Trained professional singing card players will have their own specific way of arranging cards. Usually, they will place the cards they are good at in the unfavorable places and the cards they are not good at in the convenient places, so as to ensure that they can take the cards that they are not good at. The speed of the cards will not be too slow.

On the playing field, the players place the song cards according to their familiar card layout plan, which can also save them a lot of time to memorize their own card arrays. The 15 minutes before the game, you can focus on memorizing the opponent's cards. The location of the 25 cards in the enemy's formation.

This is also where 'someone teaches' has an advantage over 'no one teaches'.

If there is an experienced teacher to guide, players can get the card placement skills and card placement experience summed up by the teacher, which can save a lot of time for groping.

The reason why Hongye Ooka has made rapid progress is that apart from her extraordinary talent and hard training, it is also because the preaching teacher and Hongye Ooka are good at the same cards. Hongye Ooka can borrow the mature and efficient card placement method of the A-level preaching teacher.

Toru Chidori has been a kapai celebrity before, and he also has a set of mature and efficient card arranging skills, but that method of arranging cards is not suitable for Feimo, and the two of them aim to 'eliminate the short board of kapai', Chidori Toru does not Create a set of card placement methods for Feimo based on the cards he is good at and the cards he is not good at. Instead, he designed a special card placement method that fits the previous two methods based on the memory method and card picking method that were suitable for Fei Mo.

So far, Feimo has a set of custom-made memory method, a set of custom-made method of picking cards, and a set of custom-made method of displaying cards. The three methods complement each other. Brand' this point to design.

Chidori and Feimo didn't know whether it would work in the end, but Feimo didn't mind trying, and Chidori didn't mind making a lot of improvements in the middle, so the two sides began to test this new set of techniques.

This set of unique song card techniques was named "Shui Ming" by Chidori Toru and Fei Mo, which means "Shui Ming Tian Tian Chuan".

However, it was not long ago that Toru Chidori researched the card placement method.

When Feimo participated in the Kyoto Sanhui Competition, he hadn't fully mastered the skill of arranging cards, so he didn't use special card arranging methods during the competition.

The Kyoto Sanhui Tournament is an unofficial national event. Non-Mexico participates in the E-level competition. There are a total of three selection games, one semi-final, and one final.

Feimo participated in the entry-level E-level competition. Although he didn't use the "water name display method", he was able to beat other players by relying on basic skills. Champion of Class E.

If Feimo was E-level before the competition, winning the championship in that kind of competition is enough to advance to D-level, but Feimo has no competitive level before the competition, so even if he wins the E-level championship of the Kyoto Sanhui Competition, Feimo He just became an E-level player.

"The Yayoi Cup competition this time is an official national competition. As long as Feimo wins the championship again, he will definitely be able to advance to Class D..." Chi Feichi explained the promotion rules to Feichi.

Feichi tapped the table with his tail, tilted his head to look at Feimo Zhengtai, his black bean-like snake eyes couldn't reflect his emotions, "Feimo, even if you were promoted to D-level in this competition, you still have to go from D-level It’s too troublesome to be promoted to C-level, from C-level to B-level, from B-level to A-level, and then to compete with Ooka Momiji!”

Feimo guessed from Feichi's "anxious" tail knocking on the table that what Feichi wanted to say was "this is too slow", and patiently said to Feiequao, "I know it is troublesome to advance like this, but there is no other way to advance. The shortcut is to go up level by level, but don’t worry, if there is no accident, there will be five or six large-scale national competitions in Japan this year. As long as I participate in each of them and win, I will continue to advance through these national competitions , will definitely be promoted to A-level player this year..."

As he said that, Feimo turned his head to look at Chi Feichi again, "I told Mr. Chidori that I want to advance to the A-level within a year and have the chance to compete with Ooka Hongye. At first, he felt that such a promotion arrangement I was too anxious, but I persuaded him, and he promised to help me fulfill my wish with all my strength. The reason why I participated in the previous Kyoto Sanhui Competition when I was not familiar with the water name display method was also because I wanted to seize this year's competition. For every national competition, I want to advance from no grade to A grade, and win at least five finals in national competitions. The desire to advance to the A-level will be terminated at the same time, so I should continue to participate in large-scale competitions in the future. If I can keep winning, it may eventually attract a lot of attention.”

Chi Feichi knew that this year would not end so early, but he was not sure how many Kakaba competitions would be held this year, so he didn't persuade Feimo not to worry, and asked the Mizuno family's reaction, "Mizuno Yoshikazu didn't object to you Plan? Letting a ten-year-old child be promoted to A-level kappa player within a year is not in line with the style of the family. The child's temperament is not mature and stable enough, and he won too much glory too early and received too much praise from the outside world. Attention is not necessarily a good thing. Surrounded by praise for a long time, it is easy for children to worry about success or failure, and they will suffer a big blow when they fail, and that kind of blow is something that many children cannot bear. Yoshikazu Mizuno truly puts As the child of your deceased brother, you also really want to plan your growth path, he should think about waiting for you to go to middle school or high school, and then let you advance to a higher level."

"You are right. Uncle Yihe is very opposed to my idea of ​​advancing quickly. Even if I tell him that I am different from those children, I can bear the impact of success or failure, and I can also bear the malice of some people, but he still Don't worry, knowing that Mr. Chidiao supports me, he is about to break up with Mr. Chidori..." Feimo sighed, his face full of helplessness, "I also asked the old man to persuade him, so far, He still doesn't support our idea. If it wasn't for the subtle relationship between the Mizuno family and the Ooka family, he was reluctant to go to the main house of the Ooka family. Maybe he would go to Ooka Momiji and ask Ooka Momiji to persuade me Don't be angry, but this time I participated in the Yayoi Cup Competition, his attitude of opposition is not as excited as before, and the friendship between him and Teacher Chidori should be preserved."

"The opposition is not as strong as before, which means that he is going to wait and see the development of the situation. As long as you don't lose the chain here and don't provoke him, he will gradually accept it," Chi Feichi put the empty beer can on the table , took the phone and looked at the time, "Feimo, it's almost twelve o'clock in the evening, do you want to stay with me tonight?"

Feimo was stunned for a moment, his eyes lit up quickly, and he readily agreed, "Okay, when I left the Mizuno family's main house tonight, the access control time has passed, I flew out secretly, they won't just enter me The room, I probably thought I was fast asleep, and if I don’t go back tonight, no one will find out, and tomorrow morning, I wake up and fly back.”

Feichi happily wrapped Feimo's arm, and pointed the tip of his tail at the bathroom door.

Feimo understood in seconds, took Feichi to the bathroom, quickly finished washing with spare toiletries, and then dried Feichi's body with a towel before taking Feichi out of the bathroom.

Chi Feichi had washed up before, but he drank two cans of beer just now, and after Feimo finished washing up, he went to the bathroom to rinse his mouth again.

Feimo put Feichi on the head of the bed, and fell on his back on the bed. Thinking of the experience of staying in Chi Feichi's room and sleeping with Feichi, his mood continued to be happy, and suddenly he remembered something, "By the way, Master, have you seen the news that Qianhe applied for leave? Recently, there was a series of murders in Kyoto. The two people who were killed were monks, and one of them was the abbot of Jinshui Temple. Qianhe was a little worried when he heard about it. Her father applied for a vacation last night, and wanted to come to Sanneng Temple in Kyoto to pray for blessings, and also to visit the host Yuanhai..."

In the bathroom, Chi Feichi rinsed his mouth, turned on the faucet and washed his hands, "I saw it when I checked the information tonight. Noah had already approved the application last night."

"Noah is on the Internet at any time, so the job of approving applications should be handed over to him," Feimo turned over on the bed, facing the direction of the bathroom, and continued, "Last night, Noah made a note to let Qianhe Rest for two more days before going back to Tokyo, but Qianhe said that he will go to Tokyo's Nichimai TV headquarters to record a program in two days, and will only stay in Kyoto for two days, but it doesn't matter, I have arranged for the crow to watch out for the nearby Sannoji The security situation..."

Chi Feichi washed his hands in the bathroom, turned off the faucet, and dried the water stains on his hands with a towel, "Is there anything special about Shanneng Temple?"

"No, not yet," Feimo paused, "Actually, in this serial killing incident, the first person to provide information was Yuan Hai, and the first victim was the director of Jinshui Temple, who had known him for more than ten years. We are old acquaintances for many years, and we can be regarded as friends. On the day the body of the host of Jinshui Temple was found, the host of Yuanhai learned the news, uploaded the news to our intelligence network, and then visited Jinshui Temple. I was worried that he would be killed The murderer was staring at him, and crows had been set up to guard him that night. Now there are crows watching the situation around Shanneng Temple 24 hours a day. If the murderer is watching him, the crows will remind him in time and cover him to hide Or run away..."

"I saw the report on the TV news last night." Chi Feichi came out of the bathroom and said thoughtfully, "Because the victim was a monk from a large monastery and there were many people who paid attention to it, so the Kyoto Prefectural Police also contacted Osaka prefectural police, conducting a joint search..."

"It seems to be like this," Feimo turned over and lay down, pulled the quilt cover, looked at the ceiling and said, "The first deceased was murdered three days ago, and the second deceased was killed two days ago. The frequency of the murderer's crimes is too high. The Kyoto Prefectural Police attached great importance to it, and immediately contacted the police stations in the surrounding areas to conduct a search together. The results were somewhat satisfactory. The murderer should have stopped committing crimes last night, and no new victims were found all day today. However, if the murderer does not continue to commit crimes Well, the Kyoto Prefectural Police may not have a chance to catch the murderer, I heard Kuroki say during the day that this case seems a bit special, and the police are talking about curses and the like."

"Heiji Hattori will come to Kyoto tomorrow," Chi Feichi pulled back the quilt and sat on the bed, not in a hurry to lie down, took out his mobile phone to read emails, "Before he left today, he mysteriously said that he had business to tell us tomorrow, This is probably what he was going to talk about."

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