"I can't help it. I've been staying in the capital during the holidays, and I always meet up with the children of those aristocratic families. I'm not only familiar with the polite words, but I'm completely used to the Kyoto dialect." Feimo didn't think there was anything wrong with Chi Feichi's complaints. Picking up the box containing apple slices, he poked a piece of apple with a toothpick. To prove what he said was true, he spoke in a Kyoto dialect, "Have you heard of the Yayoi Cup Kara Tournament held in Kyoto recently? Tomorrow is April In the quarter-finals, I have entered the quarter-finals of Group E, and I will stay in Kyoto until the end of the Yayoi Cup."

"I heard about the Yayoi Cup Kata Competition held in Kyoto when I attended the technology conference a few days ago in Osaka," Chi Feichi took out a can of dark beer from his shopping bag and opened the Huan, "After all, the organizer is the National Kara Pai Association, which is a national competition. Many people are paying attention to this competition. You sent a message before saying that you will be preparing for the competition in Kyoto. I thought you would participate in the Yayoi Cup. However, I didn’t even have time to watch the broadcast of the trials yesterday and today.”

Feichi poked the box containing the apples with the tip of his tail, looked at Feimo and said, "Feimo, I want to eat this too."

Feimo understood, poked a piece of apple with another toothpick, handed it to Feichi, and continued to say to Chi Feichi, "When I participated in the first match yesterday, there were more than 60 people competing in the same stadium. , there were more than 30 people in the second game, even if you watched the game broadcast, you may not be able to see my situation, and today's third trial match, the sixteen people who were selected in the second round yesterday were randomly selected Opponents were selected and alternate matches were held. The fourth selection match that started this afternoon was a sixteen-to-eight competition. Although there were a lot fewer participants, the attention of the E-level competitions has not been high, and there are not many TV stations on site. There are quite a few staff members and family members who cheered for the contestants, and I don’t think there will be many E-level scenes in the rebroadcast..."

"In the previous Yayoi Cup competitions, the youngest player in the top eight of the E-class group was 12 years old. When you entered the top eight, you were only 10 years old and you have broken the record. In addition, you performed well in the Kyoto Sanhui competition before. There are quite a few people who follow you, when the TV station filmed the E-class competition, they should deliberately photograph you..."

Chi Feichi chatted with Feimo about the song card competition.

Karata sports already has a relatively mature sports system in Japan.

After the establishment of the All-Japan Kapai Association, Kapai players are divided into five levels: E, D, C, B, and A. E-level players are beginners, and A-level players are the most advanced of the five levels. They are eligible to participate in celebrity competitions. If you win the battle or the queen's battle, you can become a new celebrity or queen.

If you want to become an E-level player who is getting started in karaoke competition, you need to sign up for the "official" competition held by the All Japan Kapai Association, and you can also participate in the "unofficial" competition held by large-scale karaoke associations, as long as you participate in large-scale competitions for the whole country , and achieve good results in the entry group, you can become an E-level player.

After that, if players want to continue to advance, they need to continue to participate in the competition.

Especially in the official competitions held by the All Japan Kakata Association, when contestants participate in such official competitions, they will compete with people of the same level as E, D, C, B or A according to their own level, as long as they win the final or quasi-winner , After being recommended by the members of the Kappa Association, the players can advance to the next level of competition.

There are several such official competitions every year, including the highest peak competitions that only A-level players can participate in-the celebrity battle and the queen battle.

Official competitions have a large number of participants and strong participants, but the probability of advancing through winning or quasi-winning is high, which is a fast promotion channel.

In addition, contestants can also participate in large and small competitions held by major Kappa Associations. As long as they have won many times in major competitions and are well-known enough, even if the contestants do not win the finals, semi-finals or quasi-winners in official competitions, members of the Kappa Association Recommending players for promotion will also be considered.

In Japan, competitive Kaka is a traditional event similar to competitive events such as shogi and Go.

And the competitive game of Ge Pai is far from being won by reaction, the process of the game consumes brainpower and energy.

The props for the song card competition are one hundred cards with "Xiao Cang Hundred People One Poem", which are divided into "reading cards" and "taking cards".

The first half of the waka is recorded on the reading script, which is recited by the singer during the competition.

On the top of the shoji is the second half of the 100-song Waka, which is a song card used by the contestants in the duel.

During the preparation period, the two players will sit facing each other on the tatami mat, and shuffle one hundred cards. Each person will randomly take 25 cards. The two players will take a total of 50 cards, and the remaining 50 cards will be "discarded". On the side, discard cards are also known as 'empty cards' and are not used in this round.

After the two parties each take 25 cards, they have to get 25 cards face up, with the text facing themselves, and arrange them in three rows, which are called 'upper section', 'middle section', and 'lower section'.

The combination of the upper, middle and lower rows of song cards in front of me is called "Zizhen".

The upper, middle, and lower sections of the 25 cards drawn by the opponent are called "enemy formations".

There will be a distance of 3 centimeters between the upper row of the own team and the enemy team, and the boundary line of the space where the two teams are located is the "competition line" of the game.

Before the official start of the game, the two sides will spend 15 minutes to memorize the cards, and remember the positions of the 25 cards in the own team and the enemy team.

Then came the etiquette links such as the salute of both parties and the singing of preface songs.

After completing the etiquette part, the competition will officially start. The singer-reader will first recite a waka other than "Xiaogura Hundred People One Song", and then randomly choose the recitation order among the 100 reading books, and recite one by one.

Both sides of the competition listen to the content read by the reader, and need to find the "take card" with the second half of the waka written on it. The person whose finger touches the card first, or sweeps the card out of the competition line first, will be "take the card successfully". ', that card will be removed from the deck.

Both sides can remove the cards from their own team, and can also remove the cards from the enemy team. However, since the winning rule is "the person who clears his own card team first wins", so if a player sweeps the cards from the enemy team out of the competition line, it will be You can choose a card from your own array to give to the opponent, and let the opponent place it in the enemy's array. This is the "gift" in the rules.

Players sometimes grab the cards they are good at from the opponent's team, and the cards that they can easily sweep out of the competition line, and then use the "gift-giving" rule to give cards that they are not good at or cards that are not easy to get to the opponent. In the card array, the difficulty of clearing the singing cards from the array is virtually reduced.

If the player knows that the opponent is not familiar with a certain card, sometimes he will deliberately give the opponent the unfamiliar card to increase the difficulty for the opponent.

In addition, there are 100 cards in the reader's place, but there are only 50 cards corresponding to the second half of the sentence in the game, and there will be a bye for the first half of the 50 waka songs. If the first half of the sentence read by the reader does not correspond In the second half of the song card, the hands of both parties cannot touch the card array. If a player's hand touches the card array, this behavior will be called 'hand error'.

And if the singing card corresponding to the first half sentence is in the enemy's formation, but the player's hand touches the own formation, or conversely, the singing card corresponding to the first half sentence is in the own formation, but the player's hand touches the enemy's formation, this situation is also the same. 'mistake'.

'Slips' will also trigger the 'Gifts' rule.

If the opponent makes a 'hand mistake', the player can choose a card from his own card array and give it to the opponent, reducing the number of cards in his own card array and increasing the number of cards in the opponent's card array.

If a player makes frequent mistakes during the game, the opponent only needs to keep sending cards to widen the gap between the two sides.

In addition, there are some detailed rules that need to be followed in the game.

For example, when kneeling on the tatami mat during the game, the player's head cannot exceed the upper tile of his own line, and he cannot poke his head directly above the opponent's line.

For example, if it is determined to use the right hand to take cards from the beginning, the right hand will become the "card taker", and the right hand can only be used to take cards throughout the game. If the left hand is determined to be the "player to take cards" at the beginning, then the whole game will be Cards can only be drawn with the left hand.

For another example, before the singer begins to read the first half sentence, the contestant's hand cannot leave the tatami, and cannot extend into the competition line in advance. inside the line.

In the kotaku competition, professional players not only have to memorize one hundred waka by heart, but also master many competition skills, such as the "decision word" technique.

Taking Chinese poetry as an example, suppose there are three lines of poems in the game: "The autumn wind blows endlessly, but there is always love at Yuguan", "The autumn wind enters the window, and the tent flutters", and "The autumn wind enters the front forest, and the high branches are bleak".

When the singer reads "Autumn Wind", neither side of the game will know which card to draw.

When the reader reads "Autumn Wind Blows", the contestant can judge that he should take the card "Always Jade Passion", and "Autumn Wind Blow" is the decision to take the card of "Always Jade Passion" Character.

And if the reader reads "Autumn Wind Enters", the player doesn't know which card he should take. He needs to read "Autumn Wind Enters Front" before the player knows that he should take the card "Xiao Se Ming Gao Zhi" , then, 'Autumn Wind Enters the Front' is the decisive word for the card 'Xiao Se Ming Gao Zhi'.

Professional kapa players will memorize the decision word corresponding to each card, and listen attentively during the game. Sometimes when the singer and reader just utters a key sound of the decision word, the two sides have already started to compete.

Since the decisive victory may be within half a second, in order to get in touch with the cards and sweep them out as soon as possible when the two sides grab the cards, they only consider the speed and accuracy of the shots, and ignore the strength, and the whole person will become aggressive. It is also normal to get cracking noises.

Even the action of "sweeping cards to play" has various skills in the competitive circle, which requires players to practice repeatedly in normal times.

Although it is not a mistake to accidentally take other cards out of the competition line when taking cards, the higher the strength of the player, the more accurately and quickly he can hold the card at a certain position with his finger, and hold that card precisely and quickly. Specific corners or sides, and then sweep the cards out of the competition line in the most time-saving way, such players usually seldom touch the card array in a mess.

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