"The master is not here, butler Koga didn't let us go to dinner, and Mr. Mashin and others will not interfere with our management casually, so everyone can only be patient for a while," Hibara Hikaru hesitated, but still put the yam cake in his mouth. , his eyes quickly lit up, "It tastes so special!"

"By the way, you are the child brought here by the fiancée of the owner of the mansion, right?" Hattori Heiji asked aloud.

Hibara Hikaru nodded and said, "Yes."

Conan also joined the questioning team, "How did your mother pass away in the first place?"

"I heard that it was an unfortunate accident. She had a car accident when she was driving away from here," Hikari Hikaru recalled. "At that time, I was weak after falling ill and was hospitalized in the hospital run by my master, so I will tell you the details. It’s not very clear.”

Hattori Heiji asked curiously, "Has the owner of the mansion opened a hospital before?"

"Yes, he is the director of Torakura General Hospital," Hibara Hikaru showed a soft smile on his face, "The master is a very kind person and paid all my hospitalization and surgical expenses. But I heard that after I was discharged from the hospital, , he retired due to health reasons.”

"Then you work as a maid here to repay the master?" Conan asked again.

"Yes, I will take care of the master who should be taken care of by my mother!" Hibara Hikari finished speaking energetically. He first showed an awkward smile and confessed with a somewhat embarrassed smile, "Actually, it's because of me. I couldn't find a job after graduating from college half a year ago. My master asked me if I wanted to come here as a maid, so I agreed. However, after being here for half a year, I still wasn't familiar with this mansion. My master asked me to come over this morning, but I didn't. He knew which room to go to, but in the end he let him go. It seemed that he could not take care of the master, but was more taken care of by him..."

Conan didn't expect that the maid would be so unreliable as to let the employer's pigeons fall, and he asked speechlessly, "Then will you be scolded by the master for this?"

"No, it's okay," Hibara Hikari smiled a little uneasily, but still cheered himself up firmly, "I have never been scolded when I work here. Others have complained to me that the master is very strict when inspecting the sanitation, but the master He has always been very tolerant of me..."

While talking, the five people arrived in the kitchen.

Mao Lilan, Yuan Shan and Ye, who were supposed to be in the kitchen, were nowhere to be seen, and the entire kitchen was empty.

"Where did they go?" Hattori Heiji looked around and walked into the kitchen, "The chefs here are not here either."

"The chef must have gone to another room to eat." Hibara Hikaru felt that he was getting hungrier, and he touched his growling stomach with a look of helplessness.

Hattori Heiji walked to the operating table and noticed that white powder was sprinkled on the ground next to the operating table. He couldn't help but said, "It seems that the master is not as strict about health inspections as you said. It's all sprinkled on the floor." Powdered stuff..."

"It must have been the two girls who spilled it, right? They said there were no dumpling wrappers here and wanted to make them themselves. They asked us where the high-gluten flour and low-gluten flour came from." The chef led other chefs and helpers from the door. Walking into the room, he looked at the powder on the floor and then at the dough on the workbench. "They must have spilled the flour in their hurry. The kneaded dough is still wrapped in plastic wrap and left there."

Conan walked to Hattori Heiji and saw a long blank mark on the floor that had been sprinkled with white powder. He pointed at the long mark and said, "But what's going on with this thick mark? It's about fifty centimeters wide. There is no flour covering, as if something has dragged it..."

The chef stepped forward in confusion and leaned over to take a look, "I told the two girls that there is still a bag of garlic bought before in the warehouse. Could it be the traces left by them dragging the bag of garlic? But? If they had brought the garlic, they would still be here."

Hattori Heiji thought that the case half a year ago might have been committed by the owner of the mansion, Tokura Sakuya, and now Tokura Sakiya was nowhere to be seen. He couldn't help but worry that the other party was hiding somewhere and plotting dangerous things. He asked about the location of the warehouse and looked for it uneasily. passed.

Hibara Hikaru was stunned for a moment when he saw the four of Chi Feichi leaving the kitchen, and quickly followed him. He caught up with Chi Feichi at the back of the team, reached out and grabbed the corner of Chi Feichi's clothes, and lowered his voice anxiously, " Chi…”

Chi Feichi stopped and turned to look at Hikaru Hibara.

"Hug, sorry," Hibara Hikari apologized softly, let go of his hand, looked at the backs of Hattori Heiji, Conan and Koshizui Nanatsuki as they continued to walk towards the warehouse, took a step forward and approached Ike Feichi, and asked in a low voice He said, "Can I ask you a question? That is... do you have any hobbies?"

When Hibara Hikaru asked, Koshizui Nanatsuki, who had been paying attention to Ike Feichi's movements, also stopped and turned to look at the distance between Chi Feichi and Hibara Hikari. With an alarm bell ringing in his heart, he quietly turned around and turned back, moving lightly. He touched the ground next to the two of them.

The stealth skills inherited from the Phantom Thief Lady made Koshizuki Nanatsuki's footsteps so light that they could not be heard.

Hibara Hikaru didn't notice Koshimizu Nanatsuki approaching, looked at Chi Feichi seriously and asked, "Or, if someone wants to give you a gift, what kind of gift do you want?"

Keshui Nanatsuki's expression became a little subtle. He stood behind Chi Feichi and listened with his ears pricked up.

With Feichi monitoring and reminding him, Chi Fei knew sooner or later that Nanatsuki Koshizui had touched his back. He did not rush to say hello to Nanatsuki Koshizui. He looked at Hikaru Hibara's serious and calm expression and asked bluntly, "Mr. Hanekawa asked Are you here to ask?"

"Ah..." Hinohara Hikaru whispered in surprise, "You, you already know?"

"My guess."

Chi Feichi said and corrected in his mind: I lied.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki heard that it was Hanakawa Johei who asked Hinohara Hikaru to ask this question, and he was relieved, and soon, the expression that had just relaxed became tense again.

Wait, although Mr. Chi has clearly told her that Mr. Hanekawa is a werewolf, although according to normal logic, Mr. Hanekawa may become angry because Mr. Chi has criticized him before, or think that they will be in the way, so he will do something against them. A dangerous arrangement, but...

What if Mr. Hanekawa is a little special?

Mr. Hanekawa's attitude towards Mr. Chi is too good to say, even if Mr. Chi has pissed off him, he is still very warm to Mr. Chi.

Even Mr. Mori, a more famous detective, and Police Officer Otaki, a working policeman, have never been treated so warmly by Mr. Hanekawa.

Thinking about it more carefully, Mr. Hanekawa asked if they were lovers, and he didn't necessarily want to target them, did he? Maybe I just want to ask this matter clearly...

Now Mr. Hanekawa still asks the maid to ask Mr. Chi what gift he likes...

Think carefully.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt that something was wrong with Mr. Hanekawa.

Seeing that Chi Feichi's expression was always calm, Hibara Hikari thought that Chi Feichi had already confirmed the answer in his heart, and confessed in a low voice, "It was indeed Mr. Hanekawa who asked me to come. He appreciates people like Mr. Chi very much, but you behave a little bit." Indifferent, he was worried that you were still concerned about his rude behavior of sending a female guest to run errands, so he wanted to buy something you were interested in and give it to you, so he asked me to inquire about it. However, he originally told me to let me Don't tell you, or he will feel a little embarrassed, but you guessed it unexpectedly..."

Chi Feichi saw that Hihara Hikaru's eyes were open and did not look like he was lying. He thought about it and then said, "In this case, don't tell him that I already know, so as not to make him feel embarrassed. If he asks about you, just tell him, My answer is wine.”

"Wine?" Hibara Hikaru was a little surprised.

"That's right, whether it's wine, whiskey or other alcohol, I'm a little bit interested." Chi Feichi affirmed.

"I understand! If I see Mr. Hanekawa, I will tell him," Hikari Hinohara bowed, "Then I won't bother you!"

Chi Feichi nodded and watched Hibara Hikaru leave. He turned to look at Koshimizu Nanatsuki who was standing behind him and said softly, "It seems that he just wants to contain our energy. The angle is good, but the reason is a bit clumsy."

Koshizui Nanatsuki was stunned for a moment. She felt that she could understand every word Chi Feichi said, but she couldn't understand them when they were put together. The complicated look on her face turned into confusion, "Containing our energy?"

"I just confirmed that we are a couple, and then I asked a young maid like Miss Hihara to ask me this kind of question. I also specifically told Miss Hihara to keep it secret and not to reveal him as the instigator," Chi Feichi said He analyzed in a low voice with a calm face, and started walking towards the warehouse, "Miss Hihara seems to be the kind of person who has no scheming intentions. After being asked by him, she will quietly find me to ask such questions according to his wishes, and I won't tell him and cause misunderstanding between the two of us...Love is one of the most suitable magic weapons to use against young people. Even if the two of us don't quarrel, we will inevitably have unhappiness and be dismissed. This incident distracted my attention, so I said that he started from a good angle, but his method was a bit rough and a little too impatient."

Yuesui Nanatsuki felt that his thoughts were turned back to the right path by Chi Feichi. He looked up at Chi Feichi and complained in a low voice, "What magic weapon are you talking about to deal with young people? You are so old-fashioned. You are obviously a young person yourself. But... is there any other reason why Mr. Hanekawa did this? Your analysis just now is indeed very reasonable, but now we cannot deny that there are other situations, even if the possibility is very low..."

"You're right, we don't rule out that he has other plans, so we can't take it lightly," Chi Feichi pondered, "When Miss Hihara brings my answer to him, he should ask for my reaction. I didn't express my suspicion about him just now, and Miss Hihara should tell him the truth so that he won't be too wary of us. We can also use the trick to make him completely relax his vigilance and see what he wants to do."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki saw that Chi Feichi didn't think in the direction he wanted at all. He also reflected on whether he was thinking too wildly, but he was quickly attracted by Chi Feichi's suggestion, "Use the trick? Do you want me to show jealousy?" , Do you seem to be at odds with you? After all, we haven't quarreled yet, so can we start now?"

Chi Feichi: "..."

Why does Yue Shui have an expectant reaction of "finally we can quarrel"?

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