Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2841 three parts of spirit

"However, the ice room is now spreading everywhere that his uncle inflicted violence on him again in the Metropolitan Police Department," Conan reminded solemnly, "Although the report mentioned that the police stopped the uncle's violent behavior, it did not bring the Metropolitan Police Department into a public opinion storm However, it also brought the Metropolitan Police Department into the public eye. In order not to affect the reputation of the police, Officer Meguro will be more careful in the investigation. I think he will not let his uncle participate in the investigation of the case, and will only let his uncle be a witness I will cooperate with the investigation with my identity, and of course, I will not disclose the progress of the case investigation to my uncle."

"Y-shouldn't be..." Mori Kogoro laughed dryly, and he was discouraged first, "That's right, Officer Megure will definitely not let me participate in the investigation."

"What does that matter?" Chi Feichi said calmly but affirmatively, "Teacher is a detective."


Mori Kogoro cheered up, and the blood in his heart was boiling, "Yes, it is the detective's mission to find out the truth of the incident. No matter how big the obstacles are, I, the famous detective Mori Kogoro, will never back down!"

Mao Lilan looked at the resolute Mouri Kogoro, and felt that her father seemed to be shining with righteousness, and her eyes were moved, "Dad..."

Chi Feichi looked at the father and daughter who were overwhelmed by Maori, and was silent for a while, and found that Conan also had an excited expression on his face, and decided to tell the truth, "Actually, my original intention is that detectives never care what the police think, and they just investigate if they want to investigate." Do you want to investigate? Teacher, don't care if Officer Mumu is willing to let you investigate, you can investigate yourself."

Maori Kogoro:"……"

Did his apprentice misunderstand the detective?

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."

Well, this statement is actually not wrong...

Conan: "..."

His original plan was... don't care if the police take them to investigate, they can investigate by themselves.

Mao Lilan saw Mo Li Kogoro and others stunned, thinking of the detectives who had repeatedly wandered around the crime scene and made Mu Shisan angry, she had an answer in her heart.

It's a bit harsh to say, but it's the truth, right?

After a moment of silence, Mori Kogoro complained in his heart that his apprentice was telling the truth, while casually laughing at the topic, took out a whiteboard from the cabinet and set it up, and sorted out all the clues he had.

When the clerk of the Iroha sushi restaurant delivered the sushi, when he entered the door, he saw the coffee table split in half on the ground, the whiteboard standing in front of the TV, and a group of people sitting or standing in the room, and they put the plates lightly. Quite a lot.

Although I don't know what happened here, the atmosphere seems to be very dignified.


Since Mori Kogoro was going to investigate the incident tomorrow, Chi Feichi used this as an excuse to just have a casual drink with Mori Kogoro, and Mao Lilan temporarily stored the rest of the wine.

After dinner, Chi Feichi said goodbye to Yueshui Nanatsuki and returned to Qi Detective Agency.

After Yueshui Nanatsuki went to the bathroom to take a bath, Chi Feichi had no interest in staying in the living room on the second floor to watch TV, and went up to the attic.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki cleans the attic regularly, the books on the bookshelves are neatly arranged, and the tatami mattresses and quilts are put into the cabinets.

The clear moonlight poured down from the skylight, covering the wooden floor with a hazy gauze.

Chi Feichi didn't turn on the light, and found that there was no place in the attic that he needed to tidy up. He walked to the skylight, looked at the lights on the third floor of the Maori Detective Office from afar, sat down on the floor, closed his eyes, and let his perception slow down. Slowly sink into the depths of consciousness.

The brain governs human instinct and consciousness.

Instinct is the innate ability of every living body, the original primitive program of life, just like the "passive skill" possessed by game characters, even if you don't actively activate it, it will still play its own role.

Consciousness is a unique life characteristic of intelligent life. It gives human beings the ability to think about problems, and enables human beings to know how to actively use the brain and then use the brain to call the body.

The behavior of many animals is only governed by instinct, such as snakes among reptiles. Under the influence of instinct, snakes will hunt and eat when they are hungry, and fight back when they feel their lives are in danger, but most snakes do not have the same instincts as Feichi. Self-awareness, knowing how to think about problems, no matter how long the owner has kept them, snakes will still choose to fight back when they perceive danger. This is also the biggest disadvantage of snakes as pets.

Among the animals he has come into contact with, some animals can only repeat single words such as 'hungry' and 'happy', and those animals belong to lives that have not yet been born with consciousness, while animals that can use some simple words to explain other things are animals that have already Conscious life was born, like many puppies and kittens raised in the family belong to this category, their actions are no longer only governed by instinct, but have the participation of their own consciousness.

For animals like Feichi, Feimo, and Feili, their consciousness will increase as they grow, until their consciousness can suppress their instincts. In terms of life form, they have reached the level of intelligent life just like humans.

The consciousness of human beings is very strong. In the period of infants and young children, human beings have completed the growth of consciousness enough to suppress their instincts. From crying when they feel hungry, they grow up to be able to understand the comfort of adults who say "wait a moment", and they can use their own consciousness to temporarily Suppress the eating instinct.

In a civilized society, human beings are becoming more and more adept at using powerful consciousness to suppress instinct, but in the struggle between consciousness and instinct, instinct is not at an absolute disadvantage. The ancient passive skills that are activated at this moment, most of the time burden It not only controls the activities of the human body, but also has considerable control over the human body, and can quietly affect human consciousness through the human body.

When the instinct comes to the conclusion of 'hungry, need to eat', the brain will regulate the body, allowing human consciousness to get the conclusion of 'you need to eat' through the body's response. At the same time, the instinct will also control the changes in body hormones to make people It is easier to arouse the appetite, no matter what you see, you will associate it with food, and repeatedly swipe the screen with simple and direct messages such as 'go to eat, go to eat' to drive humans to eat.

Sometimes, humans are not even aware that they are driven by instinct.

A person who likes to hang out with friends during the holidays suddenly wants to stay at home one day. It may be that there is a problem with his body. Before he is aware of it, he has already made the decision to "retreat" instinctively. The energy in the body is given priority to the immune system, and people will unconsciously lose the desire to go out for activities.

This time, because of the injection of the laboratory version of the mobilization agent and the collection of hematopoietic stem cells, his body was in a state of being over-squeezed and severely deficient. When the instinct gave his body the instructions to "retreat", he actually clearly felt the existence of the instinct. .

Not only did he know the existence of instinct, he also seemed to 'see' where that thing was through his consciousness.

In his brain or in the depths of his spirit, the bright moonlight-like light cluster exudes light and continues to run, and his consciousness grows nerve tentacles towards that side, like the roots of ancient trees , as if wanting to touch and capture the light.

The light ball gave him a very familiar feeling. He seemed to have felt the energy of this light ball more than once when he experienced the crimes of laziness, gluttony, infidelity, and greed in the past.

Feel it one after another, until he can find the location of this light ball, see it and lock it, and then further stretch out dense tentacles towards it.

He had discovered before that with the beginning and end of each original sin experience period, his own spiritual power had improved, and the time for his left eye to be able to connect to the ark was slowly increasing, but if it wasn't for this physical discomfort that caused the light cluster After issuing the 'quiet' instruction, he probably wouldn't be aware of the existence of the light cluster... and the ambitious action of his own consciousness that grows countless roots and seems to intend to connect or the light cluster.

When he sank into the depths of his consciousness, besides the light group that seemed to represent instinct, he could also feel another light group, which gave him a feeling that was more agile and ethereal than the instinct light group.

Is that... the 'superego'?

Austrian psychologist and psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud proposed three parts of the mind in his theory of personality - id, ego, and superego.

The id, responsible for satisfying primal desires, is unconscious, irrational, unsocialized and disorganized, like the core of all instinctual behavior.

The ego is the existence of self-consciousness, follows the reality principle, and will satisfy the requirements of the id in a reasonable way.

In addition to the id and ego, there is also the superego, which is located at the highest level of the personality structure and is the moral part of the personality structure, responsible for suppressing the id.

According to what he can "see" now, his individual consciousness exists in the "self" light group, facing the "id" light group representing instinct, and the "superego" representing spiritual morality The light group stretched out its tentacles.

Will there be a capture next? Or touch and blend?

No matter which one it is, after the completion of the seven original sins experience this time, I am afraid it will bring about a lot of changes in his spiritual power.

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