Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2699 Feimo and Chidorihui

Chi Feichi was not surprised at Ooka Hongye's self-confidence and arrogance in the Kara Pai competition.

There are roughly three groups of Japanese Kapai players: the 'campus club group', the 'professional Kapai group' and the 'individual group'.

The campus club group has the largest number of people. There are many interest clubs in Japanese schools. Many schools have Kapa clubs. Members of the clubs also participate in some large and small competitions. Primary school clubs generally focus on participating in entertainment competitions. In middle and high schools, Some club members will participate in national competitions and officially become competitive players with grades.

The professional kapa group refers to those who join the folk kapa associations. Those kapa associations are registered with the All Japan Kapa Association and are run by private individuals. They usually recruit some talented potential stocks, or recruit powerful competitive players. In some of the singing clubs, there are people who used to be celebrities and queens.

This kind of folk song card will have excellent teachers, and the training is more formal and professional than that of campus clubs. It is similar to a club that specializes in training professional tennis players and baseball players. What members usually do is match training.

The Sanren group is those who have graduated from school but have not joined the Ge Pai Club.

Of course, the Japanese environment is very concerned about a person's ability to integrate into a group. Even those who have graduated from school and have no conditions to join the Dakapahui will gather together to form a Kapai Club, which mainly accommodates hobbyists, so There are not many real scattered people in the Gepai competition.

Ooka Hongye has joined the well-known Kappai Club since she was in elementary school. She has been guided by famous teachers since she was a child, received training in an environment with a strong competitive atmosphere, and developed with the goal of participating in professional competitions. She has been promoted to A-level, and her strength is not only much stronger than her peers in the campus club group, but also surpasses many competitors in the professional singing club, and she is called the candidate for the next Queen.

With such conditions, Ooka Hongye will of course confidently believe that he will not lose to Toyama Kazuha, and even confident to play against the former Kara Queen and Hattori Heiji's mother.

As far as the challenge rules are concerned, Level A is indeed qualified to challenge the Queen.

Feimo planned to participate in the Kappai competition because he wanted to add to Ooka Hongye's smooth competition process.

One is an A-level player with both talent and experience and many years of competition experience, and the other is a crow who has just come into contact with Gepai, or even just become a human being. In terms of Gepai competition, no matter how talented and smart Feimo is, It is also difficult to catch up with and surpass Hongye Ooka in a short period of time.

If you wait two or three years, Ooka Hongye may have become the queen of singing cards, and it seems a little too late for Feimo to add trouble.

The time Fei Mo set for himself is one year.

If he wants to catch up with Ooka Hongye within a year, Feimo must have a brain and talent that surpasses Ooka Hongye, as well as a teacher with excellent ability, rich competition experience, and a teaching method suitable for Feimo.

The former, Fei Mo already has.

After transforming into a human, Feimo did not adapt to his body at all, but used various training to adapt himself as soon as possible. He used the way of learning fighting to improve his control over the muscles of various parts of the body, and immediately entered elementary school to learn the basics. Complete, and continue to learn beyond the outline, so that you can master human knowledge as soon as possible.

He became a human being, and he was also a ruthless person who tossed himself mercilessly.

In the process of adapting to the body and human society, Feimo found that his body has a potential that is not weak. After fully adapting to the body, that potential has not been fully developed. It seems that there is still a lot of energy left. As long as you continue to train, Can be better than ordinary people in all aspects.

Before finding a gepai teacher, Feimo tried to get familiar with the gepai by himself. He memorized each of the hundreds of songs in the gepai thoroughly, and memorized the styles and every detail of the 100 gepai. In the card and card picking practice, although the competitive skills are not as good as professional players, Feimo found that his reaction ability, calculation ability, and listening ability may be better than many professional players in the training.

In terms of talent, Feimo will definitely not be inferior to Ooka Hongye or other people who are amazingly talented in the Kapai competition.

And the last condition to catch up with Hongye Ooka - an excellent teacher, with the joint efforts of the Mizuno family and Fei Mo, Fei Mo also got it.

From the very beginning, Feimo didn't plan to chase desperately by himself. After trying to get in touch with Gepai, he told the Mizuno family that he wanted to participate in the Gepai competition.

Before the old man could speak, Mizuno Yoshikazu, who gradually took over the Mizuno family, and his uncle, who was not Moming, immediately came forward in person and found Chidori Toru, who was once a famous singer.

Toru Chidori served on the celebrity throne for five consecutive years. He retired at the age of 30 due to physical problems. Later, he founded a folk kata club in Kyoto with a few friends who also loved Karata, named Chidori Club.

Chidori Club has quite a few members, and many of them come here to learn from Chidori Toru, but Chidori's health is not good, he is not keen on accepting apprentices, and has no energy to teach students.

But Chidorihui did not decline because of this.

The friends who formed the Chidori Club together with Toru Chidori are also capable kata masters themselves. Although they have not become kata celebrities, they can do it no matter whether they go out to participate in competitions or teach students.

Since its development, Chidori Club has also been ranked in the forefront in Kyoto, and it is one of the three well-known Karata clubs in Kyoto.

Yoshikazu Mizuno had some friendship with Toru Chidori. He took Feimo there that day, but he didn't expect Toru Chidori to accept his disciples. Receive training, and ask Toru Chidori to introduce a teacher suitable for Feimo, and the Mizuno family can hire the other party to teach Feimo.

Mizuno Yoshikazu has almost been determined to be the future head of the Mizuno family, and Chidori Toru's old acquaintance. He personally brought the child to visit. Chidori Toru felt that he was too much even after hesitating, and immediately agreed to let Feimo join Chidori meeting.

However, Chidori Toru did not rush to make a decision about introducing the teacher. He just asked Feimo to go to the training venue of the Chidori Club when he had time, and take part in the Kapai competitive class set up for children. He can freely stay in the venue when there is no class. Walk around, as long as you don't disturb other people's training, you can also watch the duel between brothers and sisters.

In any competitive event, capable people will have their own competitive style, and talented young people will gradually develop their own competitive style. The styles of the master and apprentice do not have to be the same, but there must not be too prominent contradictions However, the master teaches an apprentice who is not suitable for his own style according to his own style, and it is easy to bury the talent and energy of young people.

Chidori Toru didn't rush to recommend a teacher to Feimo when he didn't know enough about Feimo, which was very responsible.

Mizuno Yoshikazu didn't want Feimo to receive too professional training as soon as he came.

Non-Mo Masata is only ten years old, which is a big problem for Mizuno Yoshikazu.

There will be a lot of boring training in gepa competition, which can easily make a ten-year-old child lose interest in gepa.

Yoshikazu Mizuno’s idea is to let the children join the kapai for a period of time, make sure that the children are really interested in the kapai, and then carry out systematic learning step by step. During the period, let the children participate in some competitions, using large and small competitions to let them Children gain a sense of accomplishment from the competition, and when the children are willing to endure boring training for a sense of accomplishment, there will be no problem in increasing the difficulty of training.

This is a very healthy way of growing up, and it is also the usual way of cultivating in aristocratic families. It will not harm the children's potential and is conducive to long-term development.

Feimo had thought about this kind of outcome long ago, and instead of uttering wild words on the spot, he obediently agreed, and went to the children's group's Gepai class that day.

Tachibana Xinghei's granddaughter, Tachibana Nanase, also met Feimo at that time.

However, Feimo's goal is not to cultivate interest in gepai, nor is it to make friends with children who have the same grievances.

On the second day, Feimo finished the two-hour children's song card class and went to watch the training of the E-level group.

Taking advantage of the consecutive breaks during that holiday, Feimo went to watch the training of the E-level group for two days in a row. He observed and summed up some skills. A Japanese room practice.

Most of the training in the E-level group is basic skills training, but Feimo knows the importance of the basics, so he can repeat the basic movements over and over again, and concentrate on practicing for two or three hours before stopping to pay attention.

Chidori wants to find a teacher for Fei Mo, so he will naturally pay attention to Fei Mo's study.

A child with amazing concentration and enough patience to practice basic skills is already surprising, but that child still practiced by observing and imitating himself, which made Chidori feel uncomfortable and wondered whether he should guide the child .

After quietly watching for two days, Toru Chidori finally went into Feimo's training room the next afternoon, and proposed that he would help Feimo see how his studies were going, and that Feimo could ask himself if he was uncertain.

Feimo said that he wanted to simulate a one-on-one competition with Yasuji Kuroki, and asked Toru Chidori to help see if there was anything he needed to pay attention to in actual combat.

It's not surprising that beginners are always more interested in 'fierce duels' than basic training.

Chidori Toru was in a good mood, and wanted to take the opportunity to observe Feimo's personal characteristics in the Kapai competition, so he readily agreed, and even took the initiative to serve as the singer and reader for that game.

Then Chidori saw Feimo's outstanding memory and brain calculation ability.

Afterwards, Chidori told Feimo about Feimo's performance that day - "There is no skill at all in placing cards. Although the skill of picking cards is relatively proficient, the skill of picking cards is actually not suitable for ten-year-old children." Even so, his arm has surpassed E- and D-rank players, and has the ability to approach C-rank players. '

That night, Toru Chidori, who was already in poor health, had a bit of insomnia, tossing and turning, and suddenly had a premonition in advance that his life span might be greatly shortened due to worrying.

He thinks that Feimo is very hopeful to become a Gepai celebrity, and he is very optimistic about his character. He has experience in celebrity battles. If he is responsible for teaching Feimo, he can help Feimo ascend to the celebrity throne earlier and more steadily, and cultivate " Japan's youngest Karata celebrity'.

Changing someone else would probably waste Feimo's talent and potential, and make Feimo and Chidori pass away with the honor of being the 'youngest celebrity'. If that were the case, he would regret it until he died. Eye.

Cultivating the "youngest Japanese singer" is also a goal worth striving for.

This is the first time he has rekindled the enthusiasm he had in his early years after retiring.

In order to create a miraculous glory, he feels that it is worthwhile to work hard, just like he trained hard when he was young. With something to look forward to, he doesn't care if he will lose a few years of life because of it.

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