Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2664 the hatred from the loner

"The dish we are going to cook today is Tiger Bento..."

Kobayashi Chengko introduced the cooking topic, introduced Chi Feichi and Chong Shisubaru, and then talked about the rules.

Although the tiger bento has been improved by Chi Feichi, it is still difficult for children to complete a bento alone, so this cooking class is to cook together, and every three people will cooperate to complete a bento.

After talking about the rules, Kobayashi Chengzi smiled again, "Okay, everyone, let's start choosing the teammates who will cook with you today! I hope everyone will hurry up and finish it within five minutes."

In the classroom, the children started to move. Some looked around and whispered to their deskmates. Some got up and walked to their good friends, smiling and holding hands with them.

Chi Feichi stood by the podium at the entrance, leaning his back against the wall and watching the children's actions. His eyes didn't stop on a specific child, as if he saw a classroom from a long time ago through this classroom.

That was the classroom in the memory of the primordial body.

Just like the current situation, the children need to form a team of three in the cooking class. At the order of the teacher, there are teams looking for partners everywhere, and sooner or later they form a team.

The teacher had already counted the number of people, and no one would be left in the team, but there was always one person who was isolated, and no classmates went to ask the child, and the child was also on guard after being ignored the last time he spoke. He chose to stay silent.

In the end, the only two-man team had to accept the 'Lone Walker'.

Some children cast playful and weird looks at them, which made the two children blush, and vowed in their hearts that next time they must make up the three of them earlier and not be forced to bring the lone traveler with them.

As a matter of course, the two red-faced children would not have a good look at the lone traveler, and ignored it if they could. It was clearly a team of three, but it was still divided into two and one.

When there is only one set of materials, the solo traveler will either cook the dishes by himself, or be reminded early, 'Don't touch our things, just watch from the sidelines'.

The teacher will of course say 'no, it shouldn't' when he sees it, but the teacher can't keep staring at the side all the time. When the teacher turns around, the lone traveler has to face the two teammates again, 'it's all your fault', 'it's you Let us be scolded by the teacher', 'You are a laggard' resentful eyes...

Japanese education pays attention to cultivating children to integrate into the group and learn teamwork. Letting children form a team to complete tasks is the absolute "correct mode". This mode can make unsociable children more cheerful and brave, but it may also become a group of bullies. cruel weapon.

A look of disgust and rejection may make a child with a sensitive heart sad, and in this cooking class, all kinds of weird, malicious, and dissatisfied sights will appear countless times, and every child's reaction every second, It may become a knife that cuts the heart of a lone traveler.

One knife, one knife, one more knife...

The original consciousness hates this kind of class the most... No, at the beginning it was fear, fear of any class that might require cooperation. As soon as the teacher said 'this cooperation is complete', the heart was cut by the memory, followed by I was cut again in the new classroom, and it won’t be long before the heart is broken into mud, it’s not hard, but the cut becomes the soul, and the cut will doubt whether they are bad, whether they should disappear in the world, Only when the soul is broken can it be qualified to produce 'disgust'.

Disgust is the repulsion and hatred evolved from fear.

He obviously just inherited the memory, but he still felt disgusted in his heart like a conditioned reflex.

Just like every time he saw the rabbit house, hamster cage, chicken cage and other small animal breeding places in elementary school, the traumatic emotions in his memory would pop up and make him feel repelled.

Sensing that the atmosphere around him was not right, Chong Shisubaru turned his head to look at Chi Feichi who was the nearest neighbor, and found that Chi Feichi was looking at the back of the classroom with an indifferent face as if covered with frost. After confirming that Chi Feichi's eyes were out of focus, he whispered in doubt. Called, "Mr. Chi?"

Chi Feichi refocused his eyes, suppressed the disgust in his heart, and turned to look at another corner, his face softened, and he also lowered his voice, "I'm fine."

Chong Shisubaru wanted to ask more questions, but felt Chi Feichi's resistance, and knew that he might not have an answer even if he asked, so after thinking about it, he still didn't ask.

In the aisle, Yuan Tai saw that the five-person team was difficult to split, and asked aloud, "Mr. Xiaolin, can't we be in a group of five?"

"No," Xiaolin Chengzi firmly refused, "There are only three people in a group, no exceptions."

Guangyan pulled Yuantai's clothes and reminded in a low voice, "Yuantai, if we form a group of five, one of us will be vacated."

"And a group of three should be a staffing plan that will neither make us busy, nor let us be too leisurely." Hui Yuanai walked to another table and took the initiative to separate the team.

Xiaolin Chengzi could only laugh dryly.

What do you mean by 'don't let everyone be too leisurely'... Although she does have such considerations, can Haibara-san not speak too bluntly next time, it will make her look like a bully torturing children.

"Of course," Hui Yuanai added calmly, "There are too many people in the team, and everyone does not do enough, which is not conducive to us mastering the method of making bento."

Most of the children in the class half-understood, but still believed that Hui Yuanai's words were correct, and accelerated the speed of finding teammates.

"Then I'll be in the same group as Xiao Ai, Conan, Genta and Mitsuhiko!" Ayumi quickly walked to Haibara Ai, turned around to look around the classroom, and found a girl who turned around hesitantly and smiled. He waved his hand and said, "Student Qianchun, do you want to join us?"

The little girl who was greeted was stunned for a moment, and soon heaved a sigh of relief, and walked forward quickly with a smile, "Okay!"

Chi Feichi looked at the three people who formed the team, and then glanced at the entire classroom that was basically formed by the team.

Ayumi is a good boy.

However, he would not be moved to believe that the world is beautiful because of this, nor would he swear that he would be a good person who would not kill or set fire because of this.

He was a little relieved in his heart, because he felt that a good child was really good, but apart from that little relief, he didn't feel much in his heart, and naturally he didn't feel any warm feeling in his heart, even the rejection in his heart The feeling didn't recede much.

"Okay, let's be quiet for a while after the team formation is completed," Xiaolin Chengzi watched the team formation complete, and announced the next part aloud, "Next, I will take everyone to check the raw materials of the cooking, and then Mr. Chi will prepare them step by step. Take everyone to make tiger bento, he will slow down the speed, everyone can take your time, Mr. Chongshi and I are responsible for providing help, if you encounter problems during production, you can ask us for help..."

When it came to making bento, Chi Feichi was not affected by the slight rejection in his heart, and divided the cooking process into simple step by step, patiently taking the lead in making it on the podium.

Cooked rice is mixed with cooked pumpkin and kneaded, egg liquid, starch and cheese are mixed evenly, and omelets are made with molds...

There are many children, and some of them are not very hands-on, so they do each step very slowly. After making the omelette, it is only ten minutes before the end of get out of class.

Fortunately, the next steps are simpler. Fill the round omelette with pumpkin rice and let it bulge up. Then use seaweed slices to make tiger patterns and place it on the omelette.

Chi Feichi controlled the rhythm well, and with Chong Shisubaru and Kobayashi Chengzi cooperating with the guidance below, he just completed the teaching of Tiger Bento in one class.

Xiaolin Chengzi took out the camera and took pictures of the tiger bento made by the children one by one.

There are molds available for omelets, and the size and shape are uniform, but the patterns of tigers made with seaweed sheets are different, so each child's 'tiger' has its own characteristics. Some tigers seem to be glancing to the left, while others are like They were in a daze, and some tigers seemed to be giggling. All of them were taken as photos, which are also very interesting commemorative photos of the class.

At noon, the tiger bento with a few simple side dishes will become the children's lunch at noon, which is a bento made by yourself.

Chi Feichi and Chong Shisubaru didn't stay until noon, and left the school after cooking class.

In the evening, when Conan was on duty, he found that his mobile phone had received an email from Mao Lilan.

Mao Lilan mentioned in the email that if he wanted to go to Kudo's house to find the files of the bloody incident ten years ago, Suzuki Sonoko and Sera Masumi would also go.

Conan didn't want a detective like Sera Masumi to look around at home, and he didn't care about being on duty, so he greeted the other duty students and emailed Mao Lilan saying, "No need to go, I'll let Conan find it for you", hurriedly ran home.

Mao Lilan, Suzuki Sonoko, and Sera Masumi still went to Kudo's house, entered the door a little later than Conan, saw Conan's shoes in the entrance, and found the study all the way from the living room.

In the study, Conan was sitting on the second staircase, looking for the files of the incident ten years ago from a pile of file bags. When he heard voices in the corridor outside the door, he knew that Mao Lilan and the three had found them. Shouted, "Sister Xiaolan, I'm here!"

Three female high school students entered the study room. Seeing Conan sitting on the ladder, Mao Lilan asked with concern, "Conan, do you want us to help you find it?"

"It's okay, I'll find it soon!" Conan put the file box he had read back on the bookshelf, and smiled and said to Mao Liland downstairs, "Go to the kitchen and make a cup of black tea. I will find the file when I find it." Eucalyptus take it!"

Suzuki Sonoko looked around, "Little devil, isn't Mr. Subaru who lives here? We didn't see anyone all the way here!"

Conan took out another stack of file bags from the bookshelf, and looked down at the labels on the bags one by one, "He and Brother Chi went to our class in the morning to be temporary teachers in the cooking class, and then went to the pet shelter to help. On the way from school, I went to the pet shelter. Brother Chi is helping the pets to change their dressings, and Mr. Subaru is also helping out. It may take about an hour to come back..."

"One hour..." Shiliang Zhenchun stroked his chin and thought, "This time may not be enough for us to find the truth they want to cover up."

Conan paused, looked at the three female high school students standing at the door on the first floor, and asked tentatively, "Sister Xiaolan, what kind of cover-up are you talking about?"

A little flustered.

What exactly are these three people looking for in his house?

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