"Do you have to go there today? Your current immunity is worse than normal people. Once you get infected with the latest flu germs outside, the possibility of getting a cold will be much higher than normal people. If you collect blood normally Stem cells, the negative impact of a cold on your body may not be too great, but you have also injected that mobilizing agent, your cold may cause some serious complications, even if it is cured, there will be no sequelae Very troublesome!"

Gin's face was full of disapproval, and he couldn't be bothered to hide his latent potential.

The central idea of ​​this logic - there are countless germs outside! Lak is in danger of sudden death if he comes into contact with outsiders!

"But I already made an appointment with her yesterday, so it's inconvenient to miss the appointment," Chi Feichi said calmly, but the rake-specific hoarse voice combined with this calm tone made it sound particularly gloomy, "I've been away from the team for too long recently, why? I have to go too."

Qin Jiu listened to Chi Feichi saying that this was an agreement, so he didn't insist anymore, took out his mobile phone and checked the time, "I'll go after you have lunch, the doctor will give you the formula of oral nutrient solution later, and you can prepare it yourself. It should not be a problem for you, I said before that half of the hematopoietic stem cells will be kept for you every time you collect them, so that you can use them when you need them in the future, do you want to take them away yourself?"

"No need, it's very troublesome to preserve hematopoietic stem cells, just let people preserve them centrally."

"It seems that you really don't plan to use that drug to freeze time, and you don't even have the idea of ​​keeping a copy for yourself..."

"I wasn't kidding about that decision from the start."

Half an hour later, someone came to the laboratory and took away the collected hematopoietic stem cells.

Gin booked a restaurant in advance, and invited Chi Feichi to have a whole fish feast of stewed fish, fried fish and boiled fish soup. After eating, Chi Feichi remembered the daily fish bento with vodka during the last recuperation period, and wanted to remove the plate. The paste was on Gin's face, and finally gave up because he was too lazy to move.

Chi Feichi had injected the laboratory version of the mobilization agent. During the collection of hematopoietic stem cells, the blood reinfused into the body contained anticoagulant and antihypertensive drugs. Avoiding, probably the biological instinct chose the most suitable way for him to survive and restore health. His own subconscious is resisting "excessive activity". Both have greatly attenuated, and the whole person has become lazy.


Three o'clock in the afternoon.

A red Lexus SC drove into the yard of Dr. Ali's house and parked in the open space in front of the garage.

Hui Yuanai waited by the yard ahead of time. Seeing that Chi Feichi got out of the car and took out a bag full of things from the back seat, she immediately rushed forward, reaching out to take the bag, "Let me get it."

No matter how lazy Chi Feichi was to move, he was unwilling to look at his sister carrying a big bag on her small arms and legs, and shifted his gaze to Dr. Ali and Okiya Subaru who were following behind, "There are some fruits and bagged nuts in it." , it’s too heavy for a child, it’s better to ask the doctor or Mr. Subaru to help carry it.”

"Let me do it!" Okiya Subaru took the bag with a narrowed smile.

Huiyuan Ai handed over the task of carrying the bag to Okiya Subaru, and after freeing his hand, he reached out to hold Chi Feichi's hand, and checked the backs of Chi Feichi's hands, "So simply asking for help... Sure enough, there is an extra There are two pinhole marks, both on the vein, which should be the marks left by the intravenous drip needle."

"Feichi, do you still feel unwell?" Dr. A Li led the way into the house, talking to Chi Feichi worriedly, "You were suspected of catching a cold before, although you went to the hospital in time for infusion The cold symptoms don’t seem to be very serious, but you...didn’t have a good rest two days ago, is it because you are too tired and caused the cold symptoms to recur?”

When he went to the Metropolitan Police Department to take notes the day before yesterday, he heard that 'July' delivered home delivery to the police for two consecutive days, and arrested more than ten wanted criminals, as well as a criminal gang of eleven including Sergey Tekh.

July is Feichi, this is what he knew from Xinyi and Xiaoai.

Feichi went out to arrest criminals for two consecutive nights, and after the operation ended on the last night, he went to arrest those people like Sergey Tekh. He seemed a little excited, and Xinyi began to worry that Feichi had been stimulated by something and his mental state had gone out. problem.

When he came out of the Metropolitan Police Department the day before yesterday, Shinichi also asked about it, and Feichi said—nothing special happened, it might be that he had a suspected cold recently, he was not feeling well and was in a bad mood, and he wanted to catch two more criminals to vent his anger one time.

Uh... Although the logic of putting together 'not feeling well' and 'moving around, catching criminals to vent your emotions' is confusing, but Feichi is a little neurotic, he thinks it is understandable, and Xiao Ai the day before yesterday Seeing the back of Feichi's hand, there was one more pinhole mark on it than before they took the Suzuki, which was enough to see that Feichi's health was really not good recently, and he might have been going to the hospital for infusions.

Fortunately, Feichi promised Xiao Ai to take a good rest. He probably didn't go to catch criminals yesterday, but he didn't see anyone for a day and a half. Why did Feichi have two more needle marks from the infusion on the back of his hand? Come? Did you go to the hospital for infusion yesterday and today?

"If you don't get better, you have to consider whether there are other reasons for your physical discomfort. Sometimes cold symptoms are not necessarily a cold, but it may be poisoning, trauma infection, respiratory infection, allergic rhinitis with symptoms close to a cold..." Hui Yuanai walked beside Chi Feichi, her face suddenly turned pale, she looked up at Chi Feichi's complexion, and became nervous, "Could it be fulminant myocarditis?"

Chi Feichi originally wanted to take advantage of the flu during this period and use the 'cold' as an all-purpose excuse. Whether it was missing the train trip or going to collect bounties, he used physical discomfort to cope, not even the pinhole on the back of his hand. At the risk of being discovered to cover it up, I didn't expect my sister to think so seriously. While following Dr. A Li into the door, she comforted me, "I went to the hospital to see it, but it's just that I didn't have a good rest, which caused repeated colds."

"However, fulminant myocarditis is prone to occur in young adults after a viral cold. Because the individual's immunity is too strong, when the immune system kills the cold virus, it also kills some cardiomyocytes. A few days after the cold, Started to experience symptoms such as chest tightness, shortness of breath, dyspnea, palpitations, dizziness, fatigue, loss of appetite, etc. His face was pale, and he might even faint." Hui Yuanai stood in front of the entrance, looking at Chi Feichi's paler face than usual, Frowning, he turned around to look for his shoes, "No, I have to go to the hospital again!"

Okiya Subaru and Dr. A Li could also see that Chi Feichi's face was lacking in color, and he also had a dignified expression, and he had the same suspicion in his heart as Hui Yuan Ai.

Chi Feichi, who had just changed into his slippers, moved two steps to the side, stood in front of Hui Yuanai, and pressed the palm of his right hand on the top of Hui Yuanai's head, "I just came back from the hospital and have been checked, but this time I have a cold. Too stubborn."

Hui Yuanai was still not at ease, looked up at Chi Feichi and asked, "Is it a big hospital with more advanced medical equipment?"

"Beihu General Hospital." Chi Feichi withdrew his hand and started to walk to the living room. "It's true that I'm a little weak after catching a cold, but it's not that serious."

"That is to say, the damage caused by a cold to the body is still more serious than that of ordinary people, right?" Hui Yuanai followed Chi Feichi helplessly, but she was not as worried as before.

"It's a little more serious than everyone else, otherwise I wouldn't have to be tossed about," Chi Fei arrived late to the sofa, before being reprimanded by Hui Yuan, and asked when he sat down, "By the way, what did you say earlier? You want to ask me about electronic equipment..."

Hui Yuanai sat down next to Chi Feichi, taking advantage of Chi Feichi's inattention, glanced at Okiya Subaru who had just delivered the bag to the cooking counter, and then calmly took out her mobile phone, "I Want to know how to prevent bad guys from hacking your phone."

The villain Subaru Okiya who monitored Haibara Ai's mobile phone on the Suzuki express train: "..."

Is it still time to settle accounts after autumn?

Although he felt that Xueli would not tell Mr. Chi the truth, but if Xueli was so angry and let Mr. Chi know that he hacked into the little girl's mobile phone and monitored the little girl's mobile phone, then...

Mr. Chi should call the police and arrest him, right?

Huihara Ai just wanted to scare and warn Okiya Subaru, but she paused when she noticed that Okiya Subaru put down the bag, and did not reveal that Okiya Subaru had hacked into her mobile phone, so she turned her head to look at Chi Feichi and said, "I was in the I saw some discussion posts on the forum. Some people said that their mobile phone was hacked, and their privacy such as photos, emails, and contacts were seen by the other party. I didn’t want my privacy to be seen by others, so I thought Edogawa said that you helped the Mori Detective Agency to create a computer website, and I thought you would know nothing about network programming and network security, so I thought of asking you if there is any way to prevent your mobile phone from being hacked."

As a parent, Chi Feichi also felt that it was time to talk to his little sister about network security issues.

"If you want to prevent hacking, you must understand the means of hacking. A thief who burglarizes will first determine which house he wants to steal and what the specific house number is, and then think about what means he wants to get into the house. Or windows, should you secretly copy the keys, etc. Similarly, hackers can’t appear in the room they intend to invade out of thin air, and they also need to use some means, for example, tricking you into clicking a certain network link, which is to let you open the window yourself , to create opportunities for him to sneak into the house..."

"A similar method is to use the Trojan horse hidden in the webpage, or let you download the software that contains the Trojan horse..."

"The easiest and most direct way is to get your mobile phone and leave a Trojan horse program in your mobile phone. It can be regarded as directly obtaining your door key and copying it..."

"In addition, you can also use the regional wireless network to invade..."

After introducing Hui Yuanai in easy-to-understand words, Chi Feichi made a conclusion of 'don't click on unknown links, don't give your phone to others', and passed a detection software to Dr. A Li's computer, which can screen Check all public files and hidden files in the mobile phone, and find out the Trojan horse program hidden in it.

When Chi Feichi introduced the computer software, Okiya Subaru silently took out his mobile phone, took advantage of the fact that other people were not paying attention to him, and used the back door he left on Huiyuan Ai's mobile phone to hack into Huiyuan Ai's mobile phone, and quickly put himself The remaining Trojan horse programs are cleaned up.

When facing Mr. Chi, one cannot be too careful.

Who knows if Mr. Chi's software has the function of anti-tracking and reverse acquisition of the other party's IP in addition to the detection function?

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