Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2643 Cocktail Bandit

Among Umbrella intranet accounts, Dongcheng Shengze's account is considered a high-level account for regional management. Not only can it use the intranet to transmit work information like ordinary employees, but it can also use some management functions, plus artificial intelligence Search and analysis capabilities, using the intranet can make management work easier and more convenient.

Chi Feichi spent more than half an hour demonstrating the company management functions of Umbrella's intranet to Dongcheng Shengze. During the process, he also asked Dongcheng Shengze to try it himself. He was also very concerned about some easily confused functions. Give examples patiently.

"Umbrella's programmers have also considered the security issues you are worried about. Therefore, if you use your account to log in to the internal network, when you check important information or approve important documents, you are not only required to sign on the electronic board, but also There will be a strict identity verification process, just like this, which requires you to make the facial expressions required above under the camera. In addition, this program also has an automatic alarm function. If it detects that a gangster is holding you hostage under the camera, the program will automatically alarm …”

"So what if the other person, off camera, points a gun at me and wants me to do something he wants me to do?"

"This requires you to set a 'password' yourself. Once this happens, you can quietly send out a help code during the verification process. It can be some expressions and actions, or it can be a sentence or some kind of sound. I suggest You should set actions or words that you would not normally use to prevent accidentally triggering the alarm system. At the same time, you should also use a code that is not easy for criminals to detect that you are asking for help..."

Five minutes later, Chi Feichi’s ‘intranet usage tutorial’ officially ended.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki took the hot tea brought by Dongcheng Katsunori's secretary and put it on the table next to Chi Feichi.

The secretary also put a cup of hot tea in Dongcheng Katsuno's hand, then walked to the window with a tray and brought hot tea to Takatori Yannan.

Dongcheng Sheng re-familiarized himself with several important functions of the website. After making sure that he had memorized them, he found that Chi Feichi had been quietly drinking tea and waiting for him. He quickly said, "I'm really sorry. I want to take the opportunity to consolidate it. Now There should be nothing wrong. It's getting late now. I'll ask someone to make a reservation at the restaurant. I wonder if you have anything you want to eat..."

"Don't go to so much trouble, just find a ramen shop or a family restaurant and eat whatever you want." Chi Feichi looked at the time on the computer and explained, "There is a meeting tomorrow and we will prepare the account analysis report tonight. After reading it, I will send a report to my mother later, and time is tight. "

Dongcheng Sheng thought that Chi Feichi would have to do much more than him tonight, so he stopped insisting and immediately changed his words, "Then go to the nearby family restaurant. The fast food made in that restaurant is delicious and healthy. Perfect for a meal on the go! ”

Chi Feichi and Dongcheng Shengze went to the restaurant to have a meal of fried skewers and curry rice, then got into different cars at the entrance of the restaurant and parted ways.

Takatori Yano also served as the driver. After asking Chi Feichi, he drove to Mihua Town and sent Koshimizu Nanatsuki back.

On the way, Chi Feichi thought of the call Xiaolin Chengzi made to him the day before, and called Oki Shi Subaru.

The children will go to school tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow there will be a cooking class for Class B of Didan Primary School.

He had communicated with Xiaolin Chengzi on the phone. The cooking class was the last one in the morning the day after tomorrow. He had already confirmed that he would go and told Xiaolin Chengzi about the food he would take the children to cook, the ingredients and tools that needed to be prepared.

Subaru Chong had previously asked to go with him, but he had to call Subaru Chong to tell him the time.

"...The children will go to school tomorrow. Teacher Xiao Lin also asked Xiao Ai and the others not to tell their classmates... I don't know if this is a surprise for the children... Yes, it is the first period after the holiday. Cooking class...tomorrow? I have something to do tomorrow and have time in the evening. It won't be until after six o'clock in the afternoon...then I'll see you tomorrow night..."

After Chi Feichi hung up the phone, Koshizuki Nanatsuki asked, "Mr. Chi, are you going to spend the night at Seven Detectives' Office tonight?"

Chi Feichi lowered his eyes and looked at the new messages on his phone, "No, there is a lot of work tonight. I want to go back and finish all the work."

Koshizui Nanatsuki was a little worried that Chi Feichi would be too affected by the crime of infidelity and do something excessive, so he asked hintly, "Don't you need me to do something?"

"No need," Chi Feichi put down his phone and turned to Koshizui Nanatsuki, "You have worked hard these past few days. You have a good rest."

Seeing Chi Feichi's firm attitude, Koshikoshi Nanatsuki realized that Chi Feichi might have other things to do. No matter how worried he was, he could only agree, "Well, if you need anything, you can call me at any time. oh."

Ten minutes later, the car stopped outside the gate of Seven Detective Agency.

After Nanatsuki Koshimizu returned home, the car turned around the intersection and stopped on the side of the road. Takatori Yannan got out of the car, hailed a taxi at the intersection and left.

Chi Feichi sent Takatori Yannan to go back first, while he drove into the street at the next intersection and drove all the way to the downstairs of the Maori Detective Agency.

It was around eight o'clock in the evening and the street lights were bright.

There were no lights on in the office on the second floor of the Maori Detective Agency, and the sound of TV programs and the drunken shouts of Kogoro Maori could be heard faintly from the third floor, mixed with subtle voices that sounded like Mao Lilan was complaining from time to time.

There are no customers in the Poirot Cafe on the first floor. The chairs are all arranged in a formal manner. The tabletop has been wiped clean. Under the light, the water-stained tabletop still reflects a little water.

In the store, Toru Amuro rolled up his shirt sleeves and bent down to mop the floor. When he noticed a black business car stopped outside the door, he stopped, straightened up and looked over.

Chi Feichi didn't see Azusa Enomoto in the store. When Toru Amuro noticed the car, he parked the car, opened the door and got out of the car. He walked around to the passenger seat and got back into the car. He had no intention of entering the store and didn't close the door. car door.

Seeing this, Toru Amuro continued to mop the floor, washed the mop, washed his hands, and dried them. He went back behind the bar, checked the refrigerator, set the machines that needed timing, cut off the power to all other machines, and finally turned off the lights. After leaving the store, he locked the door, untied the bag tied to the door handle, and turned around to walk to the car parked on the side of the road.

"I kept you waiting, consultant! I have packaged tomato pasta and sandwiches here. Do you want to eat them?"

"No, I just had dinner," Chi Feichi replied, sitting in the passenger seat and reading the account analysis report on his laptop, then turned to look at the bag in Toru Amuro's hand, "Have you not had dinner yet?"

"Ms. Azusa took leave this afternoon to visit her brother, so I will be responsible for closing the store tonight." Toru Amuro stood beside the car and looked back at the empty store. "Today is a holiday, so there are no customers coming to the store in the evening." It’s not too little, and I’m not too busy entertaining guests by myself, but I can’t sit down and eat properly, so I want to save some food for myself to eat after the store closes.”

"Do you want to eat on the road?" Chi Feichi closed the computer, turned around, handed the computer to the back seat and put it away, then got out of the car, "Then I'll drive."

Toru Amuro guessed that Chi Feichi had changed to the passenger seat before, intending to drive by himself, so he immediately said, "No, you can leave after eating. I eat very quickly. If you have something to do, I will It’s okay to drive.”

"I just need to read the accounting report and write another report. I've almost finished reading the accounting report. It's okay to write the report later." Chi Feichi sat back in the driver's seat and watched Toru Amuro get in the car and close the door. Car door, "Your car won't break down again, will it?"

"Don't say that. As long as I don't use it for dangerous things, it's still very durable. It's not the kind of car that breaks down easily!" Toru Amuro smiled as he corrected the name of his car, closed the door, and opened it. He picked up the bag in his hand and said, "I'm on vacation today. Otherwise, I wouldn't have agreed to Poirot's boss that I would be responsible for closing the store tonight. Since it was during my vacation, when I went out in the morning, I thought I might as well not do it today. I stopped driving and ran straight to the store. As a result, around seven o'clock in the afternoon, I received a message from Kazama. I was going to find him tonight, so I wanted you to send me back to pick up the car. By the way Let me tell you should know the internationally wanted criminal known as the 'Cocktail Lover', right?"

"I've heard that the 'Cocktail Lovers' are a pair of robbers who were lovers," Chi Feichi recalled the information about the pair of internationally wanted robbers. "Interpol has investigated their identities. The man's name is Charlie, and his father is from Europe. His mother is Asian. After his parents divorced, he went to France to live alone. He can speak at least six languages ​​​​from different countries fluently. He also knows how to get close to people and has a very charming personality. However, he is in France. At that time, she had been in jail for many crimes such as theft, driving without a driver's license, and intentional injury. The woman's name was Monica. Before she met Charlie, she was just a nurse in the hospital and had no criminal record. They were together After that, they traveled around various countries, robbing and killing, and were confirmed to be involved in twelve murders. However, the actual number of murders they committed should be more, because their usual method of committing crimes was to use their social contacts. The ability to get closer to the victim, become friends, trick the victim into drinking a cocktail mixed with anesthetics or sleeping pills, wait until the victim loses consciousness, then loot the victim's belongings and burn him to death, and Monica is also good at bartending. So they are also called 'cocktail lovers'."

"As expected of July, I can remember the information about wanted criminals so clearly." Toru Amuro praised.

There are more than two internationally wanted criminals. When he mentioned 'cocktail lovers', the consultant could immediately tell the basic information about each other. Either he paid too much attention to these two people, or he remembered the personal information of most of the internationally wanted criminals. He thinks it should be the latter.

Some powerful Qingdao hunters will also memorize a lot of wanted criminal information directly. They have more criminal information in their minds than most police officers. It is similar to a wanted criminal information database. If they have more contact with the consultant, he can be sure that the consultant will also This is the kind of person.

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