Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2665 Please don't name him

"It's the truth that Mr. Yusaku Kudo and Brother Feichi gave up the investigation!" Sera Masumi looked up at Conan on the second staircase, with an inexplicable smile on his mouth, "I don't know if Shinichi Kudo told you , we were on the way home from school this morning, and we encountered what seemed to be an accident. Next to the corpse was the same as the incident ten years ago, with the word 'dead' left in blood. The fonts are the same, that's why we came here to find the files of the incident ten years ago..."

Conan felt that the way Shiliang Zhenchun looked at him was a bit weird. He didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Shiliang Zhenchun's gourd, so he put on a child's ignorant expression, nodded and said, "Brother Xinyi told me, but this has something to do with Brother Chi. Does it matter?"

"What Xiaolan didn't mention to Kudo Shinichi in the email was that before we went to the scene of the eucalyptus in the morning, Mr. Chi and Mr. Subaru who lived here arrived at the scene one step ahead of us. Suspicious words in blood, after seeing the scene, Mr. Chi still said that it should be theft, and then left with that Mr. Subaru..." Sera Masumi saw the obvious surprised expression on Conan's face, and just suppressed it. The corners of his mouth raised again, "I heard that Mr. Yusaku Kudo also gave up the investigation of the blood letter case ten years ago, I just want to know what magic power is in the word 'death' written in blood, which can be repeated over and over again." Make people give up on investigating the truth! You also want to know what's going on, Conan?"

"Yes, yes..."

Conan responded casually, frowning.

Ten years ago, his father clearly saw the blood on the side of the body, but he still said, 'This is not a murder', 'I promise the murderer will not reappear', and then gave up the investigation.

Ten years later, Chi Feichi saw the blood written next to the corpse, and said, 'This is just theft', and then left directly.

Hey, what the hell is going on...

Seeing that Conan looked more confused than himself, Sera Masumi got the reaction he wanted from Conan, and smiled happier, "Anyway, Conan, hurry up and find the file, let's go to the kitchen to drink tea, etc. You, when the time comes, I can show you the live photos I took this morning!"


Conan responded obediently, withdrew his thoughts, and focused on searching for the files from ten years ago.


Not long after, Mao Lilan made black tea in the kitchen.

Sera Masumi observed in the kitchen and found suspicious hair bands and cups suspected of being stained with lipstick on the cabinet, and soon found a long hair suspected of being a wig in the sink. A woman has been here' conclusion. After seeing Mao Lilan anxious, he reminded Mao Lilan that the person who lives here is Chongshi Subaru, and the person who brought the woman back should also be Chongshisubaru.

When Conan entered the door with a file bag, he happened to miss the gossip topic of the three of them, and was prevaricated by Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko with "this is a topic for adults, children should not ask more".

Sera Masumi took out his mobile phone, found the photos of the scene of the incident taken in the morning, and put the mobile phone on the table.

Conan also found the photos of the discovery scene from the file bag, and put the photo of "dead characters on the ground" next to Sera Masumi's phone.

Putting the two photos together, it can be seen that the two characters for 'death' are almost identical.

Both Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko had experience in facing the incident, and when they saw the photos, their expressions suddenly became serious.

"This... This means that the prisoner from ten years ago has committed crimes again, right?"

"Yeah, this is the serial killing incident!"

"I checked on the Internet, and the incident that year was not made public, including the photo of the word 'death' at the scene," Sera Masumi said seriously, "That is to say, the possibility of today's incident being a copycat is very low. , even those who have seen this bloody character and those involved in the incident ten years ago, it is difficult to write this special dead character exactly the same. If you want to do this, almost only in the incident ten years ago Only a murderer can do it!"

"But, but..." Conan recovered from his astonishment, looked up at Sera Masumi and the three who turned to look at him, the confusion on their faces could not be concealed, "brother Shinichi told me that he said Mr. Yusaku ten years ago He said at the scene of the murder that he promised in the name of Yusaku Kudo that the murderer who left the word 'dead' will never appear again."

"What? Is it true?!" Sera Masumi felt unbelievable again, "Did Yusaku Kudo really say that?"

Conan nodded seriously, "Brother Xinyi said, he's sure he remembered correctly!"

"Xinyi also told me when he showed me the photos before," Mao Lilan frowned and looked at the photos of the scene ten years ago, "and he also said that although the deceased's palms and fingers were stained with blood, the fingertips were There was no blood, which meant that the writing on the ground was not left by the deceased, it was clearly a murder, he was very excited and said that he didn't know why his father didn't investigate it!"

"Indeed..." Shiliang Zhenchun also frowned and looked at the photo, "It looks like a murder, even if the murderer didn't leave blood on it, before the blood dries up beside the corpse, there should be someone staying beside the corpse and It's right to leave bloody words in a bad way, but why do they have that attitude..."

"That's right, I can't figure it out either, how could Brother Feichi say it was theft this morning..." Suzuki Sonoko muttered depressedly, and suddenly his eyes widened, "Could it be that... behind this bloody word is related to a very What about the important people? Just like in the TV series, the murderer is actually a second-generation policeman, second-generation official, or second-generation rich. Although it is very hateful, there is no way to punish them!"

Conan: "..."

Isn't Sonoko herself the eldest lady of the Suzuki Foundation?

Mao Lilan reminded with a dry smile, "But, I don't think whether it's Brother Feichi or Xinyi's father, they won't give up Eucalyptus just because of this!"

"So, will they have to give up the investigation for the safety of more people?" Suzuki Sonoko said seriously, "Yes, they are not the kind of people who are afraid of difficulties and dangers, but if it is related to many People's safety, they may give up pursuing each other's crimes, right?"

Conan frowned and thought, and whispered, "No, I think I... I mean Mr. Yusaku Kudo, I'm not someone who just doesn't care about it like that, he will definitely find other ways to catch the murderer..."

Yuanzi's statement sounded reasonable at first glance, but when he thought about it carefully, it was still wrong.

Even if his father gave up the investigation for the safety of more people, he would not really let go of it. If he did not investigate on the surface, he would pay attention to it secretly. It should not be that the investigation has not made any progress after ten years.

Moreover, after ten years, Chi Feichi gave up the investigation this time, and the two made the same choice. It wasn't necessarily because they colluded in advance, and it was unlikely that they both made mistakes at the same time.

Chances are they're missing something...

Sera Masumi also felt that the matter was not simple, so she didn't rush to draw a conclusion. She looked through the case files and learned about the case ten years ago.

Suzuki Sonoko watched carefully for a long time, thinking to no avail, and reminded in doubt, "I said... can we just call Brother Feichi and ask Brother Feichi directly? Just ask him why he said that the incident in the morning was theft! "

"That's right," Mao Lilan's eyes lit up, she turned her head and said to Sera Masumi, "It's not convenient for us to disturb Mr. Yusaku, but it's not a troublesome thing to call Brother Feichi, and he will definitely talk to us. Said..."

"Are you sure?" Shiliang Zhenchun looked directly at Mao Lilan with an extremely solemn expression, "If there is any reason for them to give up the investigation, will Brother Feichi really confess to us? Kudo Shinichi didn't follow his father either. Is there an answer there?"

Conan: "..."

Don't call him by name, thank you.

Mao Lilan became uncertain, being stared at by Shiliang Zhenchun, she couldn't say for sure, "Brother Feichi will tell us", "This, this..."

Shiliang Zhenchun suddenly laughed, and put his arms around Mao Lilan's shoulders, "So let's find out the truth by ourselves!"

"Should I call and ask the police?" Conan reminded, "You can call Officer Takagi. If he gets any news, he might tell us!"

The other three had no objection, and Mao Lilan immediately called Gao Mushe.

Gao Mushe happened to be in the police team in the morning, and when he heard Mao Lilan inquire about the incident in the morning, he told the police what he knew, "The deceased's name was Gao Shixun, and he lived nearby. The cause of death was a venous tumor caused by cirrhosis of the liver." I don’t know what to do with the body after that, because the case has been classified as theft and has been handed over to the third search section..."

When Sera Masumi heard what Takagi said, he couldn't help asking, "Are you kidding me? Doesn't that look like a robbery?"

"Isn't it because Brother Feichi said that that your police directly classified the eucalyptus as theft?" Suzuki Sonoko also asked aloud.

"Huh?" Gao Mushe was a little confused, "Mr. Chi said that?"

"Did you see it too? The word 'death' written in blood! This was left at the scene, so the possibility of murder should be more likely," Shiliang Zhenchun said anxiously, "But Brother Feichi also said this in the morning It's theft!"

"Huh? Did Mr. Chi actually say that?" Gao Mushe wondered over the phone, "Actually, I also think this case is very suspicious, like some kind of bizarre murder, but after Police Officer Megure arrived at the scene in the morning, After seeing the scene, I said it was a robbery, because the deceased did not find a wallet, so I wondered if the dead letter could be a sign of a theft gang, they like to leave blood letters after taking away the belongings of the deceased ..."

Conan: "..."

It's not impossible.

But they couldn't find similar incidents anywhere, so there was no reason that only his father, Chi Feichi, and police officer Mu Mu knew about the theft gang, right?

Shiliang Zhenchun was stunned for a moment, "But no matter how I searched, I couldn't find the relevant theft..."

There was a commotion on the phone, and Takagi She quickly said, "Ah, I'm sorry! I still have something to investigate, so let's do it for now!"

"Hello..." Shiliang Zhenchun heard the sound of the phone hanging up, and sighed angrily, "Really, what's going on with that bloody word!"

"Are you talking about the case from ten years ago?"

A gentle male voice came from the door, making Conan and the three girls turn their heads and look over.

Mao Lilan saw Subaru Chong who was standing at the door, and also saw Subaru Chong who was beside him, so he took the initiative to say hello, "Mr. Subaru, brother Feichi..."

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