Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2878 The Second Puzzle

After confirming that the secret passage leads to the storage room on the first floor, Chi Feichi and the other four restored the secret passage mechanism and carpet in the room before leaving the room together.

Hattori Heiji walked towards the direction where the voice was heard, with a strange look on his face, "Brother Chi, you remember so clearly how Conan and I walked from the coffin to the door of the room and walked a few steps in total? But why? Are you paying attention to this kind of thing?"

"I didn't pay special attention to how many steps you took," Chi Feichi said truthfully, "I just found out from the replay of you going out when I was reminiscing."

Nanatsuki Yueshui was a little bit dumbfounded.


Mr. Chi said before, ‘Just treat it like watching a movie.’ It turned out that he really thought he was watching a movie.

Hattori Heiji and Conan looked at each other speechlessly as they tried to recall their previous experiences.

People who are good at image memory can indeed replay the scenes they have seen in their minds, but can they actually count the steps they took each from this kind of replay...

They didn't pay attention to how many steps they took before. No matter how much they think about it now, they can only recall a rough picture without the details of their walking. Does this mean that Chi Feichi really paid attention to their every move while walking?

As they walked towards the door, Chi Feichi stood in the corridor, behind the crowd, his eyes like a video recorder, focusing on them, silently recording their behavior.

Thinking about it this way, it really makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

In the corridor, a group of people from the Tokura family who were alarmed by the explosion gathered together and gathered around the housekeeper Koga Rikushige to learn about the situation.

The servants also stood aside, feeling a little uneasy after hearing what Rikushige Koga said about the tunnel collapse.

The four Chi Feichi arrived a little late due to exploring the secret passage. When they came to the group of people, Koga Rikushige had already calmed down the nervous mood of the group of people.

"Excuse me..." Hattori Heiji asked directly, "Have you found the owner?"

"No," Hikari Hihara shook his head worriedly and said softly, "We split up and searched everywhere, but no one saw the master."

"Speaking of which, has anyone seen my dear?" Hanekawa Johei looked around, "I haven't seen her since just now."

"By the way, where's Kishiji?" Tonakura Masin looked at Tonakura Mina in confusion, "Mina, didn't Kishiji go with you to find your elder brother? Why didn't he come with you?"

Tosukura Mina's face looked much better than before, but she still seemed a little nervous. She turned to look behind her and saw Tosakura Kishiji walking over, and then breathed a sigh of relief, "Kishiji-san wants to take pictures of us before." After developing the photos, I went to my room and temporarily used the room as a darkroom.”

Yuri Tokura deliberately pretended to be sighing like a weirdo, "It's really rare for film cameras to be used in this era."

"Sorry, I'm that weird guy who is obsessed with film cameras," Kishiji Tokura laughed at himself, with a relaxed tone but a heavy look on his face. He walked in front of a group of people, raised the photo in his hand, and used the other hand to Pointing to the center of the photo, he said seriously, "Thanks to that film camera, I understood what happened to my eldest brother. Those two girls didn't lie. When we took the photo, my eldest brother was with us, and he was Next to us..."

The photo is a group photo of the Tokura family in the collection room.

Tonakura Shina and Tonakura Yuri were sitting in the front row, Tonakura Kishi, Tonakura Mamoru, Hanekawa Johei, and Tonakura Asanobu were standing in the back row, and Tonakura Kakuya, who shouldn't have been there, appeared Among the lovers Tokura Mamoru and Hanekawa Johei.

In other words, it was the face of Tokura Usiya that appeared on the mirror behind the two of them.

The image of Tosakura Sakuya in the mirror is not as clear as the others. His face is pale and a little erratic. At the same time, his mouth is wide open, revealing the sharp fangs in his mouth. Blood stains can be faintly seen at the corners of his mouth, as if he has used super powers to enter. vampire in the mirror.

"Hey, this is simply a supernatural photo!"

"Why is Big Brother here?"

Seeing this photo, the rest of the Yincang family was frightened again.

Hanekawa Johei also had a look of surprise on his face. He looked at Tokura Kishiji and asked, "Could it be that you did something to the photo when you developed it?"

"How could I do this kind of manipulation on film in such a short period of time!" Tokura Kishiji frowned, "And the photo was taken with the camera that my brother put in that room, and I didn't have time to do anything with the camera!"

When Tokura Kishiji wasn't paying attention, Hattori Heiji reached out and took the photo from Tokura Kishiji's hand, saying that he wanted to show the photo to Maori Ran, Toyama and Ye who were not here, and let the two girls confirm it. Is the photo the same as what they saw before?

The Tokura family members were so frightened by Tokura Sakuya's 'ghost' that they didn't care whether the photo had been taken away. After some discussion, they decided to call a servant to search the mansion again.

Chi Feichi and the other four did not participate in the search. On the way to the kitchen, Koshizu Nanatsuki pulled Chi Feichi into the collection room where the group photo was taken before, reached out and turned on the light switch, and quickly walked to the wall In front of the round mirror, he raised his right hand, tapped his fingers on the mirror, and murmured, "It really is a magic mirror."

Hattori Heiji and Conan also followed into the room. Seeing Koshimizu Nanatsuki's actions, they looked at each other and turned to leave the room.

Discovering that the 'vampire ghost image' appeared on the mirror, they also thought of the two most likely scenarios.

One is that someone tampered with the camera or film in advance.

The second is that the mirror has a mystery, it is likely to be a magic mirror.

As long as the magic mirror is installed on the wall between the two rooms, when the other side of the mirror is not illuminated by light, the magic mirror will be a normal mirror when viewed from the collection room. However, if there is light on the other side of the mirror, the mirror will appear from the collection room. , the mirror will be like transparent glass, able to see things on the other side.

It is also easy to distinguish between ordinary mirrors and magic mirrors.

Ordinary mirrors have a reflective film on the back of the glass. When the real object touches the mirror surface, there will be a distance between the real object and the mirror image.

The magic mirror is to stick a reflective film on the front of the glass. When the real object touches the mirror surface, the real object and the mirror image will be close together.

When Koshimizu Nanatsuki touches the mirror surface with his finger, the finger is closely attached to the mirror image.

After Hattori Heiji and Conan went out, they went directly to the next room, locked the wardrobe in the room at the corresponding location, opened the wardrobe, and successfully discovered the other side of the magic mirror in the wardrobe, across from Ike Feichi and Koshizui Nanatsuki. The mirror confirmed that the magic mirror was working normally, and then restored the wardrobe to its original state, left the room, and continued to walk to the kitchen together.

"That is to say, Mr. Kakuya dressed up as a vampire and frightened Miss Mina in the room, then used a secret passage to get to the first floor, and then entered the room next to the collection room in advance, hid in the closet, and waited for Tokura When the rest of the family came to take pictures in the collection room, he would shine the light on his face on the back of the magic mirror, so that people in the collection room could see his vampire costume on the magic mirror, and allow himself to be photographed by the camera. ,” Hattori Heiji reasoned while walking, with a relaxed and confident smile on his face, “The second puzzle is also solved!”

Conan walked aside and reminded aloud, "But why did Mr. Shouya do this? Although it may be just a prank, the tunnel was blown up at this time. I'm afraid these things are not that simple, and Mr. Shouya is suffering from It’s only been half a year at most, and I’m not in good health now, so it’s probably inconvenient to run around..."

After being reminded by Conan, Hattori Heiji also thought that there was a bigger problem behind him, and suddenly couldn't laugh, "You mean, does he have any accomplices?"

Yue Shui Nanatsuki quietly cast a curious look at Chi Feichi.

Mr. Chi said that Hanekawa Johei was a werewolf. Could it be that two werewolves were involved in the crime this time?

Chi Feichi shook his head at Keshui Nanatsuki and silently said "No" with his lips. He estimated the progress of the incident and felt that it would take some time before the body was found. He took out the box of yam cakes from his pocket. After opening the lid, I took a piece of yam cake wrapped in glutinous rice paper, and handed the box to Nanatsuki Koshimizu, "Do you want to eat it?"

Before Koshimizu Nanatsuki could reach out, Hattori Heiji put his hand into the box with a smile, "I'll have a piece too! Although I just finished dinner not long ago, the portion of this kind of snack is not large, so it doesn't matter if you eat a little!"

Conan reached out and tugged at the corner of Chi Feichi's clothes, begging for food with a cute face, "Brother Chi, I want it too!"

Chi Feichi gave the piece of yam cake in his hand to Conan speechlessly, and only took out another piece after Yueshui Nanatsuki took one.


There was a strange noise under the stairs, making the four of them look over.

The maid Hibara Hikaru poked her head from the stairwell below, looked at Chi Feichi and the four of them, and said with an embarrassed look, "Hey, I'm sorry, our maid is helping to find the master tonight, and we haven't eaten yet. We just heard you say After eating, my stomach growled by itself..."

Chi Feichi looked down at the small box in his hand, and went forward to give Hihara Guang a piece of yam cake.

Hinohara saw that Chi Feichi was handing something without saying a word, and quickly reached out to catch the yam cake, "Give it to me?"

"That's the only one," Chi Feichi continued to walk downstairs, "This is a yam cake made with nourishing medicinal materials. Although the medicinal properties of the combination are relatively mild, it is better to eat less when you try it for the first time. And I have to supplement enough nutrition every day recently, if I give you too much, I won't have enough food tomorrow."

Hattori Heiji and Conan froze for a moment, feeling that the yam cake that had just been stuffed into their mouths was a bit hot.

"If I had known that this was your medicine, I wouldn't have taken it," Hattori Heiji followed Chi Feichi and said, "But now it seems I can't spit it out to pay you back."

Hinohara Hikaru quickly caught up with Chi Feichi, "Then, my side..."

"I've already sent you off." Chi Feichi said.

"Since Mr. Chi has already given it to you, you might as well eat it," Nanatsuki Koshizu smiled, "But you won't be full with just one snack, so you'd better eat some staple food. Even the maid needs help. Look for Mr. Sumi, and you can also take turns eating dinner."

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