Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2624 Sensible little animal

Subaru looked at Conan's behavior of fanning children and blatantly using children to hide himself. He wanted to see if Chi Feichi would have a special reaction. When he turned to look over, he found that Chi Feichi had taken out his mobile phone and was preparing to After reading the message, he hesitated for a moment, but still didn't bother.

When Chi Feichi saw part of the address of the new email displayed on his phone, he turned around and left the place naturally. He clicked on the email to read the content inside and walked towards the bathroom.

[I finished my work last night. The Ice Withering Festival will be held today, right? ——Gin】

[Don’t come here, something happened here, the village chief was killed, the Ice Withering Festival was temporarily canceled, and police are everywhere investigating. ——Raki]

After typing the reply, Chi Feichi put away his phone and went to the bathroom. As soon as he washed his hands, he noticed that his phone was vibrating. He picked up the phone and looked at the incoming phone number. He answered the call without any surprise, "Are you there?" Two minutes to gloat.”

"You're not going to cooperate with the police investigation in the future, are you?" There was a hint of joking in Gin's voice, "You really don't feel at ease wherever you go... However, since it's not convenient for you to talk on the phone there, I'd better save the gloating for you. Come back."

After the call was hung up, Chi Feichi put away his phone calmly, opened the door and left the bathroom.

I called him specifically just to have fun with him. Gin was really like a naughty and stubborn little animal.

Although the outing plan was cancelled, Gin was able to quickly find another angle to gain happiness. In this way, he could handle his emotions on his own, a sensible little animal. Can he be angry? Definitely not.

Conan spent more than ten minutes explaining the murderer and the murderer's methods to the three children. He also asked Dr. Ali to summon the criminal police and relevant people who led the team. He and the children prepared ice cube props. When Dr. Ali explained the principles of the eucalyptus technique to the police, he used ice cubes and string to demonstrate.

"A rope frozen in ice is not easy to burn," Dr. Ali reasoned, standing next to the ice. "But if the string used by the murderer is magnesium tape, it can be easily burned..."

Conan took the magnesium tape from the forensics staff, pulled it apart and stuffed it into the ice, then turned his head and looked around.

I forgot to prepare a lighter for ignition, but Chi Feichi should have...

Chi Feichi, who was standing behind the children and watching, stepped forward, took out a lighter, squatted down and lit a fire with the lighter, and put the flame close to one end of the tape. After the tape was ignited, he stood up and turned back to where he was standing. s position.

Conan just opened his mouth to speak, but when he saw Chi Fei Chi, he turned around and left. Considering that there was still reasoning to explain, he held back the words "Thank you, brother Chi" on the edge of his mouth.

Mitsuhiko watched a ball of blue flames moving in the ice and quickly affirmed, "The will-o'-the-wisp I saw when I went to the bathroom in the morning was moving so fast!"

"Is this the reason why the sleeping bag has slender burnt marks?" The criminal police officer leading the team was surprised to see the tape being burned clean, and suddenly found white dust in the burned grooves. He leaned over and took a closer look. ,"this is……"

"When magnesium is burned out, the compound magnesium oxide will be produced," Dr. Ali said seriously. "As long as we investigate carefully, I think there should be this same substance remaining in the house."

Behind the children, Chi Feichi returned to the peripheral position of watching, standing with Chong Shi Subaru, reaching out and taking out a cigarette from his pocket.

Subaru always looked in the direction of Dr. Agasa, and asked tentatively as if sighing softly, "Mr. Chi, regarding the fact that the murderer used magnesium tape, do you think this was what Conan thought of? Or? Say, will he think of this earlier than the doctor? He is a smart boy who knows a lot of knowledge. Sometimes he doesn’t even act like a child..."

"That's not important." Chi Feichi lit the cigarette. In the wisp of white smoke floating upward, he looked at the group of people standing next to the ice cubes. His eyes were calm and peaceful, but his teeth bit the cigarette mouthpiece. Showing a trace of anxiety, "I'm not sure about one thing. I wonder if you can help me analyze it."

Chong Shi Subaru turned his head and saw Chi Feichi biting the cigarette nozzle with his teeth. Since he was sure that Chi Feichi had never had this habit before, and there were never bite marks on the discarded cigarette butts, he quickly realized that Chi Feichi's mood was different from the previous one. There is a big difference in normal times. I guessed what would make Chi Feichi uncertain and anxious. I couldn't help but feel a little nervous. He said with a serious look, "No problem, I will be happy to help, but if there is any analysis It’s not good, I hope you don’t mind.”

"It doesn't matter, you just need to tell me your opinion." Chi Feichi turned to look at Chong Shi Subaru, his expression as serious as Chong Shi Subaru's, "I was wondering if I had any prejudice against humans before."

Chong Shi Subaru: "..."

Wait, this is a little different from what he thought.

Probably because of Mr. Chi's outstanding observation and reasoning abilities, he felt that Mr. Chi should prefer to think about real things than abstract things, and the problems that troubled Mr. Chi should also be concrete and realistic.

For example, a certain trick makes people wonder whether a certain person's behavior is suspicious, or he encounters a difficult choice in life that troubles him, or he has trouble with interpersonal interactions. He even thought about it, Will Mr. Chi say "I think you're a little strange" and then say something suspicious about him, making him feel that a peaceful life is far away from him again...

He never expected that Mr. Chi would ask such an abstract and philosophical question as "Have I ever been prejudiced against human beings?"

"For example...if a small animal suddenly approaches me and tries to get close to me, I seem to be more receptive to its kindness, but if it is a human, especially a human in adulthood or prime, I will be wary. My heart is not so easy to accept the close attitude of the other party." Chi Feichi looked at the crowd over there again, "This situation occurs probably because in my eyes, small animals and children have no ability to threaten my survival. And I judge that adults are capable of causing me trouble, so I will be wary. Many people will be in this situation, and they will tend to be more tolerant towards non-threatening things, but what I think is, this kind of differential treatment, Is it unfair to something that has the power to threaten me?"

The sin of unchastity seemed to be growing at a slow pace. In just a short while, he seemed to be no longer satisfied with helping or taking care of someone. He suddenly thought about whether he was unfair to the entire human group and whether he did not love and tolerate someone enough. some humans.

"Your question is not the cause of this behavior. It can be regarded as... a dialectical discussion on whether this behavior is fair, right?" Chong Shi Subaru tried to understand Chi Fei Chi's question, and had to silently analyze Chi Fei Chi. Why do you think about this kind of question, whether you are sick, how to answer it better, whether to tell the truth or to say something beautifully modified, in short, it is very troublesome, "Then I will not say that this kind of behavior is reasonable and normal, only To say whether it is fair in itself, if we do not consider the differences in individual strength, it will definitely be unfair, but individual strength is a condition that cannot be ignored. The unfairness on the surface may be the fairness that is balanced by biological instincts. "

"You are right. For those who are powerful, their own strength is an advantage. Of course, they also have disadvantages. To be wary of them is to respect the two-sided nature of things. This is also fair."

Chi Feichi agreed with Chong Shi Subaru's words, and once again judged the sin of infidelity as 'sinful love' in his heart.

The sin of infidelity gave him the idea of ​​'treating everyone fairly', but the fairness defined by the sin of infidelity may not really be fair.

This original sin is indeed very mild, so mild that it seems to lack aggression. It does not create much opposition in ideas, making it difficult for him to keep tense. The sin of infidelity will quickly invade as long as it finds a crack in his mind. Make him question his original thinking.

"I would like to take the liberty of asking," Chong Shi Subaru asked, "How could Mr. Chi think about such a problem?"

"I suddenly thought of this question and wanted to think about it deeply," Chi Feichi paused, "It seems I don't need any reason."

"Does Mr. Chi often think about such philosophical questions?"

"I just think about it occasionally..."

"Where is the evidence?" A group of people near the ice got into an argument. Itakura Mika asked Dr. Agasa loudly, "Do you have any evidence in your hand?"

Here, Chi Feichi stopped chatting and turned their attention to the reasoning team.

Dr. Agasa kept in mind what Conan told him about the evidence, and did not frighten. He looked at Tetsuya Shiota's coat cuffs with a serious look, "The evidence is that white powder is attached to Mr. Shiota's cuffs. I think it was when the murder weapon was burning. You accidentally got magnesium oxide on your body!”

Tetsuya Shiota raised his right hand, looked down in surprise at the white powder that had stained his sleeve at some point, sighed, and lowered his arm again.

Itakura Mika didn't say a word when she saw Tetsuya Shiota. She was even more anxious and uneasy than Tetsuya Shiota, "Mr. Shiota, please say something!"

"That's enough, Mika." Tetsuya Shiota looked up at the igloo he made, "I am indeed the one who killed the village chief."

The criminal police officer leading the team asked seriously, "Mr. Yantian, why did you want to kill the village chief?"

"Because I accidentally overheard...the conversation between the two of them!" Tetsuya Shiota turned to look at Xiaomu and Xing. The ferocity of hatred in his eyes startled Xiaomu and Xing, and they quickly looked away. He explained with an ugly face, "Not long ago, I went to the village office to do something. Just when I was about to leave, I heard that guy Yamaguchi talking to him in the office. Yamaguchi said that no matter what, he had to talk to Dongdu Leisure Industry Signed the contract, because they had concealed the money they had embezzled from the village to the extreme. If someone discovered what they were doing like the mayor of Itakura before, it would be troublesome. After that, Secretary Xiaomu reassured Yamaguchi, saying that if such a person appeared, he would He will also do things on the other party's car..."

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