Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2661 corpse on the morning exercise

"No, Mr. Xiaolin saw the photos I sent, and thought that the panda rice balls, penguin rice balls, and puppy rice balls were all very cute, so I wondered if I could take everyone to make some animal-shaped rice balls after making the tiger bento tomorrow. However, we calculated it several times, and we all felt that the class time was not enough, so we had to give up, and next time I will ask you to teach everyone how to make rice balls for other animals..."

Hui Yuanai yawned, raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, "However, in the cooking class later, Dongwei's mother will take everyone to make cold noodles, and the parents of other students want to participate in our cooking class. Mr. Kobayashi has already After finishing the list, Mr. Kobayashi also wants to ask us not to let other children see animal rice balls other than tigers. Otherwise, when other parents go to help, they may still be thinking about animal rice balls. Heartbreaking for other caring parents...”

"I see," Chi Feichi responded, cleaning the cup in front of the sink, urging without raising his head, "It's getting late, you and Conan go to bed early."


The next day, early.

After Chong Shisubaru woke up, he went to Dr. Ali's house for breakfast.

After Hui Yuanai and Conan went to school, Chi Feichi left breakfast for Dr. A Li who stayed up too late and hadn't woken up yet, and went out to do morning exercises.

The cooking class was at ten o'clock in the morning. Chi Feichi and Xiao Lin Chengzi agreed that they would arrive at school at nine thirty in the morning, and it was too early to go to Didan Primary School, so Chong Shisubaru went to morning exercises with Chi Feichi.

The two ran to Mihua Park to warm up briefly, but they didn't continue to exercise. They walked back slowly along the road, planning to pass the time on the road.

Chong Shisubaru was walking on the road, feeling the cold air seeping into the collar of his sweater. Thinking of Chi Feichi saying yesterday that winter was too long, he raised his head and looked at the cloudy sky, "Today's weather is not as clear as yesterday, and there should be no sun in the morning. ..."

"En." Chi Feichi responded lightly.

Yesterday was a meeting and drinking and chatting with Fenmao. He felt that his social energy was consumed a lot, and he still hasn't made up for it yet.

He had to conserve his social energy for cooking class later.

Seeing that Chi Feichi was not interested in communicating, Chong Shisubaru stopped pulling Chi Feichi to talk, and walked aside thoughtfully.

It seems that last night was not his illusion.

Compared with the few days when they went to Chuandu Village, Mr. Chi's tone of voice seemed to be less gentle, and he seemed to have returned to his previous appearance.

When Mr. Chi was drinking with him last night, he was still able to chat with him a few more words. The change is not too obvious. By this morning, Mr. Chi's desire to communicate with people seems to have dropped significantly, almost to the level of "it's so troublesome to talk to people, let me talk to you." I'm a bit autistic to the extent.

It is normal for people to have ups and downs in their emotions.

Mr. Chi's emotions were not too ups and downs, at least compared to the time when they encountered the murder in Yijiaoyan, Mr. Chi's mood didn't change too much this time.

You know, when they encountered the incident in Yijiaoyan, Mr. Chi suddenly said that he was unwell and needed to rest, and left the venue directly. Today, Mr. Chi, apart from not having much desire to communicate, is at least willing to move around and get along with others of.

However, it is not a good thing for people to continue to be depressed. We still need to find a way to cheer up.

He suddenly thought of what Mr. Chi said yesterday - 'This winter is too long'.

Changes in a person's body temperature, heart rate, endocrine, and serotonin will all affect their emotions, and factors such as colors and sounds will also affect people's emotions.

The scenery in winter is bleak, the climate is cold, and the sun is weak. Sensitive people are likely to suffer from winter depression, and Mr. Chi may be the same. In addition, the weather this morning is worse than the previous few days, there is no sunshine, and it is white everywhere , the surrounding colors are much dimmer than when the sun is sunny, Mr. Chi's mood may become even more depressed...

Thinking about it, Chong Shisubaru suddenly turned his head to look at Chi Feichi and asked, "Mr. Chi, have you heard of winter depression?"

"I've heard of it," Chi Feichi knew what Chongshi Subaru was thinking, and continued to walk forward, "Winter depression, also called seasonal affective disorder, or seasonal affective disorder, refers to a disease caused by changes in the weather. The resulting depression is mainly due to the failure of the body's biological clock to adapt to the changes in the short sunshine time in winter, biological rhythm disorders and endocrine disorders, which lead to emotional and mental disorders. It has been a long time since winter has entered, and if people are prone to winter depression Symptoms should appear not long after winter, and this disease is common in married women and elderly men in their thirties..."

So can you stop suspecting that he has seasonal affective disorder?

Although he already had a lot of illnesses, and it was not a big deal to have such an extra little Xiami illness, but if he could fight to make himself less sick, he still wanted to fight for it.

"However, this disease is also more common in introverted, sensitive, suspicious, and emotionally vulnerable groups, including people who are easily affected by colors, sounds and other environments, and are more likely to suffer from winter depression." The 'rebuttal' in Feichi's words, walking beside Chi Feichi, also hinted in words that he was not persuaded, "So, men and women of other ages may also suffer from this disease, especially the mental state and mental state. People who are not stable enough will be more easily affected, ranging from low mood every day, loss of enthusiasm for life and work, to severe cases, relapse of diseases that have been stabilized through treatment, and to loss of living ability and ability to work, even suicide..."

As he spoke, Chong Shisubaru smiled and squinted his eyes at the vehicles on the road, "Actually, many people in northern Europe suffer from winter depression, where the temperature is low in winter and sunlight is rare, people tend to be in a low state for a long time, causing some People suffer from winter depression, so many people go to the equatorial seaside for vacation, and I was just wondering, if you feel low and can't lift your spirits, can we try to go to a warmer place, or go to How about a hot drink in a street cafe?"

Chi Feichi didn't want to get entangled in this kind of matter, so he couldn't fight for it, so he gave up the debate, "Although I feel that my condition is not that bad, if you insist, I don't mind giving it a try."

Subaru was not in a hurry to decide whether to drink a hot drink, he rested his chin on his left hand, and murmured in confusion, "But the problem is, we ran to the park just now, after exercising, people's mood should improve a little... ..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Could it be that he just wanted to be quiet?

It was because of the crime of infidelity before that he was too patient in interpersonal communication. Now that he has returned to normal, these people have not yet adapted.

Ahead, a middle-aged man in a brown coat stood in the middle of the road. He stretched out his hand to grab a man of about the same age beside him in horror, turned his head to look at the alley, and said in a panicked voice, "Gao, Gaoshi, he's inside! But His state is not right, no matter how I call him, he won't move!"

Chi Feichi and Chong Shisubaru stopped in their tracks.

One is that two men blocked their way, and the other is...

Chongshi Subaru turned his head to look at the alley where the middle-aged man ran out.

What does it mean to not move no matter how loud you shout? Could it be a dead person?

There is a vending machine at the entrance of the alley. On the side of the alley, there is a man sitting on the ground with his back against the vending machine. Looking from the outside of the alley, all he can see is his knees in black pants, gray The sleeve of the coat and the right hand hanging down at the side.

"No, don't move?" The middle-aged man's companion was also a little dazed when the middle-aged man grabbed his arm forcefully. He turned his head and saw Chi Feichi and Chong Shisubaru stopped, and they dragged their colleagues into the alley. With a face full of tears and laughter, he comforted him, "Could it be that he drank too much and fell asleep too deeply? You also know that Gao Shi likes to drink, and every time he drinks until he is drunk, he will stop. He has also passed out before. The situation on the street..."

"But," the middle-aged man in the brown coat was still a little uneasy, "there is a pool of blood in front of him..."

At the entrance of the alley, Chong Shisubaru turned his head to look at Chi Feichi, "Shall we go and have a look too?"

Chi Feichi nodded, and walked into the alley with Chong Shisubaru.

Not that he's trying to be nosy, but if there's anything wrong with the two men who found a body here, the police might see him and Subaru Oki on a surveillance camera outside a nearby store afterwards, guess what? They will pass by, so they can find out about the situation.

Instead of being pestered for questioning at that time, it is better to go in and have a look now.

If something happened, it would be better for him to be questioned by the police alone in the future if there was another fanmao here who could answer the police's questions.

"Gaoshi! Gaoshi, how are you doing?!"

The two men who stepped into the alley first leaned over the vending machine, looked at the skinny man sitting next to the vending machine, and called out anxiously, and one of them reached out and pushed the skinny man's shoulder.

Sensing someone entering the alley, the man in the brown coat raised his head, looked at Chong Shisubaru and Chi Feichi who were approaching, and remembered that these seemed to be the two young men who were on the road just now.

Chong Shisubaru pretended to be an enthusiastic passer-by, and asked in a gentle tone, "Did something happen here? Do you want us to help?"

Another middle-aged man straightened up, frowned and looked at the man called 'Gaoshi' on the ground, "This is our colleague who works in the same company. He hasn't come to the company this morning, so we're going to come out and go along. I looked for the way to his house, but I didn't expect him to fall in such a place..."

"He can't wake up no matter how much he screams, and there is blood on the corner of his mouth!" The man in the brown coat looked worried and nervous, and took out his mobile phone, "I think I'd better call an ambulance!"

"Poor health," Chi Feichi sized up the man sitting on the ground, his eyes swept over the man's thin limbs and bulging abdomen, "hepatic ascites is very serious."

"It should be because of alcohol dependence. Obviously, his liver function is already very bad, but he still seems to buy beer from this vending machine," Dashi Subaru looked at the can of beer that was not taken out at the exit of the vending machine , squatting down beside the man named Gaoshi, when he saw the blood on the ground in front of the opponent's legs, he was stunned for a moment, then raised his head to observe the blood at the corner of Gaoshi's mouth, and at the same time reached out and touched Gaoshi's side neck , looked Gao Shi's eyes again, and said softly with a solemn expression, "The person is dead, at least nine hours or more..."

The middle-aged man standing next to him was taken aback, "What, what?"

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