Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2820 Enemy 1! Enemy 2!

Chapter 2820 Enemy-1! Enemy - 2!

In the morning, 10:30.

In a house under construction, two men with Asian faces collapsed at the entrance.

Next to him, a man covered in black robes squatted down, groped the two men, took away the pocket knives, pistols, stun guns and other items from the two men, tied them up with ropes, and dragged them into the building on the first floor. a bedroom.

Outside the window of the bedroom, a TA-Q-BIN delivery truck was parked in the yard, blocking the sunlight that could enter the room, and also blocking the sight of the nearby prying eyes of the bedroom.

The man in black threw the two captives out of the window, dragged them into the truck compartment, packed them in a large cardboard box prepared in advance, and nailed a wooden frame on the outside of the box without haste.


The vibrating sound of the mobile phone made the man in black temporarily stop his movements. He took out the mobile phone from under the black robe, glanced at it, and answered the call.


"Two targets have entered the monitoring range, they are the two half-breeds under Sergey Tekh's hands," Gin directly talked about the situation he had monitored on the other side of the phone, "In addition, those two guys are telling the truth The black private car mentioned under the effect of the drug also appeared on the other side, with the same license plate, and it was heading towards you. Sergey Tekh’s other two helpers in the mainland should be in the car. The car is expected to take three minutes After arriving at the yard where you are, the two half-breeds who walked past will also arrive in five or six minutes, do you need me to drag that car for you?"

In the compartment of the delivery truck, Chi Feichi in black robe thought about it, and quickly made a decision, "Don't do anything, the people here have already caught them, I'll get out first."

He had arrested two people before and used veritaserum to question him about many things, including the situation of Sergey Tekh's other eight subordinates, including appearance information, armed information, and contact information.

Later, he used one of the people's mobile phones to contact one of the accomplices who entered the country with the other party, pretended to be that person's voice, chatted with the accomplice on the other end of the phone for a while, and finally agreed with the other party to come here before going to church—— Meet at the residence of one of Sergey Tekh's local subordinates.

After discussing with the other side, he contacted two other scattered two-person teams. The two people who both entered the country had contact numbers, and they called directly to make an appointment. The other group of locals did not have a mobile phone number, so they could only send Email notification of 'convergence information' in the past.

After that, based on the information given by the two men under the veritaserum, he found the one-family house first, and put the two people inside down.

Gin installed two miniature cameras that were regularly destroyed on the nearby streets, and found a suitable place to observe the situation at a high place, and at the same time brought a sniper rifle... Cough, Gin said he could stop the car for him , that's definitely doable, just one shot at the wheel.

It is only known that Sergey Tekh has ten people under his command, currently the two groups are scattered outside, he has now captured four people, the mixed race duo discovered by Gin, plus the owner of the black private car, the locals and His teammate had only locked eight people, and the two who promised to come hadn't arrived yet, so he didn't want to startle the enemy.

If there is a fish that slipped through the net here to send a warning signal, Sergey Tekh senses something is wrong and runs away early, then he will lose a lot.


A minute later, the delivery truck drove out of the yard, and stopped outside the courtyard wall of a house at the intersection without leaving too far.

Chi Feichi took off his eye-catching black robe and mask, put on a disguised fake face, put on the Cheetah Delivery Service work clothes prepared in the car, put on a baseball cap with the Cheetah Delivery Service logo, and put the mask on the Get out of the car.

Not long after, a black private car drove up at the intersection.

When the car passed the TA-Q-BIN delivery truck, the two men in the driver's and co-pilot's seats turned their heads one after another and cast wary glances at the TA-Q-BIN delivery truck.

At the same time, two figures were reflected on the window glass of the back seat with brown glass film. One of them seemed to be talking to his companion sideways, but his eyes were looking at the delivery man standing in front of the truck compartment.

Chi Feichi stood in front of the carriage, holding a thick stack of manifests in one hand, and when he heard the sound of the car approaching, he calmly glanced sideways at the black private car, then lowered his head and continued to look at the manifest in his hand.

Are there actually four people in the car...

Is it because the two drivers saw the two mixed races on the road and brought them here by the way? Or did the four other than the pair of mixed races meet up ahead of time and come here together?

In fact, if these people have not come together before, they will pretend not to know each other when they meet on the road. Even if the two people driving over meet the pair of mixed races on the road, it is unlikely that they will invite the pair of mixed races to the car, which is the possibility of the latter. The sex is bigger.

In this case, with the four people in the car plus the pair of mixed races, he will have all the people waiting for him, and he can directly serve them in one pot.


Not long after the private car drove into the yard built by a family, Chi Feichi received another call from Qinjiu.

After Chi Feichi answered the phone, he said in a gentle male voice, "Hi, this is Cheetah Delivery Service..."

"One of the two mixed races was on the phone, and the two of them stopped at the intersection," Gin said in a cold voice, "The car that drove into the yard stopped, and four people got out, and a man in the back seat also On the phone, they might have noticed you."

"It's not surprising to notice such a big car."

Chi Feichi reached out and took out a square box the size of a football diameter from the compartment, closed the car door casually, and walked towards the intersection while listening to the phone, saying in a low voice, "Shoot to scare them if necessary."

"At this time, do you still plan to catch them all alive?"

"Even if you let them go, you can't let July have something to do with killing people... If I'm in danger, you can use a sniper rifle to restrain me. They shouldn't think that we have a sniper who can observe the overall situation, otherwise they won't You won’t stand carelessly at the corner of the street.”

"Then, the sniper who is observing the overall situation now tells you that in the courtyard of that one-household building, three of them went to call the door, and the other person who was on the phone walked out of the courtyard door and was staring at yours behind you." Back, he can shoot you in the back anytime now..."

Facing Gin Jiu's intentionally intimidating words, Chi Feichi reacted calmly, "If they had already confirmed that there was something wrong with me, they would have shot me, or ran away."

Who is not a seasoned old hunter?


At the intersection, two mixed-race boys stood by the side of the road, one of them was talking on the phone, the other pretended to buy something from a vending machine on the side of the road, and when he put his right hand into his trouser pocket, he gripped the pistol tightly.

The caller pretended to be waiting for his companion, observing a certain TA-Q-BIN delivery man, full of vigilance, "Yes, he has been calling..."

Outside the gate of a courtyard built by a family, the man with a foreign face listened to the words on the phone, turned his head to look at the main house where no one answered the door, a glint of predation flashed in his eyes, and looked suspiciously at the man diagonally opposite him. The delivery truck of TA-Q-BIN said in a low voice, "Keep staring at him. There are not many houses around here that people live in. The possibility of a TA-Q-BIN delivery vehicle is very low. Asai and the others have not answered the door. I am worried that something happened to them. That TA-Q-BIN The delivery van...wait, is this logo...the Japanese cheetah t-q-bin?"

On the street, Chi Feichi was less than three meters away from the two mixed-race children.

"Cheetah..." The mixed-race man on the phone repeated in a low voice with a puzzled expression on his face. Before he could react, he saw the delivery man in front of him throwing the cardboard box in his hand. After a moment, he raised his arm subconsciously, Block forward.

The other person standing in front of the vending machine didn't react either, and his reaction speed was even half a beat slower. He turned his head to look at the paper box flying towards the two of them, and there was still a trace of confusion in his eyes.

Both of them knew that there would be no good things in the box, and a strong sense of crisis enveloped their hearts. The speed at which the box was smashed seemed to slow down in their eyes, but at the same time, their body reaction speed also slowed down, so that they could only He watched the paper box zoom in before his eyes, saw the slightly opened lid of the paper box, and watched the rapid expansion of a ray of fire emerging from the lid.


The two mixed-race children were blown away by the impact of the explosion.

The small bomb prepared in advance - 1! Enemy - 2!


"That person is probably the bounty hunter July...Damn it!"

Before the foreign man outside the courtyard could finish his sentence, he saw that the place where the two companions were located at the street corner had been engulfed in flames. After cursing, he quickly put away his mobile phone and took out a pistol from his pocket.

The other three people in the yard heard the explosion and immediately became alert.

"what happened?!"

"It's the enemy!" The foreign man standing outside the courtyard was a little distracted by his companion's question, but he still noticed the suspicious TA-Q-Bin delivery man at the street corner turning back and running towards this side. He chose the nearest bunker with experience. Hide beside the courtyard wall, "He's here, ready to..."

A ball of fire the size of a washbasin flew to the side of the foreign man, and exploded violently under the astonished eyes of the foreign man.


The flames quickly surrounded the man, and also startled the three people who took out their pistols in the yard.

Compressed Fireball × 1! Enemy - 1!


On the tall building nearby, Qin Jiu locked the man at the gate of the courtyard with a sniper rifle, and did not observe Chi Feichi's movements. He was slightly surprised to see the man engulfed in flames through the scope, but he was not surprised. first.

Lark has mastered many magic methods, just like those bluffing magic tricks, some of them look very magical, just like magic, since Lark can light the cigarette in his mouth out of thin air, why throw a fireball? ?

When I probably left or entered the courtyard, I had already tampered with the fence at the entrance of the courtyard, and placed some kind of flammable and combustible mixture. I saw that the situation was wrong, and I used remote means to ignite it in time.

This kind of trap is very good. When the opponent is caught by surprise, one enemy is quickly eliminated, but the remaining three people have already become vigilant, and they have hot weapons in their hands. They can work together to prevent someone from rushing into the yard with firepower...

Thinking that there were still three people to be dealt with, Qin Jiu turned his sniper rifle to the yard again.

Chi Feichi also considered that the three opponents could cover the entrance of the courtyard with firepower. When the fireball exploded, he quickly jumped onto the fence, and while moving forward along the fence, he compressed the next fireball in his hand.

Looking at the mouth shape of the half-breed boy who called just now, it seems that someone here has already realized that he is July? Did you think of it from the Cheetah Delivery Vehicle?

No matter what, these people actually led the police to the vicinity, and he had to get rid of them and drag them away before the police followed.

If it doesn't work, you can use the traps he arranged at the door and the back door of the house, and the remaining three people should not be able to escape.

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