Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2831 Reassuring and worry-free

While Chi Feichi and Gin Jiu casually browsed through the bounty list, Dongyun Yizhi calculated the dosage of the medicine, prepared the medicine in the infusion bottle, and walked up to Chi Feichi with the infusion bottle, "Normal The mobilizing agent will not play a big role in your body, and the dosage of this mobilizing agent can also be increased a little bit, and the drug effect can be better exerted by intravenous infusion. However, after injecting this mobilizing agent, it will During this period, blood pressure may rise abnormally, which is very dangerous and can be fatal if not controlled."

"Prepare the medicine to control blood pressure," Chi Feichi hissed without thinking, "Once there is an abnormal increase in blood pressure, the medicine will be delivered to my body during the blood transfusion, and the medicine will be used to suppress the abnormal situation. "

"This will increase the burden on the body..." Dongyun Yizhi thought of the negative impact of the "laboratory mobilization agent" on the body, and felt that it was nothing to infuse the antihypertensive drug into the blood and reinfuse it into the body. Asked, "What if the overdose of various drugs causes cardiac arrest?"

"There are first aid equipment here," Chi Feichi hissed, looking sideways at the sterile laboratory on the other side of the room, "Aren't you confident?"

"No, it's my duty to warn you about the risks before starting, but I think with your physical health, you won't be so prone to fatal problems like cardiac arrest," Dongyun Yizhi did it meticulously Risk assessment, "Even if you encounter an abnormal increase in blood pressure during the process, I can help control it. In general, the possibility that your health will be affected is 100%. If you encounter an unexpected situation during the collection process , The possibility of using other medicines to make you feel more uncomfortable after the collection is over 50%, but the chance of life-threatening is not high, probably less than 10%. If you use the medicine we put here First aid equipment, the chances of being rescued are very high, which will greatly reduce the possibility of your death, so, do you still decide to inject this mobilizing agent now?"

Chi Feichi nodded calmly, "I'm sure."

After informing the risks and getting Chi Feichi's confirmation, Dongyun Yizhi did not hesitate, found a metal stand to hang the infusion bottle, and made preparations for disinfection. Turn the switch on the speed controller to the minimum, "After ten minutes, you may feel a feeling of rapid heartbeat, as long as there are no palpitations or dyspnea, it is normal, but if you feel shortness of breath or other If you feel uncomfortable, you must tell me in time, and I will do the final inspection and disinfection of medical equipment over there, including first aid equipment."

Chi Feichi watched Dongyun Yizhi make preparations, then looked down at the position where the infusion needle was inserted on the back of his hand, and remembered that the researcher who was in charge of collecting hematopoietic stem cells last time still used the hoarse voice unique to raki wine, sideways The head complained to Gin, "See, this is the difference between a doctor and a scientific researcher."

See if you don't, this is the professionalism of their Dongdu University's medical students.

"Hmph..." Qin Jiu put away his mobile phone, and took out the cigarette case from the pocket of the windbreaker, "That's why he can live."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Makes sense.


Chi Feichi thought about Dongyun Yizhi's character of running according to the program, and calmly hissed, "Doctor, he wants to smoke next to me."

Dongyun Yizhi immediately poked his head out of the sterile laboratory, frowned and pointed to the room near the door, "The smoking room is over there."

Gin: "..."

For the sake of the need for a doctor to operate the machine in the future... and for the sake of this guy Luke not being able to die!

Chi Feichi was watching from the sidelines.

In order to collect hematopoietic stem cells, he has not smoked or drank for nearly a week. The only bad habit left is staying up late, but gin always releases second-hand smoke next to him, which greatly affects his state of preparing for hematopoietic stem cell collection, at least a little Mentality, now finally someone will issue the deportation order on his behalf.

In the end, none of Gin Jiu went to the small room, and moved to a place a little far away from Chi Feichi, watching Dongyun Yizhi inspect the equipment through the glass isolation window.

Dongyun Yizhi looked at the distance between Qinjiu and Chi Feichi, and did not issue an expulsion order to Qinjiu again, and concentrated on checking the medical equipment and necessary medicines.

After more than ten minutes, Chi Feichi gradually felt his heartbeat speed up under the action of the medicine, but it was only a little faster. The medicine effect was far worse than he expected, and it was far worse than Dongyun Yizhi's expectation.

After spending four sentences discussing, Dongyun Yizhi helped Chi Feichi add about one-fifth of the prepared medicine for the infusion bottle.

After adding the medicine once, the physical changes Chi Feichi felt finally reached the standard.

After Dongyun Yizhi took blood for testing and confirmed that the hematopoietic stem cells in the peripheral blood met the collection standards, the two immediately went to the sterile laboratory to officially start the collection of hematopoietic stem cells.

Indwelling needles were inserted into Chi Feichi's arms, which were connected to the tubes of the collection equipment. For safety reasons, he himself was also asked to lie down.

Like the last collection, Gin sat on the sidelines to 'oversee'.

The difference from the previous collection was that this time, because Chi Feichi used the 'laboratory mobilization agent', the collection process was relatively uneven.

During the collection process, Chi Feichi's blood pressure suddenly rose again.

However, Chi Feichi has a lot of confidence in his body, and he was not nervous or flustered during the process, and his mentality was as stable as watching someone else in trouble. He couldn't raise his blood pressure even if he raised it a little, and his heart rate was always stable. Watching Dongyun Yizhi operate the equipment calmly, he also gave Dongyun Yizhi a good review in his heart.

A doctor with a calm personality is the most reassuring at this time.

While Dongyun Yizhi was operating the equipment to supply medicine and stabilize Chi Feichi's blood pressure, he also gave Chi Feichi a good review in his heart.

The collected objects with a calm personality are the most worry-free in this kind of collection work.

Gin, the overseer, saw the slight disturbance in the collection process and was quickly suppressed, so he turned his attention to the running machine.

Both parties in the collection are calm enough, which can really make people feel at ease and worry-free.


After more than four hours, the collection ended.

Dongyun Yizhi continued to display his professionalism as a doctor, explained the precautions to Chi Feichi, and put a cup of oral nutrition preparation with a suitable temperature before going to check the collected hematopoietic stem cells.

Chi Feichi was told 'don't move around for half an hour', and he didn't force himself to get up and move around. Instead, he sat up and drank the oral nutrition preparation slowly, feeling the changes in his body.

Using the 'laboratory mobilizer' almost 100% will cause some side effects.

This side effect is not caused by drug toxins, but the sequelae left by drugs that over-stimulate the production of hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow and squeeze the body in a short period of time. Only follow-up attention should be paid to supplementing nutrition and taking a good rest. After the body returns to normal, the body's Discomfort will be eliminated.

He also has no way to avoid the side effects of this drug, but the degree of physical discomfort is much milder than he imagined.

Among the side effects of drugs, fever, fatigue, bone pain, and joint pain will appear at the beginning.

He hasn't had any symptoms of fever yet, he probably has a little fatigue, and feels a little heavy in his hands and feet. As for bone pain and joint pain...

Although the joints are a little sore, the feeling is not obvious, and it is many times weaker than the muscle soreness after strenuous exercise, which is a level that he can completely ignore.

"how do you feel?"

Seeing that Chi Feichi had put down the cup containing the oral nutrient solution, Gin also asked in time.

"It's much better than expected, just a little fatigue, and no other symptoms appear." Chi Feichi didn't take it lightly, recalled the information about the drug experiment, and then said firmly, "Follow-up, pay attention to supplementing nutrition, the situation should not be too bad Where will it go?"

"However, in the past two weeks, your immunity and resistance will still drop severely," Qin Jiu recalled that Chi Feichi ran to the hospital shortly after collecting hematopoietic stem cells, and said in a low voice, " This time, don't just go to the hospital to visit the little ghost, if you are not careful, you may have a fever and cough from time to time like in the past six months..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

He visited Conan in the hospital last time during his recuperation, but when it comes to fever and cough...

There is no connection between the two, how does gin associate the two together?

Gin didn't say any more, and asked directly, "Do you want to act with me in the near future?"

Chi Feichi didn't hesitate, "I can't do it today, I'm going to my sister's place."

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