Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2610 One-click switch to open eyes

After Chi Feichi and Okiya Subaru stopped skiing, they stayed in a corner of the lounge away from other people, each with a cup of black tea, sitting and chatting.

Before Subaru Okiya could find a chance to bring the topic to Toru Amuro, Dr. Agasi returned to the lounge with his five children.

The children had had enough fun, and I heard that Chi Feichi and Okiya Subaru didn't plan to play anymore. They strolled around the shopping area in the lounge, bought some snacks, and then returned to the hotel together.

The days are short in winter, so the group left the ski resort at four in the afternoon. By the time they arrived at the hot spring hotel, the sky was almost dark, so the plan was just right.

The freezing cold night was not suitable for outdoor activities. After dinner and hot spring baths, hotel guests either stayed in the living room chatting or went back to their rooms early.

The room Dr. Agasa booked was a Japanese-style room consisting of two rooms. When the group arrived at the room, they opened the door in the middle and made the bed, creating a long bedroom connected from left to right.

The three children pulled Fei Chi and others to play cards. After playing for a while, the three children watched cartoons on the TV.

Okiya Subaru started to say that he didn't want to go to the hot spring. After everyone else had gone, he asked for permission to leave the hot spring. When he came back, he bought beer and brought it to the room, and invited Chi Feichi to have a drink with him.

Dr. A Li became interested, drank a glass of beer, and asked Chi Feichi about the case that the four of them encountered in Tokyo in the morning.

That night, the topic of conversation before going to bed also turned to the murder of Daisaku Katsumoto in Tokyo that morning and the recent suicide of Minami Mangu.

Chi Feichi did not participate in the discussion. He closed his eyes and lay flat, connected to the Ark with his left eye, consumed all the energy in his left eye, and then relaxed his body, mastering a process to quickly fall asleep.

The children gathered early in the morning and ran and jumped on the ski resort in the afternoon. They couldn't chat for too long and fell asleep one after another after a while. "Miss Mangiya is really..."

Mitsuhiko yawned and couldn't open his eyes anymore, "It's so pitiful..."

There was no sound of conversation in the room, and the sound of breathing gradually became slow and long. The cold wind outside made a muffled sound on the window. Dr. Ali turned over in his sleep and uttered an incomprehensible murmur.

In the dimness, Hui Yuan Ai opened his eyes. With the dim light coming into the room from the window, he turned to look at Chi Feichi's peaceful and sleeping face next to him. He sat up gently and looked at Chi Feichi who was lying on the ground. The figure lying on the other side of Fei Chi, with his back to everyone, hesitated for a moment, then leaned over Chi Fei Chi and slowly reached out towards the figure's head.

This person could have gone to the hot springs with the doctor and Brother Fei Chi, but he delayed going to the last person. On the surface, the excuses seemed reasonable, but this person probably wanted to hide something.

For example, the neck that has been hidden by high-collar clothes, such as a fake face that will fall off in the heat and a lot of sweat... She wants to confirm this person's true face!

One hand raised up and grasped Hui Yuan Ai's wrist fiercely, causing Hui Yuan Ai to take a breath of cold air in fright.

Okiya Subaru was lying on his side. After raising his hand to grab Haibara Ai's wrist, he quickly let go of his hand and turned over to lie down. He picked up his glasses from the pillow and put them on. He squinted at Haibara who was leaning over. Ai, she noticed that Haiyuan Ai looked shocked and at a loss. She paid attention to Chi Fei Chi's shallow breathing next to her, and confirmed that Chi Fei Chi's breathing rhythm was consistent with that of a sleeping person. She had scary thoughts and the corners of her mouth curved. He stood up, smiled and said softly, "Children who disturb someone's dreams in the middle of the night will be kidnapped by the Yinpo."

Haibara Ai's expression changed from surprised to speechless. She retracted her hand and lowered her voice, "Why don't you say it's a child taking out a demon? It's the kind of thing in Shimane Prefecture that captures a child and then kills the child." A monster that squeezes out the oil from its body and uses it to bake utensils..."

Can a mere hidden woman scare her?

She had heard from Brother Fei Chi that the child was a demon, the soul was a demon, and the bird was a bird. Any one of them who caught a child would be much scarier than the Yinpo!

"I don't want to scare you with that kind of monster," Subaru Okiya saw that he failed to scare Haibara Ai. He smiled and took off his glasses again and put them next to the pillow, "I'm not good at it.

If you are always coaxing children, what should you do if you are frightened to the point of crying? "

"That's a good idea," Haibara pointed at the collar of Subaru's sweater that was covering his neck. "If I wake everyone up by crying, it's because someone who has refused to show his neck scared me..." ···

"Don't do anything so outrageous. This is an area I don't allow others to invade, and it's not a place you should get curious about," Subaru Okiya warned. He realized that his face might be a little heavy, so he retracted his hands under the quilt and smiled again. Get up, "For people like me who are afraid of the cold, this is a very important protective layer of skin. Please leave some secret space for me."

If a person is full of secrets, does he need others to leave a secret space?

Haibara lamented, thinking of Subaru Okiya's serious expression just now, and thinking that the relationship between his brother, Subaru Okiya, and himself might undergo uncontrollable changes after the incident broke out, and realized that he had failed to frighten Subaru Okiya. Frankly speaking, he had no intention of really making a fuss in the middle of the night. He glanced at Okiya Subaru coldly and reached out to lift Feichi from Chi Feichi's neck, preparing to "sleep with a small animal" to relieve his unwillingness.

Although Fei Chi is not a "little animal" in the public mind, Fei Chi is also a small animal, and he can also love... At the moment Fei Chi was taken away by Haiyuan Ai, Chi Fei Chi's breathing stopped for a moment, and then he opened his eyes.

Haibara Ai:"···"

She was wrong, she shouldn't have touched the pet that Brother Fei Chi had around her neck. Okiya Subaru: ""

The air seemed to have suddenly become stagnant. Would it be better for him to pretend to be asleep now?

Chi Feichi looked at Fei Chi who was being picked up, and at Haibara Ai who was holding Fei Chi in his right hand and frozen beside him. He noticed that Subaru Okiya's breathing was still next to him, and he looked sideways at the squinting eyes next to him, wondering if it was... Okiya Subaru, who wanted to pretend to be asleep, returned his gaze to Haibara Ai's face.

His little sister stopped talking when she didn't sleep in the middle of the night. She seemed to be chatting with Fenmao through him and stopped talking. Why did she still follow his snake? Haiyuan Ai gently put Feichi back on Chi Feichi's neck, and said softly with a stiff expression, "Hug, sorry..."

Chi Feichi closed his eyes again, relaxed his whole body, and his breathing gradually calmed down.

Putting a bottle of fake wine, a bottle of expired wine, and a bottle of wine that is still within its shelf life together may cause strange and scary chemical reactions, so it is better for him to fall asleep quickly.

The two people on the left and right were frightened by his subconscious opening of his eyes just now, and they probably wouldn't chat anymore.

"en..." Feichi found the source of heat again after his body temperature dropped, and his body shrank into the quilt, with only his head resting on Chi Feichi's neck.

Hui Yuan Ai looked at Chi Feichi's face, which was sleeping with its eyes closed as before. He lay down gently and pulled up his quilt, his face still a little dazed.

Did Brother Fei Chi realize that he was awake just now? Should she be more careful in the future and not suddenly follow Fei Chi when Brother Fei Chi is sleeping? On the other side, Okiya Subaru squinted at Fei Chi's snake head, feeling that Fei Chi was like some kind of switch that could open and close his eyes with one click. He was silent for a moment, turned his back to the group of people again, and pulled High quilt, so that the quilt and sweater collar are blocked in front of the neck.

For a moment just now, he wanted to pick up Fei Chi and see if Mr. Chi would open his eyes again.

But considering that this kind of behavior that disturbed people's sleep was a bit bad, and he was worried about Mr. Chi's revenge after being tortured and woke up, he decided not to do that kind of dangerous behavior.

His fake face couldn't withstand being pulled. If Mr. Chi played a prank on him because his sleep was disturbed, his fake face might be torn off... As Chi Feichi expected, Okiya Subaru and Hui Yuan Ai did not continue chatting and slept peacefully.

Early the next morning, Subaru Okiya went out before anyone else woke up. He took off his wig and face in the deserted bathroom and took care of them. He brushed his teeth and washed his face. He put the wig back on and removed the two wigs that fell on the counter. After putting away the wig and making sure nothing was missing, I returned to the room.

Chi Feichi woke up when Subaru Okiya made some movement, but he still left a little space for Subaru Okiya and stayed in the warm bed for a while, figuring that Subaru Okiya should go back anyway.

After he came, he sat up.

Dr. A Li and the members of the Young Detective Team woke up at about the same time. After Chi Fei came back from washing up, they all sleepily asked what morning they had and queued up to go to the bathroom to wash up.

At eight o'clock in the morning, a group of people who had had breakfast left the hotel, waited at a nearby station for a while, and collectively boarded a bus bound for a mountain village.

Kawato Village, where the ice sculpture festival is held, is located on the mountain, much further away than the ski resort.

The roads in the mountains are rugged and not suitable for cars like the Lexus SC. The roads are slippery in winter, which also dissuades most drivers from the idea of ​​driving up the mountains by themselves. Taking a bus is the best option.

When Chi Feichi and his group got on the bus, in addition to the bus driver, there were five men dressed as villagers and a couple who looked like they were traveling, sitting on the seats chatting.

"Oh! Did you two come here specifically to see Mr. Shiota's works?"

"Yes, he is a sculpture major and admires Mr. Yantian very much. This time I specially accompanied him to see Mr. Yantian's ice sculptures!"

"Then you are really in the right place. Mr. Shiota has carved many lifelike works for this ice sculpture festival!" The middle-aged man wearing a red woolen hat said with a smile. He saw Dr. Ali and three adults with their children. The child sat down and said hello enthusiastically, "Mr., two young brothers, are you taking the children to see the ice sculpture festival?"

Dr. A Li felt like he was hit by an arrow in his heart, "Old, old sir?"

The child was full of expectations for the Ice Sculpture Festival, and was in a state of excitement due to the friendly and enthusiastic attitude of the middle-aged man. After Mitsuhiko sat down, he actively responded to the man's question, "Yes, we are here for the Ice Sculpture Festival!"

"We saw the brochure," Yuantai also gestured excitedly. "There was an unfinished gorilla in the photo, but it was as high as a floor. The introduction said that it will be completed before the ice sculpture inspection. It is really cool. 」


The middle-aged man was amused by the child's happy words, and laughed with his companions. Even the couple couldn't help but smile on their faces.

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