Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2662 It should be theft

"So, you guys should call the police as soon as possible." Subaru Chong lost his eyes and raised his head, looked at the man and the brown coat that was going to call an ambulance over there, and quickly looked down at the corpse on the ground, "Then Stay here and wait for the police to arrive, and explain the matter clearly to the police... There seems to be no other trauma on his body. The blood stains on his chest and abdomen should come from his mouth. It looks like varicose veins caused by liver cirrhosis It ruptured and vomited blood, because it was not discovered in time, so it died, but the blood on the ground..."

The legs of Gaoshi's corpse were bent at will, and on the ground between the legs was a big character for 'death', which was left with blood, and a bloody cigarette was scattered beside it, with blood spattering on the side of the word tiny blood spots.

Chi Feichi looked at those spattered blood spots, and judged in his heart that the bloodstains forming the blood characters fell from above. Then he saw the long straight marks in the middle of the blood characters and the cigarettes, and the six round hollows that were too regular in the blood characters. Reminding this incident, he reminded Subaru, "This should be...theft."

He remembered this eucalyptus, the person died of a ruptured venous tumor and vomiting blood.

When a person dies, the cigarette and the six coins in the wallet fall to the ground, the blood from the mouth of the deceased drops to the ground, the blood soaks the cigarette and the six coins, after the blood dries up, someone takes away the deceased The wallet and the six coins also touched the cigarette to the side. Coincidentally, the combination of the vacated long marks of the cigarette and the circular marks of the six coins formed a word 'death' on the ground...

In short, this is an accident and a surprising coincidence.

If it has to be pursued, it means that the person who took the property of the deceased is suspected of stealing other people's property.

"Theft?" Chong Shisubaru looked back at Chi Feichi in surprise, then carefully observed the blood on the ground, and stood up thoughtfully, "Since it's a theft, there's no need to waste time here... ..."

Two minutes later, the deceased's colleague called the police to report the situation, and Chi Feichi and Chong Shisubaru left the alley.

Less than three minutes later, the three female high school girls were walking to school together. When passing by the alley, Sera Masumi saw someone sitting in the alley, and vaguely heard two people talking about 'police' and other topics. , Curiously walked into the alley.

"Um... did something happen here?"

The second batch of "enthusiastic passers-by" ushered in the alley.

Seeing the three female high school students kindly asking about the situation, two of Gaoshi's colleagues told how Gaoshi didn't go to work and how they found here.

Sera Masumi squatted down in front of the corpse skillfully and checked the condition of the corpse. Hearing that the two colleagues of the deceased had already called the police and contacted the ambulance, he observed the traces of the scene.

"This person should have alcohol dependence, right?"

Gao Shi's two colleagues: "Ah, yes..."

Are today's young people so powerful?

One by one, you can tell whether a person has alcohol dependence with just a glance.

"Shiliang, how did you know?" Suzuki Sonoko asked curiously, "This uncle has alcohol dependence..."

"Jaundice appeared on the whites of his eyes." Shiliang Zhenchun looked at the dead man's eyes, and then looked down at the dead man's abdomen, "He was obviously very thin, but his lower abdomen was very distended. This is liver ascites, which is a manifestation of abnormal liver function... ..."

Saying that, Shiliang Zhenchun looked at the exit of the vending machine, "There is still wine at the exit of the vending machine that has not been taken out in time. Looking at the situation at the scene, it should be the wine he wanted to buy before he died. Like the deceased, his liver function is not good. Most people would quit drinking to avoid the deterioration of their condition, but his condition is already very serious, but he still wants to drink, so we can only think that he has alcohol dependence!"

Suzuki Sonoko stared blankly at the confident and smiling Sera Masumi, and murmured, "That's amazing..."

"It's okay, generally speaking, this uncle should have cirrhosis of the liver that caused the rupture of the venous tumor, and he was not sent to the hospital for treatment in time to cause his death..." Sera Masumi smiled at Suzuki Sonoko, and looked down at the blood on the ground He put away the smile on his face, "Although I want to say that, but this should be a murder, and the evidence is the blood on the ground!"

Mao Lilan probed to see the blood on the ground, and was stunned for a moment.

She has seen the word 'death' in a strange font before...

"So, it is a wise decision for the two of you to call the police." Shiliang Zhenchun looked at the two colleagues in Gaoshi, his eyes were a little sharp, and he quickly smiled innocently. Did you call the police?"

very strange.

The scene was well maintained, the corpse had not been brought down or moved, and there were not many stampedes on the ground near the corpse. When they entered the alley, the two had already called the police and were waiting for the police to come.

That is to say, after the two people saw their colleague fell to the ground, they did not try to rescue or move the colleague in a panic. They judged that the deceased was dead without touching the deceased. They immediately called the police and did not Touch the scene too much.

When most people discover that someone is dead or alive, it is impossible for them to calmly make judgments and call the police, and there is no way to keep the scene so intact. In less than ten minutes, many traces of the scene will be destroyed.

The scene here remains intact. Either these two people have the ability of detectives and criminal police, or they have been intervened by detectives.

Of course, there is also a third possibility - there is a problem with these two people, it is very likely that they are the murderer, who set up the scene after the murder and deliberately left misleading clues, so they try not to touch the corpse and keep the traces of the scene intact. And call the police in time...

What is the situation, she wants to test it out.

"This..." The man in the brown coat looked at Sera's smiling face, not sure if it was an illusion that he saw Sera's fierce eyes just now. It is true that it is strange to call the police..."

Sera Masumi stood up and looked at the two men defensively.

"However, we were not the first to discover that Takashi was dead, and the first to think of calling the police," said the colleague of the man in the brown coat. Seeing Sera Masumi's face full of surprise, he told the truth about what happened just now, "When we first discovered Takashi , I met two young brothers on the road outside. When we were about to call an ambulance, the two of them went into the alley and asked us what happened. Afterwards, they also saw the situation in Gaoshi and said something similar to what you just said If so, then let's call the police..."

"Said something similar?" Shiliang Zhenchun guessed that he might have met a colleague, turned his head and looked around, "Then where did they go?"

The man in the brown coat said truthfully, "After we called the police, they had already left..."

"What?!" Shiliang Zhenchun took two steps forward excitedly, "Those two people touched the corpse and stayed at the scene, right? How could you let them leave so easily!"

The man in the brown coat backed away in fright, "But, but, they said they have something to do later..."

The colleague of the man in the brown coat hurriedly explained, "And when I called the police, they asked me to tell the police that if the police needed it, they could contact them again. Among them, the little brother with the purple child hole said that as long as the police were called If the police tell you about his characteristics, the other party should know who he is."

A figure appeared in Shiliang Zhenchun's mind, and the hands that were about to grab the shoulders of the man in the brown coat hung down, and his face became a little weird, "Purple Tongkong..."

Mao Lilan also thought of the same figure, and his face was a little weird, "And as long as you tell the police who are dispatched, the other party will know who he is..."

"Could it be Brother Feichi?" Suzuki Sonoko twitched the corner of his mouth, and looked at the two middle-aged men to confirm, "The person with the purple child hole you mentioned should be a tall, handsome man with a very complex face. Cold young man?"

The man in the brown coat nodded quickly, "Yes, yes, the other person's features are also very prominent, his hair is pink, he wears black-rimmed glasses, he looks very refined... When I called the police, I told the police on the phone After reading their characteristics, the police over there replied to me that they already knew, let us wait where they were, and asked me to tell them that I would contact them if necessary, and then they left."

Mao Lilan found out that he was an acquaintance, and immediately relaxed, "Then it should be Brother Feichi and Mr. Subaru..."

Sera Masumi looked back at Mao Lilan, "Mr. Subaru? That's the one..."

"The person who temporarily lived in Kudo's house is the doctor's new neighbor," Sonoko Suzuki said with a bragging smile, "and he's also a handsome guy! Brother Feichi often goes to the doctor's house, and he seems to have a good relationship with him. Handsome guys always like to get together!"

"Is that so..." Sera Masumi didn't hide his interest, "I really want to meet that Subaru-san you mentioned!"

Suzuki Sonoko saw that Sera was really interested, felt that he had found a friend, and excitedly discussed when to see the handsome guy together, "When Xiaolan is going to help clean Kudo's house some other day, let's go too!"

"Okay, don't forget to call me when the time comes!" Sera Masumi waited for Suzuki Sonoko to say this, and immediately agreed with a smile, and soon looked at the corpse on the ground with a hint of doubt, " However, what are Mr. Chi and Mr. Subaru in such a hurry to leave such a suspicious murder scene alone and leave in a hurry..."

"This should be theft... That's what the young boy with the purple boy hole said," the colleague of the man in the brown coat took the initiative to say, "The pink-haired boy looked at Gao Shi's body for a while and said, 'Since It's a theft, so there's no need to waste time here', after which they decided to leave..."

"Theft? Are you talking about this incident?" Shiliang Zhenchun was a little dazed, and quickly pointed to the blood on the ground, and asked incredulously, "Are you kidding? Someone died here, and there are still people left at the scene." The bloody words that look like provocation!"

The two middle-aged men backed away again, distanced themselves from Sera Masumi, and waved their hands to show that such words had nothing to do with them.

"But that's what they say..."

"I, we don't know what's going on..."

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