Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2612 A village facing development

The driver couldn't help but smile and talk to the children, "There are still three minutes until the departure time. In three minutes, we can set off for Kawato Village with its magical ice sculpture exhibition!"

The villagers and the driver underestimated the children's social enthusiasm. The three children asked questions one after another before anyone else could speak.

"Do you hold a festival every year?"


"Are many ice sculptures made every year? How many ice sculptures will be made in total for the festival?"

"There are many every year. The specific number depends on how many works you have completed..."

"Are you also involved in making ice sculptures? Does the whole village make ice sculptures?"

“How cool!”

"Uncle, do you have delicious eel rice in your village?"

"There shouldn't be any eels here..."

"Don't talk nonsense, there must be some! How can you not prepare eel rice for a festival?"

The situation gradually changed. The three children were so excited that they could complete the self-questions and answers, leaving the middle-aged man sitting in his seat with his mouth open, but he never found a chance to interject.

"When we get to the festival site, let's try to make an ice sculpture too!"

"Then let's make ice sculptures of the entire image of our young detective team! Conan, what's your expression? Do you think this suggestion is bad?"

"I said are you kidding..."

"I saw that there are beautiful ice sculptures of three goddesses in the brochure, which is really exciting... Xiao Ai, which ice sculpture is your favorite?"


The children chatted casually and kept chattering for three minutes. It was so lively that everyone else in the car fell silent and listened with great interest to the children's chat.

Seeing that the others did not show any rejection, Dr. A Li let the children chat for a while, calculated the departure time, and stopped the children from continuing the discussion, "Okay, okay, everyone, sit down in your seats and rest quietly for a while. The bus is leaving soon!”

After saying that, Dr. Ali turned to the five villagers and the couple travelers with an apologetic smile and said, "I'm so sorry. The children were so excited that they made us noisy for a long time."

Only then did the middle-aged man find a chance to speak, and he quickly replied with a smile, "Hey, seeing the children looking forward to the ice sculpture festival so much, we are also very happy!"

The girl in the couple responded with a smile, "It's okay. Seeing the child's energy makes us feel happy too!"

Only then did the driver notice that the departure time had come, started the bus, and after other people had settled down, he drove the bus slowly along the road and reminded aloud, "The road will be slippery recently, so we will go slower, about twenty We will arrive at the village in minutes. Please wait patiently. You can take a look at the snow scenery in this area on the way..."

When the car first set off, the children settled down and lay in front of the car window to watch the scenery on the roadside.

Others also sat quietly and looked at the scenery for a while, and the most enthusiastic uncle couldn't help but chat with the male in the couple.

"Are you a sculpture major like Mr. Yantian?...Haha, Mr. Yantian is from our village. He and my brother were elementary school classmates...Yes, even though he won an international award, he is still so... He is low-key and spends a lot of time in the village. Some people have also invited him to make statues in other places..."

Chi Fei didn't look at the scenery outside the car for a long time. Like Dr. A Li and the children, he looked sideways at the two people talking.

The 'Mr. Shiota' these two people were talking about was probably Tetsuya Shiota, the ice sculpture master that his mother followed.

The man in the couple smiled kindly and said, "There are so many works by Mr. Yantian in the village. Can it be developed as a tourist attraction?"

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, and his face turned ugly. The other four villagers also had dark faces, making the atmosphere instantly cool.

Conan quietly observed the reactions of the five villagers, and wondered why they suddenly became so cold.

"Um..." The young man in the couple saw the five people's cold faces and was a little at a loss, "Did I say something wrong?"

"'s not your fault," the middle-aged man softened his expression and said apologetically, "it's because everyone doesn't want the village to be destroyed by developers, and they are also having headaches about village development recently, so... I am sorry."

"Will Kawato Village be commercially developed?" Dr. Ali asked curiously, and then explained, "Miss Mika in your village is my friend, and she also sent me the brochure for the Kawato Village Ice Sculpture Festival this time, but She didn’t say anything about the village being developed.”

"So you are a friend of the United States and Canada?" A tall villager's face softened instantly when Dr. A Li mentioned the villagers.

"To be precise, the friend I used to know was Miss Meijia's father," Dr. Ali explained. "I didn't have much contact with Miss Meijia before. After her father passed away last year, I had more contact with her. "

"So you are Mr. Itakura's friend," the tall and sturdy villager sighed, "After Mr. Itakura passed away, there was a new village chief in the village. This development was led by the current village chief. Now We are still in the negotiation stage with the developer and have not officially decided..."

“Development is only the wish of the village chief and some people in the village,” the middle-aged man sighed. “Leave our village to others, let some people who have no feelings for the village dictate the construction of the village, and wipe out the things in the village that are full of memories. Go, actually many people in the village are hesitant and don’t know whether to support it.”

The other three villagers also spoke.

"Although the village's tourism development may bring some economic benefits to everyone, we heard that the village chief will sell the development and management rights at once, without seeking much follow-up dividends, and the village does not have much right to interfere. With the development of developers, everyone is thinking that handing over the place where we grew up to others for a little money does not seem to be something to be happy about..."

"Like everyone else, the United States and Canada have some concerns about the development agreement. We will not support the development before we know the specific content of the development agreement. If the terms are not suitable, even if the village chief supports it, we will oppose it to the end... …”

"Maybe it's because it hasn't been confirmed yet, so Miss Meijia didn't tell you, and everyone is very uneasy right now. Miss Meijia probably doesn't want her friends to worry about her..."

Dr. A Li looked at the solemn or worried expressions of the five people. He could imagine that most people in the village were feeling uneasy, and he sighed, "So that's how it is."

"Okay," the middle-aged man who had been chatting enthusiastically before saw that the children were also serious, and smiled to mediate the atmosphere, "We are not sure what the development situation will be yet, so don't worry about it. It will be one year tomorrow. It’s time for the Ice Sculpture Festival to begin, and everyone has a lot to do today, so you have to cheer up!”

The other four villagers smiled and nodded. The tall man turned to Yuanta and smiled and said, "Little brother, I can tell you in advance that we really have eel rice in our village!"

"Really?" Gentai's eyes suddenly lit up. He forgot all about travel development and ice sculpture festivals. His mind was filled with plates of steaming eel rice. If Mitsuhiko hadn't pulled him, he would have been able to The child crossed the aisle and jumped on the tall man, "Is there really eel rice in the village? Is there an all-you-can-eel rice event at the ice sculpture festival?"

Mitsuhiko looked helpless, "Genta, your calculations are too obvious."

"There is no all-you-can-eel rice event at the festival," the tall and muscular man continued to tease Genta with a smile, "But from what you said, I think this event is not bad. I can suggest it to the person in charge of the festival..."

"Kawada, if there is no such activity in the festival at the end, do you have to compensate your little brother with an all-you-can-eel meal?"

"The person in charge of the preparations for the festival is Miss Meijia. She will definitely consider the children's wishes. If she is in trouble, I will treat my little brother to an all-you-can-eat meal without any problem..."

Hearing the two villagers laughing and joking, Conan leaned closer to Haibara Ai's ear and whispered, "They must have never imagined how much eel rice Genta can eat at one time."

Haiyuan Ai looked at the tall and muscular man's disapproving smile when he asked for a meal, and whispered, "It will surprise him, but it shouldn't make him unable to laugh."

Ayumi looked at the five people curiously and asked, "Is Miss Mega the person in charge of the Ice Sculpture Festival?"

"Of course," the enthusiastic middle-aged man smiled, "Mika's father is the former mayor of our village. She has been in charge of hosting the ice sculpture festival several years ago. She is a very capable person..."

Seeing the three children chatting animatedly with the villagers, Dr. A Li turned to talk to Chi Feichi, who was sitting behind him, "By the way, Feichi, when we gathered at my house yesterday morning, you seemed to have said that you would go to Kawadu Village There are other things to do... Have you been to Kawadu Village before? Or do you have friends in Kawadu Village? "

Chi Feichi withdrew his gaze from the five villagers, "I've never been here before, and I don't have any friends."

Dr. A Li was a little confused, "Then when you come to Kawato Village, apart from participating in the ice sculpture festival..."

Chi Feichi leaned forward a little and approached Dr. Ali. Under the cover of the children's voices, he lowered his voice and told the truth, "The Dongdu Leisure Industry, which is about to sign a development agreement with the village, is a subsidiary of Field Group in Japan." There is investment in tourism, and my mother is also interested in Kawato Village. She asked me to come and take a look before formally signing the agreement. In addition, she wanted to entrust the ice sculpture master Mr. Shiota Tetsuya to make a batch of statues for her. "

Dr. A Li was a little confused.

The developer that caused the villagers a headache actually had something to do with them?

Okiya Subaru looked at the five villagers chatting with the children on the other side of the aisle, turned his head, and lowered his voice jokingly, "Fortunately, everyone's resistance to the developer is not too strong, otherwise when we go to the village, We have to be careful to hide the fact that we are connected with the developer, otherwise the villagers may think that the developer is sent to the village to cause damage. "

Dr. A Li sweated after hearing this, and said with a dry smile, "The terms of the Dongdu Leisure Industry Agreement should not be too excessive. People only feel uneasy because they don't know the specific content of the terms of the agreement. When they find out, they will You will feel relieved..."

Chi Feichi sat up straight and replied softly, "Doctor, I don't know the terms, but I believe that Dongdu Leisure Industry will strive for the best interests during the negotiation process."

Dr. A Li: "..."

He got it.

That said, the content of the agreement can also be excessive, right?

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