Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2700 vengeful animal

That night, Fei Mo returned to Tokyo overnight, and went to school in Tokyo for two days, giving Chidori plenty of time to think about it.

Enough to make Chidori worry about it.

After the holiday, Feimo went to Kyoto again, and went to the big class of the children's group in a leisurely manner in the morning.

Chidori asked Feimo to find him, expressing that he didn't understand why Feimo wasted time in children's classes when he was already proficient in kapai.

Feimo also told the truth - while other children are learning waka, he is making himself more familiar with the "decision word". He believes that there is no "most familiar" but only "more familiar" with the song card.

This kind of learning attitude made Toru Chidori completely speechless, and then asked Feimo a question: Which is your favorite Japanese song in "One Hundred People One Song"?

Feimo's answer is: If you don't hear the sound of running water, the waterfall has no source for a long time. The name of water is hard to say, and it has been passed down to the world today.

Chidori Toru asked the second question: Why do you like this song the most?

When children choose their favorite waka cards, they usually choose waka with their own names, or choose waka with their own favorite things, and some even listen to others describing the scenery depicted in waka, and fall in love with the waka described in waka landscape.

And children after puberty, especially those who have a crush, usually like those wakas related to love, either to express their hearts, or to project their inner sorrows into wakas.

Chidori Toru heard for the first time that a child said that he liked this waka, and he was still wondering if it was 'water' that made Feimo think of 'Mizuno'.

Feimo truthfully stated his thoughts: I hope that even after tens of millions of years, human beings will always remember my name. My original intention of participating in the Kapai competition is to embarrass Miss Hongye of the Ooka family, but if possible, I want to try to be a legend whose name will still be celebrated even after I retire.

This is not an answer given to cater to Toru Chidori, but Feimo's own idea.

The choice of master and apprentice is two-way. If Chidori feels that Feimo is too arrogant and does not approve of Feimo's ideas, Feimo will not consider learning from Chidori.

But the fate is so wonderful, Chidori also thinks that Feimo has the hope of becoming a legend, and takes the initiative to break the insistence of "not accepting apprentices", becoming the former famous teacher of Gepai that Feimo successfully captured.

Toru Chidori, who has never accepted an apprentice, finally accepted an apprentice. After Mizuno Yoshikazu learned of this, he was surprised and happily arranged Feimo's apprenticeship ceremony.

After the teacher apprenticeship ceremony, Toru Chidori started his career of guiding with great vigor. It was probably the first time he became a master.

Feimo is also a patient, even if Toru Chidori puts forward some tiring and difficult training ideas, Feimo can try to complete them.

Every time, Chidori realized that he was too excited and that the training plan he made was too difficult. After reflection, he quickly stopped Feimo's training.

The two are not completely tossing around.

Chidori tested Feimo's proficiency of hundreds of singing cards. Except for a few cards that Feimo liked, he also found a few singing cards that Feimo didn't have much feeling for, but was good at memorizing and locking their positions. I found that Feimo might be more sensitive to some specific characters, so I just helped Feimo figure out a set of quick and effective memory methods to help Feimo overcome those cards that he was not very good at.

When the two discussed privately, they even raised the crazy goal of "eliminating all celebrities who are not good at singing cards and creating celebrities without shortcomings".

In addition, Feimo's body is no different from that of an ordinary ten-year-old child. The length of his torso and arms is definitely not comparable to that of an adult. This is Feimo's disadvantage in the Gepai competition.

Before the singer begins to read the last sentence, the hands of the players cannot enter the competition line. Everyone's conditions seem to be equal and fair, but Feimo's torso and arms are shorter than adults, which means that it is difficult to draw cards. The range of physical activity is larger than that of adult opponents. "reaching out for a pen" and "reaching out for a pen" are not only different in physical energy consumption, the latter must stabilize the center of gravity of the body and cooperate with the body To complete the action, there are more steps to execute than the former, and the speed is easily affected, which will be a beat slower than the former.

If Feimo and an adult player reached out their hands at the same time, the opponent would most likely hold down the designated card a few tenths of a second earlier than Feimo.

In the song card competition, whoever touches the card first will be the "effective card drawer".

In order for Fei-mo not to lose to adult opponents in terms of shooting speed, Toru Chidori also made a set of card-taking methods suitable for Fei-mo based on Fei-mo's arm and habitual movements, combined with his own experience.

This method of picking cards can save Feimo's physical energy, and it can also allow Feimo to take advantage of a child's body to take cards. Specifically, in the game, what seat does Feimo use to facilitate the player to quickly hold down the designated card, different positions? How to touch the song cards, which position the song cards in different positions should touch, and then to the trajectory of the player who takes the cards in any direction.

During the practice process, Toru Chidori first asked Feimo to take a certain card, and corrected it to the best angle of reaching, and then Feimo practiced and became familiar with it over and over again.

Feimo practiced all the 50 cards in different positions in the enemy's two battles, and then continued to practice until those card-taking techniques became instinctive.

Some time ago, Feimo came to Kyoto whenever he was on vacation.

In the morning, I attended the children's big class, and other children learned to recite Waka, while Feimo used a special memory method to repeatedly memorize the content of the gefu, grinding his "bad cards" into "good cards" one by one.

After the big class, Feimohui began to take card training. It found an empty Japanese room, laid out 50 singing cards from different positions of the enemy and self on the floor, and constantly practiced the movements of touching and sweeping cards.

After lunch, Feimo will participate in the competition within the Chidori Club.

Chidori Toru's acceptance of disciples caused an earthquake in the entire Kapai competition circle, and Chidori Club was so surprised that it took a few days to recover.

Every Chidori Club member has a lot of thoughts about Feimo, Chidori Toru's only apprentice and personal apprentice, and wants to have a game with Feimo.

Most of the people did not have any malicious intentions. Some people were curious about why Feimo was favored by Chidori Toru, and wanted to know about the new junior brother. Some people wanted to learn Chidori Toru's singing skills from Feimo. Some people want to discuss with Feimo, just to join in the fun.

Feimo also needs a lot of actual combat experience, and he is almost always willing to challenge other members of the Chidiao Club, and will also take the initiative to challenge people with high competitive levels.

In the first holiday since the start of the competition, Feimo spent two days fighting all the E-level players in Chidori Club's training venue, and easily 'cut' those E-level players to pieces.

In the next holiday, Feimo spent another two days 'cutting' all the D-level players of Chidiao Club.

In the third holiday, all the C-level players of Chidiaohui were also "cut" by Feimo, and because of the "continuous vacation" period in this world, Feimo started to challenge the B-level players again.

Feimo received Chidori Toru's specially formulated memory method and card picking method, and he continued to practice. During the training, his hearing became more acute, his brain and concentration were also improved, and he didn't have much pressure to challenge B-level players.

During the period, Feimo also met a special, the only person who harbored malice in the challenge.

During the game, the opponent said many times, 'Your talent is very good, but you are a bit blunt in the lower tier of the enemy formation, so you are not very good at it', 'You really are not very good at the lower tier of the enemy formation, and your speed is not at the same level as before. , but everything else is pretty good." Such remarks seem to be just normal evaluations, but Feimo can be sure that he is not slow to touch the cards in the lower part of the enemy formation, which is comparable to the speed of drawing cards from other positions.

Feimo inadvertently saw the occasional jealousy and unwillingness in the other party's eyes, and immediately figured out what the other party wanted to do.

During the game, if an experienced senior repeatedly says 'You can't do it here' to a child who is just getting started, it will easily cause the child to have self-doubt, and when he reaches for the cards in that place again, he will definitely have a lot of psychology The pressure caused the movement to slow down, and finally it really became impossible.

In the previous sparring competitions, there were also some people who stagnated because of themselves, and because of jealousy, they said some false and harsh evaluations in the competition with children, trying to destroy a person who was full of hope in the future.

Chidori has seen similar things before, told Feimo, and specifically told Feimo that he only needs to discuss with the people inside the Chidiao Club and not rush to play cards with outside adults, but Chidori probably didn't think about it. There will be people inside the Thousand Birds Club who will attack the children of the younger generation.

Fortunately, Fei Mo is not an ordinary kid, and he didn't take the opponent's words to heart. He also used the excuse of "I think I'm a little slow to get the cards in the lower part of the enemy's formation, and I want to try again" to play an extra match with the opponent. field.

Crows are very vengeful animals.

In that match, Fei Mo only stared at the lower-tier cards of the two teams of the enemy and himself, so that the B-level player never got the lower-tier cards of the two teams of the enemy and himself.

The opponent was constantly being robbed of cards by Feimo, and began to distract himself from time to time to look at the faces of the onlookers around him, probably suspecting that the people around him were making fun of him. In one game, 15 cards were sent out, and more than half of his own cards were sent out by "gifting".

A B-level player actually made mistakes one after another in the game, and was given 15 cards as a gift. If the opponent is an A-level, celebrity, then it makes sense, but if the opponent is a child who has no level, even if that child is a celebrity. It hurts the self-esteem of the apprentice who has been accepted so badly.

The extra match ended harmoniously. The B-level player felt that he had suffered psychological trauma, and Feimo felt that he had improved, and began to think about "psychological warfare in Gepai competition".

Logically speaking, when Fei Mo participated in the duel in the early days, Chidori Toru should have been watching from the sidelines, but Chidori Toru was a teacher for the first time, and he never thought that there would be someone in the Chidori Club who would take the opportunity to make trouble. Mo was confident in his character, so he let Feimo go out alone, and stayed in the room every day, holding the song cards to study day and night.

It took more than half a month for Chidori Toru to hold back a big trick for Fei Mo - a set of card placement methods suitable for Fei Mo.

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