Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2815 Take the time to see the bounty

Chi Feichi agreed with Gin's proposal, thinking that he hadn't cooked well to reward himself for a while, so he went to Feichi's food breeding site to pick up eels, and then went to Tachibana Xinghei's food supply place in Tokyo to pick up eels. Premium beef and greens, decided to make a big meal.

In terms of dishes, Chi Feichi did not choose the common Chinese cuisine, and began to try more refined cooking routes using the food animations he had watched in his previous life as a reference.

The eel section is made to be crispy and tough, try to preserve the umami of the eel itself, and then add some sauce...

The beef is cut into thin slices and spread on a plate, topped with a special soup, so that the beef is cooked instantly and maintains a fresh taste, and then the hot oil is used to stimulate the sweet smell of the vegetables at the bottom of the plate, and the beef slices are smoked...

In addition, Chi Feichi also prepared healthy and nourishing dishes such as yam stewed chicken nuggets and five-color vegetable stew. He cooked patiently and tried his best to bring out the color, aroma and taste of each dish to its peak level.

Considering the hot weather recently, Chi Feichi has also controlled the overall taste of the food, so that the dishes are not greasy or dry, and can properly stimulate the appetite.

In the end, the table was full of dishes, except for Feichi who ate two pieces of eel and a plate of raw beef, the rest were wiped out by Qin Jiu and Chi Feichi.

During the digesting time after the meal, Feichi lay motionless on the table, and a part of his body was bulging like a balloon, which seemed to explode if he was not careful.

Chi Feichi and Gin Jiu accidentally got stuffed, and didn't rush to get up and move around, so they sat at the dining table to digest their food. At the same time, they each took out their mobile phones, ready to deal with the unfinished business at hand.

What Gin needs to deal with as soon as possible is to arrange for someone to confirm whether Shirley is dead, contact Vodka to know the progress of the bomb dismantling, and check the blood test report after Chi Feichi injected the mobilizing agent.

Chi Feichi's task here is relatively easy, there is no need to rush, but it is trivial.

It is necessary to check the regular report of Takatori Yannan's lurking Hanchoekai, compare it with Urao Ayaka's report, and comprehensively analyze the current situation of Hanchoekai and the two of them.

Look at the information that Saki Midorikawa has collected recently, pick out the useful parts and mark them, and then throw them to whichever party they should throw to.

There is also the information from Frante from the United States, which needs to be sorted together with the previous information and sent to Rum...

Half an hour later, Qin Jiu arranged all the follow-up tasks of today's hunting operation, found Chi Feichi's inspection report email for today's blood test on his mobile phone, and browsed the content of the report at a glance, "You collected that blood sample this afternoon inspection report, have you read it?"

Chi Feichi wrote the intelligence summary on his mobile phone, without raising his head, he said, "Not yet."

"Other aspects are fine, but the number of hematopoietic stem cells that can be extracted from the blood has not increased, and the effect of the mobilizing agent is much worse than expected." Qin Jiu continued to look at the content of the report, "If this continues, even after If you continue to inject mobilizers for three or four days, there is no way to make the number of hematopoietic stem cells in your peripheral blood reach the standard that can be collected."

Chi Feichi's reaction was still not big, "It doesn't seem to be anything to be surprised about."

"Is it because of the drug resistance in your body?" Gin asked.

"If those mobilizing agents are not counterfeit and shoddy products, this should be the only explanation," Chi Feichi finished editing the last paragraph, left his code name at the end, and sent the summary report to Lang Mu, "Two more injections Tianmobilizer, if the results of the blood test are still not up to standard after two days, it is better to use the improved mobilizer that is more effective."

The organization has many laboratories, some of which conduct human experiments, and sometimes it is necessary to extract the hematopoietic stem cells or certain things from the body of a dying person before he dies.

In that case, injection of ordinary mobilizers could not keep up, so they could only inject some improved mobilizers to allow the hematopoietic stem cells in the human bone marrow to rapidly divide and multiply and mobilize into the peripheral blood.

The organization currently has the most effective mobilizing agent. After half an hour of injection, the number of hematopoietic stem cells in the peripheral blood can reach the standard. Unlike the injection of ordinary mobilizing agents, it needs continuous injection for three to five days.

Of course, the improved mobilizer has many disadvantages.

Due to the strong effect of the drug, the dose of the improved mobilization agent needs to be calculated. If too much is injected, the ability of the bone marrow to produce hematopoietic stem cells may decline, causing the body to suffer from some blood diseases. If the bone marrow is severely damaged by the drug stimulation, then only Bone marrow matching transplant can regain health.

And even if the dose is well controlled, it only minimizes the damage of the drug to the bone marrow, and does not completely eliminate the negative effects of the drug.

I also want to know, the kind of medicine that can multiply hematopoietic stem cells to the collection standard within half an hour needs to squeeze the body's potential, how can it not affect the body?

According to the current usage situation, even if the dose of the improved mobilization agent is well controlled, the user will experience fever, fatigue, and joint pain within a week after taking the medicine. After a week, symptoms such as fever and bone pain disappear, and the body becomes fatigued. During the "weak period", a large amount of nutrition needs to be supplemented. The length of the weak period depends on the recovery of the body. Generally, young adults who have no major health problems and pay attention to supplementing nutrition will slowly recover within a month.

In addition, people with heart problems would induce heart disease under the influence of drugs, and there was a risk of death. However, Chi Feichi's heart was healthy, so there was no need to worry about the effects of drugs.

Qin Jiu has heard of various improved potions in the organization. Although he is not as detailed as Chi Feichi, he also knows the basic effects and side effects of the potions. ? Once you are injected with that medicine, you will have a period of weakness for at least a month, and if it is serious, your body will not be able to bear even a little strenuous exercise."

Chi Feichi got up and walked to the coffee table in the living room, pressed the power button of the laptop, and said calmly and seriously, "So, I have to hurry up and look at the bounty, before I enter the period of weakness, I will use the money I get easily Put it all in your pocket."

Gin: "..."

Shouldn't they be discussing drug side effects?

Could this have something to do with the bounty?

Chi Feichi sat on the sofa beside him, waited for the computer to turn on, and took advantage of the gap to talk about the previous topic, "Continue to inject two more ordinary mobilizing agents, if it still doesn't work, you can only use the improved mobilizing agent. "

Gin couldn't refute, took out the cigarette case from his pocket, took out a cigarette and bit it, "That's right, it's not easy to extract the hematopoietic stem cells in your body now, I even suspect that the improved mobilization agent I am afraid that the injection dose must be increased to allow the number of hematopoietic stem cells in your peripheral blood to reach the standard."

"The injection dose can be checked at that time. First inject the standard dose, and then make up if it is not enough." Chi Feichi paused, looking directly at Gin calmly. "And the option we mentioned before, I have already considered it." I'm not going to use the drug that can freeze time, and I sent an email to that person in the morning."

"Isn't it too hasty to make a decision so early?"

Qin Jiu was a little surprised, but he didn't want to give any advice to Chi Feichi's decision.

That kind of medicine can bring longevity to people, and it can also prevent Lak from going blind with a high probability, but it will also bring some troublesome side effects, and Lak has to decide whether to use it or not.

And the medicine is ready, if Lak changes his mind in the future, he can still choose to use that medicine, the current idea may not be the final choice.

Relatively speaking, he is still more curious about why Lark made this decision.

Chi Feichi was able to guess what Gin Jiu really wanted to ask. Seeing that the laptop was turned on successfully, he used a program to hide the IP address and log in to the Bounty Hall, while explaining, "I have read the experimental data of that drug, and I want to To alleviate the side effects of drugs, hematopoietic stem cells need to be delivered to the body on a regular basis, and hematopoietic stem cells that do not meet the common matching standards can be used. It is also necessary for both parties to have multiple designated gene points that match, that is, they have a blood relationship. Both the Chi family and the Field family The population is thin, and my hematopoietic stem cells are hard to come by. If even my hematopoietic stem cells can’t be used, how can I and the people who need hematopoietic stem cells relieve the side effects? Pre-storage will also run out when they are used up. Why don’t I keep them for hematopoiesis? donor of stem cells."

Gin laughed inexplicably, "Hmph...doesn't it matter even if you are blind?"

"If I only consider my personal interests, it's hard to convince me that it's better not to take medicine or take medicine, but if I consider the interests of my blood relatives, this is the best choice at the moment," Chi Feichi logged into the bounty hall, looking at the bounty task list, I felt that something was missing in front of me, got up and walked to the wooden cabinet, opened a drawer, took the calculator inside, came back and sat down in front of the computer again, "And I don't think my situation will be so bad as that At this point, even if you are blind, there is no cure.”

"It's good if you can maintain this mentality," Gin Jiu got up and walked towards the sofa, "But what if you are really blind?"

"If you are blind, think about whether you can use other methods to cure it."

Chi Feichi answered without the slightest hesitation. Looking at the list of bounty tasks, he used a calculator to calculate the corresponding bounty amount.

His level of mental arithmetic is not bad, and it is not a problem to calculate the mission reward, but he has to calculate a lot tonight, so it is more convenient to use a calculator.

Gin sat on the single sofa beside him, took out the matchbox from his pocket, struck a match to light the cigarette, and threw the match stub into the ashtray on the table. As soon as he raised his eyes, he saw Chi Feichi's fingers flying Landing on the calculator buttons, he decided to silently watch what kind of trouble Chi Feichi could make.

Chi Feichi picked out the rewards he could complete tonight, and used a calculator to calculate the amount of rewards offered by all parties and deducted the handling fee.

One bounty, two bounties, three bounties...

Eleven million yen, nineteen million yen, twenty-four million yen...

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