Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2623 This reason sucks

"The police officers are questioning Mr. Xiaomu, Miss Itakura and Mr. Shiota. Let's go and listen too..." Conan suggested, looking up at Chi Feichi's eyes that were looking down at him, and looked at the With a calm and calm look in his eyes, he suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Two days ago, outside the apartment building at the scene of the incident, he made an excuse to ask Chi Feichi to take the incident seriously. Chi Feichi asked him, "Is that what you think?" At that time, he had a similar ominous premonition...

That was a premonition that Chi Feichi would see through the truth before him. In this murder incident, they seemed to be missing only one piece of the puzzle. Could Chi Feichi already know what the last piece of the puzzle was or know the last piece of the puzzle? Where is it?

"Chi, Brother Chi..." Conan wanted to confirm whether his premonition was accurate. He observed Chi Feichi's face and asked proactively, "Do you have anything to say?"

Chi Feichi saw that other people were looking at him. As he walked out, he truthfully said what he had thought of, "I remembered that Mr. Yantian told us some ice withering techniques last night. He said that ice is a highly plastic material. When they make the arched door, they will first make the arc-shaped ice blocks that are used to build the door, transport them to the door, heat the ice blocks appropriately, and put the two ice blocks together to make them The contact surface of the blocks is melted a little, and then the ice blocks are refrozen at low temperature. After the refreezing, the two ice blocks will completely form a whole, which is much more stable and easier to use than adhesive..."

Subaru Oishita recalled the ice withering technique that Tetsuya Shiota said last night, picked out the part related to the igloo, and said thoughtfully, "I remember Mr. Shiota also said that the same method is used for the ice walls of large igloos. Manufacturing is not to transport a large ice block as complete as a wall, but to transport small ice bricks that are easy to transport and then use heating and refreezing to adhere them. Could it be said that the murderer of this incident is also Use the characteristics of this igloo to cut a hole in the ice wall..."

No, wait, the murderer didn't necessarily cut a hole and enter the room to commit the crime.

If the murderer had entered and exited the house freely, left the rope at the scene, and sealed the ice wall outside after leaving the igloo, wouldn't it make it look like Yamaguchi Village Chief committed suicide? Even if the murderer intends to let the police know that Yamaguchi Village Chief was killed, there is no need to burn the rope here. He can take the rope to another place and burn it. This can reduce the time he spends at the scene and reduce the risk of being discovered. risks of.

Judging from the small holes remaining in the ice wall and the fact that the ice bed is consistent with the height of Yamaguchi Village Chief, the murderer's method does not seem to have cut open the wall and freely entered and exited the house, but when it comes to 'cutting' and 'refreezing', ', he suddenly thought of an 'automatic killing device' that could create alibi...

Conan also thought of this automatic device. His eyes lit up. He suppressed the excitement in his heart after discovering the truth. He looked up at Chi Feichi and Chong Shi Subaru, who suddenly fell silent and thought, and took the initiative to initiate a 'reply' session. , "Ice can also be cut with a string, right? As long as the rope exerts enough pressure on the ice, the ice can be cut bit by bit..."

A group of people arrived outside the igloo door and stopped temporarily.

"Is this okay?" Yuantai looked confused and tried to imagine the scene of cutting ice cubes with a rope, "Cut the ice cubes without a chainsaw..."

"Of course," Haihara Ai heard the key word 'apply pressure' and understood the cutting method Conan said. She turned to look at the wall of the igloo behind her, "As long as you apply pressure to the surface of the ice, the ice will dissolve. "We tend to fall when running on icy ground, because the ice dissolves into a little water under our feet after bearing the weight of the human body, and the soles of the shoes will become slippery when they step on the water stains on the ice."

Ayumi squatted down and looked curiously at the ice next to the shoes of a group of people. "When people step on ice, does the ice melt under their feet..."

"That's right, but the melted water is very small and generally not noticed by everyone," Dr. Ali explained with a smile, "And at low temperatures, when the soles of people's shoes leave the ice, the little water melted out It will freeze quickly, so it is difficult for others to see the water stains on the ice when they look at the ground while walking! "

"I see, this is refreezing..." Chong Shi Subaru looked up at the tall palace igloo and sighed meaningfully, then turned to look at Chi Feichi with squinted eyes and confirmed, "This way , Is that the only one who is the murderer?”

Dr. A Li: "?"

I just talked about the refreezing techniques for making arched doors and igloos, and the principle of cutting ice cubes with ropes, and then we came to... the conclusion that "the only murderer is that person", isn't it a bit of a jump?

Chi Feichi nodded, "He is the only one who can guarantee the successful implementation of this technique."

Hui Yuan Ai turned to look at the palace igloo, and thought of the murderer's tactics.

Last night, the murderer placed a long string across the roof, tied weights to both ends of the string, and let the string exert pressure on the ice cubes on the roof of the igloo. When the rope exerted pressure on the ice cubes, the ice cubes It will temporarily melt, allowing the rope to fall. Later, the melted area will refreeze due to the low temperature, causing the rope to become embedded in the ice. And because the weights at both ends of the rope continue to exert pressure on the ice, the rope It will continue to cut downwards, straightening and falling a little bit.

At about two o'clock in the morning, the stretched rope fell above the throat of the village chief Yamaguchi. Under the weight of the weights at both ends, the village chief Yamaguchi's trachea was compressed and died. However, the throat of the village chief Yamaguchi also blocked the rope and continued to fall. , let the rope just cross the walls on both sides and around the neck of the Yamaguchi Village Chief.

At about four in the morning, the murderer returned and set fire to the string embedded in the left and right walls of the igloo that killed the Yamaguchi village chief.

Because as the rope cuts into the ice and drops little by little, the cut areas with traces of melting in the ice also refreeze little by little at low temperatures, so there are no traces of the rope being cut in the igloo. After being burned, only two small holes will be left on the left and right walls.

Thinking of this technique, the small holes in the wall, the will-o'-the-wisps that Mitsuhiko saw, and the lack of traces of hanging ropes in the house can all be explained.

The man next door lamented, "This is refreezing." He was probably just lamenting the natural phenomenon that hides the means of murder, and the identity of the murderer...

This murder technique can be completed by placing the rope on the roof. The murderer must have a special understanding of the location of the ice bed. He knows that as long as he stands on the roof, he can know where the neck of Mr. Yamaguchi will be when he lies on the ice bed. Put the rope Precisely across that place.

The only person who can remember the location of the ice bed without being in the room and can use the size of the ice bed to determine the position of Yamaguchi Village Chief is Tetsuya Shiota, the man who built this igloo hotel.

Conan sorted out his reasoning ideas and confirmed that this method could connect all the clues. He also confirmed an inference answer in his heart. He looked up at Chi Feichi and Chong Shi Subaru and asked, "Then who is responsible for telling the truth now?" Where is the police officer involved in this case?”

If you are with Hattori, the reasoning will of course be completed by the two of them. If one of the two of them can't get away, the other one will be happy to explain the reasoning to the police, but Chi Feichi is not willing to come forward to reason. If you're not interested, it's better to ask first, lest you get in front of the police and no one speaks.

Chi Feichi looked at the criminal police officer not far away who was questioning Xiaomu and Xing and others. "I'm not familiar with the police officers here, so I won't go."

Conan: "..."

This reason is really bad. Brother Chi said it as if the police here are familiar with it and are willing to reason.

He believed that even if the people standing here were old acquaintances like Officer Memu and Officer Takagi, Chi Feichi would not be willing to come forward to reason.

Chong Shi Subaru: "..."

Not at all what he expected.

Mr. Chi is not simply not interested in "telling his own reasoning", but has reached the level of rejection. Look, even the introvert traits are forced out - we are not familiar with each other/the atmosphere is not good/the timing is It’s wrong/the occasion is inappropriate/my image doesn’t look good/your mood doesn’t look good… In short, we just can’t communicate, so I choose not to communicate.

Whether a person can talk freely on a certain occasion cannot be used as a basis to judge whether the person is introverted or extroverted. The real difference between introverts and extroverts is that introverts have a 'feeling' when they need to interact with unfamiliar people. Although they can overcome their worries that communication will be difficult, they can communicate and talk with others enthusiastically, but introverts get more pressure from this kind of interaction than the positive emotions they get from it. Social interaction is a waste. Rechargeable behavior, while extroverts are just the opposite. They have less worries about interpersonal interactions. Even if they have concerns, they will not let concerns become the reason for refusing to communicate. Communicating with others is a 'recharging' behavior, and the positive emotions gained from it are relatively There is a lot of stress, and you can even relieve it through social interaction.

Mr. Chi has the characteristics of an introvert, and he is not the kind of person who can recharge his batteries from social interactions, so...

"I'm not familiar with those police officers, so I'm a little worried that I won't be able to explain clearly because of my nervousness..." Subaru lowered his head and looked at Conan with narrowed eyes.

Yes, he also chose to be lazy.

Conan would not find a good reason for slandering Subaru, but he was also worried that he would be noticed by unknown people, and he did not want to make a big show of himself in front of unfamiliar people, so he looked up at Dr. Agasa.

Chi Feichi and Chong Shi Subaru also looked at Dr. A Li.

None of the three of them wanted to reason, so...

Dr. A Li sweated, "I, I don't know what the truth you are talking about is."

"It's okay, Doctor!" Conan had an idea in his mind, smiled at Dr. A Li, and then turned to smile at the three confused and curious children, "I will explain to you the reasoning of Brother Chi and Mr. Subaru. , then it’s time for our young detective team to show up! Let’s tell the police officers the truth, and we can also demonstrate the tactics to the police officers. For our young detective team, this kind of explanation of reasoning and demonstration techniques is very important. , it’s a piece of cake!”

Genta and Mitsuhiko immediately nodded seriously, "Yes, we can definitely do it!"

Bumi also smiled at Chi Feichi and Chong Shi Subaru, "Just leave it to us!"

Hui Yuan Ai was speechless.

Edogawa was getting more and more skilled at fanning the children. She didn't want to listen to the nagging of the three children, so she just agreed to participate by herself...

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