Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2821 eating people is really bad


"what happened?"

"How is this going?"

Seeing their companions being engulfed in flames, the three people in the yard shouted in surprise, but their movements were not slow. They quickly hid behind the car and took out the pistols they carried with them.

In the next second, the fire that had just thrown Brody down suddenly peeled off from Brody's body, turned into a fire dragon, and flew towards the courtyard wall under the astonished gazes of the others.

On the courtyard wall, Chi Feichi took back the flames before Brody was burned to death, stretched out his left palm to absorb the fire dragon, and at the same time threw out the compressed fireball in his right hand.

Want to use your car as a cover? nonexistent.

In the yard, the three people hiding behind the car: "??!"

This is... magic?


Seeing that the fireball was about to fall on the car, one of them came to his senses, shouted, and crawled away from the back of the car.


The fireball landed on the car and exploded. The raging flames engulfed the entire car, forcing the three people hiding behind the car to run around.

The moment the three of them left the car, the flames that had engulfed the car were stripped away from the car again, rushing towards Chi Feichi on the courtyard wall like a fire dragon.

At the same time, Chi Feichi threw three balls of fire one after another.

In the yard, after the three of them ran out of the car, they raised their eyes and saw a fireball the size of a washbasin hitting them. Their brains froze and their expressions became numb.

It's fake, it's all a cover-up...


As one person was hit by the fireball on his shoulder and felt the burning pain in his skin, the other two people also woke up with a start. Fear appeared in the eyes reflecting the fireball, but their feet could not move forward as if they were welded in place. .

It seems that there is no time to escape...



This time the fireball was not compressed, and it didn't explode after hitting the three people. It just burned the clothes on the shoulders of the three people's dominant hands and burned the skin on the shoulders. It was quickly peeled off from the three people and turned into The three fire dragons jumped back into the hands of Chi Feichi who had jumped off the courtyard wall.

Compared with the Bugatti whose hair and clothes were scorched by the entrance of the courtyard, and who hadn't gotten up from the ground for a long time, the three people in the courtyard were much less injured. However, after feeling the burning pain and throwing away the gun in their hands, the three fell down The ground kept rolling and shouting while rolling, which stunned Chi Feichi who came close.

He took the fire back when it reached the shoulders of these three people. It shouldn't burn people too badly...

"God! Help! I'm burned!"

"Ah! It hurts, it hurts to death!"

"Help! What a big fire!"

The three of them didn't seem to notice that the fire had been retracted, and rolled on the ground clutching their shoulders.

Chi Feichi was worried about being cheated, so he didn't come any closer, and quickly threw three hypnotic pops towards the position of the three of them.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Cough cough...cough..."

The hypnotic bomb exploded three clouds of white mist, and Chi Feichi ignited three circles of fire around the bodies of the three of them.

"Ah! Fire...cough cough..."


When the three of them crawled on the ground and coughed, a circle of fire was burning around their bodies, and they didn't dare to hide in other places. They coughed until their noses and tears flowed, and they became silent under the effect of hypnotic gas.

Since it was outside, the three groups of hypnotic white mist were quickly blown away by the wind.

Chi Feichi did not disperse the three rings of fire surrounding the three of them, and kept taking out small bags from his pockets, throwing them into the three rings of fire respectively.

Paprika - 1!

Cumin powder-1!

Pepper - 1!

Chocolate...don't throw this away.

Seeing that the chili powder, cumin powder, pepper powder and other things exploded on the three of them, but the three of them remained motionless, Chi Feichi took back the fire ring with confidence, took out the rope from his arms, and went forward to tie them up.

As for those condiments...they were 'spare items' that were not used when I went camping with the children before, and they were put back a bit, so I planned to throw them away, so I could use them to test the three of them.


On a nearby street, two policemen who were monitoring Sergei Tekh's subordinates were sitting in the car, annoyed at losing their target when they heard the explosion, and their expressions changed at the same time.

problem occurs!

Following the sound of the explosion, the two quickly drove to a street leading to the residential area, parked the car at a Sancha street with traces of the explosion, opened the door, and hurriedly got out of the car to check the situation.

There were obvious signs of an explosion at the intersection. The vending machine had been blown up, and the glass was shattered all over the place. There were still a few drops of blood on the glass shards on the nearby ground. It seemed that someone was stabbed by the splashed glass during the explosion.

"There are still long traces of objects dragging over here. It looks like...fabric? Has anyone been blown away by the explosion?" A middle-aged policeman knelt down and picked up the fabric fibers on the ground with a handkerchief, frowning, and found that his colleague Looking at the front in a daze, he asked aloud, "Hello! What's wrong with you?"

"When we came here just now, a truck drove away to the front intersection..." The young policeman looked at the intersection where there was no shadow of the car ahead, and realized that he had seen an important clue. He turned his head nervously and excitedly to look at The senior next to him said, "Yes, it should be very important, right? That truck that just drove away! Since it just left here, the driver is likely to be related to the explosion, or at least be an eyewitness!"

"Nonsense!" The middle-aged man roared excitedly, before he could care about the young policeman beside him who was frightened by his roar, he took out his mobile phone and dialed, "Of course this is a very important clue! I'll call Officer Megure, Taisho , do you remember what that van looked like?"

"Yes! I still remember that it was a white truck with a black oval pattern on the back door, and yellow in the black oval..." The young policeman's eyes lit up, "It's a Cheetah Delivery Vehicle!"

"Where's the license plate number? Do you remember the license plate number?"

"Let's think about it, the license plate number should be from Shinjuku District, the number is 21-6..."


In the small alley two streets away, Chi Feichi stopped the delivery car, got out of the car and looked at the body that almost blocked the alley, "The car is too eye-catching here, so I can't park it for too long. Erge Tekh, please help guard it, and if it is convenient, you can help pack it."

"Hmph...the police should have arrived at the scene of the explosion. If I find that the police have come here, I will leave early. I can't control what will happen to your goods..." Gin Jiu came out from the building next to him, Walking to the front of the car with the golf bag, he smelled a choking peppery smell, and took a step back decisively, "This it the bagged powder you threw into the fire ring before?"

"Chili, cumin, pepper, those three people were not seriously burned by the fire, but they yelled too exaggeratedly. I was worried about fraud, so I threw hypnotic bombs and these sense-stimulating powders to try," Chi Feichi offered Explaining, he threw the car key to Gin, "I've already given the anesthesia just now, don't worry about them waking up, if you find the police coming here, you can leave early, don't worry about them, Sergey Tekh is the real Valuable goods, if you lose these ten, you will lose them."

"How long will it take you to get rid of Sergey Tekh?" Gin Jiu turned to look at Chi Feichi and asked.

"ten minutes."

Chi Feichi spoke calmly and firmly, then turned and walked out of the alley.

Gin opened the door of the carriage with the key, and immediately smelled the smell of roasted peppers and peppers, as well as the smell of burnt flesh mixed with it, and felt like opening a car full of skewers. The barbecue truck, with a strange look in his eyes, looked back at Chi Feichi as he left the alley.

Lark really thinks that those three people acted suspiciously, throwing bags of chili powder and pepper over for the sake of testing? Isn't it to satisfy some bad taste, or... some dangerous pica?

He didn't know how to talk to Lak about these issues... Cannibalism is really bad.


Nearby Mikacho Cathedral.

The grey-haired priest was wearing a long robe, standing in front of the stained glass window of the church, staring at the window, as if he was distracted, and seemed to be thinking about important issues in life.

In the supposedly empty hall, a figure in a black robe walked out from behind the pillar without making a sound, like a ghost lurking in the void, before reaching the front of the lectern, he said, "Since I have heard the explosion sound, and feel uneasy about it, why don't you go out and have a look?"

The moment the gentle male voice sounded, the priest turned around abruptly, and looked at the man in black robe who entered the church at some time with vigilant eyes. But he relaxed, and said in a gentle tone, "I remember that there is no guest like you who made an appointment to visit today."

In front of the lectern, Chi Feichi also watched the man with white hair and beard through the small holes in the eye area of ​​the mask.

A man with a burly figure and a square face, even if his hair, mustache, and beard are all white, and even if there are deep wrinkles at the end of his eyes, the whole person feels resolute and brave. Put on the label of 'looks very honest'.

Compared with the priest, Sergey Tekh in front of him looks more like a knight, not only because of Sergey Tekh's seemingly strong body, but also because Sergey Tekh's eyes are more than resolute, but lack generosity and tolerance , which is very different from Joshua.

Of course, with Sergey Tekh's gentle face pretending now, people who don't know the inside story probably wouldn't associate the person in front of them with the illegal drug smugglers, let alone Sergey Tekhri The right hand in the sleeve robe has already grasped the pistol.

Speaking of which, this kind of smuggling of illegal drugs is quite difficult.

Whether it was Brody who saw the Cheetah Delivery Vehicle and immediately set up people to wait and see at the intersection, or Sergey Tekh who was quietly holding a gun in front of him and pretending to be nonchalant...

After sizing up Sergei Teh's eyes, Chi Feichi started to walk towards the window, approached Sergei Teh's place actively, and said in a gentle male voice outside July, "I heard that there will be people here this afternoon. There's a big wedding going on, and I want to come and see."

Sergey Tekh heard Chi Feichi talk about the wedding at night, his complexion sank, and he smiled soon, but his eyes became sharper, "The newlyweds who hold their wedding here this afternoon don't like to be disturbed by strangers very much. , as long as you don't disturb them, in order to express their apology for their poor hospitality, they are happy to prepare some valuable small gifts for you. Although it is not as rewarding as your hard-working trip, you don't need to take risks or offend People can get it, I think it’s a good deal for everyone, what do you think?”

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