Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2819 four things in the code

"When the police or detectives get involved, it will be very difficult for us to start..." Chi Feichi looked down at the map with a calm face, and said in a hoarse voice, "The deal between Sergei Tekh and Igawa Lina should be in the Today, the eight people we targeted have received instructions from Sergey Tekh. This is an opportunity to find Sergey Tekh. The police probably intend to monitor the exposed people and follow the clues to find Sergey Tekh, but We know that Sergey Tekh has already issued instructions to his opponents, and the action can be more direct. Before Sergey Tekh and the police react, I will arrest two people, maybe I can get some information from them, or Disguise their voices and make phone calls to find out."

Gin Jiu didn't object to Chi Feichi's plan that sounded very simple, but just reminded, "Such a direct action is very likely to be discovered by the police, but if you act as 'July', the criminal police should take You treat me as a friendly army, and I don’t have much interest in catching you. There is a high probability that you will retreat unscathed. It is inconvenient for me to be noticed by the police, so I can take care of you..."

"I need Veritaserum."

"I'll have someone deliver it, and it will be delivered in about an hour."

"Then I'll go and catch the two who haven't been spotted by the police."


In the morning, 9:30.

In the deserted unfinished building, two tall men with western faces were hung in a room with the back of the sun.

One of them woke up first, felt his hands were tied and hung above his head, struggled subconsciously, heard the sound of iron chains rattling, and remembered his previous experience of losing consciousness after being hit hard on the back of the head, broke out in a cold sweat, stared His big eyes stared at the figure in front of him covered in black robes.

Is this the person who attacked him?

"Oh, damn it!"

The muttering and cursing from the companion next to him made the man's expression change suddenly, and he really wanted to scold his companion with that sentence of 'damn'.

The other party seemed to be lowering their heads and fiddling with the mobile phone they had found just now, but they didn't notice that they had woken up. They could pretend that they were not awake, observe their situation first, and then think of a way to deal with it. The chances of getting out safely would be higher bigger.

But just because of the scolding from his companion, the other party has already raised his head and looked over. He wanted to close his eyes and pretend to be asleep. His eyes seemed to be staring directly at him...

Wait, this mask is...

"July, July?"

"I'm glad you recognized me," Chi Feichi walked up to the man in the warm voice that he used in July, held up the mobile phone he found on the other party's body, and turned the screen of the mobile phone towards the man, so that the man could see See the content of the above email, "I hope you can cooperate with me and answer some questions for me. Is this the email Sergey Tekh sent you?"

The content of the email is composed of Japanese characters, which looks like a code:

[The time is 18:00, the place is Mihua Town

To find a specific location

All the following items need to be collected

One is a jewel-like, ancient thing

The other is something new, something new

There are also things borrowed from others

one last

Bring something blue and I’ll treat you to cake]

When the man saw the content displayed on the phone, his pupils shrank, his eyes quickly drifted to the side, and he said in unfluent Japanese, "I don't know about this email."

His mobile phone has a screen lock, and his mailbox also has a password program configured for them by his boss. He didn't expect that all of them would be cracked by the other party.

But no matter what July asks, he will not say it. They will face terrible punishment for leaking the secret. They will let 'whistleblowers' like them go, and they will die miserably by then, and they may even live worse than death.

In comparison, it seems that July has not completed the assassination bounty so far. Most of the completed ones are to hunt down wanted criminals, which may be biased towards justice, and it is unlikely to kill him. Even if July really kills, The means will be a little gentler...

Chi Feichi looked at the man's nervous and wandering eyes, and he had confidence in his heart, "Seeing how nervous you are, that's it."

The man's heart skipped a beat, and he almost refuted, but thinking that the more nervous he was, the more he proved that he had a ghost in his heart, so he immediately pretended to be confused, "What?"

Chi Feichi didn't respond, walked up to another big man, and asked in a warm voice, "Today at 6 pm, the address is Mihua Town, this is the time and place where Sergei Tekh and Igawa Lina officially traded. Is it right?"

"Hmph!" The big man turned his head away with a face of resistance, "Whatever you think!"

"You can kill us, but we..." Before the man had finished speaking, he suddenly felt a sight from the side full of killing intent lock on to him. The strong killing intent made his heart tighten and he became nervous. He raised his eyes and looked at the door opening that did not install the door panel, which seemed to lead to the outside hall.

There were people over there just now, and the other party really didn't mind killing them!

Chi Feichi also felt that gaze, and looked sideways, "Don't say such things, I won't do such a cruel thing."

In the hall outside, there was a man's deliberate low hum, which seemed to be mocking, "Hmph..."

Seeing that the people outside did not hide, and the Qiyue in front of him was not surprised, the man knew that the people outside were Qiyue's accomplices, and stared at the masked man in front of him with a tight face.

Qiyue said that she doesn't kill people, so she should say something like 'but my companions are not necessarily' next, trying to scare them?

Unlike July, who lives in a peaceful and beautiful urban area and is like a good helper to the police, he has been frightened since he was a child, and he has already seen through July's tricks...

"It seems that Sergei Tekh is very good at training his subordinates." Chi Feichi dropped a sentence in a gentle voice, turned around and walked out to the hall.

As the man watched the figure of the man in black disappear behind the door, a question mark appeared in his mind.

He guessed wrong? Did you give up in July?

Well, he might still have underestimated July's innocence.

The big man who was hanging next to him talked to the man, "Is he the bounty hunter who has become famous recently? He probably wants to let us go..."

In the hall outside.

Gin took out two sealed needle-free syringes and medicine bottles from his pocket, and handed them to Chi Feichi, with a cruel sneer at the corner of his mouth with a cigarette in his mouth, his voice was very low, "very interesting prey , It’s really easy to make people feel murderous, they look much braver than those three last night.”

Chi Feichi understood the bad taste of 'hard bones are the most fun', caught the syringe and the medicine bottle, and said in a low voice, "Sergey Tekh is very valuable, I plan to exchange Sergey Tekh for money, If one or two of his men are missing, and their bodies are discovered later, they will be suspected of murder in July, and I don’t want this identity to be targeted by the police.”

"Huh... don't worry," Gin Jiu gave a clear attitude, "I have a sense of proportion, and I won't do anything to them."

Chi Feichi got Gin's statement and knew that Gin would not break the contract at will, so he turned and went back to the room without doors and windows.

He felt that Gin Jiu had a red eye last night, and it seems that he should be more steady in the future, and don't let Gin Jiu kill too much in a short period of time.

Look at how Qin Jiu is now, after staying up all night, not only is he not sleepy at all, but he seems to be able to kill a few more...

After two injections of Veritaserum, the brains of the two men who were suspended in the room gradually became dull, and their tense expressions gradually relaxed, as if they were drunk, they were still muttering.

"I don't... I won't say..."

"I won't say it... I won't say it..."

"It doesn't matter if you don't tell me, I already know it," Chi Feichi took advantage of the decline in the ability to distinguish between the two, and deliberately guided with a gentle and harmless voice, "I know it all myself, you didn't leak the secret, Sergey The time and place that Jiehe agreed with the other party to trade is at 6 pm today, in Mihua Town, am I right?"

The big man responded in a bewildered manner, "Yes, yes, you are amazing..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Always feel that this sentence is like a sarcasm? Forget it, he doesn't care about unconscious people.

"The email he sent you to bring, asking you to collect four items to meet him, is actually a code to imply the address, right?" Chi Feichi continued to ask, without looking at the email content on the phone.

In fact, when he saw the content of the email, he knew the meaning of the code.

In Western weddings, the newlyweds need to prepare four items:

An ancestral item in the family, such as a gemstone or jewelry handed down from a mother or grandmother, which is an 'old thing';

A brand-new thing with a beautiful meaning, such as a brand-new dress or accessories presented by a friend, is a 'new thing';

A thing borrowed from a happy married couple, which symbolizes a happy and happy life after marriage, it is a 'borrowed thing';

Finally, a long time ago, blue represented luck, and couples would usually tie their bouquets with blue ribbons, which is 'something blue'.

At the wedding, the bride will carry the four items of "old, new, borrowed, and blue" on her body, which is a beautiful wish for luck and a happy marriage.

The four items mentioned in the email point to the couple’s wedding, and at the end there is a sentence ‘bring something blue, and I’ll treat you to a cake’, if this is the secret code for the deal agreed between Sergey Tekh and Igawa Lina , Then, the specific transaction location is the place where Western-style weddings are held, such as the cathedral in Mihua Town.


Although he saw where the content of the email was pointing to, he still wanted to confirm with Sergey Tekh's two subordinates.


The ability to distinguish between the two men who had been hung up declined, and they could hardly keep their mouths shut. Chi Feichi led him to think of something, and then he said what he said.

"There is a meeting point in the email, we have to go there on time..."

"Where to go?"

"The cathedral in Mihua Town..."

"Where did Sergey Tekh go early?"

"I don't know, the boss didn't say anything, we just need to go when the time comes..."

"How long has Sergey Tekh been acting apart from you?"

"The day before yesterday... the boss left the day before yesterday..."

"Has Sergey Tekh contacted you before today?"

"No, no... The boss asked us to stay in Kabado-cho and stand by on the spot..."

"Sergey Tekh brought a total of six people into the country this time, and there are four helpers in the mainland, is that true?"


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