Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2840 unproven crime

"That is to say, we have to produce evidence that that person deliberately provoked Uncle Kogoro, or that that person is a big villain, right?" Conan quickly understood what Chi Feichi meant, and used the child's The tone reminded Kogoro Mori, but his eyes couldn't help showing a trace of solemnity, "At that time, he called the landline of the open-air cafe. We didn't record the call. There is no way to prove that he provoked uncle, but he may really Killed a person! As long as it can be proved that he is a murderer, no one will misunderstand Uncle Kogoro, right? Uncle will grab him by the collar and lose his temper. A large part of the reason is that he is worried that he will hurt others!"

Chi Feichi nodded and said to Mori Kogoro who was on the opposite side of the sofa, "As long as it is proved that he is a murderer, I will find someone to conduct an interview with the teacher. Then you can explain what happened, and explain that you were worried that others would be hurt. Mood, those insulting remarks will disappear immediately, and after the matter is resolved, maybe you will gain some more fans because of it, and if you are willing, you may even get paid for an interview."

Mori Kogoro's eyes lit up, and he quickly suppressed the longing on his face. He clenched his fist to cover his mouth, and coughed dryly with a serious face, "Hey, it is my duty as a detective to bring the real murderer to justice. Even if there is no benefit, I will try my best!"

Conan: "..."

Yeah? Who here believes?

Mao Lilan: "..."

The credibility of this statement is very low.

"However, did Himuro really kill someone?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked curiously, "You went to the Metropolitan Police Department before, probably because of this murder, but listening to what Conan said, you It seems that there is no way to prove that the other party is the murderer."

"Yes, this matter is a bit troublesome..."

Mao Lilan nodded worriedly, and talked about what happened.

The Maori trio encountered a murder in Izu the day before yesterday. They returned to Tokyo yesterday to rest for a day. They didn’t want to run around today, so they decided to relax in Mihua Town. In the afternoon, they went to Central Park to see the "Old Items Exhibition". At three o'clock Afterwards, grab a drink at one of the open-air cafes on the nearby commercial street.

That is, when he was in the open-air cafe, Mori Kogoro received a call from Himuro Reiji, ran to the Hokbu Department Store across the street, and had a conflict with the other party.

Himuro Reiji said something suspicious, and Kogoro Mori didn't want to let him go easily. Although he couldn't directly stop the other party and force him to question him, after sending Mori Ran and Conan away first, he followed Himuro Reiji alone.

When the other party went downstairs, Kogoro Mori followed. When the other party went to the bathroom, Kogoro Mori followed. When the other party left Beibu Department Store, Kogoro Mori followed.

As long as Himuro Reiji didn't make it clear, Mori Kogoro would follow him all the time, and kept saying things like 'turn back to the shore' and 'live a good life after you get out of prison'.

Himuro Reiji's attitude didn't soften either. For a while, he said slyly that the famous detective can only do so few tricks, and for a while he said harshly that he couldn't just let it go.

The two left Beiwu Department Store entangled, and walked along the sidewalk for less than five minutes. Two police cars passed by on the side street, and there were people talking about the death of someone nearby at the intersection ahead.

Hearing the discussion, Himuro Reiji smiled and asked Mouri Kogoro if he wanted to watch the excitement.

Mori Kogoro felt that Reiji Himuro was smiling maliciously, but he really wanted to see what was going on. Seeing that Reiji Himuro seemed to be planning to go there, he went to have a look and found that the deceased was someone he knew.

Numao Shingo.

A big, strong man, but not very timid, shy, and easy to control. He used to be an accomplice of Reiji Himuro's bank robbery, and was responsible for doing some errands.

Back then, Kogoro Mori saw that Shingo Numao was not bad in nature and did bad things because he was threatened and seduced by Reiji Himuro, so he found Shingo Numao in private, and after a heart-to-heart conversation, Shingo Numao was persuaded to surrender and identify Reiji Himuro.

In this way, Himuro Reiji was formally arrested and sent to prison.

Although Numao Shingo went to prison as well, he was only ordered to run errands during the crime, and he surrendered himself and identified the principal offender. His sentence was several years shorter than that of Himuro Reiji, and he was also given a suspended sentence.

Today Himuro Reiji called Mori Kogoro and said, 'someone will die because of you', and then the two of them saw Numao Shingo's body, which was like a well-planned revenge move by Himuro Reiji.

Moreover, Mori Kogoro also saw Himuro Reiji sneering at Numao Nakago's corpse, and he became more and more sure that this matter had something to do with Himuro Reiji...

"Nomao fell down the outdoor escape stairs outside an abandoned building and died on the spot," Mouri Kogoro said solemnly, "The handrails of the outdoor escape stairs have been seriously rusted, and it seems that when Nuomao went up the stairs, beside him A section of the handrail was broken due to rust, causing him to fall from the upstairs. The police went to the escape stairs to investigate, but found no traces of fighting. At present, it seems that this is just an accident, but I don’t think it is serious. It would be that simple! That guy in the ice room has a suspicious attitude!"

"When Mr. Numao fell from the building, the patrolling police in that area happened to be patrolling there. When he heard the screams of Mr. Nuomao falling from the building, he looked over. When he saw Mr. Numao falling from the building, he was shocked and immediately contacted the police. The headquarters of the TV Department, the contact time is 3:45 p.m.," Conan took over the conversation, and said in a childish voice, "So, the police officers of the criminal department judged that the time when Mr. Numao fell from the building should be 3:00 p.m. Forty minutes, and at that time, Himuro was in Beiwu Department Store, being questioned by Uncle Kogoro by his collar..."

"Did Mr. Mori become Himuro's alibi instead..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki nodded thoughtfully, and asked again, "Could it be that he got hold of Mr. Numao and called to force Numao Mr. Suicide? Although it may be 3:40 p.m. or 3:41 p.m. when Mr. Mori clashed with the ice room, there will be a deviation of one or two minutes in between. I didn't rush to him, and I had time to make a phone call..."

"The police investigated Mr. Numao's cell phone. Before he fell from the building, there was indeed a call to his cell phone," Conan said solemnly, "The answer time was 3:38 pm, and the call lasted for about a minute. "

"However, that mobile phone number is not the same as the number that Himuro is currently using. The call back indicated that the phone has been shut down. Further investigation is still needed. There is no way to prove that the person who called Numao at that time was Himuro," Mori Kogoro said. Depressedly, "Just as we came out of the Metropolitan Police Hall, that guy also laughed arrogantly and swaggered away from the Metropolitan Police Hall."

"Even if it can be confirmed that Himuro was on the phone with Mr. Numao at that time, there is no way to prove that Mr. Numao was killed by him," Nanatsuki Koshimizu reminded, "There must be something like a recording of the call, and the recording can prove that Mr. Numao Mr.'s death must be related to him."

"At present, we can only wait for the results of the police investigation," Mori Kogoro sighed, thinking that Shingo Numao was hated because of his persuasion back then. Furious at Reiji's revenge, he frowned again, "I'll go to the Metropolitan Police Department early tomorrow morning. This incident has something to do with me. Officer Megure should agree to my participation in the investigation..."

Chi Feichi noticed that the mobile phone in his hand was vibrating, looked down at the new news he had just received, and said, "One of the network accounts of that tabloid published a new article about... being violently treated by Maori detectives. The person involved broke the news that after he left the Beiwu Department Store, he was continuously followed and harassed by Maori detectives, and was later suspected to be related to an incident that happened nearby. Another violent treatment by Maori detectives..."

Conan's face changed, and he jumped to Chi Feichi's side, and stretched out his hand to hold Chi Feichi's arm, "Brother Chi, let me take a look too!"

"I'll forward the relevant report to you," Chi Feichi operated the mobile phone, and forwarded the online report to Mori Kogoro, Mao Lilan, Koshimizu Nanatsuki, and Conan using the UL software. Looking at the operation message he received, "The Umbrella Internet Monitoring Department stopped them twice with the excuse of illegal articles. In the first two releases, they implied that the Metropolitan Police Department colluded with the Maori teacher and allowed the Maori teacher to treat others violently in the Metropolitan Police Department. , but in the last version released, all hints and information were deleted, and it was mentioned that because the police stopped in time, Mr. Mori did not really hurt the ice room... In the last version, they have tried to use multiple network accounts Released, the network monitoring department did not stop them again. It is not difficult to investigate the relationship between me, Mr. Maori and Umbrella. If they find that Umbrella's network department intends to intercept and spread everywhere that Mr. Maori uses his power to block the disclosure of information , it will be even more troublesome then.”

"I didn't let the other party talk nonsense and implicate Officer Megure and the others, that's already pretty good," Mouri Kogoro thought for a while with a heavy face, and then said, "Feichi, don't let Umbrella's Internet Department interfere again. Now, if Umbrella is involved, the matter will probably become more troublesome, I will solve this incident openly!"

"You may have misunderstood. I don't think blocking the news is the best solution. I don't intend to let Umbrella's network department favor you, otherwise these news would not have spread," Chi Feichi said. Inciting false information, such as the content about the Metropolitan Police Department, they could not prove that the ice room suffered violence in the Metropolitan Police Department, and they did not officially declare that the police colluded with you. They just wanted to play word games and use some The specious words mislead the public to think in that direction. They are media accounts that have officially registered and signed the Umbrella Internet Convention. Of course, Umbrella can’t let them publish such articles, and he has the right to refuse them to publish such articles. publishing articles that contain misleading information.”

"Is that so..." Mori Kogoro was stunned for a moment, after thinking for a while, he felt that his apprentice was right and that there was no violation on his side, so he was relieved, "Then the next task is to investigate the incident. It is the strength of a detective to be clear and find the evidence of Himuro's crime, that guy in Himuro just wait for me to arrest him again!"

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