Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2644 It has something to do with you

Chi Feichi did not respond politely to Amuro, and asked bluntly, "There was news before that they fled to Japan. I also tried to look for them, but no suspicious people were found. Are they really hiding in Japan?"

The intelligence network formed by the African Legion and Ark is very powerful, but for those internationally wanted criminals whose appearance has been changed through plastic surgery, or whose appearance has not been investigated, as long as the other party does not commit crimes again or expose their identity in other ways, they will still It is difficult to determine the current identities and locations of those wanted.

The same goes for the police in various countries. To catch those internationally wanted criminals who are cunning and cruel enough and are hiding somewhere, they often have to wait for the other party to show their traces again before they can pursue them again.

"Yes, they should have fled to Japan two years ago..."

Toru Amuro wrapped the sandwich in a bag, lowered his head and took a bite, chewed twice and swallowed. He talked about the information he had seen before, "In terms of the twelve murders currently known to Interpol, the earliest one they committed was It was in Thailand. The trick was to pretend to be tourists to deceive the trust of two European tourists, add a large amount of narcotics to the cocktail, trick the two European tourists into drinking it, steal the cash and jewelry from them, and send them to the police. Two people who suffocated due to an overdose of anesthetic were left in the hotel. Fortunately, the two tourists were discovered in time and rescued..."

"Before the two European tourists called the police, they arrived in Malaysia and robbed an Asian tourist with the same narcotic cocktail. This time, they drowned the Asian tourist and his girlfriend in the sea."

"The third time, their atrocities escalated again. They once again chose two European tourists, only used a small amount of anesthetic to make them incapable of resistance, and then burned them alive in a gasoline barrel. One of the victims was a chemistry major. The well-known doctor caused quite a stir after his murder.”

"During the investigation, the local police also dug up the body of a girl on the coast of the same place. According to the investigation, the girl was French and a tourist traveling to Malaysia. Anesthetics were also found in her body, and the cause of death was also Just like the European couple, they were burned to death. The girl should have been conscious and struggled for a while before being burned to death."

"Because the criminal methods were too cruel, the victims were all tourists from different countries, and the murdered chemistry doctor caused a sensation, the local police contacted Interpol, hoping to get help from Interpol."

"But when the death of the chemistry doctor caused a sensation, they had disappeared. According to subsequent investigations, when Interpol went to Malaysia to investigate, Charlie used the certificates acquired from others to modify them, and together with Monica In France, two Japanese tourists were also looted and burned to death.”

"Subsequently, after a series of investigations in Malaysia, Interpol found that Charlie and Monica, who had been in contact with the victims, were suspicious. They also paid attention to the narcotic robbery in Thailand because the victims in these cases were all tourists. , and a large amount of narcotics were found in the bodies, so Interpol determined that these murders were committed by the same person or the same gang.”

"According to the information provided by the two surviving victims in the Thai case, they were deceived by a very enthusiastic couple of foreign tourists. The man was handsome and charming, with obvious mixed-race features on his face, and the woman was very charming. The descriptions of the two Completely consistent with Charlie and Monica, the Interpol responsible for investigating this case saw the transcript and determined that Charlie and Monica were the male and female robbers who committed these crimes. Charlie and Monica happened to appear in Thailand at that time, so the international police The criminal police asked the local police to monitor the two of them."

"The two tourists who survived in Thailand at that time had returned to Europe. Interpol wanted to send them photos of Charlie and Monica for confirmation, so it was delayed for two days by contacting the local police. At this time, Charlie and Monica They discovered that the Thai police were monitoring them and suddenly disappeared under the surveillance of the police.”

"After they disappeared, Interpol confirmed that the two were male and female robbers through the testimony of two surviving European tourists. They issued a wanted order, informed the police of various countries of their characteristics and personal information, and issued a wanted bounty. Is there any Newspapers in several countries have published warning messages to alert the public to these two wanted men for robbery and murder.”

"However, Charlie's method of forging documents is very clever. The two of them have been changing their images during the escape. They will also disguise themselves as the target person after killing the target and use the other person's identity to escape..."

"Then they committed seven more murders," Chi Fei belatedly saw Toru Amuro explaining that the situation was not easy while eating, and took the initiative to take over the words, "In the first six incidents, they still chose tourists to rob and kill, and the number of victims was Between one person and three people, no more than three people. In addition to burning them alive after anesthesia, they also tried to kill with knives, poisoning and other methods. These are only the cases discovered by the police. There may be some that have not been discovered. In the seventh incident, they once again changed their previous methods and poisoned a multi-person tour group, causing more than 20 people to be poisoned. At that time, the Interpol police who had been chasing them finally Blocked them."

"But we still let them run away," Toru Amuro quickly finished three pieces of the sandwich and said with a heavy expression as he opened his mouth to the fourth piece, "They have been wandering around the country for about ten years and killed at least thirty people. During the Interpol arrest operation five years ago, the two of them tried to escape with hostages. At that time, an Interpol officer shot Charlie in the abdomen. However, when the local police cooperated with the Interpol in the search, they escaped in time. encircled them, and once again used the previous method to escape to other countries. According to the clues discovered by Interpol, they should have more than dozens of personal documents in their hands. Judging from the clues, they may have fled to the United States, Japan, and the Netherlands at that time. Country, but which country they fled to, no Interpol police officer could tell. After receiving the news, the police from the three countries also cooperated in conducting entry inspections, but the inspections were like finding a needle in a haystack, and they were very good at hiding it. So there is nothing gained..."

"As far as I know, they haven't done it again in the past five years," Chi Feichi continued to talk about the information he had. "There was a similar case in Italy four years ago, but it was finally confirmed that it was a copycat." The murderer who imitated them has also been arrested. According to the murderer's confession, he did not know Charlie and Monica. He only saw reports about them in newspapers and learned about them from some channels. Details of the crime, I thought it was a good choice to target tourists. After robbing and killing, I could blame the crime on the 'cocktail lover', so the murderer imitated the crime. Unexpectedly, he was caught the first time he committed the crime. There have been copycat crimes one after another, but the murderers have been arrested.”

"Yes, serial murderers like them cannot stop committing crimes unless they are arrested or dead. However, they have not committed crimes again in five years. Some people suspect that they were arrested and imprisoned for other crimes. Some people also suspect that they died in an accident during the escape." Toru Amuro finished the last sandwich and turned to look at Chi Feichi, "Advisor, the reason why they were discovered this time actually has something to do with you. …”

Chi Feichi: "?"

He has been checking accounts everywhere in the past two days. That is to say, he met two gangsters and a fake supernatural event last night. However, the two gangsters last night were two men. There is no way they could be 'cocktail lovers'... …

Other than that, he hasn't encountered anything special recently, right?

"Based on the clues we have now, they should have fled to the United States five years ago, where they killed a Japanese couple who worked in the past, transformed themselves into that couple, and lived in the United States under the identities of that couple. For a long time, about half a year ago, they returned to Japan under the identity of that couple, and then used the money that couple earned in the early years to travel and have fun in various places." Toru Amuro took out the juice in the plastic cup and drank it. Taking a sip of juice, "Five days ago, they arrived in a village and wanted to leave after attending the local winter festival. When staying at the hotel, they heard that there was a mysterious organization in the area. Most of the members were young people. On the day of the event, everyone will gather somewhere wearing black robes and holding sickles to judge some heretical behaviors..."

Chi Feichi immediately thought of a certain 'mysterious organization' that had something to do with him, and confirmed speechlessly, "FFF group?"

"Yes, in order to play the Japanese couple well, they specially learned about some historical figures in Japan, and also knew some stories about Toyotomi Hideyoshi. They heard that the prototype of the mysterious organization was Toyotomi Hideyoshi's secret fire attack The troops of the "Black Scythe Mother Clothes" were curious. It happened that late at night on the day of the Winter Festival was an event day. People from the mysterious organization would gather somewhere in the village. In order to enhance the atmosphere, the hotel owner also told them not to be casual at night. "Go out," Toru Amuro was a bit dumbfounded, "They heard that people from that mysterious organization would burn heretics. Thinking that they had killed people before, they didn't feel scared. Plus, they were curious, so they went out that night. After going out, I saw people wearing black robes coming out from everywhere, lining up to go somewhere, and seeing them, someone silently gave each of them a black robe..."

Chi Feichi understood that it was just a special event for middle schoolers. "Actually, this is also part of the Winter Festival, right?"

"Yes, but the two of them didn't know it. They wore black robes and followed the crowd. When they arrived at the gathering point on the event day, they saw many people standing in the square, setting up torches and preparing to judge people. They also listened to everyone They sang a solemn and majestic group song together," Toru Amuro smiled a little strangely, "They probably haven't committed a crime for a while. Seeing the trial stage played by the crowd, their evil thoughts were aroused, and they actually found Detective Motegi. The leader of the regiment proposed to join the execution team. Since the two of them were not in the script that everyone had rehearsed in advance, and the two of them seemed particularly excited when talking about burning alive people, and they also said some cruel words, Mr. Motegi realized If something was wrong, I asked them to confirm whether they had the ability to execute executions and asked them to answer a few questions next to me..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Motegi is indeed a world-class detective.

what is this? People are sitting in the group, and wanted criminals come from the sky?

Those two people didn't think Motegi Harushi looked familiar... By the way, Motegi Harushi was probably wearing a black robe at that time, so those two people probably didn't recognize him.

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