Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2886 The cunning detective

One o'clock.

There was a thunderstorm outside, and the knocking on the door echoed in the west corridor on the second floor of the mansion.

Hibara Hikaru stood in the corridor, watching the door of the triple room being opened. Chi Feichi opened the door and smiled apologetically, lowering his voice and saying, "Sorry to bother you, this is the wine Mr. Jiaoping asked me to deliver." Something happened to Miss Shouyu, and he was not in a good mood, but he still picked this bottle of wine and asked me to send it here. He also asked me to tell you that I am really sorry for not being able to entertain you and your friends well. "

Chi Feichi looked at the wine utensils and red wine brought by Hibara Hikaru, then stepped aside to give way, "Sorry to trouble you."

"You're welcome, entertaining guests is what I should do," Hibara Hikari walked in with a tray. Seeing that only Chi Fei was in the three-person guest room, he asked curiously, "Um...I heard that children and high school detectives also Living here, aren’t they here? Ah, I’m sorry, I seem to have a little too many questions.”

"It's okay," Chi Feichi stood at the door and turned to look at the empty corridor, "They went to the kitchen to find Heye and Xiaolan."

"So that's it," Hibara Hikaru put the tray on the round table in the room, turned back to the door, lowered his head and said to Chi Feichi, "Then I won't disturb you, because a lot of things happened today, so there are The servants are arranged to take turns staying on duty in the lobby on the first floor. If you need it, you can go downstairs to give orders."

Chi Feichi nodded, and after Hibara Hikaru turned and left, he reached out to close the door, walked to the round table, and reached out to pick up the bottle of red wine on the tray.

He asked Hibara Hikari to tell Hanekawa Johei that his favorite thing was wine, and the other party lived up to their expectations and really took advantage of this.

If you are a person who really likes drinking, such as his Maori teacher, if you see wine being served in front of you, you will definitely have to drink two glasses before you can fall asleep.

Even people who are not as greedy as Mouri Kogoro and are just interested in collecting and tasting wine will pick it up and take a look when they see a bottle of red wine with a rare wine label.

In this case, the notice to meet him should be here...

When the red wine bottle was picked up, the transparent fishing line stuck to the bottom was pulled, and a round piece of cardboard was pulled out from under the tray cover.

There are crooked words written on the cardboard with a ballpoint pen:

[I seem to have found a very important clue, but it is not convenient for too many people to know. Please come to the restaurant on the second floor alone, and don't forget to bring this card. ——Hikaru Hibara]

Chi Feichi read the words on the card, put it on the table, picked up his phone and took a photo, and sent the photo to Hattori Heiji using UL chat software.

Compared with the series of murder plans planned by the museum owner, Hanekawa Jiaohei's arrangements seemed a bit abrupt, but Hanekawa Jiaohei did not have much time to prepare, so it is understandable that Hanekawa Jiaohei acted a little impatiently.

As far as the crime concept is concerned, Hanekawa Johei's planning is still very good, focusing on guidance and linking every link.

First, he used Hikaru Hibara to create an emotional crisis for him and Nanatsuki Koshimizu, in order to contain their energy. He also used the excuse of "please ask the maid to find out and then send a gift and apologize". Even if Hikaru Hibara couldn't hide it, There is a reason to bring the matter to light.

And after he came into contact with Hibara Hikaru and pretended to have a quarrel with Koshizui, Hanekawa Johei immediately passed the information to other people and let more than one person know about it. Finally, he used Hibara Hikaru's name to ask him to Go somewhere and kill someone.

And the method and rhetoric used to ask him out were also very scheming.

The wine was delivered by Hikaru Hibara. Even if Hikaru Hibara said, "Mr. Jodaira asked me to deliver it," Hikaru Hibara himself would have had the opportunity to put a cardboard under the doily, and add Hikaru Hibara's name at the end of the message on the jam. , will make people subconsciously think that the jam was secretly placed by Hikaru Hibara...

He used "I have to provide clues and it is not convenient to tell others" as the reason for asking him out. Even if he did not have wild fantasies about the beautiful maid meeting late at night, as the apprentice of a famous detective, in order to get clues, he would probably follow the instructions The instruction on the card is to go to the restaurant alone...

In addition, there are many traces of trembling on the writing lines on the cardboard. It does not look like it was written with the dominant hand. I guess Hanekawa Johei specially used his non-dominant hand to write, and he was really careful...

It's just a pity that Hanekawa Johei still underestimated them too much and never thought that they had a cunning and ghostly famous detective.

Restaurant on the second floor.

Hattori Heiji and Conan hid under the dining table, using the tablecloth and chairs to block their bodies and the light from their mobile phones, and looked at the photos sent by Chi Feichi together.

In the dim and quiet environment, Hattori Heiji's low voice contained a hint of smile.

"It is indeed a restaurant, Kudo..."

"Of course, Brother Chi is a guest. In order for Brother Chi to find the agreed place, the other party has to ask Brother Chi to go to the room where Brother Chi is familiar with, that is, the kitchen on the first floor, the restaurant on the second floor, and Mr. Sakuya on the second floor. The room, the attic smoking room, as for Nanman’s room and the food warehouse on the first floor, although we have also been there, the other party does not know about it..."

While analyzing calmly, Conan used his mobile phone to send a message to Koshizui Nanatsuki, asking him to continue dragging Mao Lilan, Toyama and Ye to the kitchen. In this place, the kitchen can be excluded first, because Xiaolan and the others may stay in the kitchen, or go back to the guest room upstairs from the kitchen. Once they meet Brother Chi, it may add changes to the plan, and the kitchen on the first floor It's close to the servants' living area. If there is a little bit of movement, the servants may be alerted. It's better to avoid going to the kitchen..."

"The attic smoking room can also be excluded," Hattori Heiji stared at his phone and replied to Chi Feichi with a confident smile on his lips, "Mr. Mashin's body is still in the smoking room. Normal girls wouldn't want to go there. kind of place, and the same goes for Mr. Sakuya’s room. Ms. Shina had seen the vampire-like Mr. Sakiya lying in a coffin there. Girls would also feel scared when they went to that room at night. In addition, it was the employer’s bedroom. , is a personal privacy space, and of course the maid would not choose to meet someone there, so the only option left for the other party is the restaurant."

"In order not to make Brother Chi suspicious, he really..." Conan heard a sound coming from the bug receiving port on the glasses frame, and immediately turned off the phone screen and put it into his pocket, and whispered in a low voice, "Someone is coming. "

Hattori Heiji quickly turned on the recording on his phone, then put the phone back into his pocket and reached out to push the chair next to him so that he could rush in to help later.

After being fully prepared, Conan and Hattori Heiji squatted on the dining table, like two ghosts lurking in the darkness, looking through the patterned cutouts on the tablecloth and quietly staring in the direction of the restaurant door.


The restaurant door was pushed open, and the light from the corridor shone into the restaurant from the door, casting a long shadow on the ground.

Hanekawa Johei turned his head and looked at the corridor behind him. After confirming that no one was outside, he quickly walked into the restaurant, closed the door with his backhand, stood near the door and put on cotton gloves, and took out a sheathed knife from under his coat. The short knife is held tightly in the hand.

Under the dining table, two heads poked out, using the ray of light coming from the crack in the door to stare at every move of Hanekawa Johei's dark figure.

Not long after, the closed restaurant door was pushed open again.

Chi Feichi walked into the restaurant and reached for the light switch on the wall.

"Mr. Chi, please wait a moment."

Hanekawa Johei spoke in a normal tone, while unsheathing his dagger in the darkness, staring at Chi Feichi who was standing against the light at the door, quickly rushed forward, and stabbed Chi Feichi's chest with the dagger. .

The other party suddenly heard his voice in the darkness, and his brain must have had to react briefly. He didn't expect that he would attack, and it was impossible for him to react.

This is the best time!

He just needs to hurry up...

A red wine bottle enlarged in front of Hanekawa Johei's eyes, and the bottle quickly replaced Chi Feichi's indifferent face that was shining against the light.



Before Hanekawa Johira could finish his words, the wine bottle fell on Hanekawa Johira's head, and the broken glass shards flew with the wine.

Chi Feichi took advantage of Hanekawa Jiaohei's confusion and used the unbroken half of the wine bottle in his hand to knock the short knife in Hanekawa Jiaohei's hand to the ground. When the half of the wine bottle also broke into pieces, He let go and let the glass shards fall to the floor beside him. He looked down at the cotton glove on his left hand to make sure there were no glass shards stuck in it. Then he looked back with satisfaction and looked up at Hanekawa Johei, who looked confused. He felt a little bit in his heart. He said in a playful voice, "Sorry, I originally wanted to bring wine to taste with Mr. Hanekawa, but you suddenly ran out just now and scared me."

Although someone's voice was so calm that there was no apology at all, and there was no hint of being frightened at all. Hanekawa Johei was so dizzy after being hit by the bottle that he subconsciously responded, "I-so that's how it is..."

Chi Feichi turned on the light switch on the wall, kicked away the glass shards at his feet, walked into the restaurant, closed the restaurant door with his backhand, and prepared to have a good talk with Hanekawa Jiaohei in the restaurant.

Hanekawa Johei stared at the cotton gloves on Chi Feichi's hands, and suddenly remembered that he had asked Chi Feichi over in the name of Hibara Hikaru, and what Chi Feichi had just said was to bring wine to him for tasting. Instead of bringing wine to Hibara Hikari for tasting, he immediately took a step back warily, "Wait, wait, what do you want to do?"

Chi Feichi looked at Hattori Heiji and Conan who had emerged from under the dining table behind Hanekawa Johei, "I was attacked as soon as I entered the door. He didn't even intend to give me a chance to talk, so why not be more direct."

Hanekawa Johei turned around and saw Hattori Heiji and Conan surrounding him from behind. He felt more and more that his situation was not good, and asked in a panic, "What on earth are you going to do?!"

Hattori Heiji, Conan: "..."

This scene is a bit weird...

As if they are the evil ones.

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