group, a man and two women came out of the lounge. They seemed to have rested midway and were ready to start a new round of skiing. "Ah, Taozi, you still look very unfamiliar..."

"Yes, yes, because I just learned it not long ago..."

“I don’t know if it’s been too long since I haven’t exercised. As someone who has learned before, my skating didn’t feel very smooth this morning...”

When Chi Feichi heard the voice, he turned around and looked around. After realizing that he actually had the idea of ​​"helping", he was immediately disgusted by himself. It is no exaggeration to say that his stomach really twitched, and he also felt like vomiting.

Let’s not talk about whether others just enjoy skiing clumsily with their friends and whether they need his teaching. Let’s just say that when he encounters such a completely unfamiliar stranger, he actually wants to talk to him. This kind of behavior is something he has never thought of.

Whether it's a previous life or

In this life, there was no one he formally knew who could make him take the initiative to talk to him, only his mission target.

It may be that his brain detected that his thoughts were too abnormal, and judged that he was in this state because he was suffering from food poisoning and was suffering from mental disorder, so his brain instantly sent a "vomit" command to his stomach, wanting him to hurry up. Spit out the poisonous stuff...

It may also be that his thoughts are too different from before, and his consciousness quickly generates the idea of ​​​​stepping forward, and he habitually feels that "this is not right" and quickly stops action and corrects his thoughts. The conflict process puts too much pressure on him. Therefore, his body used reactions such as nausea to remind him to pay attention to his physical and mental health...

In short, he felt that only this kind of reason could lead to his situation of "being disgusted by myself".

Because some outgoing and enthusiastic people are very keen to help strangers, it is not strange for them to come up and talk to help. Although he does not have that habit, he will not have a physical reaction of nausea and vomiting for this kind of behavior, otherwise When he came into contact with this bad guy Niide Tomaki, he could not bear it any longer and chopped him into pieces to make dumplings.

"Brother Chi, let's..." Conan didn't want to peck each other with the little novice. He originally wanted to invite Chi Feichi to slide around twice, but when he looked up, he saw Chi Feichi's expression was cold and gloomy, and he was stunned. In situ.

Nothing special happened just now, right? Why does his little friend look so ugly?

Haiyuan Ai noticed something was wrong in the atmosphere, and looked up at Chi Feichi. She saw that Chi Feichi's face had obviously softened, but still looked a bit cold. He hesitated and called out, "Brother Fei Chi?"

"It's nothing." Chi Feichi suppressed the discomfort in his stomach and his expression completely softened. "My stomach suddenly felt a little uncomfortable just now." Subaru Okiya put on his ski equipment from behind and walked forward with his ski pole on his back. " Is Mr. Chi feeling unwell?"

"Yes, Fei Chi said that his stomach was a little uncomfortable," Dr. Ali heard what Chi Fei Chi said, relayed it to Okiya Subaru and the children who came around, then looked at Chi Fei Chi and asked, "Fei Chi , then do you want to take a rest here?"

"I don't feel uncomfortable anymore. I think I should be able to skate two laps," Chi Feichi didn't want to make others unhappy, so he didn't insist too much. "If it feels uncomfortable, I will stop."

Seeing that Chi Feichi's face didn't look like he was enduring pain, Dr. A Li felt a little relieved and warned, "Then you should ski nearby and don't run too far!"

"I felt uncomfortable in my stomach just now. How do you feel specifically?" Haihara Ai was about to start on-site consultation. She looked at Chi Feichi and asked, "Is it a sudden pain in the stomach? Or..."

"There is no pain," Chi Feichi also wanted to confirm whether there was something wrong with his body, so he told the symptoms truthfully, "It was just a twitch in the stomach, and I felt nauseated and wanted to vomit for a moment, and soon Just disappeared."

"Did you have any symptoms of dizziness or difficulty hearing just now?" "No."

"Did you feel any pain elsewhere?"



Haiyuan Ai asked questions one after another and ruled out various pathological factors. In the end, he could only temporarily attribute it to cold air irritating the intestines and stomach. When he first started skiing, Chi Feichi didn't move too far away from other people. He and Dr. Ali watched the three children drag Conan and Haibara Ai into two games. Okiya Subaru did not leave the team, and he and Chi Feichi also skated outside the children to help take care of the children's safety.

After almost half an hour of activity, the others were completely relieved after confirming that Chi Feichi was not feeling unwell.

Chi Feichi, Okiya Subaru, and Conan also began to ski together into the distance, and from time to time they would make a big turn in the ski resort. Their tracks were so elegant and smooth that many guests at the ski resort envied them.

After more than an hour of activity, Subaru Okiya felt that his prosthetic face was almost unable to hold up under the attack of sweat and cold wind. He skied half a circle back to the lounge, changed out of his ski equipment, and went to the bathroom to readjust it. I put on the disguise mask and felt that the fake face became more docile again. I put on my glasses, squinted my eyes to cover the dark green pupils, and then left the bathroom with confidence. As a result, I just went out.

He found that Chi Fei had come to the bathroom late and had no ski equipment on him.

"Mr. Chi," Okiya Subaru greeted, stepped aside to get out of the way, and quickly recalled in his mind whether he had left anything suspicious in the bathroom just now, "Are you going to rest for a while too?"

"I'm going to use the restroom, and then I'm going to the lounge to rest instead of going to the ski resort." Chi Feichi walked past Subaru Okiya and went straight into the restroom. "If you want to find someone to ski with, you can call Go to Conan."

Okiya Subaru felt that Chi Feichi's expression seemed to be cold and a little bleak, so he turned around and asked, "Are you still not feeling well?" "No... I'm just not interested in skiing anymore."

Chi Feichi closed and locked the bathroom door, walked to the sink, looked at himself in the mirror, and made sure his face was not ugly before turning and leaving the sink.

In the first half hour of skiing, he stayed with acquaintances. He didn't think there was anything wrong with taking care of the children. He didn't feel nauseous or sick, not even Subaru Okiya and Dr. Agasa. , he is happy to take care of it.

Later, when he went skiing in a distant place, he would see those who were clumsy or those who accidentally fell on the snow. He would also want to step forward to help guide or give him a hand. Every time he had such an idea, he would think Feeling of nausea and vomiting.

He had been thinking that the sin of infidelity might be the mildest original sin, but now that he thought about it, it was better not to draw conclusions too early about anything. None of these original sins are good.

He insisted on skating outside for an hour so that the children would not worry and have fun; he did not insist on skating because he had felt nauseated no less than six times in more than an hour and wanted to find a place with few people to rest. , I didn’t want to pretend that nothing had happened and continued to slide.

Since he wants to stop, between physical problems and psychological problems, he always has to choose one of the reasons to deal with others.

Others are more familiar with his "sudden loss of interest", a psychological problem, and would not make a fuss if they knew about it. It is more suitable as an excuse to take a break than physical problems.

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