Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2816 more and more cute

Seeing that Chi Feichi calculated the bounty with such vigor, Qin Jiu didn't even bother to look at his mobile phone, so he sat aside, smoking a cigarette, while silently watching Chi Feichi press the calculator.

"It's less than 50 million yen," Chi Feichi looked at the number displayed on the calculator. Thinking of the 500 million he had missed, he felt a little depressed, and continued to look at the list of bounty tasks, "Japan There are not many tasks that can be done in the area in the past two days..."

Qin Jiu looked at the list of bounty tasks on the computer page, picked up his mobile phone, dug out a previously downloaded file, and intercepted part of the content.

Chi Feichi picked out another suitable task, calculated the amount clearly and added it to his plan. When he saw an anonymous high-privilege forum user send a message to him, he opened it and found that it was a clue of a bounty.

Foreign illegal drug smuggler, Sergei Tekh.

To put it simply, Sergei Tekh is a drug lord, a relatively well-known one. Although he is not as good as those troublesome figures who occupy a country full of contraband and have a large number of private armed forces, he is also a drug lord who is highly valued by the police in various countries. people.

When he saw the name, he could recall some basic information about the other party. For example, he was in charge of an armed team, and no clear photos of his appearance had been released so far...

Also, not long after he arrived in this world, Sergey Tekh made a big news in the United States.

According to the information discussed in the Bounty Palace in the past few days, Sergei Tekh quietly entered the United States with his subordinates during that time, shot and killed a well-known businessman, the businessman's bodyguard, and the tax staff who met the businessman that day, and broke into the businessman's residence. At the hotel, he also shot and wounded two hotel workers and the husband of an innocent passer-by couple, causing considerable chaos and causing a stampede that injured three more people.

Hmm... There was a video circulated in the Bounty Hall. That day, a group of people forcibly broke into the hotel, fired warning shots, and walked through the screaming and evading crowd until they reached a room beyond the surveillance cameras. , fired into the room for a while, and then left quickly.

This is a premeditated shooting operation.

Afterwards, the US police investigation found that the businessman had cooperated with Sergey Tekh in private for ten years, and the shooting should have been caused by internal conflicts between the two.

This shooting resulted in four deaths and six injuries. The four dead were all sieved by bullets. The death conditions were miserable. One of them was a well-known local businessman and the other was a tax worker. In addition, the perpetrators committed crimes in public places in broad daylight. The impact was so bad that the FBI, that is, the FBI, increased Sergey Tekh's wanted bounty a lot.

People like Sergey Tekh have long been tracked down by special agencies like the FBI.

In that shooting case, after Sergei Teh entered the United States, he was noticed by FBI agents, but the FBI discovered it obviously later. When the FBI arranged enough people to monitor, Sergei Teh suddenly disappeared, and then There was a hotel shooting. After the investigation found that the shooting was related to Sergey Tekh, Sergey Tekh had already left the country.

Afterwards, after the FBI increased his wanted bounty, Sergey Tekh also responded to dark web forums such as the Bounty Temple.

He happened to eat this melon in the forum at the time, and Sergey Tekh's wording was very polite, throughout the text 'sorry', 'sorry', 'killing the tax staff is manslaughter', 'this is an internal conflict' , 'I don't intend to hurt the people', but the whole response statement can be summed up in one sentence - 'I'm sorry to cause you trouble, but if you have the ability, come and kill me'.

Well, because of Sergey Tekh's attitude, the FBI quietly added a little more bounty, and when he saw the name, the word "valuable" popped up in his mind.

Some people with a larger industrial chain of prohibited drugs than Sergey Tekh, but they are very low-key, do not have as much bounty as Sergey Tekh.

And the anonymous information he received was that Sergey Tekh had secretly entered Japan recently.

Because the appearance of Sergei Teh has not been made public, the African-Mexican Army has not locked anyone who is suspected of Sergei Teh in the near future.

The credibility of this information...

Gin on the side sent an anonymous message on his mobile phone, and said, "Exclusive first-hand news, this person should be worth a lot, right?"

Chi Feichi reacted, turned to look at Qin Jiu and asked, "Is the information accurate?"

If the anonymous information comes from Gin, then it is definitely not a trap of "tricking people out and killing them", nor is it a prank.

However, he still needs to confirm how Gin got the news and how many uncertain factors there are in it.

Gin Jiu looked at Chi Feichi's eyes. He didn't know if it was an illusion. He felt that Lak's eyes seemed to be less silent than before, almost to the point of 'if you get a little more excited, you can shine', "Our intelligence personnel inadvertently I saw his subordinates in Japan sometime, because Sergei Tekh is not a simple person, so the intelligence personnel paid special attention to his subordinates and found that Sergei Tekh was also here. Judging from the current situation, Sergei Tekh Teh wants to make a deal with the violent society controlled by the American Mafia in Japan, I remember the leader of that violent society is... Lina Ikawa, you should have heard of it, right?"

Chi Feichi also thought of the violent society that was connected to the American Mafia, and nodded, "I heard that Lina Igawa is the illegitimate daughter of a high-ranking Mafia. I'm not sure if it's true, but it's very likely to be true. , There are quite a few foreigners and mixed races in their club, basically some violent elements from the United States, it can be regarded as an elite club, but that club doesn’t interact or compete with local Japanese clubs very much, there are not many people, and their actions are relatively It's low-key, so the local community doesn't pay much attention to them."

"The information that Sergei Tekh entered the country and was in contact with Igawa Lina was sent back by intelligence personnel. Their people have recently been active in the places I am concerned about, which makes me a little bit concerned, but it seems that they will not interfere with me. Since it was sent back by intelligence personnel, I don’t think there should be any fakes,” Qin Jiu lowered his head and operated his mobile phone, sending the intercepted information to Chi through email Feichi, "I'll pass on the relevant information to you, but if you want to take action against Sergei Tekh, you still need to verify the information by yourself, and you also need to be on guard against the violent society of Lina Ikawa, the violent There are quite a few elite members in the club, and Tokyo is their main area of ​​activity. If Sergei Tekh and Igawa Lina join forces, at least they can form a team with more than 30 members, whose quality in all aspects is comparable to that of the international community. An elite combat team of elite mercenaries."

Chi Feichi made an evaluation based on the information he had, and silently agreed with Gin Jiu's judgment, then picked up the calculator and began to calculate Sergey Tekh's bounty, "I will give you a share of the information after the matter is completed."

Gin: "..."

So the point is... okay, the bounty amount is also the point.

Chi Feichi flipped through the bounties related to Sergey Tekh while pressing the calculator quickly.

The main bounty of Sergey Tekh is the police wanted bounty, which is relatively easy to calculate. The wanted bounty fee that the platform will draw and the personal bounty withdrawal fee are deducted from the wanted bounty, which is the final amount that can be harvested .

Those bounties piled up spontaneously by the people will be more messy. For some bounties, Sergei Tekh can be collected if he is arrested or dead, while some are designated to live, which should be for torture or negotiation. He also specified that he must die. It should be because there is some deep hatred, or a conflict of interests that must be fought to the death.

He would calculate to see whether Sergey Tekh was worth more if he was alive or if he was dead.

80 million... 85 million... 89.3 million... 93 million... Gin is really getting cuter.

Gin looked at the ever-increasing numbers on the calculator, and mentally calculated how much information he could share.

Watching Lak calculate the bounty amount, he realized that Sergey Tekh was so valuable.

The extra money delivered to your door is not profitable.

And he hasn't had any important actions recently...

"Do you need mobility assistance?" Gin looked at the numbers on the calculator and said, "I can't act in the name of an organization, but I can provide you with mobility assistance in my personal capacity."

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