Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2612 Where is the crime?

Conan: I Am Not a Snake Chapter 2612: Where is the Crime? There is an open flat land at the entrance of Kawadu Village, which is used by the village as a square for holding ice sculpture festivals.

The bus stopped outside the square. The three children couldn't wait to run down and were soon attracted by the ice sculpture standing on the square.

After all the people in the car got out of the car, the driver also got out of the car and looked at the tall snowman not far away with a smile.

The three children shouted and ran towards the snowman ice sculpture house, not forgetting to drag Conan and Haibara Ai along with them.

Dr. A Li hurriedly jogged to keep up.

Okiya Subaru and Chi Feichi walked in together, looked at the villagers carrying large ice blocks in the square, and whispered,

Chi Feichi walked through the arched gate and walked on the reserved walkway. His eyes were attracted by the crane ice sculptures on both sides of the walkway.

Okiya Subaru also looked at the crane ice sculpture that was as tall as a person and sighed softly, "I just feel sorry for them. There are so many exquisite ice sculptures here that deserve more people's attention and love."

"This is also the reason why my mother pays special attention to Kawato Village.


Chi Feichi saw two villagers pulling a large ice block half a man tall with a rope, and the thought "I am strong and can help them work" suddenly came to his mind. In addition to feeling uncomfortable in his stomach, he also had other symptoms. Feeling dumbfounded, I turned sideways to give way. When the stomach upset occurs more often, he no longer cares about the discomfort and can focus on the sin of infidelity itself.

This kind of original sin really has the spirit of the Virgin Mary. She is not the kind of false Virgin Mary who can't do even half of it herself and still stands on the moral high ground to guide others, but the legendary True Virgin Mary who is kind and kind and can make self-sacrifice for others.

But the sin of infidelity focuses on another person's superficial needs and ignores what is truly important in that person's life.

For example, if those people on the ski resort who were not good at skiing yesterday came up to chat and give guidance yesterday, their skiing skills would indeed improve, but they would also lose the joy of practicing clumsily with their friends.

None of us are skiers. Compared with mastering superior skills, 'growing up with friends' is a more valuable thing. Otherwise, wouldn't it be better to find a professional coach to guide you in your practice?

For those people, having someone to guide them is not necessary or extremely important, but they may miss out on some interesting memories.

And not everyone likes to be helped by strangers. His help may be regarded as showing off by the other party, causing both parties to feel relaxed and happy, or it may cause him some trouble. It is really not worth the gain.

Also, coaching people is really a troublesome thing. If he meets someone with a weak comprehension ability, he needs to explain some key points repeatedly. When he thinks of that situation, he instantly loses all his social enthusiasm. ···

How much he disliked Xin Chu Ming's nosy behavior before, now he dislikes the sin of infidelity brought to him.

The sin of unchastity made him have the urge to help people a hundred times, and he would not take a step ninety-nine times. The remaining time, after taking a step, he would consider all the troubles. Just give up.

Therefore, the conflict between the sin of infidelity and his self-consciousness may last for a long time.

In fact, now he has some doubts that the crime of infidelity is to try to promote the artistic essence of the missing aesthetic in the brainstem. So far, he has come up with ideas such as 'Help them with their skiing skills', 'Help the hotel staff who look very hard to clean the restaurant', 'Help the bus driver who drives carefully drive the car up the mountain', etc., but that one just now' The idea that I might help with the work because I am strong was the most outrageous, so outrageous that he was almost amused by the idea.

Everyone has their own responsibilities in life, and that is the source of everyone's sense of self-worth.

Of course, he can help those people complete their work. He can even raise these people in captivity and fix them in vessels so that these people do not have to do anything all day long. Even things like eating, drinking, urinating, and reproducing, he can also do it through machines. , find Hongzi’s puppets to perform it. In this way, these people will not encounter any troubles and difficulties. As long as they open their eyes to look outside and close their eyes to sleep every day, there will not even be dangers from the outside world. Help will be provided in one step. , but in that case, the captive people will lose their freedom and sense of self-worth, and either become numb puppets, or develop a deformed psychology.

Staying in the Garden of Eden for a month may be a very pleasant thing, but staying in the Garden of Eden for a year, ten years, or a hundred years will only make people suffocating and despairing.

Thinking of keeping humans in captivity, he suddenly understood where the sin of infidelity lies -

Excessive love for the world belittles God's love for the world.

Admiring the world too much will deprive everyone of the unique gift of fate.

What really makes the sin of infidelity a sin is not 'love for the world', but 'excessive love'


He originally thought that the sin of infidelity absorbed sins from those who betrayed their lovers, but now he thought about it, the sins would also come from those who loved their lovers excessively, loved them so much that they forgot themselves and tried to control the other person.

And the sin of infidelity also hides the act of 'betrayal'.

Betrayal and excessive love are opposites, yet closely connected.


For example, those parents who love their children too much and want to arrange their children's future well but deprive their children of their personal preferences will easily usher in the "death struggle" before their children self-destruct. The relationship that should be full of "love" will also be adulterated. When it comes to "hate", parents think that they have given love only to receive hatred. Don't they think that their children are repaying kindness with hatred?

At the same time, betrayal may also come from the excessive admirer himself.

If you are full of love but do not get a corresponding return, a person who loves others excessively may also develop hatred and betray the other person.

According to this analysis, he needs to be more careful. The crime of infidelity may have two sides, one is gentle love, and the other is strong hatred. The more he pays for others now, the less he will get in the future. The outburst of hatred may be even stronger when reciprocated.

In addition, he must be careful about loving others too much, interfering too much in others, and enclosing others and restricting their freedom, thus incurring resentment or betrayal by others.

Two large ice blocks were dragged forward by two villagers, making a clicking sound as they rubbed against the cement floor.

After the two villagers passed by, Chi Feichi recovered his thoughts and continued walking forward with Okiya Subaru.

As long as the essence of original sin is analyzed, we can deduce the development of the situation during the experience period, further prescribe the right medicine, and sort out the coping methods or precautions.

In this way, the original sin experience period is nothing to be afraid of.

"My mother told me on the phone that day that when the weather gets hot, the village does not have so much financial resources and manpower to maintain these ice sculptures. Most of the ice sculptures will melt one after another, so the villagers will make new ice sculptures every year. New ice sculptures are of course a good thing, but those old ones melted into water before being appreciated by more people.

, which makes her feel such a pity..."

The two chatted and walked to the snowman ice sculpture house. The five members of the Young Detective Team all went up to the second floor of the ice sculpture house and leaned out from the hollows for the snowman's eyes.

The three real children even waved excitedly to Dr. Agasa, Chi Feichi, and Okiya Subaru in front of the ice sculpture house.

Dr. Agasa also waved upward. After the children responded, he pointed to the notice board at the entrance of the ice sculpture house, turned to Chi Feichi and Okiya Subaru and smiled,

Since they made a special trip to see the ice sculptures, Chi Feichi and Okiya Subaru certainly would not miss viewing the inside of the Yeti Ice Sculpture House, and readily agreed to Dr. Agasa's invitation.

After entering the ice sculpture house and climbing to the second floor, you can see most of the square from above through the windows of the snowman's eyes, and you can also see the huge ice sculpture of the giant monster Gomera in front of you.

The three children played back and forth on the ice sculpture slide several times. Even Conan and Haibara Ai also tried the ice sculpture slide. After the three real children had almost played, the group left the ice sculpture house and headed to Gomera. Depart from the location of the ice sculpture.

The ice sculptures along the road were also made exquisitely and realistically. The group walked around and took some photos with their mobile phones after getting a positive answer from nearby villagers that they could take photos.

When they arrived near the Gomera ice sculpture, Chi Feichi started taking pictures of the five-meter-tall Gomera, a long shot, a little further away, a little closer, a close shot...

Arriving in front of the Gomera ice sculpture, Dr. Ali saw that Chi Feichi and Okiya Subaru's eyes had been staying on the ice sculpture. He leaned close to Haibara Ai's ear and asked in a low voice triumphantly, "Xiao Ai, I chose this time. Isn’t it a nice place? Not only the children are interested, but also Mr. Fei Chi and Subaru.

Haibara Ai looked at the tall and mighty monster ice sculpture and was shocked by it. She felt that Dr. Ali's childlike behavior was very interesting, so she did not hesitate to praise her.

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