Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2885 Targeted again?

Chi Feichi looked at Riku Koga and said, "The reason why Mr. Koga and Miss Hihara have different opinions is also the death of Miss Hihara's mother."

Hattori Heiji, Conan and Koshimizu Nanatsuki also turned their attention to Koga Rikushige.

Faced with the doubtful looks of Hattori Heiji and the others, Koga Rikushige told Chi Feichi again what he had told Chi Feichi before, "Miss Hihara's mother, Miss Yoko, is the fiancée that the master brought back a few years ago. In a storm, That night, she wanted to drive to the hospital to pick up her husband. I tried to dissuade her that it was dangerous, but she insisted on going. As a result, at the bend of the mountain road, she and her car rushed off the cliff and died. Afterwards, the police gave The investigation result was that the driving error was caused by unclear vision."

"Before Miss Yoko insisted on driving to the hospital, Mr. Koga received a call from the hospital owner. The owner asked Mr. Koga to tell Miss Yoko that her daughter Xiaoguang's surgery was successful," Chi Feichi said calmly. Talking about the key information, "Mr. Koga asked the maid Shimizu who died six months ago to deliver the news. However, according to Mr. Koga's recollection, Miss Yoko's face was a little pale when she went to drive, and she seemed to be in a bad mood."

Hattori Heiji touched his chin with his right hand. From this point of view, what the maid Shimizu told Miss Yoko back then might not be that Miss Hikaru's surgery was successful, but that Miss Hikaru was in bad condition and wanted to see her mother, so Yoko Only then would Miss Zi insist on driving to the hospital on a stormy night. "

"After Miss Yoko died in an accident, I felt something was wrong and had such suspicions," Rikuzo Koga paused hesitantly before continuing, "Miss Yoko borrowed marijuana when she drove out. Mr. Nobu's car happened to be the 13th anniversary of his death. Mr. Mashin, Miss Shouyu and others were all gathered here. If Maid Shimizu deliberately killed Miss Yoko, I suspect there might be someone behind her..."

"Were all the people who came here for the inheritance meeting today at the mansion that day?" Hattori Heiji asked.

"That's right..." Koga Rikuzo thought that Chi Feichi said that the conflict between himself and Hibara Hikaru was related to the incident that year, and at the same time he was sure that he was not lying, so he subconsciously concluded that Hibara Hikari was lying, and frowned, "It seems like that , Xiaoguang came here to work as a maid. Maybe she came here to investigate because she discovered that there was another hidden reason for her mother's death. Moreover, she may have found out the truth and started to avenge her mother, killing her mother and her mother's death. The relevant ones are Miss Shimizu, Mr. Masanobu and Miss Moriyu, and Mr. Jiaohei is just her assistant."

"Why doesn't Mr. Sakuya want to avenge his beloved woman?" Chi Feichi looked at Koga Rikuzo and asked.

Koga Rikuzhong was stunned, thinking of another possibility, and frowned deeper, "But you said that the master is dead, and Mr. Jiaohei also cut off his head..."

Koshizui Nanatsuki also thought of that possibility, and if he gave some advice, he said, "It's not like a dead person can't help others to avenge themselves. As long as they plan well, even if they are dead, they can still ensure that things develop according to their own ideas."

Hattori Heiji saw that Conan's expression was solemn but no longer at a loss. He knew that the 'four detectives' present were thinking in the same direction, so he couldn't help but smile with emotion, "It's the same as the legend of the ancestors of the Tokura family. In fact, there is another one. Maybe, that is, this series of murder plans were all planned by the owner of the museum. The plan started with the death of the maid Qingshui half a year ago. Miss Xiaoguang did not lie. The owner of the museum really took care of her, and this morning The owner did send an email asking her to go to Nanman's room. The owner's purpose was to tell Miss Xiaoguang the truth about Miss Yoko's death, so that Miss Xiaoguang could take his head to complete the murder he planned after he committed suicide. Plan, revenge for mother..."

"And the reason why the owner lied to Mr. Butler, saying that he didn't like Miss Hikari," Conan looked at Rikushige Koga who was in a daze, but chose to tell the truth directly, "is because he received a call from the owner and It was Mr. Butler who arranged for Maid Shimizu to convey the message to Miss Yoko. Therefore, even if the owner found out that Mr. Butler had nothing to do with Ms. Yoko's death, he no longer trusted Mr. Butler, so he hid his murder from Mr. Butler. He planned and concealed his true attitude towards Miss Hihara.”

Koga Rikuzhong sighed softly, looking a little sad, "I'm afraid that's it... Although I don't want to believe that the master will guard me to this extent, but the master really doesn't trust me these years, but what about this matter? Are you involved with Mr. Tiao Ping again?"

"Because Xiaoguang didn't go to Nanman's room this morning, she put her phone in the bathroom to charge. When she saw the email, it was already noon. She felt that the owner of the hotel should have left Nanman's room, so she let the owner go." Koshizui Nanatsuki's expression was serious and a little emotional, and he expressed the rest of his reasoning, "And Mr. Hanekawa, who arrived at the mansion with Miss Mamoru last night, saw Miss Xiaoguang's mobile phone in the bathroom this morning, and also saw it Curious about the email from the museum owner, I went to Nanman's room and saw the museum owner dead on the guillotine. I also saw the letter that the museum owner left to Miss Xiaoguang, recording the truth and a series of criminal plans... Of course, Perhaps Mr. Hanekawa was killed when he arrived in Nanman's room, but the fact that this series of plans came from the owner and that the owner originally wanted Miss Xiaoguang to implement the plan should not be wrong."

"As for whether Miss Xiaoguang deliberately let Mr. Hanekawa discover the email, and induced Mr. Hanekawa to go to Nanban's room to see the truth on her behalf, and implement the murder plan on her behalf..." Hattori Heiji laughed, "I think so. No, if you want to do this, you must not only detect the murder plan of the museum owner in advance, but also ensure that Mr. Hanekawa acts according to his own wishes. It is not easy to achieve the goal. The museum owner has already helped to make sufficient preparations and actively cooperated. Under such circumstances, most people would probably choose to take matters into their own hands and blame others for the crime. That would be less likely to cause accidents. Moreover, in the plan of the museum owner, Miss Xiaoguang should be expected to take care of everything after the murder. I blame it all on the vampire I transformed into. Of course, whether this is the case or not, we have to wait until Mr. Hanekawa arrives at the police station..."

As he said that, Hattori Heiji suddenly paused and his face turned ugly, "No, there is no need to wait until Mr. Hanekawa is arrested, and we cannot wait until he is arrested before taking action. If Miss Xiaoguang is not his accomplice, I'm afraid he will He will also attack Miss Xiaoguang! Because this plan was originally prepared by the owner of the museum for Miss Xiaoguang, he will be worried that Miss Xiaoguang may see something or provide important clues to the police, so he is likely to rush in Before the police came to investigate, they found an opportunity to kill Miss Xiaoguang, and even blamed Miss Xiaoguang!"

"And if they are accomplices in the crime," Conan calmly took over, "Mr. Hanekawa is likely to contact Miss Xiaoguang before the police arrive. Therefore, as long as we keep an eye on the two of them tonight, we should be able to find something." Harvest, and both of us must keep an eye on it to avoid any accidents!"


Koshimizu Nanatsuki raised his right hand on the table like a student raising his hand to answer a question. Under the puzzled gazes of Hattori Heiji, Conan, and Koga Rikushige, he silently reminded, "Have you forgotten, Hanekawa?" Mr. Chi is very enthusiastic about Mr. Chi? When a murderer committed a crime, he knew that someone was the apprentice of a famous detective. Not only did he not be wary, but he also acted warm and friendly, and kept actively interacting with the other person. Don't you think it's a bit strange? If he was just worried Mr. Chi noticed something unusual, so he should be a little more wary of me, a female detective, right? But it seems that he only intends to get closer to Mr. Chi..."

"Well," Conan didn't know whether to show sympathy, gloating, or a solemn expression. His expression looked dull and complicated. He looked at the expressionless Chi Feichi and said, "Is Brother Chi being targeted by the murderer again? ?”

Why did he say 'again'?

Oh, it's because Brother Chi has been regarded as a thorn in the eyes of the prisoners not once or twice.

"But what reason did he have to attack Brother Fei Chi?" Hattori Heiji asked. He was suddenly silent for a moment, and said with a black line, "Hey, could it be because Brother Fei Chi made him unable to get off the stage during dinner? Right? It would be too outrageous for that guy to want to kill someone for such a reason!"

"Perhaps he feels that a scapegoat is needed in the plan. There is a physical difference between him and Miss Xiaoguang. In order to prevent the police from discovering from the details that the perpetrator of the crime is an adult male and thus suspecting him, he will probably consider dragging Mr. Chi Get into the water," Nanatsuki Koshizui spread his hands speechlessly, "By the way, Mr. Chi and I were actually pretending to have a quarrel before. When we went to the warehouse, Miss Xiaoguang quietly asked Mr. Chi what kind of gift he liked, such an ambiguous question. However, Mr. Chi deceived Miss Xiaoguang at that time. He knew that it was Mr. Hanekawa who asked her to ask, and asked her not to tell her about herself. Obviously Mr. Hanekawa had asked us if we were lovers before, and then asked Miss Xiaoguang to do this. This kind of thing can easily lead to misunderstandings, which made Mr. Chi and I think he was very strange, so we pretended to fall into the trap and wanted to see what he planned to do... So, I think we should also keep a closer eye on Mr. Chi."

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